Well That Didnt Take Long as GOP Backs Off Denying Obama SCOTUS Pick

They all need to fucking grow up. There has to be someone out there BOTH parties can fucking agree on.

Of course, but Obama wont nominate a good jurist, he wants a fucking leftwing ideologue.

Like I said before. Obama's candidate will be much more moderate than anybody Hillary might nominate, and I'll bet you really won't like anybody Bernie might nominate. On the other side, can you imagine the nightmare that Trump or cruz might try to push on the country?

Come now. I'm sure Ivanka would make an excellent Supreme Court Justice.
The logic behind the GOP holding off is the loss of balance on the SCOTUS.

Scalia was a very conservative jurist, and Obama wont nominate another conservative like him. At best he will nominate a moderate who agrees with Obama on Obama's current cultural Marxist agenda. This will push the SCOTUS in a direction that is contrary to the political trends over the last few years. So leave it for the voters to decide, not voters from 8 years ago.

The only appropriate response for the GOP leadership is to tell Obama frankly that they will reject ANYONE he puts forward.
Obama can nominate, senate can have hearing............... but approving is unlikely.
Perhaps the senate could give a list of who they would approve and let Obama pick from that list.

A compromise to fill the empty chair

Perhaps Obama can nominate a thoroughly qualified candidate.....and let Republicans swing in the wind on why they would rather leave the USSC without a justice when a qualified candidate can fill the role.

With Obama doing his job as president. And republicans reinforcing their role as party that puts partisanship above the business of the country.

Good luck with that.

Keep dreaming.

Normal people don't give a fuck about DC political games. Most people have no idea how many people are on the SCOTUS and couldn't name even one justice.

Laughing...yeah. That's why the GOP is already starting to capitulate. Because 'nobody cares'.

The reality is most people don't know and don't care. That seat could stay empty for a decade and 90% of people would never know.

Does that mean the GOP turds will have the intestinal fortitude to deny any proffered nominees? Maybe.....we'll see. Either way, it won't matter a bit.

The American electorate is essentially a single issue voter......

Lol, I called this days ago.

If the GOP leadership had a spine they would pull it out and play choochoo with it.

GOP showing signs of backing down from vow to block Obama’s Supreme Court nominee automatically
It was very very stupid for McConnell to publically state they wouldn't accept any nominee sight unseen. It simply made the GOP look unprofessional and like petulant children.

So it made them look like themselves
Lol, like your avatar does you?

The logic behind the GOP holding off is the loss of balance on the SCOTUS.

Scalia was a very conservative jurist, and Obama wont nominate another conservative like him. At best he will nominate a moderate who agrees with Obama on Obama's current cultural Marxist agenda. This will push the SCOTUS in a direction that is contrary to the political trends over the last few years. So leave it for the voters to decide, not voters from 8 years ago.

The only appropriate response for the GOP leadership is to tell Obama frankly that they will reject ANYONE he puts forward.

That is the expected response, but the only appropriate response is to do what the constitution says to do.
The only appropriate response for the GOP leadership is to tell Obama frankly that they will reject ANYONE he puts forward.

And with only a 4 seat majority in the Senate and 24 Republican Senators up for reelection this year (vs 10 Democratic Senators) - they will beat us over the head with that for the next 10 months.


Hillary or Sanders in the White House with a Dem Senate. Then they get to confirm a nominee to replace Scalia and Ginsburg will see her chance to retire with a D President & D Senate, that makes 2. Kennedy is also entering his 80's, that's possibly 3.

Sometimes my leadership should look down the road at results and not just what will appeal to the hardcore base, a base that will vote Republican anyway.

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Lol, I called this days ago.

If the GOP leadership had a spine they would pull it out and play choochoo with it.

GOP showing signs of backing down from vow to block Obama’s Supreme Court nominee automatically

Their initial position was a poorly thought through, reactionary move. The GOP overplayed their hand and cemented their legacy as a party that put partisan obstructionism above the work of the nation.
The people who elected them create the obstruction. It's how the system works. You need to stop parroting obama.
Lol, I called this days ago.

If the GOP leadership had a spine they would pull it out and play choochoo with it.

GOP showing signs of backing down from vow to block Obama’s Supreme Court nominee automatically

Their initial position was a poorly thought through, reactionary move. The GOP overplayed their hand and cemented their legacy as a party that put partisan obstructionism above the work of the nation.
The people who elected them create the obstruction. It's how the system works. You need to stop parroting obama.

An argument that might have some merit if Mitch and his fellow senators were partisan robots incapable of conscious thought. Alas, they're thinking people with free will. And they've made a choice to embrace partisan obstructionism with both arms.

And cemented their party's legacy in the process.
Lol, I called this days ago.

If the GOP leadership had a spine they would pull it out and play choochoo with it.

GOP showing signs of backing down from vow to block Obama’s Supreme Court nominee automatically

Their initial position was a poorly thought through, reactionary move. The GOP overplayed their hand and cemented their legacy as a party that put partisan obstructionism above the work of the nation.
The people who elected them create the obstruction. It's how the system works. You need to stop parroting obama.

An argument that might have some merit if Mitch and his fellow senators were partisan robots incapable of conscious thought. Alas, they're thinking people with free will. And they've made a choice to embrace partisan obstructionism with both arms.

And cemented their party's legacy in the process.
No, they're elected reps who were elected by the people to, among other things, prevent moves by obama that the people oppose. That is how the system works. Just like obama supporting the prevention of approving Alito when obama was a senator.
Lol, I called this days ago.

If the GOP leadership had a spine they would pull it out and play choochoo with it.

GOP showing signs of backing down from vow to block Obama’s Supreme Court nominee automatically

Their initial position was a poorly thought through, reactionary move. The GOP overplayed their hand and cemented their legacy as a party that put partisan obstructionism above the work of the nation.
The people who elected them create the obstruction. It's how the system works. You need to stop parroting obama.

An argument that might have some merit if Mitch and his fellow senators were partisan robots incapable of conscious thought. Alas, they're thinking people with free will. And they've made a choice to embrace partisan obstructionism with both arms.

And cemented their party's legacy in the process.
No, they're elected reps who were elected by the people to, among other things, prevent moves by obama that the people oppose. That is how the system works. Just like obama supporting the prevention of approving Alito when obama was a senator.

They were 'elected' to refuse to confirm any Supreme Court justice that Obama nominates?

Can you factually establish that?
Lol, I called this days ago.

If the GOP leadership had a spine they would pull it out and play choochoo with it.

GOP showing signs of backing down from vow to block Obama’s Supreme Court nominee automatically

Their initial position was a poorly thought through, reactionary move. The GOP overplayed their hand and cemented their legacy as a party that put partisan obstructionism above the work of the nation.
The people who elected them create the obstruction. It's how the system works. You need to stop parroting obama.

An argument that might have some merit if Mitch and his fellow senators were partisan robots incapable of conscious thought. Alas, they're thinking people with free will. And they've made a choice to embrace partisan obstructionism with both arms.

And cemented their party's legacy in the process.
No, they're elected reps who were elected by the people to, among other things, prevent moves by obama that the people oppose. That is how the system works. Just like obama supporting the prevention of approving Alito when obama was a senator.

They were 'elected' to refuse to confirm any Supreme Court justice that Obama nominates?

Can you factually establish that?
Yes they were in fact elected to either confirm or deny a Presidential nomination.
Anyone with a fucking brain knows Obama was going to try to get the most radical LIB on the bench as he could.
Same goes for the REPs. 'Elections do have consequences' Obama.
Or has you forgotten that every Senator was also dully elected to do the people's will.
The Senators promised their voters that is what they would do. Tough titty for the DEMs.
Maybe if Obama hadn't acted like a fucking banana republic tin-pot dictator for the last 7+ years things could have been different.
Lol, I called this days ago.

If the GOP leadership had a spine they would pull it out and play choochoo with it.

GOP showing signs of backing down from vow to block Obama’s Supreme Court nominee automatically
It was very very stupid for McConnell to publically state they wouldn't accept any nominee sight unseen. It simply made the GOP look unprofessional and like petulant children.

Obama will get his way....he always does
Lol, I called this days ago.

If the GOP leadership had a spine they would pull it out and play choochoo with it.

GOP showing signs of backing down from vow to block Obama’s Supreme Court nominee automatically

Their initial position was a poorly thought through, reactionary move. The GOP overplayed their hand and cemented their legacy as a party that put partisan obstructionism above the work of the nation.
The people who elected them create the obstruction. It's how the system works. You need to stop parroting obama.

An argument that might have some merit if Mitch and his fellow senators were partisan robots incapable of conscious thought. Alas, they're thinking people with free will. And they've made a choice to embrace partisan obstructionism with both arms.

And cemented their party's legacy in the process.
No, they're elected reps who were elected by the people to, among other things, prevent moves by obama that the people oppose. That is how the system works. Just like obama supporting the prevention of approving Alito when obama was a senator.

They were 'elected' to refuse to confirm any Supreme Court justice that Obama nominates?

Can you factually establish that?
Sure. Just do a search on 2014 election results by state and you'll see.
The logic behind the GOP holding off is the loss of balance on the SCOTUS.

Scalia was a very conservative jurist, and Obama wont nominate another conservative like him. At best he will nominate a moderate who agrees with Obama on Obama's current cultural Marxist agenda. This will push the SCOTUS in a direction that is contrary to the political trends over the last few years. So leave it for the voters to decide, not voters from 8 years ago.

The only appropriate response for the GOP leadership is to tell Obama frankly that they will reject ANYONE he puts forward.
"cultural Marxist"......:lol:

Their initial position was a poorly thought through, reactionary move. The GOP overplayed their hand and cemented their legacy as a party that put partisan obstructionism above the work of the nation.
The people who elected them create the obstruction. It's how the system works. You need to stop parroting obama.

An argument that might have some merit if Mitch and his fellow senators were partisan robots incapable of conscious thought. Alas, they're thinking people with free will. And they've made a choice to embrace partisan obstructionism with both arms.

And cemented their party's legacy in the process.
No, they're elected reps who were elected by the people to, among other things, prevent moves by obama that the people oppose. That is how the system works. Just like obama supporting the prevention of approving Alito when obama was a senator.

They were 'elected' to refuse to confirm any Supreme Court justice that Obama nominates?

Can you factually establish that?
Sure. Just do a search on 2014 election results by state and you'll see.
How'd those newly elected Republicans work out for you?
Their initial position was a poorly thought through, reactionary move. The GOP overplayed their hand and cemented their legacy as a party that put partisan obstructionism above the work of the nation.
The people who elected them create the obstruction. It's how the system works. You need to stop parroting obama.

An argument that might have some merit if Mitch and his fellow senators were partisan robots incapable of conscious thought. Alas, they're thinking people with free will. And they've made a choice to embrace partisan obstructionism with both arms.

And cemented their party's legacy in the process.
No, they're elected reps who were elected by the people to, among other things, prevent moves by obama that the people oppose. That is how the system works. Just like obama supporting the prevention of approving Alito when obama was a senator.

They were 'elected' to refuse to confirm any Supreme Court justice that Obama nominates?

Can you factually establish that?
Sure. Just do a search on 2014 election results by state and you'll see.

And where in those election results does it say anything about refusing to confirm any Supreme Court justice that Obama nominates?

Because I'm pretty sure you're just making that up.
The people who elected them create the obstruction. It's how the system works. You need to stop parroting obama.

An argument that might have some merit if Mitch and his fellow senators were partisan robots incapable of conscious thought. Alas, they're thinking people with free will. And they've made a choice to embrace partisan obstructionism with both arms.

And cemented their party's legacy in the process.
No, they're elected reps who were elected by the people to, among other things, prevent moves by obama that the people oppose. That is how the system works. Just like obama supporting the prevention of approving Alito when obama was a senator.

They were 'elected' to refuse to confirm any Supreme Court justice that Obama nominates?

Can you factually establish that?
Sure. Just do a search on 2014 election results by state and you'll see.
How'd those newly elected Republicans work out for you?
Depends on the issue.
I can be assured of how things would be across the board had dems maintained control.
The people who elected them create the obstruction. It's how the system works. You need to stop parroting obama.

An argument that might have some merit if Mitch and his fellow senators were partisan robots incapable of conscious thought. Alas, they're thinking people with free will. And they've made a choice to embrace partisan obstructionism with both arms.

And cemented their party's legacy in the process.
No, they're elected reps who were elected by the people to, among other things, prevent moves by obama that the people oppose. That is how the system works. Just like obama supporting the prevention of approving Alito when obama was a senator.

They were 'elected' to refuse to confirm any Supreme Court justice that Obama nominates?

Can you factually establish that?
Sure. Just do a search on 2014 election results by state and you'll see.

And where in those election results does it say anything about refusing to confirm any Supreme Court justice that Obama nominates?

Because I'm pretty sure you're just making that up.
Stop whining. This is how the system works. If dems had control and the president was a repub the same would be going on just as it always has.

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