Well here we go with the attack Paul Ryan threads

pretend all you want.

The vast majority of American people do not agree with the Ryan agenda.

You will now pay the price as a party
Paul Ryan is the consummate policy wonk. His apparent biggest flaw however is that he seems to think that policy occurs in a politics-free vacuum of some sort;

for example, no matter how great an idea you might thinking ending Medicare as we know it is,

if you can't sell the idea to the American People, you've wasted everyone's time.
Awe reds a little bitch...you cry at your bday parties when you don't get your way too little girl?
the game is the game. I don't think doing a palin style vetting is going to yield a thing though or the he aint ready of Romney dies gig, thats a non starter. .

it will be medicare, writ large, larger than you have ever seen it. and of course the old tax cut for millionaires garbage.......

Burton really stepped in it with that cancer ad, lets see what he has for ryan, should be interesting to say the last.

Ryan's proposed Budget would indeed have impacted Medicare. Medicare writ large is da twoof.

Some of the claims by the whacky lefties about that factoid are actually true.

But what the leftist Democratics won't admit is that the cost of doing nothing amounts to the same result -- except that Medicare will eventually be unable to continue.

I agree, I said on another thread on this that the ryan-wyden plan needed work. the difference here is- they shoved obamacare up the countries ass, when you have to bribe members of your own party and make deals with Big Bad Pharma, hey, we know what we got and its failing apart already, the CLASS act going down was a biggey, but hey like kevin bacon in animal house greenbeard and his bro's will tell you- all is well....

ryan sought out wyden and they worked it together, compromised and still have some differences, they should get back to work when this is over no matter who wins, becasue you are exactly right, presently we are heading for the cliff, it literally is, unsustainable.
If the choice of a VP mattered obama should be really concerned with Joe "foot in the mouth" Biden as a running mate, and a fucked up economy.

Generally the man doesn't (or shouldn't) matter. You choose someone inoffensive and obviously ready to step in and assume the duties of the commander-in-chief. Romney, inexplicably, opted not to do that.

So now he has a young career politician whose private sector experience is localized behind the wheel of a Wienermobile and, more importantly, who is the embodiment of the GOP's draconian, slash-and-burn agenda. People like Medicare. That alone would've been reason to steer clear of Ryan. Choosing a VP with baggage is rarely a good idea, particularly when it's part of an ill-advised "we're losing, quick, shake things up!" strategy.

A young career politician versus an old career politician that';s stupid? Let's see which do I choose, that is if VP mattered. It really must not matter to the left and obama supporters in general. So why the attacks from the left on Ryan?
You people have been lying to yoursleves so long about being the majority view that you have lost your minds
Paul Ryan is the consummate policy wonk. His apparent biggest flaw however is that he seems to think that policy occurs in a politics-free vacuum of some sort;

for example, no matter how great an idea you might thinking ending Medicare as we know it is,

if you can't sell the idea to the American People, you've wasted everyone's time.

and there ya go, end medicare.....:lol: vote absentee for obama and spare us, please...:lol:
Big,just curious but why do you care?Ryan is just like or hell might actually be worse than Romney,Romney may have supported all these things that are against the constitution and just wrong but Ryan actually voted for them.
If the choice of a VP mattered obama should be really concerned with Joe "foot in the mouth" Biden as a running mate, and a fucked up economy.

Generally the man doesn't (or shouldn't) matter. You choose someone inoffensive and obviously ready to step in and assume the duties of the commander-in-chief. Romney, inexplicably, opted not to do that.

So now he has a young career politician whose private sector experience is localized behind the wheel of a Wienermobile and, more importantly, who is the embodiment of the GOP's draconian, slash-and-burn agenda. People like Medicare. That alone would've been reason to steer clear of Ryan. Choosing a VP with baggage is rarely a good idea, particularly when it's part of an ill-advised "we're losing, quick, shake things up!" strategy.

A young career politician versus an old career politician that';s stupid? Let's see which do I choose, that is if VP mattered. It really must not matter to the left and obama supporters in general. So why the attacks from the left on Ryan?

the veep matters not, until its palin :lol:
Generally the man doesn't (or shouldn't) matter. You choose someone inoffensive and obviously ready to step in and assume the duties of the commander-in-chief. Romney, inexplicably, opted not to do that.

So now he has a young career politician whose private sector experience is localized behind the wheel of a Wienermobile and, more importantly, who is the embodiment of the GOP's draconian, slash-and-burn agenda. People like Medicare. That alone would've been reason to steer clear of Ryan. Choosing a VP with baggage is rarely a good idea, particularly when it's part of an ill-advised "we're losing, quick, shake things up!" strategy.

A young career politician versus an old career politician that';s stupid? Let's see which do I choose, that is if VP mattered. It really must not matter to the left and obama supporters in general. So why the attacks from the left on Ryan?

the veep matters not, until its palin :lol:

Exactly :clap2:
see how the delusional fools just keep PRETENDING they are the majority
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3q1z532U7hE]Joe Biden Says Dumb Things - YouTube[/ame]
I guess since Romney made his choose for VP the left is in a frenzy of attack threads






If the choice of a VP mattered obama should be really concerned with Joe "foot in the mouth" Biden as a running mate, and a fucked up economy.

Good God did Paul Ryan kill some lady as well?....
We might have had a shot with the election with one of our candidates killing some lady
but if Paul killed one as well....

Let's she what sort of BS Obama comes up with now...

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