Well, the Left finally convinced me. I am buying 2 guns! One for my wife, one for me.

My friends; with the Left rioting, looting, and trying to get rid of the police, even my wife who has been anti-gun since we have been married, has now agreed that we should purchase firearms. We live in a very nice sub-division, and my wife spoke to our local police chief about this last week. He also suggested that we purchase firearms, as we must protect ourselves if they can not get here on time should something happen in the current conditions. He also gave her a card for some group that if you join, they will give free legal protection, should you have to protect yourself, or your property, and use your firearm in the process. I told my wife, we will buy 3 of them. 2 pistols, and a semi automatic rifle of some sort.

Thank you Leftists, you have just propped up the gun lobby for years to come. I could never have seen my wife agreeing to have firearms in our home, but your idiocy has convinced her, not to mention that most of our neighbors told her they too had firearms.

I am going to have to take a class, as is my wife, to learn the ins and outs of when we can use them. But let me tell you all------------>when it is legal to open fire on these thugs, I WILL!
I hope you don't regret your decision. Data show that people use guns for self-defense only rarely. According to a Harvard University analysis of figures from the National Crime Victimization Survey, people defended themselves with a gun in only 0.9 percent of crimes from 2007 to 2011 The risks of owning a gun outweigh the benefits of having one in only rare case where you might need to defend yourself. The average person has basically no chance in their lifetime of ever using a gun in self-defense. There is a far greater possibility of the gun being stolen and used in a crime or a family member using the the gun against themselves or an innocent person.

Yet people will continue to buy guns, load them, put them in their closet only to find that years later a child or other family member kills themselves or others with it. That has happened in my family and I tell you, you will never get over it. It is not worth the risk.

I agree. You're too frightened to own firearms so you shouldn't.
When I was young, I owned guns. Then I grew up and now I have no use for them.

Is that what happened to your brain too?
My wife and I visited our gun store yesterday to buy some extra ammo. This is a very large gun store. There was only one spot left in the parking lot and the 2 checkout lines took about 15 minutes to go through. The line to check out the pistols was aboyt 100 feet long, with no social distancing! People are getting ready folks!
Thanks for all the advice folks, it is appreciated.

I find it fascinating that some people on here do not get it at all. The police are the thin line between social order and chaos. What that police officer did to Mr Floyd was unconscionable, and he deserves to spend the rest of his life behind bars, or worse. Because of that mans despicable actions against one of our citizens, he has defanged the police by forcing politicians to not allow them to do their jobs, and the rioters and looters know this.

The protesters have a significant point, and they have a right to protest, and I do not blame them. Statistics show that they are protesting a falsehood, but just seeing the video of what that cop did to Floyd is probably enough to give them reasons to march in total disgust of that action, and I support their right to do so, and understand it.

On the other hand, the looters, rioters, and subversives who hijacked the movement have absolutely no right at all to harm other people, or destroy property. And with the police being unable, or being directed to not protect the citizenry or their property, should tell everyone that many a local government has abdicated its responsibility to tax paying citizens for political optics, your safety be damned.

My neighbor spelled it out perfectly I think. He said-------------> From the time Mr Floyd was murdered by that rogue cop, how many people have died during the ensuing carnage? Of those people besides Mr Floyd, how many of those who died were ANTIFAH people? How many were looters? How many were rioters? As far as he knows, or I know, zero. All of them were citizens protecting their homes, businesses, or just walking down the street, and police. What did they people who were killed do to deserve to die? Nothing, just like Mr Floyd!

The point is----------->the police and local officials let us down. They could have stopped this dead in its tracks and restored order saving many of those lives, but politics prevented it. In other words.....the optics of the situation was more important then doing their jobs. In essence, they have proclaimed that we are on our own anytime riots are caused by a politically hot football.

I ask you to consider----------------->A group of thugs comes to break into your house or business and you have a firearm. You are afraid for your life, so you shoot them. Regardless if dead or not, 99 times out of 100, a jury of your peers is going to understand the situation, and find you innocent, or continuously hang the jury on your conviction. But, today if a police officer sees the same thing in some of these cities especially when dealing with a business, he/she is told to let them do it. They and the politicians are the ones allowing confrontation to put you in that situation. It is almost like the wild, wild, West. The politicians in these communities need to be removed ASAP!

Again.............name me an ANTIFAH person, rioter, or looter who has been killed out of all of those who have died. Seems kind of one sided to me! And that is exactly why my wife and I are purchasing firearms. It isn't a Republican/Democrat thing. I am positive out of the many who have died, quite a few were probably registered Democrats. Think the people who killed them asked them their political affiliation before they executed them? Does anyone think that because you are a Leftist or see yourself as a SJW you will be spared? Or maybe because you are Black? Tell that to the 77 year old retired Black police chief who was executed in St Louis, and died while being viewed on Facebook.

I urge you to think and come to the realization how bassackwards this whole thing is. YOU, the law abiding citizen, are MORE likely to be killed or get the hell beaten out of you, then the rioters and looters who are breaking the law, right in front of the police and politicians faces. If you can not see under these circumstances why you should be in possession of a firearm to protect your family and property, then if something happens to you, or someone you love, blame yourself; after blaming your politicians! You are BOTH responsible for abdicating your right to self protection, or police protection. They let you down, and YOU let yourself and family down.

Good luck all.
Last edited:
My friends; with the Left rioting, looting, and trying to get rid of the police, even my wife who has been anti-gun since we have been married, has now agreed that we should purchase firearms. We live in a very nice sub-division, and my wife spoke to our local police chief about this last week. He also suggested that we purchase firearms, as we must protect ourselves if they can not get here on time should something happen in the current conditions. He also gave her a card for some group that if you join, they will give free legal protection, should you have to protect yourself, or your property, and use your firearm in the process. I told my wife, we will buy 3 of them. 2 pistols, and a semi automatic rifle of some sort.

Thank you Leftists, you have just propped up the gun lobby for years to come. I could never have seen my wife agreeing to have firearms in our home, but your idiocy has convinced her, not to mention that most of our neighbors told her they too had firearms.

I am going to have to take a class, as is my wife, to learn the ins and outs of when we can use them. But let me tell you all------------>when it is legal to open fire on these thugs, I WILL!

You opened a thread to announce to many people in this forum that don't even care, that you're buying firearms out of ignorance and fear. Wonderful. I don't care how you want to throw money away, but PLEASE get certified firearms training of some sort and visit the firing range, because it will never be legal to open fire on any American for no reason. You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of 2A if you want to use it to wantonly murder people, and I hope it doesn't get you killed.
For this post I hope Tyrone and co. dilate your sphincter before turning out the lights.
When you talk about sphincters you always sound like you have recent and ingrained experience. The words you use paint a vivid picture as if you are reliving the experience.
It reminds you of jail huh? Did you have to do the jelly thing to get into the Black Gorilla Family?
My friends; with the Left rioting, looting, and trying to get rid of the police, even my wife who has been anti-gun since we have been married, has now agreed that we should purchase firearms. We live in a very nice sub-division, and my wife spoke to our local police chief about this last week. He also suggested that we purchase firearms, as we must protect ourselves if they can not get here on time should something happen in the current conditions. He also gave her a card for some group that if you join, they will give free legal protection, should you have to protect yourself, or your property, and use your firearm in the process. I told my wife, we will buy 3 of them. 2 pistols, and a semi automatic rifle of some sort.

Thank you Leftists, you have just propped up the gun lobby for years to come. I could never have seen my wife agreeing to have firearms in our home, but your idiocy has convinced her, not to mention that most of our neighbors told her they too had firearms.

I am going to have to take a class, as is my wife, to learn the ins and outs of when we can use them. But let me tell you all------------>when it is legal to open fire on these thugs, I WILL!

You opened a thread to announce to many people in this forum that don't even care, that you're buying firearms out of ignorance and fear. Wonderful. I don't care how you want to throw money away, but PLEASE get certified firearms training of some sort and visit the firing range, because it will never be legal to open fire on any American for no reason. You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of 2A if you want to use it to wantonly murder people, and I hope it doesn't get you killed.
For this post I hope Tyrone and co. dilate your sphincter before turning out the lights.
When you talk about sphincters you always sound like you have recent and ingrained experience. The words you use paint a vivid picture as if you are reliving the experience.

I think he's crushing on me. Should I be alarmed?
Nah. Hes harmless. All bark no bite.
Shlep loves me...I remind him of the one guy who will talk to him at the recycling plant...his boss.
Thanks for all the advice folks, it is appreciated.

I find it fascinating that some people on here do not get it at all. The police are the thin line between social order and chaos. What that police officer did to Mr Floyd was unconscionable, and he deserves to spend the rest of his life behind bars, or worse. Because of that mans despicable actions against one of our citizens, he has defanged the police by forcing politicians to not allow them to do their jobs, and the rioters and looters know this.

The protesters have a significant point, and they have a right to protest, and I do not blame them. Statistics show that they are protesting a falsehood, but just seeing the video of what that cop did to Floyd is probably enough to give them reasons to march in total disgust of that action, and I support their right to do so, and understand it.

On the other hand, the looters, rioters, and subversives who hijacked the movement have absolutely no right at all to harm other people, or destroy property. And with the police being unable, or being directed to not protect the citizenry or their property, should tell everyone that many a local government has abdicated its responsibility to tax paying citizens for political optics, your safety be damned.

My neighbor spelled it out perfectly I think. He said-------------> From the time Mr Floyd was murdered by that rogue cop, how many people have died during the ensuing carnage? Of those people besides Mr Floyd, how many of those who died were ANTIFAH people? How many were looters? How many were rioters? As far as he knows, or I know, zero. All of them were citizens protecting their homes, businesses, or just walking down the street, and police. What did they people who were killed do to deserve to die? Nothing, just like Mr Floyd!

The point is----------->the police and local officials let us down. They could have stopped this dead in its tracks and restored order saving many of those lives, but politics prevented it. In other words.....the optics of the situation was more important then doing their jobs. In essence, they have proclaimed that we are on our own anytime riots are caused by a politically hot football.

I ask you to consider----------------->A group of thugs comes to break into your house or business and you have a firearm. You are afraid for your life, so you shoot them. Regardless if dead or not, 99 times out of 100, a jury of your peers is going to understand the situation, and find you innocent, or continuously hang the jury on your conviction. But, today if a police officer sees the same thing in some of these cities especially when dealing with a business, he/she is told to let them do it. They and the politicians are the ones allowing confrontation to put you in that situation. It is almost like the wild, wild, West. The politicians in these communities need to be removed ASAP!

Again.............name me an ANTIFAH person, rioter, or looter who has been killed out of all of those who have died. Seems kind of one sided to me! And that is exactly why my wife and I are purchasing firearms. It isn't a Republican/Democrat thing. I am positive out of the many who have died, quite a few were probably registered Democrats. Think the people who killed them asked them their political affiliation before they executed them? Does anyone think that because you are a Leftist or see yourself as a SJW you will be spared? Or maybe because you are Black? Tell that to the 77 year old retired Black police chief who was executed in St Louis, and died while being viewed on Facebook.

I urge you to think and come to the realization how bassackwards this whole thing is. YOU, the law abiding citizen, are MORE likely to be killed or get the hell beaten out of you, then the rioters and looters who are breaking the law, right in front of the police and politicians faces. If you can not see under these circumstances why you should be in possession of a firearm to protect your family and property, then if something happens to you, or someone you love, blame yourself; after blaming your politicians! You are BOTH responsible for abdicating your right to self protection, or police protection. They let you down, and YOU let yourself and family down.

Good luck all.

The name is Antifa.
My friends; with the Left rioting, looting, and trying to get rid of the police, even my wife who has been anti-gun since we have been married, has now agreed that we should purchase firearms. We live in a very nice sub-division, and my wife spoke to our local police chief about this last week. He also suggested that we purchase firearms, as we must protect ourselves if they can not get here on time should something happen in the current conditions. He also gave her a card for some group that if you join, they will give free legal protection, should you have to protect yourself, or your property, and use your firearm in the process. I told my wife, we will buy 3 of them. 2 pistols, and a semi automatic rifle of some sort.

Thank you Leftists, you have just propped up the gun lobby for years to come. I could never have seen my wife agreeing to have firearms in our home, but your idiocy has convinced her, not to mention that most of our neighbors told her they too had firearms.

I am going to have to take a class, as is my wife, to learn the ins and outs of when we can use them. But let me tell you all------------>when it is legal to open fire on these thugs, I WILL!

You opened a thread to announce to many people in this forum that don't even care, that you're buying firearms out of ignorance and fear. Wonderful. I don't care how you want to throw money away, but PLEASE get certified firearms training of some sort and visit the firing range, because it will never be legal to open fire on any American for no reason. You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of 2A if you want to use it to wantonly murder people, and I hope it doesn't get you killed.

Who the hell calls the range "the firing Range"?
You need to brush up on gun laws. You come into my home I can legally spread your brains across the wall.
You try and rob me on the streets...I can legally fill you with lead.
My friends; with the Left rioting, looting, and trying to get rid of the police, even my wife who has been anti-gun since we have been married, has now agreed that we should purchase firearms. We live in a very nice sub-division, and my wife spoke to our local police chief about this last week. He also suggested that we purchase firearms, as we must protect ourselves if they can not get here on time should something happen in the current conditions. He also gave her a card for some group that if you join, they will give free legal protection, should you have to protect yourself, or your property, and use your firearm in the process. I told my wife, we will buy 3 of them. 2 pistols, and a semi automatic rifle of some sort.

Thank you Leftists, you have just propped up the gun lobby for years to come. I could never have seen my wife agreeing to have firearms in our home, but your idiocy has convinced her, not to mention that most of our neighbors told her they too had firearms.

I am going to have to take a class, as is my wife, to learn the ins and outs of when we can use them. But let me tell you all------------>when it is legal to open fire on these thugs, I WILL!
And especially since you are inexperienced they will be much more dangerous to you than any rioters you might happen to come across.

Funny....I've never had any formal training and I've been shooting since I was eight.
That tells me you're dumber than an eight year old.
My friends; with the Left rioting, looting, and trying to get rid of the police, even my wife who has been anti-gun since we have been married, has now agreed that we should purchase firearms. We live in a very nice sub-division, and my wife spoke to our local police chief about this last week. He also suggested that we purchase firearms, as we must protect ourselves if they can not get here on time should something happen in the current conditions. He also gave her a card for some group that if you join, they will give free legal protection, should you have to protect yourself, or your property, and use your firearm in the process. I told my wife, we will buy 3 of them. 2 pistols, and a semi automatic rifle of some sort.

Thank you Leftists, you have just propped up the gun lobby for years to come. I could never have seen my wife agreeing to have firearms in our home, but your idiocy has convinced her, not to mention that most of our neighbors told her they too had firearms.

I am going to have to take a class, as is my wife, to learn the ins and outs of when we can use them. But let me tell you all------------>when it is legal to open fire on these thugs, I WILL!
Good for you
You and your wife are going to love going to the range together
My friends; with the Left rioting, looting, and trying to get rid of the police, even my wife who has been anti-gun since we have been married, has now agreed that we should purchase firearms. We live in a very nice sub-division, and my wife spoke to our local police chief about this last week. He also suggested that we purchase firearms, as we must protect ourselves if they can not get here on time should something happen in the current conditions. He also gave her a card for some group that if you join, they will give free legal protection, should you have to protect yourself, or your property, and use your firearm in the process. I told my wife, we will buy 3 of them. 2 pistols, and a semi automatic rifle of some sort.

Thank you Leftists, you have just propped up the gun lobby for years to come. I could never have seen my wife agreeing to have firearms in our home, but your idiocy has convinced her, not to mention that most of our neighbors told her they too had firearms.

I am going to have to take a class, as is my wife, to learn the ins and outs of when we can use them. But let me tell you all------------>when it is legal to open fire on these thugs, I WILL!

You opened a thread to announce to many people in this forum that don't even care, that you're buying firearms out of ignorance and fear. Wonderful. I don't care how you want to throw money away, but PLEASE get certified firearms training of some sort and visit the firing range, because it will never be legal to open fire on any American for no reason. You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of 2A if you want to use it to wantonly murder people, and I hope it doesn't get you killed.
For this post I hope Tyrone and co. dilate your sphincter before turning out the lights.
When you talk about sphincters you always sound like you have recent and ingrained experience. The words you use paint a vivid picture as if you are reliving the experience.
It reminds you of jail huh? Did you have to do the jelly thing to get into the Black Gorilla Family?
Naw, he got it jammed.
My friends; with the Left rioting, looting, and trying to get rid of the police, even my wife who has been anti-gun since we have been married, has now agreed that we should purchase firearms. We live in a very nice sub-division, and my wife spoke to our local police chief about this last week. He also suggested that we purchase firearms, as we must protect ourselves if they can not get here on time should something happen in the current conditions. He also gave her a card for some group that if you join, they will give free legal protection, should you have to protect yourself, or your property, and use your firearm in the process. I told my wife, we will buy 3 of them. 2 pistols, and a semi automatic rifle of some sort.

Thank you Leftists, you have just propped up the gun lobby for years to come. I could never have seen my wife agreeing to have firearms in our home, but your idiocy has convinced her, not to mention that most of our neighbors told her they too had firearms.

I am going to have to take a class, as is my wife, to learn the ins and outs of when we can use them. But let me tell you all------------>when it is legal to open fire on these thugs, I WILL!

You opened a thread to announce to many people in this forum that don't even care, that you're buying firearms out of ignorance and fear. Wonderful. I don't care how you want to throw money away, but PLEASE get certified firearms training of some sort and visit the firing range, because it will never be legal to open fire on any American for no reason. You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of 2A if you want to use it to wantonly murder people, and I hope it doesn't get you killed.
For this post I hope Tyrone and co. dilate your sphincter before turning out the lights.
When you talk about sphincters you always sound like you have recent and ingrained experience. The words you use paint a vivid picture as if you are reliving the experience.
It reminds you of jail huh? Did you have to do the jelly thing to get into the Black Gorilla Family?
So you first became someones bitch in prison? That explains the lights out reference.
My friends; with the Left rioting, looting, and trying to get rid of the police, even my wife who has been anti-gun since we have been married, has now agreed that we should purchase firearms. We live in a very nice sub-division, and my wife spoke to our local police chief about this last week. He also suggested that we purchase firearms, as we must protect ourselves if they can not get here on time should something happen in the current conditions. He also gave her a card for some group that if you join, they will give free legal protection, should you have to protect yourself, or your property, and use your firearm in the process. I told my wife, we will buy 3 of them. 2 pistols, and a semi automatic rifle of some sort.

Thank you Leftists, you have just propped up the gun lobby for years to come. I could never have seen my wife agreeing to have firearms in our home, but your idiocy has convinced her, not to mention that most of our neighbors told her they too had firearms.

I am going to have to take a class, as is my wife, to learn the ins and outs of when we can use them. But let me tell you all------------>when it is legal to open fire on these thugs, I WILL!
I hope you don't regret your decision. Data show that people use guns for self-defense only rarely. According to a Harvard University analysis of figures from the National Crime Victimization Survey, people defended themselves with a gun in only 0.9 percent of crimes from 2007 to 2011 The risks of owning a gun outweigh the benefits of having one in only rare case where you might need to defend yourself. The average person has basically no chance in their lifetime of ever using a gun in self-defense. There is a far greater possibility of the gun being stolen and used in a crime or a family member using the the gun against themselves or an innocent person.

Yet people will continue to buy guns, load them, put them in their closet only to find that years later a child or other family member kills themselves or others with it. That has happened in my family and I tell you, you will never get over it. It is not worth the risk.

I may regret the decision because of the money spent. I will NOT regret it for the piece of mind.

Who we gonna call if they defund the police? Ghostbusters? BLM? Antifah?

I paid for my home, and if they come to my door, they will blown back into the yard. They lift a incendiary device, they will have a rude awakening as long as it is legal, and if it is, I WILL SHOOT!

You people opened a can of worms, you really have. They protested in a city 10mls from my wife and I on Tuesday. At 9pm, the Taco Bell burned to the ground, and 2 other businesses were lit on fire. That is when my wife said, "ENOUGH!" I agree! If you don't get it, to bad, so sad. YOU did this! And if you ever think the American people are going to let you mess with the 2nd amendment now, you are only fooling yourselves.

The Wife has always put up with my "be prepared" attitude when it comes to firearms and She's a supporter of the 2nd.
I was shocked when She asked me the other day.....are you sure you have enough ammo?

I just laughed and told Her there's no reason to worry on that account.
My friends; with the Left rioting, looting, and trying to get rid of the police, even my wife who has been anti-gun since we have been married, has now agreed that we should purchase firearms. We live in a very nice sub-division, and my wife spoke to our local police chief about this last week. He also suggested that we purchase firearms, as we must protect ourselves if they can not get here on time should something happen in the current conditions. He also gave her a card for some group that if you join, they will give free legal protection, should you have to protect yourself, or your property, and use your firearm in the process. I told my wife, we will buy 3 of them. 2 pistols, and a semi automatic rifle of some sort.

Thank you Leftists, you have just propped up the gun lobby for years to come. I could never have seen my wife agreeing to have firearms in our home, but your idiocy has convinced her, not to mention that most of our neighbors told her they too had firearms.

I am going to have to take a class, as is my wife, to learn the ins and outs of when we can use them. But let me tell you all------------>when it is legal to open fire on these thugs, I WILL!
I hope you don't regret your decision. Data show that people use guns for self-defense only rarely. According to a Harvard University analysis of figures from the National Crime Victimization Survey, people defended themselves with a gun in only 0.9 percent of crimes from 2007 to 2011 The risks of owning a gun outweigh the benefits of having one in only rare case where you might need to defend yourself. The average person has basically no chance in their lifetime of ever using a gun in self-defense. There is a far greater possibility of the gun being stolen and used in a crime or a family member using the the gun against themselves or an innocent person.

Yet people will continue to buy guns, load them, put them in their closet only to find that years later a child or other family member kills themselves or others with it. That has happened in my family and I tell you, you will never get over it. It is not worth the risk.

I may regret the decision because of the money spent. I will NOT regret it for the piece of mind.

Who we gonna call if they defund the police? Ghostbusters? BLM? Antifah?

I paid for my home, and if they come to my door, they will blown back into the yard. They lift a incendiary device, they will have a rude awakening as long as it is legal, and if it is, I WILL SHOOT!

You people opened a can of worms, you really have. They protested in a city 10mls from my wife and I on Tuesday. At 9pm, the Taco Bell burned to the ground, and 2 other businesses were lit on fire. That is when my wife said, "ENOUGH!" I agree! If you don't get it, to bad, so sad. YOU did this! And if you ever think the American people are going to let you mess with the 2nd amendment now, you are only fooling yourselves.

The Wife has always put up with my "be prepared" attitude when it comes to firearms and She's a supporter of the 2nd.
I was shocked when She asked me the other day.....are you sure you have enough ammo?

I just laughed and told Her there's no reason to worry on that account.
Dang, what program did you use to train her ( code for what it cost you ;))? My wife doesn't care that I buy ammo, but she NEVER says that!
My friends; with the Left rioting, looting, and trying to get rid of the police, even my wife who has been anti-gun since we have been married, has now agreed that we should purchase firearms. We live in a very nice sub-division, and my wife spoke to our local police chief about this last week. He also suggested that we purchase firearms, as we must protect ourselves if they can not get here on time should something happen in the current conditions. He also gave her a card for some group that if you join, they will give free legal protection, should you have to protect yourself, or your property, and use your firearm in the process. I told my wife, we will buy 3 of them. 2 pistols, and a semi automatic rifle of some sort.

Thank you Leftists, you have just propped up the gun lobby for years to come. I could never have seen my wife agreeing to have firearms in our home, but your idiocy has convinced her, not to mention that most of our neighbors told her they too had firearms.

I am going to have to take a class, as is my wife, to learn the ins and outs of when we can use them. But let me tell you all------------>when it is legal to open fire on these thugs, I WILL!

You opened a thread to announce to many people in this forum that don't even care, that you're buying firearms out of ignorance and fear. Wonderful. I don't care how you want to throw money away, but PLEASE get certified firearms training of some sort and visit the firing range, because it will never be legal to open fire on any American for no reason. You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of 2A if you want to use it to wantonly murder people, and I hope it doesn't get you killed.
Once you morons disband the police who the hell is going to come after me for blowing your head off?

Lol. Good stuff. I'm pretty pro LEO, so I don't understand the nonsense you're spewing. Disbanding police? Does anybody support it? Quote me a stastic. Source your tall tales. Otherwise, go fuck yourself.

Do you pay attention to the news....at all?
All my guns are stored hammer back and loaded. You're a criminal loving liar.

Outside of the safe, single-action hammer guns (1911s for me) are condition 1, hammer back, thumb safety on. No racking slides to give bad guys an aiming spot and time to shoot. Striker or hammerless are stored ready to shoot.

In the safe, I don't keep one in the chamber. If I have to get a gun out of the safe it isn't an emergency or, even if it is, the whole operation is slow enough that the seconds to rack a slide doesn't matter.

Then again, I also have revolvers ready in and out of the safe. Nothing to do but point and shoot.

I'm a condition 2 guy.
One in the pipe,safety off. Pulling the trigger through the double action is safety enough.
And if I know the shits about to get real it only takes a fraction of a second to pull back the hammer back since accuracy is far better when not pulling through the double action.
I'm armed all the time, as are pretty much all of my friends. I carry a Colt .38 Government Model, but have others at my disposal...
I have never regretted the decision made 20 years ago to buy a 12-gauge and especially not the extra $20 the gunsmith charged to shorten the barrel to 1/8 inch longer than the legal minimum. Very handy as a bear gun when hiking and easy handling in confined quarters. Fortunately I have never had to use it but fire it several times each Springtime and then clean it. Typical loading is 1 rock sale, 1 lead shot (not too easy to buy these days - it's not "eco-friendly) , 1 rifled slug then to capacity with sabot rounds. I love those sabot rounds! Their short-range stopping power can't be beaten.

You need to rethink your loading. 00 buckshot from chamber to end of the tube. Your goal should not be to try to hurt an attacker. You should never shoot to hurt an attacker. You're shooting because your life is in danger. You need to stop the attack. You may not get a second shot and then what?

You never fire your gun if you're not willing to see your target dead. And you shouldn't be willing to see them dead unless it's you or them. And when it's you or them, salt is not your answer.

Thats right up there with "cant you just shoot him in the leg" crap.
If I'm shooting at you my intent is to kill you not wound you.
All my guns are stored hammer back and loaded. You're a criminal loving liar.

Outside of the safe, single-action hammer guns (1911s for me) are condition 1, hammer back, thumb safety on. No racking slides to give bad guys an aiming spot and time to shoot. Striker or hammerless are stored ready to shoot.

In the safe, I don't keep one in the chamber. If I have to get a gun out of the safe it isn't an emergency or, even if it is, the whole operation is slow enough that the seconds to rack a slide doesn't matter.

Then again, I also have revolvers ready in and out of the safe. Nothing to do but point and shoot.
As far as pistols, double action revolver with hammer on empty chamber. 5 shots if it's a decent caliber. You have to make them count. Luckily this gun I have is a shooter! You have to aim low, but I was knocking a golf ball around with it.
Hit it like 7x until it rolled over a berm out of sight.

All John Wayne and shit.

How is that "all John Wayne and shit"?
I call that practice. When you have to regain the target in your sites quickly this is a good exercise to work on that.
All my guns are stored hammer back and loaded. You're a criminal loving liar.

Outside of the safe, single-action hammer guns (1911s for me) are condition 1, hammer back, thumb safety on. No racking slides to give bad guys an aiming spot and time to shoot. Striker or hammerless are stored ready to shoot.

In the safe, I don't keep one in the chamber. If I have to get a gun out of the safe it isn't an emergency or, even if it is, the whole operation is slow enough that the seconds to rack a slide doesn't matter.

Then again, I also have revolvers ready in and out of the safe. Nothing to do but point and shoot.
As far as pistols, double action revolver with hammer on empty chamber. 5 shots if it's a decent caliber. You have to make them count. Luckily this gun I have is a shooter! You have to aim low, but I was knocking a golf ball around with it.
Hit it like 7x until it rolled over a berm out of sight.

All John Wayne and shit.
I don't think John Wayne could shoot as good as me. Or some of my kinfolk.
Only certain guns are shooters. This pistol is a shooter. My Marlin Model 60 is a shooter. My cousin's 20-gauge is a shooter. That damn Dan Wesson .44 is NOT. Some guns are, and some guns ain't.
Dude, I used to pop primers on shotgun shells with my Marlin Model 60. It goes where you want it to. Next up is my .06..that's satisfactorily accurate. Lemme think..yeah next is the pistol..ech, pistols.
I wanna get 2 semi-auto 20 gauges for home defense. I think that's the best solution.
One in each hand. :auiqs.jpg:

Akimbo style!!!

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