Well Newsome signed it, it's now official. The MINIMUM wage now to flip burgers is $20.00 an hour in California

I heard that some American workers make $0.00 an hour
You heard wrong. Please provide links--you lie so often, I want substantiation for anything you say duck. I can guarantee that your statement is a lie.
the low hourly rates (currently set at $2.13, federally)
Boy, you even expose your own lies within the same post. If the fed minimum wage is $2.13 for tipped workers, how can they be paid zero. Run along duck, you're an idiot.
AFter this week is over I may never go to the land of the gun again!
Promises, fucking promises. Keep your commie ass in Canada with your heeeero Turdeau.
You heard wrong. Please provide links--you lie so often, I want substantiation for anything you say duck. I can guarantee that your statement is a lie.

Boy, you even expose your own lies within the same post. If the fed minimum wage is $2.13 for tipped workers, how can they be paid zero. Run along duck, you're an idiot.

Promises, fucking promises. Keep your commie ass in Canada with your heeeero Turdeau.
Beating up an insect is boring my friend. And cruelty to one of the gawd's creatures!
It's nothing that can't be fixed with a can of Raid.
'Inflation', it's the Democrat's middle name, they just seem to revel in it.
Imagine if you are running a few fast-food franchises. I can see the U-Hauls now!

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs law to raise minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 per hour​

Gee, if you lived in California you would have gotten a raise.
Another liberal with no understanding of economics. They’ll just put in an extra kiosk or two and have customers key in their own orders.

And more McDonalds workers will be unemployed. How does that help them?
Have you ever been in business, Ms. MAGAtard?
What about dishwashers, car washers and Walmart greeters? I bet they would like to make $20/hr. too. Won't someone think of the dishwashers, car washers and Walmart greeters??
They should get some representation or start pounding the pavement.
It might be a good time to move back to Reno. Work flipping burgers, no responsibility, no need to be anything more than a game-playing, brain-dead millennial, and take that the 20/hr out of the state where the cost of living is at least a little lower.
Which part of CA is Reno in?
Kiosks don't throw out the trash, either.

I don't know why so many on this site are always so negative and selfish about some that deserve a hand up in life.
You still will need some people, even with kiosks - just not as many.

And a hand-up in life doesn’t mean just giving people more than market value. A hand-up is providing them with free education, and we do that via Pell Grants.

They don’t like $12 an hour for flipping burgers? Then get a Pell Grant and take a six-month training program in something.

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