Well crap, what's a globalal warmer to do...

The newest "settled science" is that ALL the planets in the Solar System are Warming.

Look it up, on Google.

Those bastards on Jupiter and Pluto better slow down in their disrespecting their home and stop using their SUV's.

This is a round-up of the planets said by sceptics to be experiencing climate change:

  • Mars: the notion that Mars is warming came from an unfortunate conflation of weather and climate. Based on two pictures taken 22 years apart, assumptions were made that have not proved to be reliable. There is currently no evidence to support claims that Mars is warming at all. More on Mars...
  • Jupiter: the notion that Jupiter is warming is actually based on predictions, since no warming has actually been observed. Climate models predict temperature increases along the equator and cooling at the poles. It is believed these changes will be catalysed by storms that merge into one super-storm, inhibiting the planet’s ability to mix heat. Sceptical arguments have ignored the fact this is not a phenomenon we have observed, and that the modelled forcing is storm and dust movements, not changes in solar radiation.
  • Neptune: observations of changes in luminosity on the surface of both Neptune and its largest moon, Triton, have been taken to indicate warming caused by increasedsolar activity. In fact, the brightening is due to the planet’s seasons changing, but very slowly. Summer is coming to Neptune’s southern hemisphere, bringing more sunlight, as it does every 164 years.
  • Pluto: the warming exhibited by Pluto is not really understood. Pluto’s seasons are the least understood of all: its existence has only been known for a third of its 248 -year orbit, and it has never been visited by a space probe. The ‘evidence’ for climatechange consists of just two observations made in 1988 and 2002. That’s equivalent to observing the Earth’s weather for just three weeks out of the year. Various theories suggest its highly elliptical orbit may play a part, as could the large angle of its rotational axis. One recent paper suggests the length of Pluto’s orbit is a key factor, as with Neptune. Sunlight at Pluto is 900 times weaker than it is at the Earth.
What climate change is happening to other planets in the solar system

Again basic research before flap yapping saves embarrassment.

Bwahahahaha skeptical science blog?

Damn old rocks at least post from a realible unbiased source
LOL So you are saying that a sun that is emitting less energy is causing all the planets in the solar system. And you cannot see the contradiction in that statement. LOL

Again if you are going to link Jhon"Mr 97% full of shit" Cook blog~skeptical science I will post any dang blog I choose.
The estimated increase in radiative forcing due to the sun since 1750 is only 0.05 W/m2 compared to a total increase that is mainly caused by greenhouse gases of 2.29 W/m2. This almost negligible influence is even smaller than the estimation in the fourth assessment report which was 0.12 W/m2 on a total of 1.66 W/m2. The reduction since AR4 has partly to do with the decreased solar activity in the current solar cycle 24.

What will happen during a new Maunder Minimum? « Climate Dialogue

Before flapping ones yap about a subject that you know nothing about, you really should do basic research. Even were we to go into a full Maunder Minimum, it would make little difference in a rapidly warming world.

That's complete bullshit. Produced by defining a completely new and ambiguous metric for solar output. The ACTUAL change in Total Solar Irradiance since the Maunder Min ended is well above 1W/m2.. And it "paused" at that relative maximum about the 1960s. IPCC invented crap definitions to "rule out" solar forcings.

Being a large complex system with storage and delays, a forcing function that rises over a couple hundred years and then STAYS at a relative maximum -- can still produce INCREASING temperatures. Until it doesn't anymore.. Which MIGHT be over the next 30 or 50 years.

The maximum is already beginning to wane. The flares are diminishing in intensity and frequency. Looks like we're going to make it.

Yeah. It's kinda fascinating because there are several clues in the LENGTH and height of the 22 yr cycles we are seeing now and what happened BEFORE the last minimum. Look at the extended "low period" of Cycle 23 versus Cycle 4 that occurred before the LAST solar minimum. Note in BOTH following cycles (24 and 5) the pronounced lower peak. That pattern has not been seen in about 400 years.

If you believe NASA, you had better buy some extra mittens:

Given that the sun is the main driver of all weather and climate, the sinister-sounding “blankness” to which Dorian refers has some experts predicting a “Maunder Minimum” phase similar to one which began in 1645 and which is referred to as the “Little Ice Age.”

The Maunder Minimum, named after solar astronomer Edward Maunder, lasted for a brutal 70 years and conditions were so cold, the Thames froze over.

A slightly less intense ice age-like period called the Dalton Minimum — after British meteorologist John Dalton — arrived decades later and lasted from about 1790 to 1830.

“If history is any guide, it is safe to say that weak solar activity for a prolonged period of time can have a cooling impact on global temperatures in the troposphere which is the bottom most layer of Earth’s atmosphere — and where we all live,” Dorian says.

Dorian’s findings back research by professor Valentina Zharkova of Northumbria University, who warned that a predicted sharp decline in solar activity between 2020 and 2050 was a sign that another ice age was coming.

“I am absolutely confident in our research,” Zharkova said.

This explains it all:
Why the sun going blank means a ‘Game of Thrones’-like winter is coming

I thought the "settled science" was that the Earth was warming and eating beef and stopping to drive my minivan can save the world from total destruction.
Raise more meat, make more poo as you may need the methane gas for heat according to that report.

Stockpile twinkies and McDonald's cheeseburgers. Neither rots.
Nasty, I'll stick with rice, beans, whole wheat, dried greens from my yard and canned goods in jars.

Everything else is good but your greens are gonna die in the coming ice age.
If you believe NASA, you had better buy some extra mittens:

This explains it all:
Why the sun going blank means a ‘Game of Thrones’-like winter is coming

I thought the "settled science" was that the Earth was warming and eating beef and stopping to drive my minivan can save the world from total destruction.
Raise more meat, make more poo as you may need the methane gas for heat according to that report.

Stockpile twinkies and McDonald's cheeseburgers. Neither rots.
Nasty, I'll stick with rice, beans, whole wheat, dried greens from my yard and canned goods in jars.

Everything else is good but your greens are gonna die in the coming ice age.
Keep some growing in the house. I suppose we could migrate closer to the southern equator. Heck who knows might not be here when that long winter comes anyhow. The Lord asked me some years back if I was ready for the 'never ending summer'. I had to say yes being an original Sunshine state gal :eusa_angel: so I'm am reluctant to believe I will be in a cold northern state forever. Besides having the opportunity to excavate deep down and see what grew here in the past leads me to believe that it was a totally different environment due to the climate that was here in the past. Climates do and can change again.
I thought the "settled science" was that the Earth was warming and eating beef and stopping to drive my minivan can save the world from total destruction.
Raise more meat, make more poo as you may need the methane gas for heat according to that report.

Stockpile twinkies and McDonald's cheeseburgers. Neither rots.
Nasty, I'll stick with rice, beans, whole wheat, dried greens from my yard and canned goods in jars.

Everything else is good but your greens are gonna die in the coming ice age.
Keep some growing in the house. I suppose we could migrate closer to the southern equator. Heck who knows might not be here when that long winter comes anyhow. The Lord asked me some years back if I was ready for the 'never ending summer'. I had to say yes being an original Sunshine state gal :eusa_angel: so I'm am reluctant to believe I will be in a cold northern state forever. Besides having the opportunity to excavate deep down and see what grew here in the past leads me to believe that it was a totally different environment due to the climate that was here in the past. Climates do and can change again.

Me living in South East Texas I welcome the coming ice age.
That would mean my summers would only reach 90 degrees.
I am confused. I bought a dozen speedos for every occasion, getting ready for the cataclysmic global warming and now you are telling me that I need to forget the speedos and have to buy longjohns? WTF?
Raise more meat, make more poo as you may need the methane gas for heat according to that report.

Stockpile twinkies and McDonald's cheeseburgers. Neither rots.
Nasty, I'll stick with rice, beans, whole wheat, dried greens from my yard and canned goods in jars.

Everything else is good but your greens are gonna die in the coming ice age.
Keep some growing in the house. I suppose we could migrate closer to the southern equator. Heck who knows might not be here when that long winter comes anyhow. The Lord asked me some years back if I was ready for the 'never ending summer'. I had to say yes being an original Sunshine state gal :eusa_angel: so I'm am reluctant to believe I will be in a cold northern state forever. Besides having the opportunity to excavate deep down and see what grew here in the past leads me to believe that it was a totally different environment due to the climate that was here in the past. Climates do and can change again.

Me living in South East Texas I welcome the coming ice age.
That would mean my summers would only reach 90 degrees.
Been through there in the winter months on our way to Florida in years past. It seemed pretty warm even in December. There were some really nice areas though. Louisiana I did not care for the swamp mosquitoes there along the coast. It was stark difference to Texas where there were no mosquitoes at night to the border just a short ways down the road in Louisiana where you couldn't breath at nite through them because they were so thick.
The estimated increase in radiative forcing due to the sun since 1750 is only 0.05 W/m2 compared to a total increase that is mainly caused by greenhouse gases of 2.29 W/m2. This almost negligible influence is even smaller than the estimation in the fourth assessment report which was 0.12 W/m2 on a total of 1.66 W/m2. The reduction since AR4 has partly to do with the decreased solar activity in the current solar cycle 24.

What will happen during a new Maunder Minimum? « Climate Dialogue

Before flapping ones yap about a subject that you know nothing about, you really should do basic research. Even were we to go into a full Maunder Minimum, it would make little difference in a rapidly warming world.

It will make all the difference:

According to scientists, this unsettling phenomenon is a sign we are heading for a mini ice age.

“For the second time this month, the sun has gone completely blank,” Dorian says.

“The blank sun is a sign that the next solar minimum is approaching and there will be an increasing number of spotless days over the next few years.

“At first, the blankness will stretch for just a few days at a time, then it’ll continue for weeks at a time, and finally it should last for months at a time when the sunspot cycle reaches its nadir. The next solar minimum phase is expected to take place around 2019 or 2020.”

If that's true, and history tells us that it is true, we'd better hope our cows are farting enough to throw off a little heat...
And it looks like 2016 is going to make three record warm years in a row. So, how is that happening with a lower TSI?

I don't deal in 3 year climate speculations. And the fall in TSI is not massive from what it was in the 60's ..

In case you spaced out -- we had a MASSIVE El Nino for TWO of those years. I hear those things make a big dent in the Global temps.. :rolleyes:
Stockpile twinkies and McDonald's cheeseburgers. Neither rots.
Nasty, I'll stick with rice, beans, whole wheat, dried greens from my yard and canned goods in jars.

Everything else is good but your greens are gonna die in the coming ice age.
Keep some growing in the house. I suppose we could migrate closer to the southern equator. Heck who knows might not be here when that long winter comes anyhow. The Lord asked me some years back if I was ready for the 'never ending summer'. I had to say yes being an original Sunshine state gal :eusa_angel: so I'm am reluctant to believe I will be in a cold northern state forever. Besides having the opportunity to excavate deep down and see what grew here in the past leads me to believe that it was a totally different environment due to the climate that was here in the past. Climates do and can change again.

Me living in South East Texas I welcome the coming ice age.
That would mean my summers would only reach 90 degrees.
Been through there in the winter months on our way to Florida in years past. It seemed pretty warm even in December. There were some really nice areas though. Louisiana I did not care for the swamp mosquitoes there along the coast. It was stark difference to Texas where there were no mosquitoes at night to the border just a short ways down the road in Louisiana where you couldn't breath at nite through them because they were so thick.

The Texas coast has plenty of mosquitos,unless you show up during a drought.
I am confused. I bought a dozen speedos for every occasion, getting ready for the cataclysmic global warming and now you are telling me that I need to forget the speedos and have to buy longjohns? WTF?

A parka, huskies, and snowsled might be advised.

Sunspot activity is predicted to go down hence less solar radiation.

Like I've said before the sun rings like a bell just like the charts flacaltenn has displayed.


Nasty, I'll stick with rice, beans, whole wheat, dried greens from my yard and canned goods in jars.

Everything else is good but your greens are gonna die in the coming ice age.
Keep some growing in the house. I suppose we could migrate closer to the southern equator. Heck who knows might not be here when that long winter comes anyhow. The Lord asked me some years back if I was ready for the 'never ending summer'. I had to say yes being an original Sunshine state gal :eusa_angel: so I'm am reluctant to believe I will be in a cold northern state forever. Besides having the opportunity to excavate deep down and see what grew here in the past leads me to believe that it was a totally different environment due to the climate that was here in the past. Climates do and can change again.

Me living in South East Texas I welcome the coming ice age.
That would mean my summers would only reach 90 degrees.
Been through there in the winter months on our way to Florida in years past. It seemed pretty warm even in December. There were some really nice areas though. Louisiana I did not care for the swamp mosquitoes there along the coast. It was stark difference to Texas where there were no mosquitoes at night to the border just a short ways down the road in Louisiana where you couldn't breath at nite through them because they were so thick.

The Texas coast has plenty of mosquitos,unless you show up during a drought.
We were there for a few days and nights before we went across to Louisiana. Louisiana has more swampy vegetation areas on the coastal areas where parks are.
Everything else is good but your greens are gonna die in the coming ice age.
Keep some growing in the house. I suppose we could migrate closer to the southern equator. Heck who knows might not be here when that long winter comes anyhow. The Lord asked me some years back if I was ready for the 'never ending summer'. I had to say yes being an original Sunshine state gal :eusa_angel: so I'm am reluctant to believe I will be in a cold northern state forever. Besides having the opportunity to excavate deep down and see what grew here in the past leads me to believe that it was a totally different environment due to the climate that was here in the past. Climates do and can change again.

Me living in South East Texas I welcome the coming ice age.
That would mean my summers would only reach 90 degrees.
Been through there in the winter months on our way to Florida in years past. It seemed pretty warm even in December. There were some really nice areas though. Louisiana I did not care for the swamp mosquitoes there along the coast. It was stark difference to Texas where there were no mosquitoes at night to the border just a short ways down the road in Louisiana where you couldn't breath at nite through them because they were so thick.

The Texas coast has plenty of mosquitos,unless you show up during a drought.
We were there for a few days and night before we went across to Louisiana. Louisiana has more swampy vegetation areas on the coastal areas where parks are.

Salt grass mosquitos in Texas are brutal!!!
There are places along the coast where you absolutely dont open your truck windows!!!
I've been duck hunting and fishing many times where you have to wear a screen mask to keep from inhaling them.
The "settled science" in the 1400's declared that the Earth was flat.

Shortly thereafter the "settled Science" declared that the Earth was the center of the universe.

Shortly after that the then "settled science" declared that objects heavier than air can not fly.

Then came the all knowing scientists that traveling on rails would kill a human being with the speed over 20 km/hour.

Then sometimes in the 1970's the settled science declared that in 2010 years there will be mass starvings, due to the new Ice Age.

Then shortly after that the perennial loser, Al Gore predicted that Miami , hell never mind . tnhe entire state of Florida will be covered with water.

Now the "settled science' cries doom and gloom having not learned even the tiniest bit from overwhelming evidence contrary to their illogical and simplistic views.

Their scientific research after scientific research declared that milk is bad for you, butter is bad for you, that meat is bad for you, that eggs are bad for you, that sugar is bad for you, that reading is bad for your eyes, that getting the energy you need to live a comfortable life from burning coal is ruining the universe, that driving a car is killing mother earth, that eating anything other than some green stuff is human suicide.proved that all of the above and more is nothing more and never has been anything but fear mongering by anti human Democrats.

The "settled science" in the 1400's declared that the Earth was flat.

Shortly thereafter the "settled Science" declared that the Earth was the center of the universe.

Shortly after that the then "settled science" declared that objects heavier than air can not fly.

Then came the all knowing scientists that traveling on rails would kill a human being with the speed over 20 km/hour.

Then sometimes in the 1970's the settled science declared that in 2010 years there will be mass starvings, due to the new Ice Age.

Then shortly after that the perennial loser, Al Gore predicted that Miami , hell never mind . tnhe entire state of Florida will be covered with water.

Now the "settled science' cries doom and gloom having not learned even the tiniest bit from overwhelming evidence contrary to their illogical and simplistic views.

Their scientific research after scientific research declared that milk is bad for you, butter is bad for you, that meat is bad for you, that eggs are bad for you, that sugar is bad for you, that reading is bad for your eyes, that getting the energy you need to live a comfortable life from burning coal is ruining the universe, that driving a car is killing mother earth, that eating anything other than some green stuff is human suicide.proved that all of the above and more is nothing more and never has been anything but fear mongering by anti human Democrats.


You forgot to mention Malthus...


If you believe NASA, you had better buy some extra mittens:

This explains it all:
Why the sun going blank means a ‘Game of Thrones’-like winter is coming

I thought the "settled science" was that the Earth was warming and eating beef and stopping to drive my minivan can save the world from total destruction.
Raise more meat, make more poo as you may need the methane gas for heat according to that report.

Stockpile twinkies and McDonald's cheeseburgers. Neither rots.
Nasty, I'll stick with rice, beans, whole wheat, dried greens from my yard and canned goods in jars.

Everything else is good but your greens are gonna die in the coming ice age.

Not likely. Greens are cool season crops. I have had turnips, mustard and creasy take a hell of a beating with ice and snow and survive, albeit ratty looking. Throw some plastic or a frost blankets over them and they will chug right along as long as you get them started before it hits. I did the frost blanket thing with rocket (a peppery lettuce that looks like dandelion leaves if you are unfamiliar) and ate it all winter. Now mind you that I am sticking primarily with the twinkies in my prepper box, but it is just a matter of one's willingness to make an effort to feed themselves by their own labor. Now if I only had mustard to eat to survive, I would run naked into the snow bank never to be seen until the ice age is over and some guy stumbles on me in 500 years, especially if I did not have pork fat to cook with it.

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