Well Now, Barry

Basically it is repealed...the mandate has been removed so there is no way to pay for it....it's just a matter of time before it dies on the vine...

And those millions without health insurance getting diabetes treatment and dialysis at Emergency Rooms......will be so FUCKING HAPPY with your ilk that they will storm the ballot places to express their gratitude, correct, moron???

The world is ending and we are all going to die...


Spread the word..

I've never seen anyone who posted so much and yet had so little to say.

Shake hands with yourself and take a good look in the mirror, ya little commie.
Trump's black and Hispanic approval numbers are climbing fast....
We were all led to believe by your office you were going to return last year.

Please do come back. Your record of eight years against Trump's first will provide hours of amusement.

Obama Is Returning to Politics in 2018, and Trump Should Be Worried

It will be just in time as the scandal where he used a document, paid for by hilary and the DNC to get a FISA warrant to spy on the opposition party should be in full swing, and he should be just in time to explain how he allowed Russia to get 20% of our Uranium...

Are you a parrot?
We were all led to believe by your office you were going to return last year.

Please do come back. Your record of eight years against Trump's first will provide hours of amusement.

Obama Is Returning to Politics in 2018, and Trump Should Be Worried
Trump is worried about a real man coming back to Washington. Here he is working out :

Bet he was straining like a mofo.

Just watch his face.
Can't wait for The Great Obama to return to politics

We were all led to believe by your office you were going to return last year.

Please do come back. Your record of eight years against Trump's first will provide hours of amusement.

Obama Is Returning to Politics in 2018, and Trump Should Be Worried

Great news.....Thanks

If Obama rallies the black vote in purple states, your ilk is in for a major hurt........LOL

Barry did more damage to the D party than any politician in history. More then Bubba, but maybe not Cankles.
The DNC is broke, they are not taking back anything except Hussein.

i know you get all tingly inside when you type out "Hussein"......which makes you a fucking idiot.

BUT, your side fucked up so much, that a lot of money is not needed to whip your sorry asses.......LOL

Right. You're going to take back Congress and Senate with a booming stock market, record low unemployment, people bringing home more in their paycheck, and nobody having to pay that commie fine for not having healthcare insurance.

Good luck with that.
Obama had a larger surge in the stock market and still lost Congress in 2010
With Trumps like ability
Republicans are doomed

People liked DumBama but hated his policies. That's why we gave leadership to the Republicans and eventually the Senate. What policies could voters object to in 2018?

The voters are fickle

Let's see the buyers remorse on Trump in 2018
The DNC is broke, they are not taking back anything except Hussein.

i know you get all tingly inside when you type out "Hussein"......which makes you a fucking idiot.

BUT, your side fucked up so much, that a lot of money is not needed to whip your sorry asses.......LOL

Right. You're going to take back Congress and Senate with a booming stock market, record low unemployment, people bringing home more in their paycheck, and nobody having to pay that commie fine for not having healthcare insurance.

Good luck with that.
Obama had a larger surge in the stock market and still lost Congress in 2010
With Trumps like ability
Republicans are doomed

Barrypuppetcare and the fact that Barry is a socialist/marxist is what caused him to lose massively in the mid terms. What people figured out is that the leftwing and rightwing establishment are one and the same. That is why Trump won and he has delivered beyond the wildest dreams of the American people thus far.

For Gods sake you are fucking nuts
No reason O'Bumbles couldn't be the Democrat candidate in 2020.

Constitutional limit to two terms?


That died along with the citizenship provisions of the former U.S. Constitution. Ask any "good" Democrat!
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If Obama rallies the black vote


Where are the American news media? What has happened to them?

they have worked themselves into irrelevancy

they would rather worry about Trumps last tweet

then the work he has been doing on the ground

Dude, nobody “worries” about drumpfster fire tweets. We laugh at them and the infantile brain which produces them.

except dudes like you ya twat


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