Well That Didnt Take Long as GOP Backs Off Denying Obama SCOTUS Pick

It is not impossible that O'Bumbles COULD nominate an acceptable candidate.

Of course if he does then he'll heed to hire a taster before eating or drinking anything.

But, hey, He can afford that.....since you'll be paying.
It is not impossible that O'Bumbles COULD nominate an acceptable candidate.

Of course if he does then he'll heed to hire a taster before eating or drinking anything.

But, hey, He can afford that.....since you'll be paying.
Obama can't nominate someone that isn't political. He is a political whore and everything is political with him.
Lol, I called this days ago.

If the GOP leadership had a spine they would pull it out and play choochoo with it.

GOP showing signs of backing down from vow to block Obama’s Supreme Court nominee automatically
It was very very stupid for McConnell to publically state they wouldn't accept any nominee sight unseen. It simply made the GOP look unprofessional and like petulant children.

Yeah, agreed. Especially when McConnell is a bigger pussy that Obama himself and was going to back down
Obama will nominate a 'sacrificial lamb' like Lynch.
She's got a vagina and she's a negro.
Can't do better than her on short notice.
The fact she has Zero experience on the bench will mean many dare not mention this fact because they are afraid of being called a racist of course.
The Senate is starting out a little wobbly but this issue will galvanise the country like nothing has before.
If the REP controlled Senate backs down now the REP party is finished.
The GOP: Nuttier than squirrel shit in a pecan grove
Obama will nominate a 'sacrificial lamb' like Lynch.
She's got a vagina and she's a negro.
Can't do better than her on short notice.
The fact she has Zero experience on the bench will mean many dare not mention this fact because they are afraid of being called a racist of course.
The Senate is starting out a little wobbly but this issue will galvanise the country like nothing has before.
If the REP controlled Senate backs down now the REP party is finished.
The trick will be to delay the process without looking like obstructionists.
Obama is a political whore.
Lol, I called this days ago.

If the GOP leadership had a spine they would pull it out and play choochoo with it.

GOP showing signs of backing down from vow to block Obama’s Supreme Court nominee automatically
Yeah, but you pussies will STILL vote for any candidate the GOP shoves down your throats, so STFU.
I voted Libertarian in 2008 and 2012. I voted GOP in 2000 and 2004 because I made the mistake of believing George Bush.

I voted for Perot in 1992 and 1996, did not vote in 1998, voted for Reagan in 1980 and 84, and voted for Carter in 1976, my first year I could legally vote.

So, once again, you dont know what the fuck you are talking about, ass hat.
Lol, I called this days ago.

If the GOP leadership had a spine they would pull it out and play choochoo with it.

GOP showing signs of backing down from vow to block Obama’s Supreme Court nominee automatically

Their initial position was a poorly thought through, reactionary move. The GOP overplayed their hand and cemented their legacy as a party that put partisan obstructionism above the work of the nation.
Like obuthole did in 2007. Can't wait till the worthless pos is out of the WH.
The only appropriate response for the GOP leadership is to tell Obama frankly that they will reject ANYONE he puts forward.

And with only a 4 seat majority in the Senate and 24 Republican Senators up for reelection this year (vs 10 Democratic Senators) - they will beat us over the head with that for the next 10 months.


Hillary or Sanders in the White House with a Dem Senate. Then they get to confirm a nominee to replace Scalia and Ginsburg will see her chance to retire with a D President & D Senate, that makes 2. Kennedy is also entering his 80's, that's possibly 3.

Sometimes my leadership should look down the road at results and not just what will appeal to the hardcore base, a base that will vote Republican anyway.

Wanna bet?
Wanna bet?


I take the position that if the Senate continues on the current course and denies hearings and/or a floor vote(s) to Obama SCOTUS nominee(s), that would result in the media beating the crap out of GOP presidential candidate and GOP senatorial candidates over the summer and into the fall (of which there 24). The outcome being that there would not be both a GOP President and GOP controlled Senate in January 2017.

I win if the policy articulated by McConnell is continued through the election and the Senate does not hold hearings or takes no floor vote on any nominee and the Dems take either the oval office or control of the Senate.

You win if the policy articulated by McConnell is continued through the election and the Senate does not hold hearings or takes no floor vote on any nominee and the GOP retains control of the Senate and wins the oval office.

If the Senate backs down and processes a nominee through either Senate hearings or a floor vote, the wager is void.

Say sig lines for 30 days?

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Wasn't that right after Bork?

You said "If dems had control and the president was a repub the same would be going on just as it always has."

Was Reagan a Republican? Yes.

Was the Senate Democrat controled? Yes

Was Kennedy confirmed in an election year? Yes

After the Bork incident. You're being disingenuously selective.

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