Well Said, Mr. President. Well Said.

Awwwww. The nutters are all sad that the beloved President Clinton has expressed his opinion that President Obama has done a great job and will continue to do so.

Lol, it is pretty well documented that Clinton is supporting the Democratic Party and not Obama, they don't get along, Clinton dislikes Obama's arrogance.

You really need to get out more.
The BIG LIE in American politics is to convince us that we have a CLEAR difference.

And in a some areas of governance, we certainly do...

But in the areas of goverance that really matter?

The difference between the parties is rather minor.

AS ought to be obvious to any of us who watched the Bush II and then the Obaman Admin pandering to the BANSTERS.

So basically we Americans now have a choice of taking this nation over the economic cliff in a Pontiac or a Buick.
Awwwww. The nutters are all sad that the beloved President Clinton has expressed his opinion that President Obama has done a great job and will continue to do so.

Lol, it is pretty well documented that Clinton is supporting the Democratic Party and not Obama, they don't get along, Clinton dislikes Obama's arrogance.

You really need to get out more.

Bubba doesn't even think Obama is a good president. He's on record saying that as well.
The BIG LIE in American politics is to convince us that we have a CLEAR difference.

And in a some areas of governance, we certainly do...

But in the areas of goverance that really matter?

The difference between the parties is rather minor.

AS ought to be obvious to any of us who watched the Bush II and then the Obaman Admin pandering to the BANSTERS.

So basically we Americans now have a choice of taking this nation over the economic cliff in a Pontiac or a Buick.

That's the left's best defense.

Both parties to them are the same.

Just pick the most popular party.

If the choice is really clear most would pick the conservative because this country is a middle-right country.

Course you watch the networks they're desperately trying to turn us into left-leaning freaks.
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Awwwww. The nutters are all sad that the beloved President Clinton has expressed his opinion that President Obama has done a great job and will continue to do so.

Lol, it is pretty well documented that Clinton is supporting the Democratic Party and not Obama, they don't get along, Clinton dislikes Obama's arrogance.

You really need to get out more.

Bubba doesn't even think Obama is a good president. He's on record saying that as well.

That doesn't stop liberals and their break from reality.
Obama can't stand on his own record or two feet so he has to drag out the old hound dog Clinton

vote Obama out people, we don't want Obama or Clinton back in the white house
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Romney has moved into the lead, and he of course has BIG MO.

I mean, it isn't like this is not predictable.

Every Democrat President in the post war era has either been a one-termer or impeached.

One fuck up after another.

Based on???

For one: Fox News poll: Race for the White House tightens | Fox News

For two: keeping an eye on the polling and the trends. See Gallup, Rasumussen and Fox: RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

WASHINGTON — With his running mate in place and his nominating convention looming, Republican Mitt Romney narrowly trails President Obama, according to a new nationwide poll of likely voters.

Obama leads 48% to 45% among all registered voters in the survey and by 48% to 46% among those considered likely to vote, according to the USC Annenberg/Los Angeles Times poll on Politics and the Press.

While those results are within the poll's margin of error, they speak to the remarkable stability of the presidential race, in which Obama has held a small lead in most polls since April.

Among likely voters, 53% view Obama favorably and 45% unfavorably. By contrast, Romney struggles with a narrow deficit on that question — likely voters view him unfavorably by 46% to 48%, close to an even split.

Obama has slight lead over Romney in new nationwide poll - latimes.com

I really don't know what polls to believe any more. So I have stopped taking them too seriously. In any vase, this article from the L.A. Times has a lot of information that I thought was interesting.
Investing in education and training programs is indeed an important component in returning Americans to work; programs republicans would for the most part eliminate or under-fund.

I recently attended a forecast luncheon in Austin, guest speaker made a great point, most of our exported jobs are low wage call center types. Interestingly Samsung's largest chip plant outside of South Korea is located in my new home town of Austin, Texas...

He also made quit a few more good points, no matter who wins in November the Debt Ceiling will be raised, our deficit will increase $10 to $14 TRILL over the next decade and our ability to deliver new technologies will continue to give the US a upper hand over the rest of the world...

Samsung plans $3.6 billion Austin plant upgrade, 500 new jobs

Samsung, the world's second largest chip company, said its Austin payroll will expand to about $105 million a year, an increase of about 50 percent, when the expansion is complete. The project is the most expensive in Austin history, surpassing the $3.5 billion spent the company's Fab 2 project, which was finished in 2007.

We continue to have the best of the best and in spite of either party...

Obama is clearly the least effective POTUS over the last 60+ years, an utter failure at leadership, Romney was definitely not my choice, yet just about anyone is a huge improvement on default alone, if you defend this moron, you're in serious need of mental help...

Romney will not be a huge improvement. He is just a bored, rich, white guy that thought it would be fun to live in the White House.

If you make less than $250,000 a year and are counting on medicare when you get older, I would not be so quick to vote for Romney.
Working well. The economy is better. Fact.

In what way?

Oh, I know. Obama just gives you a warm fuzzy feeling.......so things must be getting better. He's pointed us in the right direct.

Problem is 60% feel we're going in the wrong direction.

The middle class has been decimated by the last 3 years. Household net worth is way down. Another recession is around the corner.
By every metric the economy is worse today than it was the day Obama took office. The Dow might be an exception, but the Dow is probably figuring a Romney win.

WASHINGTON — With his running mate in place and his nominating convention looming, Republican Mitt Romney narrowly trails President Obama, according to a new nationwide poll of likely voters.

Obama leads 48% to 45% among all registered voters in the survey and by 48% to 46% among those considered likely to vote, according to the USC Annenberg/Los Angeles Times poll on Politics and the Press.

While those results are within the poll's margin of error, they speak to the remarkable stability of the presidential race, in which Obama has held a small lead in most polls since April.

Among likely voters, 53% view Obama favorably and 45% unfavorably. By contrast, Romney struggles with a narrow deficit on that question — likely voters view him unfavorably by 46% to 48%, close to an even split.

Obama has slight lead over Romney in new nationwide poll - latimes.com

I really don't know what polls to believe any more. So I have stopped taking them too seriously. In any vase, this article from the L.A. Times has a lot of information that I thought was interesting.

ZOMG! Rinata asked another member for some "source" for a claim that Mitt was now ahead of the incumbent.

I went ahead and cited the source (plus added some other information and commented on an apparently emerging trend AWAY from the incumbent).

SO now Rinata is busy posting OTHER polls that come to a different conclusion.

:lol: :lmao: So, here's a tip or two for Rinata who needs a clue.

The actual poll, the one on Election Day, is the one that really counts, Rinata. And on that day, The ONE will fulfill his nickname and become, officially, The ONE Term-er.

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