Well Said, Mr. President. Well Said.

What's the difference between Obama and Romney supporters? Romney supporters sign their checks on the front, Obama's on the back.

I get my checks from my clients, and i sign them on the back, many are republicans and democrats, even the gay ones. I don't care along as I get to work before I am to old to do so.
I pay my help in cash, that really makes you perplexed, no?

Would be funny if it weren't so sad

"President Obama has a plan to rebuild America from the GROUND up"?

Cause he pretty much tore everything down? :D

Clinton for President 2012 :lol:

Considering the crumbled rubble from the Bush era, I can see why he has to start from the ground up. Instead of Boosh that went from top to the ground with the economy.

Oh sorry I forgot about the road :eusa_whistle:
Would be funny if it weren't so sad

"President Obama has a plan to rebuild America from the GROUND up"?

Cause he pretty much tore everything down? :D

Clinton for President 2012 :lol:

Considering the crumbled rubble from the Bush era, I can see why he has to start from the ground up. Instead of Boosh that went from top to the ground with the economy.

Oh sorry I forgot about the road :eusa_whistle:

I don't doubt it.
Investing in education and training programs is indeed an important component in returning Americans to work; programs republicans would for the most part eliminate or under-fund.

We've pissed away more money than you can shake a stick at for education in America and what do we have to show for it? Teacher's unions, drop outs, and morons.

We had the same problem in the '70's. What's new? I am sure a dose of the Ten Commandments will make everyone all better.
Considering the crumbled rubble from the Bush era, I can see why he has to start from the ground up. Instead of Boosh that went from top to the ground with the economy.

Oh sorry I forgot about the road :eusa_whistle:

I don't doubt it.

Obama's road



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Investing in education and training programs is indeed an important component in returning Americans to work; programs republicans would for the most part eliminate or under-fund.

I recently attended a forecast luncheon in Austin, guest speaker made a great point, most of our exported jobs are low wage call center types. Interestingly Samsung's largest chip plant outside of South Korea is located in my new home town of Austin, Texas...

He also made quit a few more good points, no matter who wins in November the Debt Ceiling will be raised, our deficit will increase $10 to $14 TRILL over the next decade and our ability to deliver new technologies will continue to give the US a upper hand over the rest of the world...

Samsung plans $3.6 billion Austin plant upgrade, 500 new jobs

Samsung, the world's second largest chip company, said its Austin payroll will expand to about $105 million a year, an increase of about 50 percent, when the expansion is complete. The project is the most expensive in Austin history, surpassing the $3.5 billion spent the company's Fab 2 project, which was finished in 2007.

We continue to have the best of the best and in spite of either party...

Obama is clearly the least effective POTUS over the last 60+ years, an utter failure at leadership, Romney was definitely not my choice, yet just about anyone is a huge improvement on default alone, if you defend this moron, you're in serious need of mental help...
Investing in education and training programs is indeed an important component in returning Americans to work; programs republicans would for the most part eliminate or under-fund.

When liberals use the word "invest" they mean another spending boondoggle that flushes money down the toilet.
Investing in education and training programs is indeed an important component in returning Americans to work; programs republicans would for the most part eliminate or under-fund.

Government does not "invest" money. Government spends money. Government has spent more money on education and infrastructure in the last 10 years than any can shake a stick at. And everything they spend money on has failed.
You know Obama's internal polling sucks when he has to trot out ole Bill to shill for him. This guy should have been bringing us coffee.
Awwwww. The nutters are all sad that the beloved President Clinton has expressed his opinion that President Obama has done a great job and will continue to do so.
Investing in education and training programs is indeed an important component in returning Americans to work; programs republicans would for the most part eliminate or under-fund.

When liberals use the word "invest" they mean another spending boondoggle that flushes money down the toilet.

Invest is code for tax increases.

Their ideas are so bad they need to say it in code.

What's the code word for spending cuts?


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