Well pretty soon all our COVID worries will be over

Don't take it—any of it. Don't take it unless you want to join in on the global Satanic mass. The COVID vaccines and pills and fucking gummies and whatever else are no different than sucking down a communion wafer full of rotting worms and maggots beneath an inverted cross at midnight. Human sacrifice is a bitch . . . just ask the average Aztech peasant. The CEOs of big pharma are the new high priests of a cyclopean, aphotic death cult.
Satanic mass..well ok then

People like you won't be missed
Satanic mass..well ok then

People like you won't be missed

People like me shall inherit the earth (and all of your empty estates) after you've, uh um, moved on into the great vaccinated hereafter. Until then, please make sure you all perform regular maintenance on your exotic cars and rambling mansions . . . I'm asking for a friend . . .

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