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Well, There Go The Christians

Yea, those peaceful Christians really want to see police defunded and crime rates skyrocket. They really want tax payer funded abortion on demand. They really want to back a bunch of Marxists to bring down the world’s leading capitalist nation that has done more to eliminate poverty around the world than any other system...

I actually know a lot of alleged Christians who DO think that's the correct viewpoint for Christians to have. Christians are no more immune to stupidity than anyone else. The question that never gets answered is, "Why am I obligated to anything by THEIR ignorance?"
The left bow down to many one of which is abortion, planned abortionhood, and murder of the unborn. 60 million babies killed but then they try to pump out some tears about this current virus. Nope.
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The Trumpsters know what this man is, and they don't care.

Even when he's making a mockery of their (wink wink) "religion".

Yeah, we don't care, because we also know what the so-called alternatives are.

And we especially don't care about your unsolicited judgments of what a "mockery of our religion" is. Who ever told you that YOU were an accepted authority on the subject?

Rest assured that I've managed to be a Christian for half-a-century without your guidance, and have never even considered wanting it.
Oh, and Evangelicals really love being told they can’t go to church, while it’s A-Okay for BLM to mass in the hundreds to carry out their sacred ritual of attacking white people and burning buildings down.

My personal favorite is having the same people who do all of that THEN sanctimoniously telling me that I'm not Christian enough to meet the standards they have appointed themselves to set for me.
Complete and utter bullshit propaganda!

Btw, Trump is more like Solomon's daddy minus the musicality.

I bet you don't even know who that was.
That guy on Farscape?
You know Democrats/neo-communist are desperate when they get to talking about religion and quoting the bible.

Democrats believe the bible is racist and sexist and must be destroyed

You must be getting desparate. You don't know how other people feel about various aspects of the Christian faith or any other. There is no way that you possibly could know. There are Christians of varying beliefs in both parties. You might want to do a bit of research.

"There is no way that you possibly could know." Well, y'know, other than LISTENING TO THEM.

Meanwhile, I note that you have nothing to say about a handful of nobodies claiming to be Christians trying to lecture all Christians on what THEY do and don't, should and shouldn't think. THAT, apparently, is okay with you.

Speaking of desperation . . .
You know Democrats/neo-communist are desperate when they get to talking about religion and quoting the bible.

Democrats believe the bible is racist and sexist and must be destroyed
Consiering the Bible, particularly the New Testament is very strong on social justice and environmental conservation. That would be the same social justice/environment conservation that Pope Francis championed and that drove the Little Trumpsters to call the Pope a socialist on this very board.
And rascist? The Little Trumpsters reject the Jesus was not white when Anthropologist declared Jesus to be brown with black hair.

LOL. You mean this Pope>

Letter signed by more than 1,500 accuses Pope Francis of the 'canonical delict of heresy'

A group of Catholic scholars and priests has written an open letter to the College of Bishops accusing Pope Francis of heresy.
The letter, published by LifeSiteNews April 30, accuses Francis of a "comprehensive rejection of Catholic teaching on marriage and sexual activity, on the moral law, and on grace and the forgiveness of sins" and is framed as the third step in a process that began with a private letter to the cardinals and Eastern Catholic patriarchs in 2016.
While the 2016 letter from a similar group pointed out "heresies and other serious errors" promoted by Francis' apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia, and a 2017 "filial correction" asserted that Francis had "upheld" seven heretical positions, those signers stopped short of stating that the pope was guilty of heresy.
The April 30 letter goes farther, accusing Francis of the "canonical delict* of heresy," which the writers define in their summary as when someone "knowingly and persistently denies something which he knows that the Church teaches to be revealed by God."
They ask the bishops to publicly admonish Francis to "abjure" those heresies, including "repudiating and reversing" actions that have manifested heresy such as "nomination of bishops and cardinals who have supported these heresies by their words and actions."
If Francis does not repent, the letter asks that the bishops declare that he has committed heresy and must "suffer the canonical consequences of this crime." Those consequences should include removal from office, the writers argue in a section after the signatures that discusses canon law and theology related to papal heresy.

So you favor the traditional establishment scholars and priests, that have turned a blind eye to atrocities around the world that Jesus warned about verses one who follows God’s Word, the Bible.
Got it!

LOL, if that's what you got out of that you need help. This Pope is a heretic, he has been protecting and promotings Pedo's all along.

Yes, Pope Francis gets about a D for his handling sex abuse crisis by the victims. But he ended the Secrecy Policy of the sexual abuses, adding more transparency. Otherwise he would gotten a F grade for his approach.
Despite the above, I still like his approach his campaign of highlighting what the Bible says about social justice and conservation of the environment, which are repeated multiple times in the Bible. In other words, the Bible means business regarding those highly important issues.

Sorry,no. Francis was instrumental in reinterpreting the Word to say what he wanted it to say. That was something he accomplished in the America's. Tim Kaine spent a lot of time down there with him. There is no Biblical "Social Justice" or "Environmental ustice. Those are simply Communist buzz words.
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A false witness shall be punished, and a liar shall be caught.
Proverbs 19:9

King Solomon Must have known a Trump in his time.

Trump could tear a baby in half on 5th avenue and the theocrats would still build images to him.

Trump could also cure all cancer patients in the US by laying on of hands, and TDS sufferers would still be clamoring for his execution.
If you have any group of self-described Christians saying another group of self-described Christians can't be Christians because of some position on an issue of political debate, the first group has disassociated itself with what Paul said one needs to believe to be a Christian.
You know Democrats/neo-communist are desperate when they get to talking about religion and quoting the bible.

Democrats believe the bible is racist and sexist and must be destroyed
What amazes me is that democrats are able to read and quote the Bible without bursting into flames.

Who knew?

As Shakespeare observed, even the Devil can quote Scripture to his purpose. So why wouldn't his minions?
You know Democrats/neo-communist are desperate when they get to talking about religion and quoting the bible.

Democrats believe the bible is racist and sexist and must be destroyed
Consiering the Bible, particularly the New Testament is very strong on social justice and environmental conservation. That would be the same social justice/environment conservation that Pope Francis championed and that drove the Little Trumpsters to call the Pope a socialist on this very board.
And rascist? The Little Trumpsters reject the Jesus was not white when Anthropologist declared Jesus to be brown with black hair.

LOL. You mean this Pope>

Letter signed by more than 1,500 accuses Pope Francis of the 'canonical delict of heresy'

A group of Catholic scholars and priests has written an open letter to the College of Bishops accusing Pope Francis of heresy.
The letter, published by LifeSiteNews April 30, accuses Francis of a "comprehensive rejection of Catholic teaching on marriage and sexual activity, on the moral law, and on grace and the forgiveness of sins" and is framed as the third step in a process that began with a private letter to the cardinals and Eastern Catholic patriarchs in 2016.
While the 2016 letter from a similar group pointed out "heresies and other serious errors" promoted by Francis' apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia, and a 2017 "filial correction" asserted that Francis had "upheld" seven heretical positions, those signers stopped short of stating that the pope was guilty of heresy.
The April 30 letter goes farther, accusing Francis of the "canonical delict* of heresy," which the writers define in their summary as when someone "knowingly and persistently denies something which he knows that the Church teaches to be revealed by God."
They ask the bishops to publicly admonish Francis to "abjure" those heresies, including "repudiating and reversing" actions that have manifested heresy such as "nomination of bishops and cardinals who have supported these heresies by their words and actions."
If Francis does not repent, the letter asks that the bishops declare that he has committed heresy and must "suffer the canonical consequences of this crime." Those consequences should include removal from office, the writers argue in a section after the signatures that discusses canon law and theology related to papal heresy.

So you favor the traditional establishment scholars and priests, that have turned a blind eye to atrocities around the world that Jesus warned about verses one who follows God’s Word, the Bible.
Got it!

So you think that you personally get to decide who "follows God's Word, the Bible" according to who agrees with your worldview, and that we're all obligated to accept your "spiritual leadership" because you've appointed yourself.

Got it! And then rejected it.
If you have any group of self-described Christians saying another group of self-described Christians can't be Christians because of some position on an issue of political debate, the first group has disassociated itself with what Paul said one needs to believe to be a Christian.

What's your take on people who admit to holding Christianity in contempt but then try to set theological doctrine?
If you have any group of self-described Christians saying another group of self-described Christians can't be Christians because of some position on an issue of political debate, the first group has disassociated itself with what Paul said one needs to believe to be a Christian.

Your lack of Scriptural knowledge is quite evident. One is not a "Christian" because one says he/she is. One who is a Christian believes in the Lordship of Jesus Christ and what the scriptures say. Francis also says that "all roads" lead to God. They don't , there is one door, one path and that is Jesus. For exmple, I know whom Trump calls "Pastor". She is a heretic who teaches that all Christians should be rich and healthy and if they aren't they simply don't have enough "faith". Paula White is heretic of the first order, right there with Copeland and Joel Osteen.
If you have any group of self-described Christians saying another group of self-described Christians can't be Christians because of some position on an issue of political debate, the first group has disassociated itself with what Paul said one needs to believe to be a Christian.

Your lack of Scriptural knowledge is quite evident. One is not a "Christian" because one says he/she is. One who is a Christian believes in the Lordship of Jesus Christ and what the scriptures say. Francis also says that "all roads" lead to God. They don't , there is one door, one path and that is Jesus. For exmple, I know whom Trump calls "Pastor". She is a heretic who teaches that all Christians should be rich and healthy and if they aren't they simply don't have enough "faith".
What was that about the path to salvation being narrow and the road to hell being wide or something?
If you have any group of self-described Christians saying another group of self-described Christians can't be Christians because of some position on an issue of political debate, the first group has disassociated itself with what Paul said one needs to believe to be a Christian.

Your lack of Scriptural knowledge is quite evident. One is not a "Christian" because one says he/she is. One who is a Christian believes in the Lordship of Jesus Christ and what the scriptures say. Francis also says that "all roads" lead to God. They don't , there is one door, one path and that is Jesus. For exmple, I know whom Trump calls "Pastor". She is a heretic who teaches that all Christians should be rich and healthy and if they aren't they simply don't have enough "faith".
What was that about the path to salvation being narrow and the road to hell being wide or something?


I Never Knew You
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
If you have any group of self-described Christians saying another group of self-described Christians can't be Christians because of some position on an issue of political debate, the first group has disassociated itself with what Paul said one needs to believe to be a Christian.

What's your take on people who admit to holding Christianity in contempt but then try to set theological doctrine?
I think any person ascribing to being a believer of any faith is open to charges of hypocrisy. But we all are hypocrites to some extent, some more than others. Jesus was accused by the Pharisees more than once. It goes with the territory
If you have any group of self-described Christians saying another group of self-described Christians can't be Christians because of some position on an issue of political debate, the first group has disassociated itself with what Paul said one needs to believe to be a Christian.

Your lack of Scriptural knowledge is quite evident. One is not a "Christian" because one says he/she is. One who is a Christian believes in the Lordship of Jesus Christ and what the scriptures say. Francis also says that "all roads" lead to God. They don't , there is one door, one path and that is Jesus. For exmple, I know whom Trump calls "Pastor". She is a heretic who teaches that all Christians should be rich and healthy and if they aren't they simply don't have enough "faith". Paula White is heretic of the first order, right there with Copeland and Joel Osteen.
You can't read.

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