Well Trump supporters......will you finally admit you were wrong?

It's bizarre listening to liberals feign outrage over what Trump said when they vehemently defended what Clinton did and when they embrace every form of disturbing sexually deviant behaviors.

Moron....here is what Trump stated in his "apology"......NOTE HE NEVER ACCUSED (he didn't dare) Bill Clinton of raping ANYONE.....

"I've said some foolish things, but there's a big difference between the words and actions of other people. Bill Clinton has actually abused women and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims."
Trump has been one train wreck after another. His list of missteps is getting too long to even bother with

Trump supporters are going to throw him under the bus as soon as the election is over anyway. Very few USMB posters will admit they actually supported Trump after the election is over

Why not just get it over with now?


Hilary's missteps outweigh anything trump has done and her missteps have gotten men killed.....she sold her office and has obstructed justice.......her minions are all under FBI protection from prosecution, and all incriminating evidence was destroy d with FBI permission.........

She has a neurological illness that the press is covering up......

I support Trump because there is no choice between him and her.......she is an actual disaster, who has committed actual crimes and whose decisions have led to death and destruction....
Consensual sex isn't a crime. (grabbing a woman's pussy is, even if you're a "celebrity")
RAPE is.

Bill was taken to court for sexual harassment...and lost. (Sorry, you pay a victim/accuser tens of thousands of dollars to drop the case onstead of fight for your innocense & you're guilty...if nowhere but the court of public opinion.)

He has been accused by several women of rape
- Hillary said they should be believed.
- As pointed out Hillary lied to the whole world, destroying every ounce of credibility he has.

Combine that with declarations by Arkansas state troopers about his sexual escapades as governor, DNA, and history of sexual predatory activity and the only one who has any creible reason to be believed are the eomen he raped.
Hilary's missteps outweigh anything trump has done and her missteps have gotten men killed.....she sold her office and has obstructed justice.......her minions are all under FBI protection from prosecution, and all incriminating evidence was destroy d with FBI permission.........

She has a neurological illness that the press is covering up......

I support Trump because there is no choice between him and her.......she is an actual disaster, who has committed actual crimes and whose decisions have led to death and destruction....

AMAZING that you CANNOT prove ANY of your hate-filled allegations......I don't like Hillary too much, but your moronic accusations that have NOT been proven, makes you a member of a lynch mob without an ounce of proof.
The woman also stole everything that wasn't tied down in the WH when she left the 1st time...

And ya want to let that thieving Arkansas Trailer Trash back into the WH?1
Remember when "character" meant something to Republicans?

'Character matters' was their mantra in the nineties. Now it doesn't matter to them.
Says the guy defending the 1st US Presidential candidate alloed to stay in the race while being investigated by the FBI and after bha ing been exposed as having broken the law and committed perjury...whole her husband is a predatory sexuak harasser, sexual assaulter, rapist, and pedophile...
Hilary's missteps outweigh anything trump has done and her missteps have gotten men killed.....she sold her office and has obstructed justice.......her minions are all under FBI protection from prosecution, and all incriminating evidence was destroy d with FBI permission.........

She has a neurological illness that the press is covering up......

I support Trump because there is no choice between him and her.......she is an actual disaster, who has committed actual crimes and whose decisions have led to death and destruction....

AMAZING that you CANNOT prove ANY of your hate-filled allegations......I don't like Hillary too much, but your moronic accusations that have NOT been proven, makes you a member of a lynch mob without an ounce of proof.

The FBI granted immunity when there was no reason to and allowed them to destroy computers...then just allowed them to not produce 11 blackberries, several illegal servers, at least one laptop, and ignored the destruction of 33,000 emails that were under subpoena........and then, after all of that obstruction of justice you tell us nothing can be proven...

You are truly a fucking Borg Drone.....
The manufactured outrage of the left never fails to amaze me....we have video of Blow Job Clinton grabbing pussy from a stewardess during a campaign flight in 1998, and quickly stopping when he realized he was being filmed, the phony outrage over a supposed Miss Piggy comment that no one has ever heard except the porn queen and getaway driver in a murder, the outrage over his taxes when there are hundreds of pages of his financial statements on line. And we have history of that scumbag Harry Reid LYING about Romney's taxes on the floor of the Senate where he is immune from any prosecution for defamation of Romney, the fuck even admitted, on tape, that he lied saying "They didn't win, did they!!!!"

Then the faux outrage over a Muslim plant at theDNC convention defsmin Trump, and when Trump replies, the scum of the left yell, the Muslim is a gold star father, how could Trump do that, while the Hildebeast calls the Been hazi families liars when we know she told her daughter the truth days before.

Anyone that can't see that the Socialist/DemocRATS have a double standard, and are ALL liars, including the maggot left that posts in here, you have a suspension of reality
The FBI granted immunity when there was no reason to and allowed them to destroy computers...then just allowed them to not produce 11 blackberries, several illegal servers, at least one laptop, and ignored the destruction of 33,000 emails that were under subpoena........and then, after all of that obstruction of justice you tell us nothing can be proven...

You are truly a fucking Borg Drone..

So, the FBI NEVER gives immunity for testimony according to your half brain?
BTW, is Comey a republican or democrat?
Remember when "character" meant something to Republicans?

'Character matters' was their mantra in the nineties. Now it doesn't matter to them.
Says the guy defending the 1st US Presidential candidate alloed to stay in the race while being investigated by the FBI and after bha ing been exposed as having broken the law and committed perjury...whole her husband is a predatory sexuak harasser, sexual assaulter, rapist, and pedophile...

The moral high ground won't miss you.
Didn't Bill Clinton win? Yeah, I'm pretty sure he did. Left office (not impeached)
He WAS impeached.

:lol: Yeah, go with that...ya'll managed to impeach him, but you lost. He wasn't kicked out, he left at the conclusion of his 2nd, VERY popular term in office.

It's bizarre listening to liberals feign outrage over what Trump said when they vehemently defended what Clinton did and when they embrace every form of disturbing sexually deviant behaviors.

What Trump said was to admit to what he DOES.
Really? Prove that in a court of law... He could say he was trying to be funny. Or that he was trying to impress people.

You idiot progressives always want to defend the disgusting, despicable, criminal actions of the Clintons with the idiotic "why didn't they go to prison then" (gee....I don't know...because of their power and influence). Why don't you idiots apply the same standard to Donald Trump?!?
Didn't Bill Clinton win? Yeah, I'm pretty sure he did. Left office (not impeached)
He WAS impeached.

:lol: Yeah, go with that...ya'll managed to impeach him, but you lost. He wasn't kicked out, he left at the conclusion of his 2nd, VERY popular term in office.

What an indictment on you and your fellow progressives Seawytch. The fact that you people adore a sexual predator, a pathological liar, and a man who committed perjury speaks volumes about the character of a progressive.
So...Oarnge Julius Ceaser shot his mouth off in 05' surprise! He is not 100% bleach-bit clean.

But we will still have the "energizer bunny". Recently have her.....
All lib daughters must know by now that using blow jobs to get what you want is the liberal way.
One of the most profound posts ever made on USMB. This indisputable reality illustrates two very sad things:

1.) The progressives War on Women is alive and well

2.) Progressives have all the moral character and decency of a barn yard animal
If those were statements from a twenty year old male in a locker room, they may be excusable
No. No they wouldn't. And the fact that you would even say this illustrates your mind set, your immaturity, and the fact that you do embrace treating women as nothing more than sexual objects (as such you are feigning "outrage" for political gain).

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