Well, now it is a bill.

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Here's a first draft of the GOP's plan to overhaul Social Security

Johnson's proposal, formally introduced as a bill last Thursday, is little more than an opening bid in a much larger conversation about entitlement reform in the coming year. However, the announcement was jarring to many Democrats coming on the heels of the Republicans vow to move swiftly next month to repeal the Affordable Care Act but without a replacement plan in hand.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and House Budget Committee Chair Tom Price (R-GA), who was tapped by Trump as the next secretary of health and human service, have also signaled interest in pursuing major changes to Medicare and Medicaid, the two federal health programs for seniors and low-income families.

Since FDR, the GOP has tried to destroy Social Security. And they like Medicare even less. Now, with the Executive, Senate, and House, they see the possibility of doing just that. Aren't you deplorables ever so proud?
Won't happen, more left wing fear mongering, maybe fake news provided by the Russians.
Trump said he wont cut SS or Medicare period and he wont
yea i heard him say that a couple of times....he said there are to many people who depend on it and to many paying into it to pull that from under them...he said he wants to strengthen it it....so all we can do is wait and see...
Trump has said many things, often contradictory. Neither program is something he or his family will ever use, I don't think he gives a shit about them. After 20Jan17, we will find out just what Trump will do.
Here's a first draft of the GOP's plan to overhaul Social Security

Johnson's proposal, formally introduced as a bill last Thursday, is little more than an opening bid in a much larger conversation about entitlement reform in the coming year. However, the announcement was jarring to many Democrats coming on the heels of the Republicans vow to move swiftly next month to repeal the Affordable Care Act but without a replacement plan in hand.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and House Budget Committee Chair Tom Price (R-GA), who was tapped by Trump as the next secretary of health and human service, have also signaled interest in pursuing major changes to Medicare and Medicaid, the two federal health programs for seniors and low-income families.

Since FDR, the GOP has tried to destroy Social Security. And they like Medicare even less. Now, with the Executive, Senate, and House, they see the possibility of doing just that. Aren't you deplorables ever so proud?

See how the far left drones do not understand what a draft is and what a bill is?

Any bills of this nature will be proposed and voted on after January 20th..

So what out of the draft do you disagree with?

Be specific and quote from the actual draft!
But in the meantime, we know what the 'Conservatives' in the GOP want to do. They are quite willing to end the ACA without anything at all in it's place, and create a worse health care situation in this nation than existed before the ACA. They have repeatedly stated that they want end SS, are channel that money into the coffers of the millionaires and billionaires that control the GOP. They want to end Medicare, after all, why should anyone care what happens to a worker when he is too old to work?

Well boys, you put them in there.
But in the meantime, we know what the 'Conservatives' in the GOP want to do. They are quite willing to end the ACA without anything at all in it's place, and create a worse health care situation in this nation than existed before the ACA. They have repeatedly stated that they want end SS, are channel that money into the coffers of the millionaires and billionaires that control the GOP. They want to end Medicare, after all, why should anyone care what happens to a worker when he is too old to work?

Well boys, you put them in there.

Translation: I am afar left drone and do not want to read the draft just believe what the rich white far left masters to them to believe!
Here's a first draft of the GOP's plan to overhaul Social Security

Johnson's proposal, formally introduced as a bill last Thursday, is little more than an opening bid in a much larger conversation about entitlement reform in the coming year. However, the announcement was jarring to many Democrats coming on the heels of the Republicans vow to move swiftly next month to repeal the Affordable Care Act but without a replacement plan in hand.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and House Budget Committee Chair Tom Price (R-GA), who was tapped by Trump as the next secretary of health and human service, have also signaled interest in pursuing major changes to Medicare and Medicaid, the two federal health programs for seniors and low-income families.

Since FDR, the GOP has tried to destroy Social Security. And they like Medicare even less. Now, with the Executive, Senate, and House, they see the possibility of doing just that. Aren't you deplorables ever so proud?

See how the far left drones do not understand what a draft is and what a bill is?

Any bills of this nature will be proposed and voted on after January 20th..

So what out of the draft do you disagree with?

Be specific and quote from the actual draft!

First, I disagree with just about everything in that bill. It makes Social Security a welfare program that can be cut at will.

1) For retired worker and disabled worker beneficiaries becoming initially eligible in January 2023 or later, phase in a new benefit formula (from 2023 to 2032). Replace the existing two PIA bend points with three new bend points and modified benefit formula factors.

2) Use an annualized “mini-PIA” formula beginning with retired and disabled worker beneficiaries becoming newly eligible in 2023, phased in over 10 years. The mini-PIA calculation would use a single year’s average monthly indexed earnings (mini-AIME) and primary insurance amount (mini-PIA) for each year with taxable earnings.

3) Replace the current-law Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) with a new calculation for most OASI and DI benefits based on covered and non-covered earnings, phased in for beneficiaries becoming newly eligible in 2023 through 2032.

4) After the normal retirement age (NRA) reaches 67 for those attaining age 62 in 2022, increase the NRA by 3 months per year starting for those attaining age 62 in 2023 until it reaches 69 for those attaining age 62 in 2030. Increase the age up to which delayed retirement credits may be earned from 70 to 72 on the same schedule.

5) Beginning with the December 2018 COLA, provide no COLA for those with modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) above specific thresholds and compute the COLA using the chain-weighted version of the CPI-U (C-CPI-U) for all other beneficiaries

Ten more lines of legaleze all designed to take money from the worker.
More Russian fake news from the left.
Shit gets old guys . JS
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I can guarantee Trump will not cut either program and the 20 million on the Medicaid expansion wont lose their coverage because 1. there would never be enough support and 2. Trump would not want that legacy. It will never happen but the liberals continue to scare our seniors
Yep, it actually helps put more in the pocket of the less fortunate. I read the bill. Lol But nooooooo! The sky is falling!!!
But in the meantime, we know what the 'Conservatives' in the GOP want to do. They are quite willing to end the ACA without anything at all in it's place, and create a worse health care situation in this nation than existed before the ACA. They have repeatedly stated that they want end SS, are channel that money into the coffers of the millionaires and billionaires that control the GOP. They want to end Medicare, after all, why should anyone care what happens to a worker when he is too old to work?

Well boys, you put them in there.

Translation: I am afar left drone and do not want to read the draft just believe what the rich white far left masters to them to believe!
Sooo, first it is going starve the lower income, but now,it is a welfare program? :blahblah::lmao:
Here's a first draft of the GOP's plan to overhaul Social Security

Johnson's proposal, formally introduced as a bill last Thursday, is little more than an opening bid in a much larger conversation about entitlement reform in the coming year. However, the announcement was jarring to many Democrats coming on the heels of the Republicans vow to move swiftly next month to repeal the Affordable Care Act but without a replacement plan in hand.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and House Budget Committee Chair Tom Price (R-GA), who was tapped by Trump as the next secretary of health and human service, have also signaled interest in pursuing major changes to Medicare and Medicaid, the two federal health programs for seniors and low-income families.

Since FDR, the GOP has tried to destroy Social Security. And they like Medicare even less. Now, with the Executive, Senate, and House, they see the possibility of doing just that. Aren't you deplorables ever so proud?

See how the far left drones do not understand what a draft is and what a bill is?

Any bills of this nature will be proposed and voted on after January 20th..

So what out of the draft do you disagree with?

Be specific and quote from the actual draft!

First, I disagree with just about everything in that bill. It makes Social Security a welfare program that can be cut at will.

1) For retired worker and disabled worker beneficiaries becoming initially eligible in January 2023 or later, phase in a new benefit formula (from 2023 to 2032). Replace the existing two PIA bend points with three new bend points and modified benefit formula factors.

2) Use an annualized “mini-PIA” formula beginning with retired and disabled worker beneficiaries becoming newly eligible in 2023, phased in over 10 years. The mini-PIA calculation would use a single year’s average monthly indexed earnings (mini-AIME) and primary insurance amount (mini-PIA) for each year with taxable earnings.

3) Replace the current-law Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) with a new calculation for most OASI and DI benefits based on covered and non-covered earnings, phased in for beneficiaries becoming newly eligible in 2023 through 2032.

4) After the normal retirement age (NRA) reaches 67 for those attaining age 62 in 2022, increase the NRA by 3 months per year starting for those attaining age 62 in 2023 until it reaches 69 for those attaining age 62 in 2030. Increase the age up to which delayed retirement credits may be earned from 70 to 72 on the same schedule.

5) Beginning with the December 2018 COLA, provide no COLA for those with modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) above specific thresholds and compute the COLA using the chain-weighted version of the CPI-U (C-CPI-U) for all other beneficiaries

Ten more lines of legaleze all designed to take money from the worker.
LOL Which would last about one year. Then the GOP would be saying that why should we subsidize those too stupid to have held a good job. And rescind the increases for the very low earners. And have achieved their goal of destroying SS as it no longer rewarded those that worked hard to make good pay, and now would fail to be much of a safety net for those that did not earn a lot in their working career.

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