Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

Wash, rinse, repeat, annihilate the Jews.

Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.
I forgot to specify that the Bolsheviks had their Judaism beaten out of them by the Christians...nice job.

In the years leading up to the 1917 revolution, Jews were disproportionately represented in all of Russia's subversive leftist parties. Jewish hatred of the Tsarist regime had a basis in objective conditions. Of the leading European powers of the day, imperial Russia was the most institutionally conservative and anti-Jewish. For example, Jews were normally not permitted to reside outside a large area in the west of the Empire known as the "Pale of Settlement."

However understandable, and perhaps even defensible, Jewish hostility toward the imperial regime may have been, the remarkable Jewish role in the vastly more despotic Soviet regime is less easy to justify. In a recently published book about the Jews in Russia during the 20th century, Russian-born Jewish writer Sonya Margolina goes so far as to call the Jewish role in supporting the Bolshevik regime the "historic sin of the Jews." She points, for example, to the prominent role of Jews as commandants of Soviet Gulag concentration and labor camps, and the role of Jewish Communists in the systematic destruction of Russian churches. Moreover, she goes on, "The Jews of the entire world supported Soviet power, and remained silent in the face of any criticism from the opposition." In light of this record, Margolina offers a grim prediction:

The exaggeratedly enthusiastic participation of the Jewish Bolsheviks in the subjugation and destruction of Russia is a sin that will be avenged Soviet power will be equated with Jewish power, and the furious hatred against the Bolsheviks will become hatred against Jews.

If the past is any indication, it is unlikely that many Russians will seek the revenge that Margolina prophecies. Anyway, to blame "the Jews" for the horrors of Communism seems no more justifiable than to blame "white people" for Negro slavery, or "the Germans" for the Second World War or "the Holocaust."
Like I said, don't give Jews a reason to become atheists and they won't copy their Christians oppressors and commit mass murder.
Wash, rinse, repeat, annihilate the Jews.

Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.
I forgot to specify that the Bolsheviks had their Judaism beaten out of them by the Christians...nice job.

In the years leading up to the 1917 revolution, Jews were disproportionately represented in all of Russia's subversive leftist parties. Jewish hatred of the Tsarist regime had a basis in objective conditions. Of the leading European powers of the day, imperial Russia was the most institutionally conservative and anti-Jewish. For example, Jews were normally not permitted to reside outside a large area in the west of the Empire known as the "Pale of Settlement."

However understandable, and perhaps even defensible, Jewish hostility toward the imperial regime may have been, the remarkable Jewish role in the vastly more despotic Soviet regime is less easy to justify. In a recently published book about the Jews in Russia during the 20th century, Russian-born Jewish writer Sonya Margolina goes so far as to call the Jewish role in supporting the Bolshevik regime the "historic sin of the Jews." She points, for example, to the prominent role of Jews as commandants of Soviet Gulag concentration and labor camps, and the role of Jewish Communists in the systematic destruction of Russian churches. Moreover, she goes on, "The Jews of the entire world supported Soviet power, and remained silent in the face of any criticism from the opposition." In light of this record, Margolina offers a grim prediction:

The exaggeratedly enthusiastic participation of the Jewish Bolsheviks in the subjugation and destruction of Russia is a sin that will be avenged Soviet power will be equated with Jewish power, and the furious hatred against the Bolsheviks will become hatred against Jews.

If the past is any indication, it is unlikely that many Russians will seek the revenge that Margolina prophecies. Anyway, to blame "the Jews" for the horrors of Communism seems no more justifiable than to blame "white people" for Negro slavery, or "the Germans" for the Second World War or "the Holocaust."

Can't call them "jewish" Bolsheviks as they were atheists. They were not jews.
Jewish is a race, not a religion. The Israeli "right of return" isn't extended to those who believe in God, it is extended to those who can establish a Jewish mother. I.e., nothing religious at all about the Jewish state.
Wash, rinse, repeat, annihilate the Jews.

Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.
I forgot to specify that the Bolsheviks had their Judaism beaten out of them by the Christians...nice job.

In the years leading up to the 1917 revolution, Jews were disproportionately represented in all of Russia's subversive leftist parties. Jewish hatred of the Tsarist regime had a basis in objective conditions. Of the leading European powers of the day, imperial Russia was the most institutionally conservative and anti-Jewish. For example, Jews were normally not permitted to reside outside a large area in the west of the Empire known as the "Pale of Settlement."

However understandable, and perhaps even defensible, Jewish hostility toward the imperial regime may have been, the remarkable Jewish role in the vastly more despotic Soviet regime is less easy to justify. In a recently published book about the Jews in Russia during the 20th century, Russian-born Jewish writer Sonya Margolina goes so far as to call the Jewish role in supporting the Bolshevik regime the "historic sin of the Jews." She points, for example, to the prominent role of Jews as commandants of Soviet Gulag concentration and labor camps, and the role of Jewish Communists in the systematic destruction of Russian churches. Moreover, she goes on, "The Jews of the entire world supported Soviet power, and remained silent in the face of any criticism from the opposition." In light of this record, Margolina offers a grim prediction:

The exaggeratedly enthusiastic participation of the Jewish Bolsheviks in the subjugation and destruction of Russia is a sin that will be avenged Soviet power will be equated with Jewish power, and the furious hatred against the Bolsheviks will become hatred against Jews.

If the past is any indication, it is unlikely that many Russians will seek the revenge that Margolina prophecies. Anyway, to blame "the Jews" for the horrors of Communism seems no more justifiable than to blame "white people" for Negro slavery, or "the Germans" for the Second World War or "the Holocaust."
Like I said, don't give Jews a reason to become atheists and they won't copy their Christians oppressors and commit mass murder.
Come again with that explanation of why Christians are responsible for the genocidal slaughter Jews committed on Christians in Russia years before Hitler on the scene....
Wash, rinse, repeat, annihilate the Jews.

Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.
I forgot to specify that the Bolsheviks had their Judaism beaten out of them by the Christians...nice job.

In the years leading up to the 1917 revolution, Jews were disproportionately represented in all of Russia's subversive leftist parties. Jewish hatred of the Tsarist regime had a basis in objective conditions. Of the leading European powers of the day, imperial Russia was the most institutionally conservative and anti-Jewish. For example, Jews were normally not permitted to reside outside a large area in the west of the Empire known as the "Pale of Settlement."

However understandable, and perhaps even defensible, Jewish hostility toward the imperial regime may have been, the remarkable Jewish role in the vastly more despotic Soviet regime is less easy to justify. In a recently published book about the Jews in Russia during the 20th century, Russian-born Jewish writer Sonya Margolina goes so far as to call the Jewish role in supporting the Bolshevik regime the "historic sin of the Jews." She points, for example, to the prominent role of Jews as commandants of Soviet Gulag concentration and labor camps, and the role of Jewish Communists in the systematic destruction of Russian churches. Moreover, she goes on, "The Jews of the entire world supported Soviet power, and remained silent in the face of any criticism from the opposition." In light of this record, Margolina offers a grim prediction:

The exaggeratedly enthusiastic participation of the Jewish Bolsheviks in the subjugation and destruction of Russia is a sin that will be avenged Soviet power will be equated with Jewish power, and the furious hatred against the Bolsheviks will become hatred against Jews.

If the past is any indication, it is unlikely that many Russians will seek the revenge that Margolina prophecies. Anyway, to blame "the Jews" for the horrors of Communism seems no more justifiable than to blame "white people" for Negro slavery, or "the Germans" for the Second World War or "the Holocaust."

Can't call them "jewish" Bolsheviks as they were atheists. They were not jews.
Jewish is a race, not a religion. The Israeli "right of return" isn't extended to those who believe in God, it is extended to those who can establish a Jewish mother. I.e., nothing religious at all about the Jewish state.
"Jew" is a religion; once the soul attaches to God not even the actions of the body or thoughts of the mind can severe the connection.
The odds are over 70% that a 3rd generation non-Observant Jew will have actively "converted" to another religion. These Jews, will, of course get their asses kicked and burned by the authorities of that new religion when the Jewish tradition of higher education causes them to excel.
Don't argue with me, argue with history.
I suggest that causing Jews to act like non-Jews is not a wise move.
Wash, rinse, repeat, annihilate the Jews.

Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.
I forgot to specify that the Bolsheviks had their Judaism beaten out of them by the Christians...nice job.

In the years leading up to the 1917 revolution, Jews were disproportionately represented in all of Russia's subversive leftist parties. Jewish hatred of the Tsarist regime had a basis in objective conditions. Of the leading European powers of the day, imperial Russia was the most institutionally conservative and anti-Jewish. For example, Jews were normally not permitted to reside outside a large area in the west of the Empire known as the "Pale of Settlement."

However understandable, and perhaps even defensible, Jewish hostility toward the imperial regime may have been, the remarkable Jewish role in the vastly more despotic Soviet regime is less easy to justify. In a recently published book about the Jews in Russia during the 20th century, Russian-born Jewish writer Sonya Margolina goes so far as to call the Jewish role in supporting the Bolshevik regime the "historic sin of the Jews." She points, for example, to the prominent role of Jews as commandants of Soviet Gulag concentration and labor camps, and the role of Jewish Communists in the systematic destruction of Russian churches. Moreover, she goes on, "The Jews of the entire world supported Soviet power, and remained silent in the face of any criticism from the opposition." In light of this record, Margolina offers a grim prediction:

The exaggeratedly enthusiastic participation of the Jewish Bolsheviks in the subjugation and destruction of Russia is a sin that will be avenged Soviet power will be equated with Jewish power, and the furious hatred against the Bolsheviks will become hatred against Jews.

If the past is any indication, it is unlikely that many Russians will seek the revenge that Margolina prophecies. Anyway, to blame "the Jews" for the horrors of Communism seems no more justifiable than to blame "white people" for Negro slavery, or "the Germans" for the Second World War or "the Holocaust."
Like I said, don't give Jews a reason to become atheists and they won't copy their Christians oppressors and commit mass murder.
Come again with that explanation of why Christians are responsible for the genocidal slaughter Jews committed on Christians in Russia years before Hitler on the scene....
Have a few cups of coffee before demonstrating your mastery of history doesn't exist.

Come again why they're not...
Hitler was the result of 1,000 years of the Roman Catholic Church.
Grigori Zinoviev, Jew, Politburo member, and bloodthirsty subhuman monster, speaking at a meeting of Communists in September 1918, effectively pronounced a death sentence on ten million human beings.

Yes, i'm sure you found that in your John Birch Society pamphlets in the attic... but most of us are bored with that sort of nonsense.
Wait...Jews are tired of talking about mass extermination events. Well, praise Jesus, I didn't think this day would EVER come.
And how do you know what kind of John Birch reading material I have in my attic? You know what? I've had about enough. You're like the third Jew this month up there snooping around.

Jew Fritz Haber is considered the father of chemical warfare.... That must have been a real "Gas"
Wash, rinse, repeat, annihilate the Jews.

Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.
I forgot to specify that the Bolsheviks had their Judaism beaten out of them by the Christians...nice job.

In the years leading up to the 1917 revolution, Jews were disproportionately represented in all of Russia's subversive leftist parties. Jewish hatred of the Tsarist regime had a basis in objective conditions. Of the leading European powers of the day, imperial Russia was the most institutionally conservative and anti-Jewish. For example, Jews were normally not permitted to reside outside a large area in the west of the Empire known as the "Pale of Settlement."

However understandable, and perhaps even defensible, Jewish hostility toward the imperial regime may have been, the remarkable Jewish role in the vastly more despotic Soviet regime is less easy to justify. In a recently published book about the Jews in Russia during the 20th century, Russian-born Jewish writer Sonya Margolina goes so far as to call the Jewish role in supporting the Bolshevik regime the "historic sin of the Jews." She points, for example, to the prominent role of Jews as commandants of Soviet Gulag concentration and labor camps, and the role of Jewish Communists in the systematic destruction of Russian churches. Moreover, she goes on, "The Jews of the entire world supported Soviet power, and remained silent in the face of any criticism from the opposition." In light of this record, Margolina offers a grim prediction:

The exaggeratedly enthusiastic participation of the Jewish Bolsheviks in the subjugation and destruction of Russia is a sin that will be avenged Soviet power will be equated with Jewish power, and the furious hatred against the Bolsheviks will become hatred against Jews.

If the past is any indication, it is unlikely that many Russians will seek the revenge that Margolina prophecies. Anyway, to blame "the Jews" for the horrors of Communism seems no more justifiable than to blame "white people" for Negro slavery, or "the Germans" for the Second World War or "the Holocaust."
Like I said, don't give Jews a reason to become atheists and they won't copy their Christians oppressors and commit mass murder.

Jews don't commit mass murder?

Gee, golly, you better consult Julius Popper, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, Jakub Berman, and Salomon Morel about that. among others.
Wash, rinse, repeat, annihilate the Jews.

Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.
I forgot to specify that the Bolsheviks had their Judaism beaten out of them by the Christians...nice job.

In the years leading up to the 1917 revolution, Jews were disproportionately represented in all of Russia's subversive leftist parties. Jewish hatred of the Tsarist regime had a basis in objective conditions. Of the leading European powers of the day, imperial Russia was the most institutionally conservative and anti-Jewish. For example, Jews were normally not permitted to reside outside a large area in the west of the Empire known as the "Pale of Settlement."

However understandable, and perhaps even defensible, Jewish hostility toward the imperial regime may have been, the remarkable Jewish role in the vastly more despotic Soviet regime is less easy to justify. In a recently published book about the Jews in Russia during the 20th century, Russian-born Jewish writer Sonya Margolina goes so far as to call the Jewish role in supporting the Bolshevik regime the "historic sin of the Jews." She points, for example, to the prominent role of Jews as commandants of Soviet Gulag concentration and labor camps, and the role of Jewish Communists in the systematic destruction of Russian churches. Moreover, she goes on, "The Jews of the entire world supported Soviet power, and remained silent in the face of any criticism from the opposition." In light of this record, Margolina offers a grim prediction:

The exaggeratedly enthusiastic participation of the Jewish Bolsheviks in the subjugation and destruction of Russia is a sin that will be avenged Soviet power will be equated with Jewish power, and the furious hatred against the Bolsheviks will become hatred against Jews.

If the past is any indication, it is unlikely that many Russians will seek the revenge that Margolina prophecies. Anyway, to blame "the Jews" for the horrors of Communism seems no more justifiable than to blame "white people" for Negro slavery, or "the Germans" for the Second World War or "the Holocaust."

Can't call them "jewish" Bolsheviks as they were atheists. They were not jews.
Jewish is a race, not a religion. The Israeli "right of return" isn't extended to those who believe in God, it is extended to those who can establish a Jewish mother. I.e., nothing religious at all about the Jewish state.

They were russian. Do you classify all Bolsheviks by their regions or state of origin or tribal/subgroup in the vast Russian empire? Why do you do it to "jews"? Why single them out as different from the rest?
The (((Bolsheviks)), responsible for the deaths of 66 million Russians (a Decaholocaust), used them against peasants who resisted the confiscation of all their food.

Alexander Antonov, a radical member of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, had sided with the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution in 1917, but he became disenchanted with them after they implemented a policy of grain requisition in 1918. Antonov became a popular hero to the people of the Tambov region of central Russia where he started his campaigns.

In October 1920 the peasant army numbered over 50,000 fighters; numerous deserters from the Red Army joined it. The rebel militia proved highly effective and even infiltrated the Tambov Cheka. Alexander Schlichter, Chairman of the Tambov Gubernia Executive Committee, contacted Vladimir Lenin, who ordered Red Army reinforcements to the area. In January 1921 peasant revolts spread to Samara, Saratov, Tsaritsyn, Astrakhan and Siberia. In February, the peasant army reached its peak, numbering up to 70,000 and successfully defending the area against Bolshevik expeditions.

The seriousness of the uprising caused the establishment of the "Plenipotentiary Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Bolshevik Party for the Liquidation of Banditry in the Gubernia of Tambov". With the end of the Polish–Soviet War (in March 1921) and the defeat of General Wrangel in 1920, the Red Army could divert its regular troops into the area - deploying in total over 100,000 Red Army soldiers, alongside special Cheka detachments.

The Red Army, under the command of Mikhail Tukhachevsky, used heavy artillery and armoured trains and also engaged in the summary execution of civilians. Tukhachevsky and Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko signed an order, dated 12 June 1921, which stipulated:

"The forests where the bandits are hiding are to be cleared by the use of poison gas. This must be carefully calculated, so that the layer of gas penetrates the forests and kills everyone hiding there."

The Bolshevik forces used chemical weapons "from end of June 1921 until apparently the fall of 1921", by direct order from the leadership of Red Army and from the Communist Party. Publications in local Communist newspapers openly glorified liquidations of "bandits" with the poison gas.

Seven concentration camps were set up[by whom?]. At least 50,000 people were interned, mostly women, children, and the elderly - some of them sent to the camps as hostages. Each month 15 to 20 percent of inmates in the camps died.

The Bolsheviks gradually quell
ed the uprising in the course of 1921. Antonov was killed in 1922 during an attempt to arrest him. Sennikov estimated the total losses among the population of Tambov region in 1920 to 1922 resulting from the war, executions, and imprisonment in concentration camps as approximately 240,000.​

Alexander Antonov (centre) and his staff
Word of advice...
Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.

There it is, Americans. There is what I was waiting for. Thank you Inky, for doing your bit. Now, may my people see what is right in front of their faces.


When I brought up the subject of Jewish guilt in the wholesale slaughter of tens of millions of Russian civilians, what happened? The Jews on this board, with, perhaps, the assistance of some goy sycophants (Jews don't seem to be as forthcoming, for some reason, about their Jewishness as we are about who we are),went on the attack. There were attempts to lie about the historical record, to minimize, to shift blame, to thrash about clubbing us with the anti-Semite club, to kill the messenger. But in the end, there is simply no denying: Jews are directly responsible for a genocide in Russia that claimed more victims than the famous six million Jewish victims of Nazi Germany, and indirectly responsible for another one that killed even more Russians.

If you are the average goy American (goyim, by the way, means "cattle" in Yiddish), there is a good chance this is the first time you've even heard of* the Jewish genocidal slaughter of Christians en masse even though there were ten times as many Christian victims of Jews (and the slaughter started earlier and lasted longer) than Jewish victims of Christians. But you have most certainly heard all about the capital H Holocaust, haven't you?starting in elementary school with the Diary of Anne Frank, over and over and over and it hasn't stopped yet, has it?

Well, you might say, Jews are just very good a getting their story out there. What's wrong with that? And that's where Inky helps out. He said: "Word of advice...Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you."

There are a few things to say about that sentence, but, first, I want you to carefully consider the sheer menace in that sentence. Make sure you understand the threat there. If any people "treat us like shit" we will rain chemical death on them.


Years ago, I began asking Jews, whenever I had the chance, whether Jews played any role whatsoever in the Holocaust. Without exception, every Jew I ever asked that question to, including on this board, said no. Jews were utterly blameless and did nothing to contribute to German animosity toward them. Everything was rainbows and lollipops when suddenly, without warning, one afternoon around 2:30, the entire German nation was seized with an inexplicable, foaming-at-the-mouth hatred of Jews. It was completely irrational as the Jews had done absolutely nothing to deserve even a raised eye brow..

Now when you stop to think of it like that, that scenario sounds unlikely in the extreme. The world just doesn't work like that, does it? But I am confident that you could hit every Holocaust museum, attend every Holocaust Remembrance Day, watch every Holocaust documentary, and attend every Holocaust lecture, endure every feckless celebrity singing for his kosher supper from now until death and you won't hear a peep about that hugely relevant part of the narrative. Run your own test. At the next opportunity, ask a Jew what Jews did to contribute to German animosity. It is ALMOST certain he or she will answer, and truly believe that the Jews were blameless, you anti-Semite.

(I wrote "ALMOST" because there are exceptions--unfortunately exceedingly rare. There are Jews who are upfront and honest about their people. These are the righteous Jews. A good place to start is Benjamin Freedman's warning to America in 1961. While he misses in his claim about Jewish ancestry in those pre-DNA days, that is a small and unimportant part of the overall message. Israel | A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin Freedman speaks)

The upshot is: if there is a people who commit injustices against other peoples, yet cannot or will not own it, they will repeat the behavior. There is, as far as I know, no Jewish self-examination analogous to the Christian/ or American willingness to own up to transgressions and injustices. You wouldn't have friends like that, would you?


But what you WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE FINDING are Jews who are experts in all the wrongs Jews have suffered. They will have an encyclopedic knowledge of injustices that have rained down on Jews (for no reason) and where the narrative might seem a little thin, they prove themselves resourceful at repurposing injustices with life left in them.

For example, if you ask a Jew to explain to you the nature of the oppression American Jews have suffered and that he is complaining bitterly about, he may offer up as an example the outrages and insults and discrimination Jewish newcomers suffered at the hands of old stock WASPS. The WASP country club restricting its membership to non-Jews is a frequent trope. Here's an article that makes a solid case that, in fact, the more radical and numerous and aggressive and down market eastern European Jews experienced discrimination in the United States, but it came at the hands of the elite Jews, the first Jewish immigrants, the German-Jews. It was THEIR country clubs that denied the Rodney Dangerfield Jews entry. But can you see Dustin Hoffman taking the Ted Baxter role (Caddyshack). No better to assign that mistreatment to WASPs.

The Myth of the Golf Nazi

So, you see, it isn't even necessary to commit an injustice against Jews to be guilty of "treating Jews like shit"


Well, maybe Jews, as countless comedians have reminded us, are just a glass half empty kind of people. They tend to look on the glum side of things, interpret things negatively, hypersensitive. Well, OK, but this is an important question and one worth examining. As Inky demonstrated, being left with the short straw in the aggrievement game can be genocide-worthy .

To see if there is anything in that glass at all, ask yourself when was the last time you heard a Jew praising Americans, or being thankful for living in America, or speaking with respect about the Christians who founded the nation and carved it at great sacrifice out of the wilderness? Been a while, huh? Been hearing more about vicious Christian slave owners that star in so many Hollywood productions, and heartless American immigration agents sending Jews to their deaths in German concentration camps, and the agonies inflicted by WASP country club membership committees?

"Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you."

*donate to USMB
Wash, rinse, repeat, annihilate the Jews.

Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.
I forgot to specify that the Bolsheviks had their Judaism beaten out of them by the Christians...nice job.

Most of those Jews lived in Poland, and had the Statute of Kalisz to grant them basic civil rights.

None the less, Jews never assimilated to Polish society, despite being there for over 400 years.

Just short of 90% of Jews in Poland by the 20th century spoke Yiddish, or Hebrew first, rather than Polish.

Jews most certainly killed more Poles, than Poles killed Jews.

Following WW2, 6,000 Poles were executed by the UB run by first in command Jew Jakub Berman, and 2nd in command Jew Roman Romkowski.

While Jew Salomon Morel killed thousands of Poles at Lublin Castle, and as a commander of the Zboda Labour Camp, and the camp at Jaworzno.
Wash, rinse, repeat, annihilate the Jews.

Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.
I forgot to specify that the Bolsheviks had their Judaism beaten out of them by the Christians...nice job.

In the years leading up to the 1917 revolution, Jews were disproportionately represented in all of Russia's subversive leftist parties. Jewish hatred of the Tsarist regime had a basis in objective conditions. Of the leading European powers of the day, imperial Russia was the most institutionally conservative and anti-Jewish. For example, Jews were normally not permitted to reside outside a large area in the west of the Empire known as the "Pale of Settlement."

However understandable, and perhaps even defensible, Jewish hostility toward the imperial regime may have been, the remarkable Jewish role in the vastly more despotic Soviet regime is less easy to justify. In a recently published book about the Jews in Russia during the 20th century, Russian-born Jewish writer Sonya Margolina goes so far as to call the Jewish role in supporting the Bolshevik regime the "historic sin of the Jews." She points, for example, to the prominent role of Jews as commandants of Soviet Gulag concentration and labor camps, and the role of Jewish Communists in the systematic destruction of Russian churches. Moreover, she goes on, "The Jews of the entire world supported Soviet power, and remained silent in the face of any criticism from the opposition." In light of this record, Margolina offers a grim prediction:

The exaggeratedly enthusiastic participation of the Jewish Bolsheviks in the subjugation and destruction of Russia is a sin that will be avenged Soviet power will be equated with Jewish power, and the furious hatred against the Bolsheviks will become hatred against Jews.

If the past is any indication, it is unlikely that many Russians will seek the revenge that Margolina prophecies. Anyway, to blame "the Jews" for the horrors of Communism seems no more justifiable than to blame "white people" for Negro slavery, or "the Germans" for the Second World War or "the Holocaust."
Like I said, don't give Jews a reason to become atheists and they won't copy their Christians oppressors and commit mass murder.

Jews don't commit mass murder?

Gee, golly, you better consult Julius Popper, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, Jakub Berman, and Salomon Morel about that. among others.
Christianized/Assimilated Jews.
Go ahead, kick some Jew ass and see what happens.
Wash, rinse, repeat, annihilate the Jews.

Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.
I forgot to specify that the Bolsheviks had their Judaism beaten out of them by the Christians...nice job.

In the years leading up to the 1917 revolution, Jews were disproportionately represented in all of Russia's subversive leftist parties. Jewish hatred of the Tsarist regime had a basis in objective conditions. Of the leading European powers of the day, imperial Russia was the most institutionally conservative and anti-Jewish. For example, Jews were normally not permitted to reside outside a large area in the west of the Empire known as the "Pale of Settlement."

However understandable, and perhaps even defensible, Jewish hostility toward the imperial regime may have been, the remarkable Jewish role in the vastly more despotic Soviet regime is less easy to justify. In a recently published book about the Jews in Russia during the 20th century, Russian-born Jewish writer Sonya Margolina goes so far as to call the Jewish role in supporting the Bolshevik regime the "historic sin of the Jews." She points, for example, to the prominent role of Jews as commandants of Soviet Gulag concentration and labor camps, and the role of Jewish Communists in the systematic destruction of Russian churches. Moreover, she goes on, "The Jews of the entire world supported Soviet power, and remained silent in the face of any criticism from the opposition." In light of this record, Margolina offers a grim prediction:

The exaggeratedly enthusiastic participation of the Jewish Bolsheviks in the subjugation and destruction of Russia is a sin that will be avenged Soviet power will be equated with Jewish power, and the furious hatred against the Bolsheviks will become hatred against Jews.

If the past is any indication, it is unlikely that many Russians will seek the revenge that Margolina prophecies. Anyway, to blame "the Jews" for the horrors of Communism seems no more justifiable than to blame "white people" for Negro slavery, or "the Germans" for the Second World War or "the Holocaust."

Can't call them "jewish" Bolsheviks as they were atheists. They were not jews.
Jewish is a race, not a religion. The Israeli "right of return" isn't extended to those who believe in God, it is extended to those who can establish a Jewish mother. I.e., nothing religious at all about the Jewish state.

They were russian. Do you classify all Bolsheviks by their regions or state of origin or tribal/subgroup in the vast Russian empire? Why do you do it to "jews"? Why single them out as different from the rest?
cnelson is a White Supremacist.
Wash, rinse, repeat, annihilate the Jews.

Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.
I forgot to specify that the Bolsheviks had their Judaism beaten out of them by the Christians...nice job.

In the years leading up to the 1917 revolution, Jews were disproportionately represented in all of Russia's subversive leftist parties. Jewish hatred of the Tsarist regime had a basis in objective conditions. Of the leading European powers of the day, imperial Russia was the most institutionally conservative and anti-Jewish. For example, Jews were normally not permitted to reside outside a large area in the west of the Empire known as the "Pale of Settlement."

However understandable, and perhaps even defensible, Jewish hostility toward the imperial regime may have been, the remarkable Jewish role in the vastly more despotic Soviet regime is less easy to justify. In a recently published book about the Jews in Russia during the 20th century, Russian-born Jewish writer Sonya Margolina goes so far as to call the Jewish role in supporting the Bolshevik regime the "historic sin of the Jews." She points, for example, to the prominent role of Jews as commandants of Soviet Gulag concentration and labor camps, and the role of Jewish Communists in the systematic destruction of Russian churches. Moreover, she goes on, "The Jews of the entire world supported Soviet power, and remained silent in the face of any criticism from the opposition." In light of this record, Margolina offers a grim prediction:

The exaggeratedly enthusiastic participation of the Jewish Bolsheviks in the subjugation and destruction of Russia is a sin that will be avenged Soviet power will be equated with Jewish power, and the furious hatred against the Bolsheviks will become hatred against Jews.

If the past is any indication, it is unlikely that many Russians will seek the revenge that Margolina prophecies. Anyway, to blame "the Jews" for the horrors of Communism seems no more justifiable than to blame "white people" for Negro slavery, or "the Germans" for the Second World War or "the Holocaust."

Can't call them "jewish" Bolsheviks as they were atheists. They were not jews.
Jewish is a race, not a religion. The Israeli "right of return" isn't extended to those who believe in God, it is extended to those who can establish a Jewish mother. I.e., nothing religious at all about the Jewish state.

They were russian. Do you classify all Bolsheviks by their regions or state of origin or tribal/subgroup in the vast Russian empire? Why do you do it to "jews"? Why single them out as different from the rest?
cnelson is a White Supremacist.

You're not a Jewish Supremacist?
The (((Bolsheviks)), responsible for the deaths of 66 million Russians (a Decaholocaust), used them against peasants who resisted the confiscation of all their food.

Alexander Antonov, a radical member of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, had sided with the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution in 1917, but he became disenchanted with them after they implemented a policy of grain requisition in 1918. Antonov became a popular hero to the people of the Tambov region of central Russia where he started his campaigns.

In October 1920 the peasant army numbered over 50,000 fighters; numerous deserters from the Red Army joined it. The rebel militia proved highly effective and even infiltrated the Tambov Cheka. Alexander Schlichter, Chairman of the Tambov Gubernia Executive Committee, contacted Vladimir Lenin, who ordered Red Army reinforcements to the area. In January 1921 peasant revolts spread to Samara, Saratov, Tsaritsyn, Astrakhan and Siberia. In February, the peasant army reached its peak, numbering up to 70,000 and successfully defending the area against Bolshevik expeditions.

The seriousness of the uprising caused the establishment of the "Plenipotentiary Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Bolshevik Party for the Liquidation of Banditry in the Gubernia of Tambov". With the end of the Polish–Soviet War (in March 1921) and the defeat of General Wrangel in 1920, the Red Army could divert its regular troops into the area - deploying in total over 100,000 Red Army soldiers, alongside special Cheka detachments.

The Red Army, under the command of Mikhail Tukhachevsky, used heavy artillery and armoured trains and also engaged in the summary execution of civilians. Tukhachevsky and Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko signed an order, dated 12 June 1921, which stipulated:

"The forests where the bandits are hiding are to be cleared by the use of poison gas. This must be carefully calculated, so that the layer of gas penetrates the forests and kills everyone hiding there."

The Bolshevik forces used chemical weapons "from end of June 1921 until apparently the fall of 1921", by direct order from the leadership of Red Army and from the Communist Party. Publications in local Communist newspapers openly glorified liquidations of "bandits" with the poison gas.

Seven concentration camps were set up[by whom?]. At least 50,000 people were interned, mostly women, children, and the elderly - some of them sent to the camps as hostages. Each month 15 to 20 percent of inmates in the camps died.

The Bolsheviks gradually quell
ed the uprising in the course of 1921. Antonov was killed in 1922 during an attempt to arrest him. Sennikov estimated the total losses among the population of Tambov region in 1920 to 1922 resulting from the war, executions, and imprisonment in concentration camps as approximately 240,000.​

Alexander Antonov (centre) and his staff
Word of advice...
Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.

There it is, Americans. There is what I was waiting for. Thank you Inky, for doing your bit. Now, may my people see what is right in front of their faces.


When I brought up the subject of Jewish guilt in the wholesale slaughter of tens of millions of Russian civilians, what happened? The Jews on this board, with, perhaps, the assistance of some goy sycophants (Jews don't seem to be as forthcoming, for some reason, about their Jewishness as we are about who we are),went on the attack. There were attempts to lie about the historical record, to minimize, to shift blame, to thrash about clubbing us with the anti-Semite club, to kill the messenger. But in the end, there is simply no denying: Jews are directly responsible for a genocide in Russia that claimed more victims than the famous six million Jewish victims of Nazi Germany, and indirectly responsible for another one that killed even more Russians.

If you are the average goy American (goyim, by the way, means "cattle" in Yiddish), there is a good chance this is the first time you've even heard of* the Jewish genocidal slaughter of Christians en masse even though there were ten times as many Christian victims of Jews (and the slaughter started earlier and lasted longer) than Jewish victims of Christians. But you have most certainly heard all about the capital H Holocaust, haven't you?starting in elementary school with the Diary of Anne Frank, over and over and over and it hasn't stopped yet, has it?

Well, you might say, Jews are just very good a getting their story out there. What's wrong with that? And that's where Inky helps out. He said: "Word of advice...Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you."

There are a few things to say about that sentence, but, first, I want you to carefully consider the sheer menace in that sentence. Make sure you understand the threat there. If any people "treat us like shit" we will rain chemical death on them.


Years ago, I began asking Jews, whenever I had the chance, whether Jews played any role whatsoever in the Holocaust. Without exception, every Jew I ever asked that question to, including on this board, said no. Jews were utterly blameless and did nothing to contribute to German animosity toward them. Everything was rainbows and lollipops when suddenly, without warning, one afternoon around 2:30, the entire German nation was seized with an inexplicable, foaming-at-the-mouth hatred of Jews. It was completely irrational as the Jews had done absolutely nothing to deserve even a raised eye brow..

Now when you stop to think of it like that, that scenario sounds unlikely in the extreme. The world just doesn't work like that, does it? But I am confident that you could hit every Holocaust museum, attend every Holocaust Remembrance Day, watch every Holocaust documentary, and attend every Holocaust lecture, endure every feckless celebrity singing for his kosher supper from now until death and you won't hear a peep about that hugely relevant part of the narrative. Run your own test. At the next opportunity, ask a Jew what Jews did to contribute to German animosity. It is ALMOST certain he or she will answer, and truly believe that the Jews were blameless, you anti-Semite.

(I wrote "ALMOST" because there are exceptions--unfortunately exceedingly rare. There are Jews who are upfront and honest about their people. These are the righteous Jews. A good place to start is Benjamin Freedman's warning to America in 1961. While he misses in his claim about Jewish ancestry in those pre-DNA days, that is a small and unimportant part of the overall message. Israel | A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin Freedman speaks)

The upshot is: if there is a people who commit injustices against other peoples, yet cannot or will not own it, they will repeat the behavior. There is, as far as I know, no Jewish self-examination analogous to the Christian/ or American willingness to own up to transgressions and injustices. You wouldn't have friends like that, would you?


But what you WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE FINDING are Jews who are experts in all the wrongs Jews have suffered. They will have an encyclopedic knowledge of injustices that have rained down on Jews (for no reason) and where the narrative might seem a little thin, they prove themselves resourceful at repurposing injustices with life left in them.

For example, if you ask a Jew to explain to you the nature of the oppression American Jews have suffered and that he is complaining bitterly about, he may offer up as an example the outrages and insults and discrimination Jewish newcomers suffered at the hands of old stock WASPS. The WASP country club restricting its membership to non-Jews is a frequent trope. Here's an article that makes a solid case that, in fact, the more radical and numerous and aggressive and down market eastern European Jews experienced discrimination in the United States, but it came at the hands of the elite Jews, the first Jewish immigrants, the German-Jews. It was THEIR country clubs that denied the Rodney Dangerfield Jews entry. But can you see Dustin Hoffman taking the Ted Baxter role (Caddyshack). No better to assign that mistreatment to WASPs.

The Myth of the Golf Nazi

So, you see, it isn't even necessary to commit an injustice against Jews to be guilty of "treating Jews like shit"


Well, maybe Jews, as countless comedians have reminded us, are just a glass half empty kind of people. They tend to look on the glum side of things, interpret things negatively, hypersensitive. Well, OK, but this is an important question and one worth examining. As Inky demonstrated, being left with the short straw in the aggrievement game can be genocide-worthy .

To see if there is anything in that glass at all, ask yourself when was the last time you heard a Jew praising Americans, or being thankful for living in America, or speaking with respect about the Christians who founded the nation and carved it at great sacrifice out of the wilderness? Been a while, huh? Been hearing more about vicious Christian slave owners that star in so many Hollywood productions, and heartless American immigration agents sending Jews to their deaths in German concentration camps, and the agonies inflicted by WASP country club membership committees?

"Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you."

*donate to USMB
Wash, rinse, repeat, annihilate the Jews.

Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.
I forgot to specify that the Bolsheviks had their Judaism beaten out of them by the Christians...nice job.

Most of those Jews lived in Poland, and had the Statute of Kalisz to grant them basic civil rights.

None the less, Jews never assimilated to Polish society, despite being there for over 400 years.

Just short of 90% of Jews in Poland by the 20th century spoke Yiddish, or Hebrew first, rather than Polish.

Jews most certainly killed more Poles, than Poles killed Jews.

Following WW2, 6,000 Poles were executed by the UB run by first in command Jew Jakub Berman, and 2nd in command Jew Roman Romkowski.

While Jew Salomon Morel killed thousands of Poles at Lublin Castle, and as a commander of the Zboda Labour Camp, and the camp at Jaworzno.
What does a Jewish Jew have in common with an inebriated farmer or blacksmith?
Jew haters always convince themselves that Jews won't drop their religion and come back at you 50 years later.
After a few wars, you figure that there's nothing more dangerous than a secular educated Jew whose pissed off.
In the years leading up to the 1917 revolution, Jews were disproportionately represented in all of Russia's subversive leftist parties. Jewish hatred of the Tsarist regime had a basis in objective conditions. Of the leading European powers of the day, imperial Russia was the most institutionally conservative and anti-Jewish. For example, Jews were normally not permitted to reside outside a large area in the west of the Empire known as the "Pale of Settlement."

However understandable, and perhaps even defensible, Jewish hostility toward the imperial regime may have been, the remarkable Jewish role in the vastly more despotic Soviet regime is less easy to justify. In a recently published book about the Jews in Russia during the 20th century, Russian-born Jewish writer Sonya Margolina goes so far as to call the Jewish role in supporting the Bolshevik regime the "historic sin of the Jews." She points, for example, to the prominent role of Jews as commandants of Soviet Gulag concentration and labor camps, and the role of Jewish Communists in the systematic destruction of Russian churches. Moreover, she goes on, "The Jews of the entire world supported Soviet power, and remained silent in the face of any criticism from the opposition." In light of this record, Margolina offers a grim prediction:

The exaggeratedly enthusiastic participation of the Jewish Bolsheviks in the subjugation and destruction of Russia is a sin that will be avenged Soviet power will be equated with Jewish power, and the furious hatred against the Bolsheviks will become hatred against Jews.

If the past is any indication, it is unlikely that many Russians will seek the revenge that Margolina prophecies. Anyway, to blame "the Jews" for the horrors of Communism seems no more justifiable than to blame "white people" for Negro slavery, or "the Germans" for the Second World War or "the Holocaust."

Can't call them "jewish" Bolsheviks as they were atheists. They were not jews.
Jewish is a race, not a religion. The Israeli "right of return" isn't extended to those who believe in God, it is extended to those who can establish a Jewish mother. I.e., nothing religious at all about the Jewish state.

They were russian. Do you classify all Bolsheviks by their regions or state of origin or tribal/subgroup in the vast Russian empire? Why do you do it to "jews"? Why single them out as different from the rest?
cnelson is a White Supremacist.

You're not a Jewish Supremacist?
The Torah does not allow for such.
Can't call them "jewish" Bolsheviks as they were atheists. They were not jews.
Jewish is a race, not a religion. The Israeli "right of return" isn't extended to those who believe in God, it is extended to those who can establish a Jewish mother. I.e., nothing religious at all about the Jewish state.

They were russian. Do you classify all Bolsheviks by their regions or state of origin or tribal/subgroup in the vast Russian empire? Why do you do it to "jews"? Why single them out as different from the rest?
cnelson is a White Supremacist.

You're not a Jewish Supremacist?
The Torah does not allow for such.

What about the Talmud, that's not supremacist?:9:
The (((Bolsheviks)), responsible for the deaths of 66 million Russians (a Decaholocaust), used them against peasants who resisted the confiscation of all their food.

Alexander Antonov, a radical member of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, had sided with the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution in 1917, but he became disenchanted with them after they implemented a policy of grain requisition in 1918. Antonov became a popular hero to the people of the Tambov region of central Russia where he started his campaigns.

In October 1920 the peasant army numbered over 50,000 fighters; numerous deserters from the Red Army joined it. The rebel militia proved highly effective and even infiltrated the Tambov Cheka. Alexander Schlichter, Chairman of the Tambov Gubernia Executive Committee, contacted Vladimir Lenin, who ordered Red Army reinforcements to the area. In January 1921 peasant revolts spread to Samara, Saratov, Tsaritsyn, Astrakhan and Siberia. In February, the peasant army reached its peak, numbering up to 70,000 and successfully defending the area against Bolshevik expeditions.

The seriousness of the uprising caused the establishment of the "Plenipotentiary Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Bolshevik Party for the Liquidation of Banditry in the Gubernia of Tambov". With the end of the Polish–Soviet War (in March 1921) and the defeat of General Wrangel in 1920, the Red Army could divert its regular troops into the area - deploying in total over 100,000 Red Army soldiers, alongside special Cheka detachments.

The Red Army, under the command of Mikhail Tukhachevsky, used heavy artillery and armoured trains and also engaged in the summary execution of civilians. Tukhachevsky and Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko signed an order, dated 12 June 1921, which stipulated:

"The forests where the bandits are hiding are to be cleared by the use of poison gas. This must be carefully calculated, so that the layer of gas penetrates the forests and kills everyone hiding there."

The Bolshevik forces used chemical weapons "from end of June 1921 until apparently the fall of 1921", by direct order from the leadership of Red Army and from the Communist Party. Publications in local Communist newspapers openly glorified liquidations of "bandits" with the poison gas.

Seven concentration camps were set up[by whom?]. At least 50,000 people were interned, mostly women, children, and the elderly - some of them sent to the camps as hostages. Each month 15 to 20 percent of inmates in the camps died.

The Bolsheviks gradually quell
ed the uprising in the course of 1921. Antonov was killed in 1922 during an attempt to arrest him. Sennikov estimated the total losses among the population of Tambov region in 1920 to 1922 resulting from the war, executions, and imprisonment in concentration camps as approximately 240,000.​

Alexander Antonov (centre) and his staff
Word of advice...
Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.

There it is, Americans. There is what I was waiting for. Thank you Inky, for doing your bit. Now, may my people see what is right in front of their faces.


When I brought up the subject of Jewish guilt in the wholesale slaughter of tens of millions of Russian civilians, what happened? The Jews on this board, with, perhaps, the assistance of some goy sycophants (Jews don't seem to be as forthcoming, for some reason, about their Jewishness as we are about who we are),went on the attack. There were attempts to lie about the historical record, to minimize, to shift blame, to thrash about clubbing us with the anti-Semite club, to kill the messenger. But in the end, there is simply no denying: Jews are directly responsible for a genocide in Russia that claimed more victims than the famous six million Jewish victims of Nazi Germany, and indirectly responsible for another one that killed even more Russians.

If you are the average goy American (goyim, by the way, means "cattle" in Yiddish), there is a good chance this is the first time you've even heard of* the Jewish genocidal slaughter of Christians en masse even though there were ten times as many Christian victims of Jews (and the slaughter started earlier and lasted longer) than Jewish victims of Christians. But you have most certainly heard all about the capital H Holocaust, haven't you?starting in elementary school with the Diary of Anne Frank, over and over and over and it hasn't stopped yet, has it?

Well, you might say, Jews are just very good a getting their story out there. What's wrong with that? And that's where Inky helps out. He said: "Word of advice...Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you."

There are a few things to say about that sentence, but, first, I want you to carefully consider the sheer menace in that sentence. Make sure you understand the threat there. If any people "treat us like shit" we will rain chemical death on them.


Years ago, I began asking Jews, whenever I had the chance, whether Jews played any role whatsoever in the Holocaust. Without exception, every Jew I ever asked that question to, including on this board, said no. Jews were utterly blameless and did nothing to contribute to German animosity toward them. Everything was rainbows and lollipops when suddenly, without warning, one afternoon around 2:30, the entire German nation was seized with an inexplicable, foaming-at-the-mouth hatred of Jews. It was completely irrational as the Jews had done absolutely nothing to deserve even a raised eye brow..

Now when you stop to think of it like that, that scenario sounds unlikely in the extreme. The world just doesn't work like that, does it? But I am confident that you could hit every Holocaust museum, attend every Holocaust Remembrance Day, watch every Holocaust documentary, and attend every Holocaust lecture, endure every feckless celebrity singing for his kosher supper from now until death and you won't hear a peep about that hugely relevant part of the narrative. Run your own test. At the next opportunity, ask a Jew what Jews did to contribute to German animosity. It is ALMOST certain he or she will answer, and truly believe that the Jews were blameless, you anti-Semite.

(I wrote "ALMOST" because there are exceptions--unfortunately exceedingly rare. There are Jews who are upfront and honest about their people. These are the righteous Jews. A good place to start is Benjamin Freedman's warning to America in 1961. While he misses in his claim about Jewish ancestry in those pre-DNA days, that is a small and unimportant part of the overall message. Israel | A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin Freedman speaks)

The upshot is: if there is a people who commit injustices against other peoples, yet cannot or will not own it, they will repeat the behavior. There is, as far as I know, no Jewish self-examination analogous to the Christian/ or American willingness to own up to transgressions and injustices. You wouldn't have friends like that, would you?


But what you WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE FINDING are Jews who are experts in all the wrongs Jews have suffered. They will have an encyclopedic knowledge of injustices that have rained down on Jews (for no reason) and where the narrative might seem a little thin, they prove themselves resourceful at repurposing injustices with life left in them.

For example, if you ask a Jew to explain to you the nature of the oppression American Jews have suffered and that he is complaining bitterly about, he may offer up as an example the outrages and insults and discrimination Jewish newcomers suffered at the hands of old stock WASPS. The WASP country club restricting its membership to non-Jews is a frequent trope. Here's an article that makes a solid case that, in fact, the more radical and numerous and aggressive and down market eastern European Jews experienced discrimination in the United States, but it came at the hands of the elite Jews, the first Jewish immigrants, the German-Jews. It was THEIR country clubs that denied the Rodney Dangerfield Jews entry. But can you see Dustin Hoffman taking the Ted Baxter role (Caddyshack). No better to assign that mistreatment to WASPs.

The Myth of the Golf Nazi

So, you see, it isn't even necessary to commit an injustice against Jews to be guilty of "treating Jews like shit"


Well, maybe Jews, as countless comedians have reminded us, are just a glass half empty kind of people. They tend to look on the glum side of things, interpret things negatively, hypersensitive. Well, OK, but this is an important question and one worth examining. As Inky demonstrated, being left with the short straw in the aggrievement game can be genocide-worthy .

To see if there is anything in that glass at all, ask yourself when was the last time you heard a Jew praising Americans, or being thankful for living in America, or speaking with respect about the Christians who founded the nation and carved it at great sacrifice out of the wilderness? Been a while, huh? Been hearing more about vicious Christian slave owners that star in so many Hollywood productions, and heartless American immigration agents sending Jews to their deaths in German concentration camps, and the agonies inflicted by WASP country club membership committees?

"Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you."

*donate to USMB
Wash, rinse, repeat, annihilate the Jews.

Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.
I forgot to specify that the Bolsheviks had their Judaism beaten out of them by the Christians...nice job.

Most of those Jews lived in Poland, and had the Statute of Kalisz to grant them basic civil rights.

None the less, Jews never assimilated to Polish society, despite being there for over 400 years.

Just short of 90% of Jews in Poland by the 20th century spoke Yiddish, or Hebrew first, rather than Polish.

Jews most certainly killed more Poles, than Poles killed Jews.

Following WW2, 6,000 Poles were executed by the UB run by first in command Jew Jakub Berman, and 2nd in command Jew Roman Romkowski.

While Jew Salomon Morel killed thousands of Poles at Lublin Castle, and as a commander of the Zboda Labour Camp, and the camp at Jaworzno.
What does a Jewish Jew have in common with an inebriated farmer or blacksmith?
Jew haters always convince themselves that Jews won't drop their religion and come back at you 50 years later.
After a few wars, you figure that there's nothing more dangerous than a secular educated Jew whose pissed off.

Are you referring to Poland the host nation of Jews for a long period time, as a bunch of drunk farmers, and blacksmiths who therefor they didn't have to assimilate?
Jewish is a race, not a religion. The Israeli "right of return" isn't extended to those who believe in God, it is extended to those who can establish a Jewish mother. I.e., nothing religious at all about the Jewish state.

They were russian. Do you classify all Bolsheviks by their regions or state of origin or tribal/subgroup in the vast Russian empire? Why do you do it to "jews"? Why single them out as different from the rest?
cnelson is a White Supremacist.

You're not a Jewish Supremacist?
The Torah does not allow for such.

What about the Talmud, that's not supremacist?:9:
The Talmud consists of philosophical discussions that often help Jews, and non-Jews in some instances, know how to behave.
The majority of our decisions are not determined in the Talmud but by the sages throughout the ages.
Word of advice...
Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.

There it is, Americans. There is what I was waiting for. Thank you Inky, for doing your bit. Now, may my people see what is right in front of their faces.


When I brought up the subject of Jewish guilt in the wholesale slaughter of tens of millions of Russian civilians, what happened? The Jews on this board, with, perhaps, the assistance of some goy sycophants (Jews don't seem to be as forthcoming, for some reason, about their Jewishness as we are about who we are),went on the attack. There were attempts to lie about the historical record, to minimize, to shift blame, to thrash about clubbing us with the anti-Semite club, to kill the messenger. But in the end, there is simply no denying: Jews are directly responsible for a genocide in Russia that claimed more victims than the famous six million Jewish victims of Nazi Germany, and indirectly responsible for another one that killed even more Russians.

If you are the average goy American (goyim, by the way, means "cattle" in Yiddish), there is a good chance this is the first time you've even heard of* the Jewish genocidal slaughter of Christians en masse even though there were ten times as many Christian victims of Jews (and the slaughter started earlier and lasted longer) than Jewish victims of Christians. But you have most certainly heard all about the capital H Holocaust, haven't you?starting in elementary school with the Diary of Anne Frank, over and over and over and it hasn't stopped yet, has it?

Well, you might say, Jews are just very good a getting their story out there. What's wrong with that? And that's where Inky helps out. He said: "Word of advice...Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you."

There are a few things to say about that sentence, but, first, I want you to carefully consider the sheer menace in that sentence. Make sure you understand the threat there. If any people "treat us like shit" we will rain chemical death on them.


Years ago, I began asking Jews, whenever I had the chance, whether Jews played any role whatsoever in the Holocaust. Without exception, every Jew I ever asked that question to, including on this board, said no. Jews were utterly blameless and did nothing to contribute to German animosity toward them. Everything was rainbows and lollipops when suddenly, without warning, one afternoon around 2:30, the entire German nation was seized with an inexplicable, foaming-at-the-mouth hatred of Jews. It was completely irrational as the Jews had done absolutely nothing to deserve even a raised eye brow..

Now when you stop to think of it like that, that scenario sounds unlikely in the extreme. The world just doesn't work like that, does it? But I am confident that you could hit every Holocaust museum, attend every Holocaust Remembrance Day, watch every Holocaust documentary, and attend every Holocaust lecture, endure every feckless celebrity singing for his kosher supper from now until death and you won't hear a peep about that hugely relevant part of the narrative. Run your own test. At the next opportunity, ask a Jew what Jews did to contribute to German animosity. It is ALMOST certain he or she will answer, and truly believe that the Jews were blameless, you anti-Semite.

(I wrote "ALMOST" because there are exceptions--unfortunately exceedingly rare. There are Jews who are upfront and honest about their people. These are the righteous Jews. A good place to start is Benjamin Freedman's warning to America in 1961. While he misses in his claim about Jewish ancestry in those pre-DNA days, that is a small and unimportant part of the overall message. Israel | A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin Freedman speaks)

The upshot is: if there is a people who commit injustices against other peoples, yet cannot or will not own it, they will repeat the behavior. There is, as far as I know, no Jewish self-examination analogous to the Christian/ or American willingness to own up to transgressions and injustices. You wouldn't have friends like that, would you?


But what you WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE FINDING are Jews who are experts in all the wrongs Jews have suffered. They will have an encyclopedic knowledge of injustices that have rained down on Jews (for no reason) and where the narrative might seem a little thin, they prove themselves resourceful at repurposing injustices with life left in them.

For example, if you ask a Jew to explain to you the nature of the oppression American Jews have suffered and that he is complaining bitterly about, he may offer up as an example the outrages and insults and discrimination Jewish newcomers suffered at the hands of old stock WASPS. The WASP country club restricting its membership to non-Jews is a frequent trope. Here's an article that makes a solid case that, in fact, the more radical and numerous and aggressive and down market eastern European Jews experienced discrimination in the United States, but it came at the hands of the elite Jews, the first Jewish immigrants, the German-Jews. It was THEIR country clubs that denied the Rodney Dangerfield Jews entry. But can you see Dustin Hoffman taking the Ted Baxter role (Caddyshack). No better to assign that mistreatment to WASPs.

The Myth of the Golf Nazi

So, you see, it isn't even necessary to commit an injustice against Jews to be guilty of "treating Jews like shit"


Well, maybe Jews, as countless comedians have reminded us, are just a glass half empty kind of people. They tend to look on the glum side of things, interpret things negatively, hypersensitive. Well, OK, but this is an important question and one worth examining. As Inky demonstrated, being left with the short straw in the aggrievement game can be genocide-worthy .

To see if there is anything in that glass at all, ask yourself when was the last time you heard a Jew praising Americans, or being thankful for living in America, or speaking with respect about the Christians who founded the nation and carved it at great sacrifice out of the wilderness? Been a while, huh? Been hearing more about vicious Christian slave owners that star in so many Hollywood productions, and heartless American immigration agents sending Jews to their deaths in German concentration camps, and the agonies inflicted by WASP country club membership committees?

"Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you."

*donate to USMB
Wash, rinse, repeat, annihilate the Jews.

Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.
I forgot to specify that the Bolsheviks had their Judaism beaten out of them by the Christians...nice job.

Most of those Jews lived in Poland, and had the Statute of Kalisz to grant them basic civil rights.

None the less, Jews never assimilated to Polish society, despite being there for over 400 years.

Just short of 90% of Jews in Poland by the 20th century spoke Yiddish, or Hebrew first, rather than Polish.

Jews most certainly killed more Poles, than Poles killed Jews.

Following WW2, 6,000 Poles were executed by the UB run by first in command Jew Jakub Berman, and 2nd in command Jew Roman Romkowski.

While Jew Salomon Morel killed thousands of Poles at Lublin Castle, and as a commander of the Zboda Labour Camp, and the camp at Jaworzno.
What does a Jewish Jew have in common with an inebriated farmer or blacksmith?
Jew haters always convince themselves that Jews won't drop their religion and come back at you 50 years later.
After a few wars, you figure that there's nothing more dangerous than a secular educated Jew whose pissed off.

Are you referring to Poland the host nation of Jews for a long period time, as a bunch of drunk farmers, and blacksmiths who therefor they didn't have to assimilate?
And that's just what Poland was besides serving as a historic buffer between Germany and Russia.
Now you're going to try and convince me that the Jews lived in Poland in the big cities amongst the elite,.
You would be wrong; the Jews were mostly shunned off into little villages located next to uneducated Poles who drank a lot to ward off their misery.
They were russian. Do you classify all Bolsheviks by their regions or state of origin or tribal/subgroup in the vast Russian empire? Why do you do it to "jews"? Why single them out as different from the rest?
cnelson is a White Supremacist.

You're not a Jewish Supremacist?
The Torah does not allow for such.

What about the Talmud, that's not supremacist?:9:
The Talmud consists of philosophical discussions that often help Jews, and non-Jews in some instances, know how to behave.
The majority of our decisions are not determined in the Talmud but by the sages throughout the ages.

So, the Talmud Unmasked is not true?
Even though even Wikipedia doesn't refute it, probably because it's irrefutable?

The Talmud Unmasked - Wikipedia
The (((Bolsheviks)), responsible for the deaths of 66 million Russians (a Decaholocaust), used them against peasants who resisted the confiscation of all their food.

Alexander Antonov, a radical member of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, had sided with the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution in 1917, but he became disenchanted with them after they implemented a policy of grain requisition in 1918. Antonov became a popular hero to the people of the Tambov region of central Russia where he started his campaigns.

In October 1920 the peasant army numbered over 50,000 fighters; numerous deserters from the Red Army joined it. The rebel militia proved highly effective and even infiltrated the Tambov Cheka. Alexander Schlichter, Chairman of the Tambov Gubernia Executive Committee, contacted Vladimir Lenin, who ordered Red Army reinforcements to the area. In January 1921 peasant revolts spread to Samara, Saratov, Tsaritsyn, Astrakhan and Siberia. In February, the peasant army reached its peak, numbering up to 70,000 and successfully defending the area against Bolshevik expeditions.

The seriousness of the uprising caused the establishment of the "Plenipotentiary Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Bolshevik Party for the Liquidation of Banditry in the Gubernia of Tambov". With the end of the Polish–Soviet War (in March 1921) and the defeat of General Wrangel in 1920, the Red Army could divert its regular troops into the area - deploying in total over 100,000 Red Army soldiers, alongside special Cheka detachments.

The Red Army, under the command of Mikhail Tukhachevsky, used heavy artillery and armoured trains and also engaged in the summary execution of civilians. Tukhachevsky and Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko signed an order, dated 12 June 1921, which stipulated:

"The forests where the bandits are hiding are to be cleared by the use of poison gas. This must be carefully calculated, so that the layer of gas penetrates the forests and kills everyone hiding there."

The Bolshevik forces used chemical weapons "from end of June 1921 until apparently the fall of 1921", by direct order from the leadership of Red Army and from the Communist Party. Publications in local Communist newspapers openly glorified liquidations of "bandits" with the poison gas.

Seven concentration camps were set up[by whom?]. At least 50,000 people were interned, mostly women, children, and the elderly - some of them sent to the camps as hostages. Each month 15 to 20 percent of inmates in the camps died.

The Bolsheviks gradually quell
ed the uprising in the course of 1921. Antonov was killed in 1922 during an attempt to arrest him. Sennikov estimated the total losses among the population of Tambov region in 1920 to 1922 resulting from the war, executions, and imprisonment in concentration camps as approximately 240,000.​

Alexander Antonov (centre) and his staff
Word of advice...
Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.

There it is, Americans. There is what I was waiting for. Thank you Inky, for doing your bit. Now, may my people see what is right in front of their faces.


When I brought up the subject of Jewish guilt in the wholesale slaughter of tens of millions of Russian civilians, what happened? The Jews on this board, with, perhaps, the assistance of some goy sycophants (Jews don't seem to be as forthcoming, for some reason, about their Jewishness as we are about who we are),went on the attack. There were attempts to lie about the historical record, to minimize, to shift blame, to thrash about clubbing us with the anti-Semite club, to kill the messenger. But in the end, there is simply no denying: Jews are directly responsible for a genocide in Russia that claimed more victims than the famous six million Jewish victims of Nazi Germany, and indirectly responsible for another one that killed even more Russians.

If you are the average goy American (goyim, by the way, means "cattle" in Yiddish), there is a good chance this is the first time you've even heard of* the Jewish genocidal slaughter of Christians en masse even though there were ten times as many Christian victims of Jews (and the slaughter started earlier and lasted longer) than Jewish victims of Christians. But you have most certainly heard all about the capital H Holocaust, haven't you?starting in elementary school with the Diary of Anne Frank, over and over and over and it hasn't stopped yet, has it?

Well, you might say, Jews are just very good a getting their story out there. What's wrong with that? And that's where Inky helps out. He said: "Word of advice...Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you."

There are a few things to say about that sentence, but, first, I want you to carefully consider the sheer menace in that sentence. Make sure you understand the threat there. If any people "treat us like shit" we will rain chemical death on them.


Years ago, I began asking Jews, whenever I had the chance, whether Jews played any role whatsoever in the Holocaust. Without exception, every Jew I ever asked that question to, including on this board, said no. Jews were utterly blameless and did nothing to contribute to German animosity toward them. Everything was rainbows and lollipops when suddenly, without warning, one afternoon around 2:30, the entire German nation was seized with an inexplicable, foaming-at-the-mouth hatred of Jews. It was completely irrational as the Jews had done absolutely nothing to deserve even a raised eye brow..

Now when you stop to think of it like that, that scenario sounds unlikely in the extreme. The world just doesn't work like that, does it? But I am confident that you could hit every Holocaust museum, attend every Holocaust Remembrance Day, watch every Holocaust documentary, and attend every Holocaust lecture, endure every feckless celebrity singing for his kosher supper from now until death and you won't hear a peep about that hugely relevant part of the narrative. Run your own test. At the next opportunity, ask a Jew what Jews did to contribute to German animosity. It is ALMOST certain he or she will answer, and truly believe that the Jews were blameless, you anti-Semite.

(I wrote "ALMOST" because there are exceptions--unfortunately exceedingly rare. There are Jews who are upfront and honest about their people. These are the righteous Jews. A good place to start is Benjamin Freedman's warning to America in 1961. While he misses in his claim about Jewish ancestry in those pre-DNA days, that is a small and unimportant part of the overall message. Israel | A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin Freedman speaks)

The upshot is: if there is a people who commit injustices against other peoples, yet cannot or will not own it, they will repeat the behavior. There is, as far as I know, no Jewish self-examination analogous to the Christian/ or American willingness to own up to transgressions and injustices. You wouldn't have friends like that, would you?


But what you WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE FINDING are Jews who are experts in all the wrongs Jews have suffered. They will have an encyclopedic knowledge of injustices that have rained down on Jews (for no reason) and where the narrative might seem a little thin, they prove themselves resourceful at repurposing injustices with life left in them.

For example, if you ask a Jew to explain to you the nature of the oppression American Jews have suffered and that he is complaining bitterly about, he may offer up as an example the outrages and insults and discrimination Jewish newcomers suffered at the hands of old stock WASPS. The WASP country club restricting its membership to non-Jews is a frequent trope. Here's an article that makes a solid case that, in fact, the more radical and numerous and aggressive and down market eastern European Jews experienced discrimination in the United States, but it came at the hands of the elite Jews, the first Jewish immigrants, the German-Jews. It was THEIR country clubs that denied the Rodney Dangerfield Jews entry. But can you see Dustin Hoffman taking the Ted Baxter role (Caddyshack). No better to assign that mistreatment to WASPs.

The Myth of the Golf Nazi

So, you see, it isn't even necessary to commit an injustice against Jews to be guilty of "treating Jews like shit"


Well, maybe Jews, as countless comedians have reminded us, are just a glass half empty kind of people. They tend to look on the glum side of things, interpret things negatively, hypersensitive. Well, OK, but this is an important question and one worth examining. As Inky demonstrated, being left with the short straw in the aggrievement game can be genocide-worthy .

To see if there is anything in that glass at all, ask yourself when was the last time you heard a Jew praising Americans, or being thankful for living in America, or speaking with respect about the Christians who founded the nation and carved it at great sacrifice out of the wilderness? Been a while, huh? Been hearing more about vicious Christian slave owners that star in so many Hollywood productions, and heartless American immigration agents sending Jews to their deaths in German concentration camps, and the agonies inflicted by WASP country club membership committees?

"Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you."

*donate to USMB
Wash, rinse, repeat, annihilate the Jews.

Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.
I forgot to specify that the Bolsheviks had their Judaism beaten out of them by the Christians...nice job.

Most of those Jews lived in Poland, and had the Statute of Kalisz to grant them basic civil rights.

None the less, Jews never assimilated to Polish society, despite being there for over 400 years.

Just short of 90% of Jews in Poland by the 20th century spoke Yiddish, or Hebrew first, rather than Polish.

Jews most certainly killed more Poles, than Poles killed Jews.

Following WW2, 6,000 Poles were executed by the UB run by first in command Jew Jakub Berman, and 2nd in command Jew Roman Romkowski.

While Jew Salomon Morel killed thousands of Poles at Lublin Castle, and as a commander of the Zboda Labour Camp, and the camp at Jaworzno.

120 languages spoken in the USSR. Why is Yiddish or Hebrew so different?

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