Well that's the American Stupid Way or a liberal jury for you.


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2012
Jury hits tobacco company R.J. Reynolds with $23B verdict

So this woman’s husband died of lung cancer. Why? Because the cigarette companies never told him well enough that cigarettes can be bad for your health.

So the widow sues along with her band of blood sucking attorneys and the jury awards her $17 million dollars. For what???!!!!!! Nobody who smokes deserves even a dime for their travails.

Then this jury (liberal bleeding hearts I presume) awards her an additional $23 billion dollars for punitive damages against R.J. Reynolds because they were deceptive in telling us, or not telling us, how addictive cigarettes can be. This is not unprecented. $28 billion was initially awarded to a smoker’s widown in California (of course appealed and greatly reduced later) and others as well.

So this will be appealed and reduced to who knows what? But this is the insanity we live in. This victim society and this greedy litigious society demands money, and tons of it, for anything that has offended them. And this repugnant court system we have in this nation feeds right into it. Frivolous law suits abound, where if you (the accuser) lose, the defendant still has to foot his own bill. Happens all the time. And it feeds right into the pockets of the greedy trial lawyers association who make sure that congress doesn’t dare change the rules. Greed is a sin and we will all be reminded of that on judgment day.

Cigarette companies have paid out well over $100 billion to states for their dishonest ways over the years and everyone is making easy money off of them. [Example: The State of MN who approved a new stadium for the Vikings realized they would fall way short of the revenues from electronic pull tabs to pay for it so they passed another law to tax every pack of cigarettes and additional $2.75 to pay for it. Never mind that smokers are reviled and banned anywhere near these new stadiums, but explain the fairness in that?] So now R.J. Reynolds is told --- you are the devil and we want another $23 billion because we want to punish you more for your evil ways. First of all, how screwed up is the the thinking of cowards on a jury to demand such a thing? Secondly, how screwed up is our politically correct world and how dare they keep using cigarette companies to whitewash their own putrid souls?

Alcohol kills how many innocent people a year on our roads? 10,000? 20,000? Question: How much were those families rewarded for their pain and loss? How much was Budweiser fined because their product causes cirhossis of the liver and death to an alcoholic? Was he warned enough by Jack Daniels or Seagrams of what might happen if he continues to indulge? How much has Coke or Pepsi or General Mills had to fork over because their sugar laced products caused diabetes and the victims were never told? How much does McDonalds have to cough up for artery blockage?
This politically correct world turns my stomach. They attack the easy devil because they have the media, and liberal phoniness, and vote hungry politicians on their side. But they are deceivers of real truth and fairness. They also have now made Christian teaching to be another devil. Our teachings against homosexuality and extra-marital sex and abortion and contraception makes us another blight on their beautiful world they imagine would be without us and R.J. Reynolds.
I agree and I'm a smoker.

They've had warnings on cigarettes for decades and you'd have to be living under a rock to not know they are bad for your health.

No way should any smoker get a dime from any tobacco company. Nobody puts a gun to anyones head to MAKE them smoke. Its a personal decision and we all know that decsion can lead to death.

I wouldn't have given that woman one red cent.
Jury hits tobacco company R.J. Reynolds with $23B verdict

So this woman’s husband died of lung cancer. Why? Because the cigarette companies never told him well enough that cigarettes can be bad for your health.

So the widow sues along with her band of blood sucking attorneys and the jury awards her $17 million dollars. For what???!!!!!! Nobody who smokes deserves even a dime for their travails.

Then this jury (liberal bleeding hearts I presume) awards her an additional $23 billion dollars for punitive damages against R.J. Reynolds because they were deceptive in telling us, or not telling us, how addictive cigarettes can be. This is not unprecented. $28 billion was initially awarded to a smoker’s widown in California (of course appealed and greatly reduced later) and others as well.

So this will be appealed and reduced to who knows what? But this is the insanity we live in. This victim society and this greedy litigious society demands money, and tons of it, for anything that has offended them. And this repugnant court system we have in this nation feeds right into it. Frivolous law suits abound, where if you (the accuser) lose, the defendant still has to foot his own bill. Happens all the time. And it feeds right into the pockets of the greedy trial lawyers association who make sure that congress doesn’t dare change the rules. Greed is a sin and we will all be reminded of that on judgment day.

Perhaps if you read the entire article you would get it. Here's the most salient point, followed by the video of TOBACCO EXECS LYING TO CONGRESS.

Get it now, idiot? The settlements are about punishing liars who knew they were killing people with their products.

"""[Robinson's] case was once part of the historic Engle v. Liggett Group class-action suit. In that case, a jury awarded damages of more than $145 billion to a group of people with smoking-related disease and family members of deceased smokers.

The Florida Supreme Court later overturned that ruling but said that individual plaintiffs could file suits using the Engle jury's findings that smoking causes cancer, nicotine is addictive and the tobacco companies sold defective and unreasonably dangerous cigarettes.

Robinson filed her individual suit in 2008.""""

The Seven Dwarves: "I believe that nicotine is not addictive"
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Funny thing, many in my family smoked and chewed tobacco, into their 90's, none had any adverse effects from using..
Welcome to American juries trying to send a message, a 23 billion dollar one in this case. That happens when you lie for decades even though the truth is both obvious and well-known. Notice that the alcohol manufactures don't have this issue eh...
Funny thing, many in my family smoked and chewed tobacco, into their 90's, none had any adverse effects from using..

No negative effects you mean, even though that's very unlikely, but if there were no effects they wouldn't have been using the product in the first place.
Funny thing, many in my family smoked and chewed tobacco, into their 90's, none had any adverse effects from using..

No negative effects you mean, even though that's very unlikely, but if there were no effects they wouldn't have been using the product in the first place.

Well the pain killing component of smoking is all you get from smoking...
Jury hits tobacco company R.J. Reynolds with $23B verdict

So this woman’s husband died of lung cancer. Why? Because the cigarette companies never told him well enough that cigarettes can be bad for your health.

So the widow sues along with her band of blood sucking attorneys and the jury awards her $17 million dollars. For what???!!!!!! Nobody who smokes deserves even a dime for their travails.

Then this jury (liberal bleeding hearts I presume) awards her an additional $23 billion dollars for punitive damages against R.J. Reynolds because they were deceptive in telling us, or not telling us, how addictive cigarettes can be. This is not unprecented. $28 billion was initially awarded to a smoker’s widown in California (of course appealed and greatly reduced later) and others as well.

So this will be appealed and reduced to who knows what? But this is the insanity we live in. This victim society and this greedy litigious society demands money, and tons of it, for anything that has offended them. And this repugnant court system we have in this nation feeds right into it. Frivolous law suits abound, where if you (the accuser) lose, the defendant still has to foot his own bill. Happens all the time. And it feeds right into the pockets of the greedy trial lawyers association who make sure that congress doesn’t dare change the rules. Greed is a sin and we will all be reminded of that on judgment day.

Cigarette companies have paid out well over $100 billion to states for their dishonest ways over the years and everyone is making easy money off of them. [Example: The State of MN who approved a new stadium for the Vikings realized they would fall way short of the revenues from electronic pull tabs to pay for it so they passed another law to tax every pack of cigarettes and additional $2.75 to pay for it. Never mind that smokers are reviled and banned anywhere near these new stadiums, but explain the fairness in that?] So now R.J. Reynolds is told --- you are the devil and we want another $23 billion because we want to punish you more for your evil ways. First of all, how screwed up is the the thinking of cowards on a jury to demand such a thing? Secondly, how screwed up is our politically correct world and how dare they keep using cigarette companies to whitewash their own putrid souls?

Alcohol kills how many innocent people a year on our roads? 10,000? 20,000? Question: How much were those families rewarded for their pain and loss? How much was Budweiser fined because their product causes cirhossis of the liver and death to an alcoholic? Was he warned enough by Jack Daniels or Seagrams of what might happen if he continues to indulge? How much has Coke or Pepsi or General Mills had to fork over because their sugar laced products caused diabetes and the victims were never told? How much does McDonalds have to cough up for artery blockage?
This politically correct world turns my stomach. They attack the easy devil because they have the media, and liberal phoniness, and vote hungry politicians on their side. But they are deceivers of real truth and fairness. They also have now made Christian teaching to be another devil. Our teachings against homosexuality and extra-marital sex and abortion and contraception makes us another blight on their beautiful world they imagine would be without us and R.J. Reynolds.

This does not belong in the Politics forum!

This thread belongs in either Law & Justice system or Current Events but not in Politics because it has nothing to do with politicians, Congress, legislation or elections.

Welcome to American juries trying to send a message, a 23 billion dollar one in this case. That happens when you lie for decades even though the truth is both obvious and well-known. Notice that the alcohol manufactures don't have this issue eh...

Yes, I did notice. That is because no government agency forced them to issue health warnings on their bottles. Nor did any agency force pop companies to issue warnings on their cans about sugar.

But apparently the warnings cigarette companies have been forced to put on their packages since the 70s was not enough? No, they have had to pay out 100 billion dollars plus because why? Because greedy lawyers and liberal juries feel justified in their own sinister machinations.
Jury hits tobacco company R.J. Reynolds with $23B verdict

So this woman’s husband died of lung cancer. Why? Because the cigarette companies never told him well enough that cigarettes can be bad for your health.

So the widow sues along with her band of blood sucking attorneys and the jury awards her $17 million dollars. For what???!!!!!! Nobody who smokes deserves even a dime for their travails.

Then this jury (liberal bleeding hearts I presume) awards her an additional $23 billion dollars for punitive damages against R.J. Reynolds because they were deceptive in telling us, or not telling us, how addictive cigarettes can be. This is not unprecented. $28 billion was initially awarded to a smoker’s widown in California (of course appealed and greatly reduced later) and others as well.

So this will be appealed and reduced to who knows what? But this is the insanity we live in. This victim society and this greedy litigious society demands money, and tons of it, for anything that has offended them. And this repugnant court system we have in this nation feeds right into it. Frivolous law suits abound, where if you (the accuser) lose, the defendant still has to foot his own bill. Happens all the time. And it feeds right into the pockets of the greedy trial lawyers association who make sure that congress doesn’t dare change the rules. Greed is a sin and we will all be reminded of that on judgment day.

Perhaps if you read the entire article you would get it. Here's the most salient point, followed by the video of TOBACCO EXECS LYING TO CONGRESS.

Get it now, idiot? The settlements are about punishing liars who knew they were killing people with their products.

"""[Robinson's] case was once part of the historic Engle v. Liggett Group class-action suit. In that case, a jury awarded damages of more than $145 billion to a group of people with smoking-related disease and family members of deceased smokers.

The Florida Supreme Court later overturned that ruling but said that individual plaintiffs could file suits using the Engle jury's findings that smoking causes cancer, nicotine is addictive and the tobacco companies sold defective and unreasonably dangerous cigarettes.

Robinson filed her individual suit in 2008.""""

The Seven Dwarves: "I believe that nicotine is not addictive"

Yes, I do get the point. You give "idiots" a bad name.

But if we follow your reasoning, then maybe Barack and Lois Lerner and Holder and company should be sued 23 billion for lying to congress, too?
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Welcome to American juries trying to send a message, a 23 billion dollar one in this case. That happens when you lie for decades even though the truth is both obvious and well-known. Notice that the alcohol manufactures don't have this issue eh...

Bullshit, cigarettes have had warning labels on them since the 60's, no one can say they didn't know they were bad for them. Maybe governments should pay the damages, they profit much more than the cigarette companies on their sales.
Welcome to American juries trying to send a message, a 23 billion dollar one in this case. That happens when you lie for decades even though the truth is both obvious and well-known. Notice that the alcohol manufactures don't have this issue eh...

Yes, I did notice. That is because no government agency forced them to issue health warnings on their bottles. Nor did any agency force pop companies to issue warnings on their cans about sugar.

But apparently the warnings cigarette companies have been forced to put on their packages since the 70s was not enough? No, they have had to pay out 100 billion dollars plus because why? Because greedy lawyers and liberal juries feel justified in their own sinister machinations.
Actually it's because their lying pissed people off. Had they come clean, with what they new decades ago, they wouldn't have so many people still angry.
Welcome to American juries trying to send a message, a 23 billion dollar one in this case. That happens when you lie for decades even though the truth is both obvious and well-known. Notice that the alcohol manufactures don't have this issue eh...

Yes, I did notice. That is because no government agency forced them to issue health warnings on their bottles. Nor did any agency force pop companies to issue warnings on their cans about sugar.

But apparently the warnings cigarette companies have been forced to put on their packages since the 70s was not enough? No, they have had to pay out 100 billion dollars plus because why? Because greedy lawyers and liberal juries feel justified in their own sinister machinations.
Actually it's because their lying pissed people off. Had they come clean, with what they new decades ago, they wouldn't have so many people still angry.

Yes, you mean all those self-righteous people who never lie? Like politicians, and lawyers, and media people?

This is total bullsh-t that is what it is. Everyone sees a juicy plum for which to get rich on and they are falling over themselves to grab some. THAT is what it is.

I am sick of this "victim society" and all the political correctness that goes with it. You and they are singling out cigarettes for no other reason then they have everyone against them and they have deep pockets. They have paid their hundred billion, they have issue tons of warnings. The sin of those who capitalize on the cigarette companies vulnerability is greater than their lies to congress. Who the hell cares? Who did not know cigarettes are bad for your lungs? Who? $23 billion awards. Only fools dare defend that.
Maybe governments should pay the damages, they profit much more than the cigarette companies on their sales.
Now that's just utter nonsense. Try again please...

No, not nonsense, it's a matter perspective.

A pack of smokes cost around 5 bucks, around 3-4 dollars of that is taxes. Seems to me that the government is making quite a killing :lol: off of smokers. Much more than tobacco companies ever have.
I do know that homeowners will love it when the government finally abolishes smoking.

There tax bill will almost double. After all, the homeowner is the real taxpayer in this country, everyone else just gives a little here and there. :D
Maybe governments should pay the damages, they profit much more than the cigarette companies on their sales.
Now that's just utter nonsense. Try again please...

No, not nonsense, it's a matter perspective.

A pack of smokes cost around 5 bucks, around 3-4 dollars of that is taxes. Seems to me that the government is making quite a killing :lol: off of smokers. Much more than tobacco companies ever have.
Where did you pull the numbers from, out of your ass as usual? That's just more utter nonsense. No wonder you guys can't deal with reality, you don't know what it is.
Who? $23 billion awards. Only fools dare defend that.
It's a the message sent by one jury. Relax Chicken Little, the world isn't coming to an end.

And if you are tired of a victim society, then stop playing one but there are some real ones so don't deny that there aren't any.
Funny thing, many in my family smoked and chewed tobacco, into their 90's, none had any adverse effects from using..

My grandfather smoked two packs a day for 60 years and was a severe alcoholic and he lived to be 85.

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