Well That Didnt Take Long as GOP Backs Off Denying Obama SCOTUS Pick

You said "If dems had control and the president was a repub the same would be going on just as it always has."

Was Reagan a Republican? Yes.

Was the Senate Democrat controled? Yes

Was Kennedy confirmed in an election year? Yes

After the Bork incident. You're being disingenuously selective.


............ Bork got a vote on the Senate floor. McConnell said he was going to prevent that from happening to any hominee.

As a member of the GOP, we should to better than the Dems. Not stoop to their level.

Lol, I called this days ago.

If the GOP leadership had a spine they would pull it out and play choochoo with it.

GOP showing signs of backing down from vow to block Obama’s Supreme Court nominee automatically
Yeah, but you pussies will STILL vote for any candidate the GOP shoves down your throats, so STFU.
You are correct.
We REPs now control the Senate and Congress and next January we will have a REP President who will in eight years put 5-6 radical REPS on the SC bench.
Maybe you ought to leave the US 'in protest'?
I'd vote for Charlie Manson before I'd vote for Clinton. Seriously.
You said "If dems had control and the president was a repub the same would be going on just as it always has."

Was Reagan a Republican? Yes.

Was the Senate Democrat controled? Yes

Was Kennedy confirmed in an election year? Yes

After the Bork incident. You're being disingenuously selective.


............ Bork got a vote on the Senate floor. McConnell said he was going to prevent that from happening to any hominee.

As a member of the GOP, we should to better than the Dems. Not stoop to their level.

The problem is whenever we 'do better' than the fucking DEMs by not stooping to their level somehow we always seem to loose.
If "doing better' is such a great idea why don't they give it a try?
Lol, I called this days ago.

If the GOP leadership had a spine they would pull it out and play choochoo with it.

GOP showing signs of backing down from vow to block Obama’s Supreme Court nominee automatically
Yeah, but you pussies will STILL vote for any candidate the GOP shoves down your throats, so STFU.
You are correct.
We REPs now control the Senate and Congress and next January we will have a REP President who will in eight years put 5-6 radical REPS on the SC bench.
Maybe you ought to leave the US 'in protest'?
I'd vote for Charlie Manson before I'd vote for Clinton. Seriously.

You're what's wrong with America.
Lol, I called this days ago.

If the GOP leadership had a spine they would pull it out and play choochoo with it.

GOP showing signs of backing down from vow to block Obama’s Supreme Court nominee automatically
Yeah, but you pussies will STILL vote for any candidate the GOP shoves down your throats, so STFU.
You are correct.
We REPs now control the Senate and Congress and next January we will have a REP President who will in eight years put 5-6 radical REPS on the SC bench.
Maybe you ought to leave the US 'in protest'?
I'd vote for Charlie Manson before I'd vote for Clinton. Seriously.

You're what's wrong with America.
You didn't even make it past 10 posts.
Permanent Ignore
So leave it for the voters to decide, not voters from 8 years ago.
Right-wing idiots can't even read a calendar, Obama was elected 3 (THREE) years ago, not 8. :cuckoo:
Really? Obama was elected "3 (THREE) years ago"?
You seriously need to fucking lay off the Meth pal.
I can't be bothered with people like you. Permanent Ignore

You honestly didn't know there was an election in 2012?

Serious question, does the helmet you wear in the grocery store match your bib?
Lol, I called this days ago.

If the GOP leadership had a spine they would pull it out and play choochoo with it.

GOP showing signs of backing down from vow to block Obama’s Supreme Court nominee automatically
Yeah, but you pussies will STILL vote for any candidate the GOP shoves down your throats, so STFU.
You are correct.
We REPs now control the Senate and Congress and next January we will have a REP President who will in eight years put 5-6 radical REPS on the SC bench.
Maybe you ought to leave the US 'in protest'?
I'd vote for Charlie Manson before I'd vote for Clinton. Seriously.

You're what's wrong with America.
You didn't even make it past 10 posts.
Permanent Ignore

Bwaaahaha, I call it a badge of honor with someone as fucking retarded as you.
Lol, I called this days ago.

If the GOP leadership had a spine they would pull it out and play choochoo with it.

GOP showing signs of backing down from vow to block Obama’s Supreme Court nominee automatically
Yeah, but you pussies will STILL vote for any candidate the GOP shoves down your throats, so STFU.
You are correct.
We REPs now control the Senate and Congress and next January we will have a REP President who will in eight years put 5-6 radical REPS on the SC bench.
Maybe you ought to leave the US 'in protest'?
I'd vote for Charlie Manson before I'd vote for Clinton. Seriously.

You're what's wrong with America.
As a hint, there's little to ZERO middle ground around these parts.
So leave it for the voters to decide, not voters from 8 years ago.
Right-wing idiots can't even read a calendar, Obama was elected 3 (THREE) years ago, not 8. :cuckoo:
Really? Obama was elected "3 (THREE) years ago"?
You seriously need to fucking lay off the Meth pal.
I can't be bothered with people like you. Permanent Ignore

I believe he meant REelected.
So do you.
Maybe he should have had the fucking brains to post what he meant right?
It's moot now.
The asshole is history.
So leave it for the voters to decide, not voters from 8 years ago.
Right-wing idiots can't even read a calendar, Obama was elected 3 (THREE) years ago, not 8. :cuckoo:
Really? Obama was elected "3 (THREE) years ago"?
You seriously need to fucking lay off the Meth pal.
I can't be bothered with people like you. Permanent Ignore

I believe he meant REelected.
So do you.
Maybe he should have had the fucking brains to post what he meant right?
It's moot now.
The asshole is history.
There are a plethora of assholes here.
So leave it for the voters to decide, not voters from 8 years ago.
Right-wing idiots can't even read a calendar, Obama was elected 3 (THREE) years ago, not 8. :cuckoo:
Really? Obama was elected "3 (THREE) years ago"?
You seriously need to fucking lay off the Meth pal.
I can't be bothered with people like you. Permanent Ignore

I believe he meant REelected.
So do you.
Maybe he should have had the fucking brains to post what he meant right?
It's moot now.
The asshole is history.

Inferring is not a vice.
Whether we like it or not, O has 11 months left.
So leave it for the voters to decide, not voters from 8 years ago.
Right-wing idiots can't even read a calendar, Obama was elected 3 (THREE) years ago, not 8. :cuckoo:
Really? Obama was elected "3 (THREE) years ago"?
You seriously need to fucking lay off the Meth pal.
I can't be bothered with people like you. Permanent Ignore

I believe he meant REelected.
So do you.
Maybe he should have had the fucking brains to post what he meant right?
It's moot now.
The asshole is history.
There are a plethora of assholes here.
Indeed there are. Thankyou.
Anyone heard from the asshole you claimed the world only had 99 days left. Then he said the world would end in two weeks when the power grip failed. Then he posted something about 10 dead and another 90 to go?
I immediately listed my 1994 Maserati on Kijiji for 10K below market value. I never even mentioned the 5K I spent on the SS Tubi package.
No takers though. Now if the world doesn't end I could lose 10K!
So leave it for the voters to decide, not voters from 8 years ago.
Right-wing idiots can't even read a calendar, Obama was elected 3 (THREE) years ago, not 8. :cuckoo:
Really? Obama was elected "3 (THREE) years ago"?
You seriously need to fucking lay off the Meth pal.
I can't be bothered with people like you. Permanent Ignore

I believe he meant REelected.
So do you.
Maybe he should have had the fucking brains to post what he meant right?
It's moot now.
The asshole is history.

Inferring is not a vice.
Whether we like it or not, O has 11 months left.
Sort of. He's not going to accomplish fuck all. Maybe another 600K trip to Hawaii on the taxpayers tab.
Obama has turned out to be the quintessential 'NEVERWASER'.
Everyone of his ludicrous 'changes' to America will be quickly put an end to.
In twenty years no one will know who the fuck he was.
They should bring it to a vote. Don't stoop down to obamas level..
Right-wing idiots can't even read a calendar, Obama was elected 3 (THREE) years ago, not 8. :cuckoo:
Really? Obama was elected "3 (THREE) years ago"?
You seriously need to fucking lay off the Meth pal.
I can't be bothered with people like you. Permanent Ignore

I believe he meant REelected.
So do you.
Maybe he should have had the fucking brains to post what he meant right?
It's moot now.
The asshole is history.

Inferring is not a vice.
Whether we like it or not, O has 11 months left.
Sort of. He's not going to accomplish fuck all. Maybe another 600K trip to Hawaii on the taxpayers tab.
Obama has turned out to be the quintessential 'NEVERWASER'.
Everyone of his ludicrous 'changes' to America will be quickly put an end to.
In twenty years no one will know who the fuck he was.

I'm amazed how weak and disorganized the Demoncraps were under his command.
Lets just wait and see.
America voted for a GOP controlled House in 2012, and then a GOP controlled Senate in 2014, so the GOP can assume America does not want Obama to nominate a far left loon for the court.
They should tie this nomination up until after the November election.
Lol, I called this days ago.

If the GOP leadership had a spine they would pull it out and play choochoo with it.

GOP showing signs of backing down from vow to block Obama’s Supreme Court nominee automatically
Yeah, but you pussies will STILL vote for any candidate the GOP shoves down your throats, so STFU.
You are correct.
We REPs now control the Senate and Congress and next January we will have a REP President who will in eight years put 5-6 radical REPS on the SC bench.
Maybe you ought to leave the US 'in protest'?
I'd vote for Charlie Manson before I'd vote for Clinton. Seriously.

You're what's wrong with America.
As a hint, there's little to ZERO middle ground around these parts.

As in, it goes straight from retard to genius here?

Lemme guess where danny lies...
They should bring it to a vote. Don't stoop down to obamas level..
You have obviously never been in a real fight.
You NEVER consider what level' your opponent is on EVER in any type of combat. On the battlefield or the board room.
That Is why I am 100% a Trump supporter. He dominates and defeats. Just what America must have after the fucking coward fag president we have had to endure. Silver lining. The fucking 'OJ jury' will never get to elect another 'AA' president if the US lasts a thousand years.
You dominate and defeat.
MC 101.

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