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Well Well...That LBJ Meme is bull but we knew that already

I've never seen this particular meme. I've known for years that the illegitimate birth rate was around 25% back in the 60s. Regardless, the reality is pretty damning. Out of wedlock birth rates have tripled among black Americans and it is that lack of stable family structure that is directly responsible for their continued economic set backs. The numbers are also increasing among Hispanics and whites and if this trend doesn't reverse it's going to become a cancer to our society as a whole.

Out of wedlock doesnt mean there isnt a father there. Geez...I present facts and you guys ignore it for the word of mouth tales you've been told. WTF?

What I just told you is factual. If you want to live your life wallowing in ignorance that's your choice and makes no difference to me whatsoever.
All we know for certain is that LBJ and the Dems knowingly set up programs designated to replace the the father of the black family with a government program, thereby making them dependent on the government and have "them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years"

There is no proof he ever actually said that. It was just a rumor.
If conservatives didn't have lies what would they run on?

And photoshopped pics...don't forget those.

Ok wiseguy show me where you found the data showing that welfare had any effect at all. Then come back and call me names when you cant. I command you :badgrin:

You're right. It was the growth of McDonald's instead that accounted for it rather than a program that encouraged single parent families.
Genius. Neg rep for outright stupidity.

I knew you would follow orders.

Translation: I've been pwned again.

The meme features a photograph of President Lyndon B. Johnson, whose "war on poverty" agenda in the mid 1960s was known as the Great Society.

Superimposed on Johnson’s image is the following text: "Black children born without a father in the home rate pre-LBJ's 'Great Society' welfare system in 1964: 7 percent. Black children born without a father in the home rate post-LBJ's 'Great Society' 2014 = 73 percent. Hey, liberals, how's your 'Great Society' working out for the black family?"

We wanted to know if the meme’s numbers were right: Did the percentage of black children born without a father in the home rise from 7 percent before the Great Society to 73 percent today, and was it due to Johnson and the Great Society?

As we researched this claim, we noticed a problem: There is no federal data on "black children born without a father in the home." :lol: Instead, we found two types of data that are similar -- but not a perfect fit.

One is unmarried black births as a percentage of all black births. The other is the percentage of black children living without a father in the home.

The first option addresses births, a key focus of the Facebook claim. But this figure ignores cases in which a couple isn’t married, but where the father is living in the home.

The second option, by contrast, does address living arrangements, but it includes all children up to age 18, not those who were "born" that year.

So to be as complete as possible, we’ll analyze both statistics here.

You know where this is going but stick with it so you can see the extent to which they lie in order to make the picture appear worse than what it is...

Unmarried black births as a percentage of all black births

In 1964, according to federal health statistics, 24.6 percent of births to non-whites were considered "illegitimate," the term used for out-of-wedlock births at the time.

In 2012, the percentage of black births that were made to unmarried black mothers was 72 percent.

This is a large increase, and the more recent figure is more or less on target. However, the starting point in 1964 is higher than the Facebook post suggests. So the overall increase is more limited than the meme says. (Note: The 1964 figure was based on the "non-white" population, a category that includes Hispanics and Asian-Americans, while the 2012 figure was for African Americans only.)

So if you use this measurement, the meme’s numbers are off.

Of course its exaggerated thats how demonization works silly



But it was welfare for white people so that makes it ok. Continuing on

Correlation does not equal causation


Our ruling

A meme circulating on social media said the percentage of black children born without a father in the home has risen from 7 percent in 1964 to 73 percent today, due to changes from President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society.

There’s no federal data to back up the meme’s specific claim, but the most applicable statistics show an increase in black fatherlessness that is more limited, and the rise might have been even more modest still if the early-1960s data had been more reliable.

In addition, the focus on Johnson and the Great Society is likely a red herring, since broader, societal factors are believed to have played a major role in rising rates of single-parenthood -- not just among blacks, but also among whites.

The exaggerated statistics, combined with an ignorance of important context, leads us to rate the claim False.

Imagine that? Another Right wing email chain that turns out full of bunk. At least they are consistent. Where's Alan Keys when you need a black dude to defend white dudes?
So there are more little bastards running around now than then, but it is gauche to say so?
Everything Pubs say is baloney- this is closer to the truth than what they say about Obama-Care , IRS, F+F- , no shame at all anymore. Making up exagerated, exact numbers impresses the dupes..

The Plantation conclusion, though, is right up there...what we need is good training and jobs for all. Blacks have been desperate for that for years...Free birth control should help alleviate this at least. And yes it is free, hater dupes, saves EVERYONE money, including insurers. ANOTHER IDIOTIC PUB MYTH...
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Fifty years later, triple the out of wedlock births for blacks, and CC comes out happy about this. Somehow trying to say it just isn't so. Lol.

I am happy that the repubs and their email chain bullshit has been proven to be a lie.

You on the other hand enjoy staring deeply into my eyes and ignore you've been lied to. Look at me s'more:D
Fifty years later, triple the out of wedlock births for blacks, and CC comes out happy about this. Somehow trying to say it just isn't so. Lol.

I am happy that the repubs and their email chain bullshit has been proven to be a lie.

You on the other hand enjoy staring deeply into my eyes and ignore you've been lied to. Look at me s'more:D

you didnt prove anything to be a lie; that is just a lie you're telling yourself

cant say i blame left-wing losers like you; for not wanting to address how Progressives are failing the very people they claim to be in the corner of the most

idiots and hypocrites
Whites have gone up 6x...'

Since 1970, out-of-wedlock birth rates have soared. In 1965, 24 percent of black infants and 3.1 percent of white infants were born to single mothers. By 1990 the rates had risen to 64 percent for black infants, 18 percent for whites. Every year about one million more children are born into fatherless families. If we have learned any policy lesson well over the past 25 years, it is that for children living in single-parent homes, the odds of living in poverty are great. The policy implications of the increase in out-of-wedlock births are staggering.

Searching for an Explanation

Efforts by social scientists to explain the rise in out-of-wedlock births have so far been unconvincing, though several theories have a wide popular following. One argument that appeals to conservatives is that of Charles Murray, who attributes the increase to overly generous federal welfare benefits. But as David Ellwood and Lawrence Summers have shown, welfare benefits could not have played a major role in the rise of out-of-wedlock births because benefits rose sharply in the 1960s and then fell in the 1970s and 1980s, when out-of-wedlock births rose most. A study by Robert Moffitt in 1992 also found that welfare benefits can account for only a small fraction of the rise in the out-of-wedlock birth ratio.

Liberals have tended to favor the explanation offered by William Julius Wilson. In a 1987 study, Wilson attributed the increase in out-of-wedlock births to a decline in the marriageability of black men due to a shortage of jobs for less educated men. But Robert D. Mare and Christopher Winship have estimated that at most 20 percent of the decline in marriage rates of blacks between 1960 and 1980 can be explained by decreasing employment. And Robert G. Wood has estimated that only 3-4 percent of the decline in black marriage rates can be explained by the shrinking of the pool of eligible black men.

Yet another popular explanation is that single parenthood has increased since the late 1960s because of the change in attitudes toward sexual behavior. But so far social scientists have been unable to provide a convincing explanation of exactly how that change came about or to estimate in any convincing way its quantitative impact. In recent work we have been able to provide both.

The Answer: No More Shotgun Marriages

An Analysis of Out-Of-Wedlock Births in the United States | Brookings Institution
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of all the damn things for the op to worry over

I doubt if they were even born during LBJ and what they know of him they read in a book or off the internet.
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The liberals are just too much. As if anyone really gets their data off an internet avatar. Oops maybe they do but most thinking people realize those kinds of things are hyperbole.

What is really funny is that numbers they supplied are bad enough to put on the avatar.

The reason that the word lies come so easy to liberals is because that is what they do in their winning is everything attitude. Take Palin for example the lies about her were something to behold. They even made a SNL skit about seeing Russia from her backyard, which isn't what she said what she did actually say was true. The liberal left has nothing against lying if it gets the desired result.
Whites have gone up 6x...'

Since 1970, out-of-wedlock birth rates have soared. In 1965, 24 percent of black infants and 3.1 percent of white infants were born to single mothers. By 1990 the rates had risen to 64 percent for black infants, 18 percent for whites. Every year about one million more children are born into fatherless families. If we have learned any policy lesson well over the past 25 years, it is that for children living in single-parent homes, the odds of living in poverty are great. The policy implications of the increase in out-of-wedlock births are staggering.

Searching for an Explanation

Efforts by social scientists to explain the rise in out-of-wedlock births have so far been unconvincing, though several theories have a wide popular following. One argument that appeals to conservatives is that of Charles Murray, who attributes the increase to overly generous federal welfare benefits. But as David Ellwood and Lawrence Summers have shown, welfare benefits could not have played a major role in the rise of out-of-wedlock births because benefits rose sharply in the 1960s and then fell in the 1970s and 1980s, when out-of-wedlock births rose most. A study by Robert Moffitt in 1992 also found that welfare benefits can account for only a small fraction of the rise in the out-of-wedlock birth ratio.

Liberals have tended to favor the explanation offered by William Julius Wilson. In a 1987 study, Wilson attributed the increase in out-of-wedlock births to a decline in the marriageability of black men due to a shortage of jobs for less educated men. But Robert D. Mare and Christopher Winship have estimated that at most 20 percent of the decline in marriage rates of blacks between 1960 and 1980 can be explained by decreasing employment. And Robert G. Wood has estimated that only 3-4 percent of the decline in black marriage rates can be explained by the shrinking of the pool of eligible black men.

Yet another popular explanation is that single parenthood has increased since the late 1960s because of the change in attitudes toward sexual behavior. But so far social scientists have been unable to provide a convincing explanation of exactly how that change came about or to estimate in any convincing way its quantitative impact. In recent work we have been able to provide both.

The Answer: No More Shotgun Marriages

An Analysis of Out-Of-Wedlock Births in the United States | Brookings Institution

it's comical really; left-wing nutjobs unattached from reality; making excuse after excuse for the way they failed the very people they claim to care about

i can read these left-wing morons like a book
this one is black no doubt; a policy wonk with no contact with the people he thinks he's defending. this is the person who got hundreds of thousands of his fellow Black Americans killed with the pandering and patronizing of the race hustlers and victimhood pimps of the Progressive world
Somebody posted a Facebook meme. So fucking what? You don't think we could find numerous erroneous Facecook posts from the Left? Please.

And your own source sites this fact:

According to Census Bureau data, about 20 percent of black children in 1960 were living with just a mother. The comparable figure for 2013 is 50 percent of black children living with a mother only. So this measurement, too, shows an increase. But the increase is two-and-a-half times bigger...

Bad enough, wouldn't you say?

But hey, maybe if we redistribute even more money! :cuckoo:
I'll bet white rates have more than tripled, and I don't believe it's welfare, more the changing culture of sex, and Pub ''just say no'' bs...

You're right

Rates of fatherlessness for whites have always been lower than for blacks, but fatherlessness among whites still rose between 1960 and 2012. Six percent of white children lived in a single-mother household in 1960, a figure that rose to 18 percent in 2013. That’s a tripling, which was proportionately an even bigger percentage increase than what was observed for black children.

Must be that welfare
Everyone screams who cares only after they masturbated to that pic for 3 days. Now when they find out they've been catfished they pretend not to care lol
Everyone screams who cares only after they masturbated to that pic for 3 days. Now when they find out they've been catfished they pretend not to care lol

Because the meme is basically correct. Perhaps the numbers are a bit off. But the basic message is true. Only idiots looking for gotcha care otherwise.

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