Well Duh! Yet another "expert" with a grasp on the obvious.


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
I have spent much of my career studying ways to blunt the effects of disinformation and help the public make sense of the complexities of politics and science. When my colleagues and I probed the relation between the consumption of misinformation and the embrace, or dismissal, of protective behaviors that will ultimately stop the coronavirus’s spread, the results were clear: Those who believe false ideas and conspiracy theories about COVID-19 and vaccines are less likely to engage in mask wearing, social distancing, hand washing and vaccination.



It matters how we respond in these moments. As Cailin O’Connor and James Owen Weatherall wrote in this magazine in 2019, the “social transmission of knowledge is at the heart of culture and science.” In a large-scale online social network experiment conducted in 2018, Doug Guilbeault and Damon Centola, both then at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication, confirmed that power. When smokers and nonsmokers collaboratively evaluated antismoking messages, the smokers were more likely to acknowledge the harms of tobacco use than the smokers who evaluated the messages on their own. Similarly Sally Chan and Dolores Albarracin of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and I found that the level of Twitter chatter from November 2018 through February 2019 about “vaccine fraud” in the counties of our roughly 3,000 panelists were associated with negative attitudes and lower rates of flu vaccination among them later in the year. But those worrisome effects did not occur among people who reported discussing vaccines with family and friends.

I swear to my time. Anyone with a key board and internet connection is now fully informed and A Science Communicator?! Holy shit! Batman!

How to Debunk Misinformation about COVID, Vaccines and Masks
We each have more power to be a science communicator than we realize

Science? Maybe. Perhaps. But when opinion pretending to be science and cherry picking evidence then obviously the opinion is being communicated- not just the science- anyone recall the Hockey Stick science?

Good lord people! Wake the fuck up-
So you are basically saying there is misinformation out there?

Pretty sure everyone knows that already?
And also to acknowledge, there is egregious misinformation peddled by both sides.
On one side, there are people out there that actually still believe the entire Covid virus is a hoax.
On the other, we have someone like a misinformation machine Fauci, who still wears a double mask although he is fully vaccinated.
Both are dumb.
Covid had me worried at the beginning, is this the one? But it wasn't. I am more worried about the next man-made virus like Covid, that will be much more contagious and have a much higher fatality rate.
I mean... FFS... Biden reinstated funds back into Wuhan. Not directly, but nevertheless it got it's funding back.
I don't mask...and i won't be carrying around yer damn papers either. If you're so afraid of a virus with a 99% recovery rate then you need to stay home. I run into men who are masked. I say, 'what are you doing'. The response from them is always. ALWAYS...'i'm used to it now'. Well fine then pusscake, when you and your family are ordered into a cattle car for the little trip to the detention/reeducation center you'll freakin' get used to that too, won't you.'

This is not about your health. This is about OBEDIENCE.

OPEN your eyes People.
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And also to acknowledge, there is egregious misinformation peddled by both sides.
And- you choose to believe what?

On one side, there are people out there that actually still believe the entire Covid virus is a hoax.
Count me in.

Both are dumb.
I'll ask you how dumb am I?
Will you respond by telling me how 2 planes hit 2 different bldg's in 2 different locations and brought down 3 bldg's in near identical fashion?

BTW, I don't make any claims at being smart- based on today's acceptance of what smart is, but, I guar-on-tee you I ain't dumb- I look at results- the evidence is there to be seen by a blind man- but, not the willfully blind sheeple- I don't accept "experts" as finalists in truth anymore than I accept godevernment lies or msm outrage as gospel- I know a Party hack/shill when I see one and IDGAFF what political stripe they wear- I think for myself- I come to conclusions by looking at evidence and source from all- I KNOW that the US gov't and its lackeys (presstitutes) and civilian acolytes are the planets most notorious liars and intellectual honesty is not in their vocabulary- so, am I "smart"? No. Just observant. Are you smart? Or observant?
The most glaring example of cherry-picking of evidence is that of reporting vaccine efficacy in a non-natural COVID-19 host (Homo sapiens) while not reporting a thing about vaccine efficaсy against the same virus in the natural host.

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