Welfare queen wins nearly $200 million powerball - Is this right?

Actually, it IS our business seeing that the woman received the money from us taxpayers.
if you cannot grasp that concept, well then you'll just have to insult me as well.
It doesn't matter what your your reply. You'd still be wrong./.
Oh and by the way. Why is it nobody's business how a taxpayer supported welfare recipient spends their money when you libs will stick your noses into the business of wealthy people regarding how they spend THEIR money?
See the hypocrisy?
You set your own trap. And now you're stuck in it......Once again....

Effective tax rates of the rich which your voting record accomplished.
Frugal people don't buy lottery tickets. You know this is true. I would bet you a thousand dollars they had <40" TV, for example

Cheap people don't buy lottery tickets.

So, if you don't buy lottery tickets you are cheap? LOL

God , people just keep getting dumber and dumber.

I bought a lottery ticket because... Fill in the blank.

I'm bad with money and worse with math and I'm simply not smart enough to figure out that if I wouldn't spend $20 a week on lottery tickets , that is $80 a month less welfare assistance I would need.
I'm bad with money and worse with math and I'm simply not smart enough to figure out that if I wouldn't spend $20 a week on lottery tickets , that is $80 a month less welfare assistance I would need.

It remains none of your business.

So let me get this straight. It's my business to pay taxes that gives them welfare, but it isn't my business how they spend their money? How stupid

In fact if you want to make it none of my business whether they eat or play the lottery im fine with that but your idea of letting them have their cake and eat it to is ridiculous.
Who cares....
She played the lottery and won. She beat the odds. Good for her.
Now it will be interesting to see what she does with her money.
Frugal people don't buy lottery tickets. You know this is true. I would bet you a thousand dollars they had <40" TV, for example

Cheap people don't buy lottery tickets.
Neither do rich people.

Here is the deal on welfare queens winning the lottery though; more excess food stamp dollars are returned to the lottery by welfare recipients buying lottery tickets than are ever paid out to welfare recipient lottery winners.

Lottery is about the only tax the 47% pay; I call it the stupid tax, and anybody that spends more than pocket change on the tickets should really be saving the money.
Frugal people don't buy lottery tickets. You know this is true. I would bet you a thousand dollars they had <40" TV, for example

Cheap people don't buy lottery tickets.
Neither do rich people.

Here is the deal on welfare queens winning the lottery though; more excess food stamp dollars are returned to the lottery by welfare recipients buying lottery tickets than are ever paid out to welfare recipient lottery winners.

Lottery is about the only tax the 47% pay; I call it the stupid tax, and anybody that spends more than pocket change on the tickets should really be saving the money.

I can't disagree with anything your write here, but I still must ask if the taxes paid by people who are on welfare and won the lottery offset the amount spent on welfare for those who collect welfare, play the lottery and have never won.

If the answer to that question is, yes every year people who are on welfare win enough to pay for all the monies spent on welfare for those who play the lottery and don't win. Then I concede the point.

If the answer is no, then you would have to concede the point.
Neither do rich people.

Here is the deal on welfare queens winning the lottery though; more excess food stamp dollars are returned to the lottery by welfare recipients buying lottery tickets than are ever paid out to welfare recipient lottery winners.

Lottery is about the only tax the 47% pay; I call it the stupid tax, and anybody that spends more than pocket change on the tickets should really be saving the money.

Sure we do, then we write-off the loss. Republicans made that possible.
Frugal people don't buy lottery tickets. You know this is true. I would bet you a thousand dollars they had <40" TV, for example

Cheap people don't buy lottery tickets.
Neither do rich people.

Here is the deal on welfare queens winning the lottery though; more excess food stamp dollars are returned to the lottery by welfare recipients buying lottery tickets than are ever paid out to welfare recipient lottery winners.

Lottery is about the only tax the 47% pay; I call it the stupid tax, and anybody that spends more than pocket change on the tickets should really be saving the money.

I can't disagree with anything your write here, but I still must ask if the taxes paid by people who are on welfare and won the lottery offset the amount spent on welfare for those who collect welfare, play the lottery and have never won.

If the answer to that question is, yes every year people who are on welfare win enough to pay for all the monies spent on welfare for those who play the lottery and don't win. Then I concede the point.

If the answer is no, then you would have to concede the point.
I won't concede that that is the point.
The poor woman is struggling raising a kid with cerebral palsy and these morons are attacking her for buying a lottery ticket

Where is your evidence her kid has CB.? Just another liberal lie. And if it is true, then all the more reason to not waste money on gambling. THINK
you have any evidence it was a lie liberal or otherwise...
please stop using the word THINK as you have no idea what it means...
My God, what a bunch of fucking assholes some of you people are. THIS is the kind of person you want to win the lottery. Now, she is no longer going to be collecting your PRECIOUS tax dollars, which would probably go to some other ridiculous cause. What the hell is WRONG with you people. I believe most Americans are good, generous and compassionate people who don't mind their tax dollars going to help out a fellow AMERICAN who is suffering and less fortunate than a lot of us. You just want to punish her right, without even knowing her story. Why don't you grow a fucking heart.

My God , how stupid you are. For every 1 that wins and gets off welfare, millions more are playing and not winning

So? What the fuck is your point?

I think the point is that if you do not have your own income, and are dependent on other people's taxes to survive, that you should live a reasonably frugal life and not be gambling. Whether you agree that this particular woman should be able to keep her lottery winnings or not, it is hard to justify someone living on the tax payer's dime and throwing money away gambling.

I disagree. It is none of your business what another person spends their two dollars on. She is an American citizen and still FREE.

My God you are one stupid fuck. She wouldn't have those two dollars if we weren't giving her money for food you dumb fuck.
still you have no point...as explained to you before you and I are not giving her or all the other welfare recipients money for anything.
taxes pay for that.
you're acting like some one ass fucked you and took your wallet.
I'd bet a thousand dollars that if this had been some Duck Dynasty watching poor Christians, the same people defending would be attacking
you'd loose.....
what would happen is the red neck Christians would bullshited in to giving most all of it to their evangelist pastor who would skip town soon after wards

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