Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

The (((Bolsheviks)), responsible for the deaths of 66 million Russians (a Decaholocaust), used them against peasants who resisted the confiscation of all their food.

Besides the fact those numbers are bullshit, everyone used Chemical Weapons around that time period... I realize they probably didn't cover the first world war in your Home School.

Without mercy, without sparing, we will kill our enemies by the scores of hundreds, let them be thousands, let them drown themselves in their own blood. For the blood of Lenin and Uritskii let there be floods of blood of the bourgeoisie -- more blood, as much as possible.

Grigori Zinoviev, Jew, Politburo member, and bloodthirsty subhuman monster, speaking at a meeting of Communists in September 1918, effectively pronounced a death sentence on ten million human beings.

Yes the Bolsheviks were mass murderers but the majority were non Jewish ethnic Russians the core of the Soviet Empire was Russian, Stalin was born in the Russian Empire and was a citizen of Russia, the overwhelming majority of Bolsheviks were Russian.

It was a Russian system, the overwhelming majority of Bolsheviks and the Central Committee Comisars were Russian IE they were citizens of the Russian Empire prior to the White and Red revolutions.

In 1907 78.3% of the Bolsheviks were Russian and 10% were Jewish (34 and 20% for the Mensheviks).

Here is a list of the hierarchy of the Bolsheviks, the majority of them were Russian born Russian citizens:

Semitic Controversies: A Judeo-Bolshevik Debacle

Bolsheviks - Wikipedia
Yeah, I've come across that Wikipedia entry. It's yet another Jewish lie.

Here's Winston Churchill in 1920:

There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate, Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin or Radek -- all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combatting Counter-Revolution [the Cheka] has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses.

Needless to say, the most intense passions of revenge have been excited in the breasts of the Russian people.

Jews themselves said the same.

"The Bolshevik Revolution," declared a leading American Jewish community paper in 1920, "was largely the product of Jewish thinking, Jewish discontent, Jewish effort to reconstruct."
Summing up the situation at that time, Israeli historian Louis Rapoport writes:

Immediately after the [Bolshevik] Revolution, many Jews were euphoric over their high representation in the new government. Lenin's first Politburo was dominated by men of Jewish origins.

Under Lenin, Jews became involved in all aspects of the Revolution, including its dirtiest work. Despite the Communists' vows to eradicate anti-Semitism, it spread rapidly after the Revolution -- partly because of the prominence of so many Jews in the Soviet administration, as well as in the traumatic, inhuman Sovietization drives that followed. Historian Salo Baron has noted that an immensely disproportionate number of Jews joined the new Bolshevik secret police, the Cheka And many of those who fell afoul of the Cheka would be shot by Jewish investigators.

The collective leadership that emerged in Lenin's dying days was headed by the Jew Zinoviev, a loquacious, mean-spirited, curly-haired Adonis whose vanity knew no bounds.

Anyone who had the misfortune to fall into the hands of the Cheka," wrote Jewish historian Leonard Schapiro,

"stood a very good chance of finding himself confronted with, and possibly shot by, a Jewish investigator."20 In Ukraine, "Jews made up nearly 80 percent of the rank-and-file Cheka agents," reports W. Bruce Lincoln, an American professor of Russian history.21 (Beginning as the Cheka, or Vecheka) the Soviet secret police was later known as the GPU, OGPU, NKVD, MVD and KGB.)

And here is the original Politboro:

Lenin (Vladimir Ulyanov), one quarter Jewish
Bubnov (Russian)
Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) Jew
Sokolnikov Jew
Zinoviev Jew
Kamenev Jew
Stalin Georgian

As an expression of its radically anti-nationalist character, the fledgling Soviet government issued a decree a few months after taking power that made anti-Semitism a crime in Russia. The new Communist regime thus became the first in the world to severely punish all expressions of anti-Jewish sentiment. Soviet officials apparently regarded such measures as indispensable.

I give you actual numbers you give me quotes that prove nothing:

The jewish overrepresentation of the high positions of power in the USSR/Bolshevik apparatus was indeed notable in its early years, but after Lenin's death and Stalin's rise, the numbers decreases heavily from the mid 20's and onward as can be seen by previously mentioned sources and information but also in the make up of the Bolshevik’s Politburo section:

10 [23] Oct 1917 Andrei Bubnov, Grigory Zinoviev, Lev Kamenev, Vladimir Lenin, Grigory Sokolnikov, Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky elected members of the Political Bureau at the Central Committee meeting

2 Russians, 4 Jews, 1 Georgian.

16 March 1921 Zinoviev, Kamenev, Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky elected full members at the Central Committee plenum; Bukharin, Kalinin and Vyacheslav Molotov elected candidate members.

3 Jews, 1 Georgian, 4 Russians.

1 January 1926 Bukharin, Kliment Voroshilov, Zinoviev, Kalinin, Molotov, Rykov, Stalin, Tomsky and Trotsky elected full members at the Central Committee plenum; Dzerzhinsky, Kamenev, Grigory Petrovsky, Rudzutak and Nikolai Uglanov elected candidate members

8 Russians, 3 Jews, 1 Latvia, 1 Pole, 1 Georgian.

23 October 1926 Trotsky and Kamenev relieved of duties at the joint plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission

1 Jew, Kaganovich.

19 December 1927 Bukharin, Voroshilov, Kalinin, Kuibyshev, Molotov, Rykov, Rudzutak, Stalin and Tomsky elected full members at the Central Committee plenum; Andreyev, Kaganovich, Kirov, Stanislav Kosior, Mikoyan, Petrovsky, Uglanov and Chubar elected candidate members

1 Armenian, 1 Latvian, 1 Jew, 2 Ukrainians, 1 Georgian, 11 Russians.

13 July 1930 Voroshilov, Kaganovich, Kalinin, Kirov, Kosior, Kuibyshev, Molotov, Rudzutak, Rykov and Stalin elected full members at the Central Committee plenum; Andreyev, Mikoyan, Petrovsky, Syrtsov and Chubar elected candidate members.

1 Armenian, 1 Georgian, 1 Jew, 1 Latvian, 2 Ukrainians, 9 Russians.

10 February 1934 Andreyev, Voroshilov, Kaganovich, Kalinin, Kirov, Kosior, Kuibyshev, Molotov, Ordzhonikidze and Stalin elected full members at the Central Committee plenum; Mikoyan, Petrovsky, Pavel Postyshev, Rudzutak and Chubar elected candidate members

2 Georgians, 1 Armenian, 1 Latvian, 2 Ukrainians, 1 Jew, 8 Russians.[23]
The (((Bolsheviks)), responsible for the deaths of 66 million Russians (a Decaholocaust), used them against peasants who resisted the confiscation of all their food.

Alexander Antonov, a radical member of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, had sided with the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution in 1917, but he became disenchanted with them after they implemented a policy of grain requisition in 1918. Antonov became a popular hero to the people of the Tambov region of central Russia where he started his campaigns.

In October 1920 the peasant army numbered over 50,000 fighters; numerous deserters from the Red Army joined it. The rebel militia proved highly effective and even infiltrated the Tambov Cheka. Alexander Schlichter, Chairman of the Tambov Gubernia Executive Committee, contacted Vladimir Lenin, who ordered Red Army reinforcements to the area. In January 1921 peasant revolts spread to Samara, Saratov, Tsaritsyn, Astrakhan and Siberia. In February, the peasant army reached its peak, numbering up to 70,000 and successfully defending the area against Bolshevik expeditions.

The seriousness of the uprising caused the establishment of the "Plenipotentiary Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Bolshevik Party for the Liquidation of Banditry in the Gubernia of Tambov". With the end of the Polish–Soviet War (in March 1921) and the defeat of General Wrangel in 1920, the Red Army could divert its regular troops into the area - deploying in total over 100,000 Red Army soldiers, alongside special Cheka detachments.

The Red Army, under the command of Mikhail Tukhachevsky, used heavy artillery and armoured trains and also engaged in the summary execution of civilians. Tukhachevsky and Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko signed an order, dated 12 June 1921, which stipulated:

"The forests where the bandits are hiding are to be cleared by the use of poison gas. This must be carefully calculated, so that the layer of gas penetrates the forests and kills everyone hiding there."

The Bolshevik forces used chemical weapons "from end of June 1921 until apparently the fall of 1921", by direct order from the leadership of Red Army and from the Communist Party. Publications in local Communist newspapers openly glorified liquidations of "bandits" with the poison gas.

Seven concentration camps were set up[by whom?]. At least 50,000 people were interned, mostly women, children, and the elderly - some of them sent to the camps as hostages. Each month 15 to 20 percent of inmates in the camps died.

The Bolsheviks gradually quell
ed the uprising in the course of 1921. Antonov was killed in 1922 during an attempt to arrest him. Sennikov estimated the total losses among the population of Tambov region in 1920 to 1922 resulting from the war, executions, and imprisonment in concentration camps as approximately 240,000.​

Alexander Antonov (centre) and his staff
That looks fascinating and shocking if true.
The problem I have with this sort of posting is that there are no links to anything apart from a wiki article that.............has no links.
I have found previously that this sort of thing is championed by anti Semite holocaust deniers who wish to deflect from the well documented facts.

Maybe you can help me out here ?

You should ask UKIP to get Google in England. We love it here stateside.

Here is one of many sources:

The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime

As for your anti-Semite holocaust deniers, no idea what "anti-Semite is", but here's your holocaust denier:

Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

Right, so as a source you give a link to a holocaust denier.

Mark Weber - Wikipedia

Oh dear.

With footnotes. If there is a factual error in the source, point it out, I will admit I was taken in.

You progressives are funny: this source can't be cited because the author disagrees with me. He "denies" things I "affirm". We "knuckle-draggers", on the hand, prefer an actual example of an error.

Those numbers are not bullshit you disgusting holocaust denier. And not everyone was using them on their own civilian populations.

Actually, they are complete bullshit. the Population of the USSR Expanded from 1920 to 1939. Quite dramatically, as a matter of fact.

Invading and conquering nation states adding to the population does not in any way negate the mass murder perpetrated by the Soviet Union you disgusting Holodmor denier and Stalin apologist.

Stalin killed millions. A Stanford historian answers the question, was it genocide?
I didn't claim Stalin killed them, I said the Bolsheviks, Bolshevism, the people in charge from 1917 to the collapse killed them. And I wasn't talking about only the "purges", I am including everything: the purges, the deliberate mass starvations, the concentration camps, the gassing of the peasant resistance--ALL the victims of the genocidal monsters who took over Russia.

You can claim these things, but it does't make the true.
Stalin was a Mass Murderer.

The Ottomans were Mass Murderers.

Mao Zi Tung and China were Mass Murderers.

Hitler was a Mass Murderer.

History is full of them.
I give you actual numbers you give me quotes that prove nothing:

Quotes from Israeli historians, Jewish newspapers, and contemporaneous Jews mean nothing? Jews, many of them returning exiles, got the Bolshevik train rolling with murderous blood lust in their hearts.

In the Communist seizure of power in Russia, the Jewish role was probably critical.

Two weeks prior to the Bolshevik "October Revolution" of 1917, Lenin convened a top secret meeting in St. Petersburg (Petrograd) at which the key leaders of the Bolshevik party's Central Committee made the fateful decision to seize power in a violent takeover. Of the twelve persons who took part in this decisive gathering, there were four Russians (including Lenin), one Georgian (Stalin), one Pole (Dzerzhinsky), and six Jews.

Tsar Nicholas, by all accounts a decent and honorable man, treated these alien intriguers too leniently and paid for it, well...

In light of all this, it should not be surprising that Yakov M. Yurovksy, the leader of the Bolshevik squad that carried out the murder of the Tsar and his family, was Jewish, as was Sverdlov, the Soviet chief who co-signed Lenin's execution order.

Igor Shafarevich, a Russian mathematician of world stature, has sharply criticized the Jewish role in bringing down the Romanov monarchy and establishing Communist rule in his country. Shafarevich was a leading dissident during the final decades of Soviet rule. A prominent human rights activist, he was a founding member of the Committee on the Defense of Human Rights in the USSR.

In Russophobia, a book written ten years before the collapse of Communist rule, he noted that Jews were "amazingly" numerous among the personnel of the Bolshevik secret police. The characteristic Jewishness of the Bolshevik executioners, Shafarevich went on, is most conspicuous in the execution of Nicholas II

This ritual action symbolized the end of centuries of Russian history, so that it can be compared only to the execution of Charles I in England or Louis XVI in France. It would seem that representatives of an insignificant ethnic minority should keep as far as possible from this painful action, which would reverberate in all history. Yet what names do we meet? The execution was personally overseen by Yakov Yurovsky who shot the Tsar; the president of the local Soviet was Beloborodov (Vaisbart); the person responsible for the general administration in Ekaterinburg was Shaya Goloshchekin. To round out the picture, on the wall of the room where the execution took place was a distich from a poem by Heine (written in German) about King Balthazar, who offended Jehovah and was killed for the offense.

In his 1920 book, British veteran journalist Robert Wilton offered a similarly harsh assessment:

The whole record of Bolshevism in Russia is indelibly impressed with the stamp of alien invasion. The murder of the Tsar, deliberately planned by the Jew Sverdlov (who came to Russia as a paid agent of Germany) and carried out by the Jews Goloshchekin, Syromolotov, Safarov, Voikov and Yurovsky, is the act not of the Russian people, but of this hostile invader.
I didn't claim Stalin killed them, I said the Bolsheviks, Bolshevism, the people in charge from 1917 to the collapse killed them. And I wasn't talking about only the "purges", I am including everything: the purges, the deliberate mass starvations, the concentration camps, the gassing of the peasant resistance--ALL the victims of the genocidal monsters who took over Russia.

You can claim these things, but it does't make the true.
You got nothin'
The (((Bolsheviks)), responsible for the deaths of 66 million Russians (a Decaholocaust), used them against peasants who resisted the confiscation of all their food.

Alexander Antonov, a radical member of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, had sided with the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution in 1917, but he became disenchanted with them after they implemented a policy of grain requisition in 1918. Antonov became a popular hero to the people of the Tambov region of central Russia where he started his campaigns.

In October 1920 the peasant army numbered over 50,000 fighters; numerous deserters from the Red Army joined it. The rebel militia proved highly effective and even infiltrated the Tambov Cheka. Alexander Schlichter, Chairman of the Tambov Gubernia Executive Committee, contacted Vladimir Lenin, who ordered Red Army reinforcements to the area. In January 1921 peasant revolts spread to Samara, Saratov, Tsaritsyn, Astrakhan and Siberia. In February, the peasant army reached its peak, numbering up to 70,000 and successfully defending the area against Bolshevik expeditions.

The seriousness of the uprising caused the establishment of the "Plenipotentiary Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Bolshevik Party for the Liquidation of Banditry in the Gubernia of Tambov". With the end of the Polish–Soviet War (in March 1921) and the defeat of General Wrangel in 1920, the Red Army could divert its regular troops into the area - deploying in total over 100,000 Red Army soldiers, alongside special Cheka detachments.

The Red Army, under the command of Mikhail Tukhachevsky, used heavy artillery and armoured trains and also engaged in the summary execution of civilians. Tukhachevsky and Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko signed an order, dated 12 June 1921, which stipulated:

"The forests where the bandits are hiding are to be cleared by the use of poison gas. This must be carefully calculated, so that the layer of gas penetrates the forests and kills everyone hiding there."

The Bolshevik forces used chemical weapons "from end of June 1921 until apparently the fall of 1921", by direct order from the leadership of Red Army and from the Communist Party. Publications in local Communist newspapers openly glorified liquidations of "bandits" with the poison gas.

Seven concentration camps were set up[by whom?]. At least 50,000 people were interned, mostly women, children, and the elderly - some of them sent to the camps as hostages. Each month 15 to 20 percent of inmates in the camps died.

The Bolsheviks gradually quell
ed the uprising in the course of 1921. Antonov was killed in 1922 during an attempt to arrest him. Sennikov estimated the total losses among the population of Tambov region in 1920 to 1922 resulting from the war, executions, and imprisonment in concentration camps as approximately 240,000.​

Alexander Antonov (centre) and his staff
That looks fascinating and shocking if true.
The problem I have with this sort of posting is that there are no links to anything apart from a wiki article that.............has no links.
I have found previously that this sort of thing is championed by anti Semite holocaust deniers who wish to deflect from the well documented facts.

Maybe you can help me out here ?

You should ask UKIP to get Google in England. We love it here stateside.

Here is one of many sources:

The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime

As for your anti-Semite holocaust deniers, no idea what "anti-Semite is", but here's your holocaust denier:

Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

Right, so as a source you give a link to a holocaust denier.

Mark Weber - Wikipedia

Oh dear.

With footnotes. If there is a factual error in the source, point it out, I will admit I was taken in.

You progressives are funny: this source can't be cited because the author disagrees with me. He "denies" things I "affirm". We "knuckle-draggers", on the hand, prefer an actual example of an error.

If somebody is telling me something then I like to know who he is.
Does this guy have any credibility ?
Absolutely not.
The Holocaust is a fact, my family saw it.
White power nuts like you make me sick. How do you become so wicked ?

Weber was born in Portland, Oregon in 1951. After graduating from Jesuit High School in 1969, he studied history at the University of Illinois in Chicago.[1] He continued his studies for two semesters at the University of Munich, and, returning to Oregon, took a B.A. degree in history with high honors from Portland State University. In graduate school, he continued his study of history at Indiana University, receiving an M.A. degree in modern European history in 1977.[4] Beginning in 1978 Weber became involved with the National Alliance, a far-right white supremacist organization. In 1979 Weber served as the editor of the group's magazine, the National Vanguard. Throughout the 1980s Weber functioned as the treasurer of the National Alliance's Cosmotheist Community Church, a white-supremacist religious entity founded by William Luther Pierce. During this period Weber became more heavily involved with the IHR as well as collaborating with Bradley Smith and the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH).[5]
I give you actual numbers you give me quotes that prove nothing:

Quotes from Israeli historians, Jewish newspapers, and contemporaneous Jews mean nothing? Jews, many of them returning exiles, got the Bolshevik train rolling with murderous blood lust in their hearts.

In the Communist seizure of power in Russia, the Jewish role was probably critical.

Two weeks prior to the Bolshevik "October Revolution" of 1917, Lenin convened a top secret meeting in St. Petersburg (Petrograd) at which the key leaders of the Bolshevik party's Central Committee made the fateful decision to seize power in a violent takeover. Of the twelve persons who took part in this decisive gathering, there were four Russians (including Lenin), one Georgian (Stalin), one Pole (Dzerzhinsky), and six Jews.

Tsar Nicholas, by all accounts a decent and honorable man, treated these alien intriguers too leniently and paid for it, well...

In light of all this, it should not be surprising that Yakov M. Yurovksy, the leader of the Bolshevik squad that carried out the murder of the Tsar and his family, was Jewish, as was Sverdlov, the Soviet chief who co-signed Lenin's execution order.

Igor Shafarevich, a Russian mathematician of world stature, has sharply criticized the Jewish role in bringing down the Romanov monarchy and establishing Communist rule in his country. Shafarevich was a leading dissident during the final decades of Soviet rule. A prominent human rights activist, he was a founding member of the Committee on the Defense of Human Rights in the USSR.

In Russophobia, a book written ten years before the collapse of Communist rule, he noted that Jews were "amazingly" numerous among the personnel of the Bolshevik secret police. The characteristic Jewishness of the Bolshevik executioners, Shafarevich went on, is most conspicuous in the execution of Nicholas II

This ritual action symbolized the end of centuries of Russian history, so that it can be compared only to the execution of Charles I in England or Louis XVI in France. It would seem that representatives of an insignificant ethnic minority should keep as far as possible from this painful action, which would reverberate in all history. Yet what names do we meet? The execution was personally overseen by Yakov Yurovsky who shot the Tsar; the president of the local Soviet was Beloborodov (Vaisbart); the person responsible for the general administration in Ekaterinburg was Shaya Goloshchekin. To round out the picture, on the wall of the room where the execution took place was a distich from a poem by Heine (written in German) about King Balthazar, who offended Jehovah and was killed for the offense.
In his 1920 book, British veteran journalist Robert Wilton offered a similarly harsh assessment:

The whole record of Bolshevism in Russia is indelibly impressed with the stamp of alien invasion. The murder of the Tsar, deliberately planned by the Jew Sverdlov (who came to Russia as a paid agent of Germany) and carried out by the Jews Goloshchekin, Syromolotov, Safarov, Voikov and Yurovsky, is the act not of the Russian people, but of this hostile invader.

I gave you the actual numbers the overwhelming majority of the Bolsheviks were not Jewish especially after the death of Lenin, so yes your quotes mean less than nothing compared to the actual statistics.

Especially considering that Russophobia is a debunked conspiracy theory not worth the paper it's printed on.

Accusations of anti-semitism have continued, involving Shafarevich's other publications.[22]Semyon Reznik targets the Russophobia essay for its factual inaccuracies, that Shafarevich misassigned Jewish ethnicity to a number of non-Jewish individuals involved in the execution of Nicholas II, perpetuating the false assertion that there was graffiti in Yiddish at the murder site, and suggested that Shafarevich's phrase "Nicholas II was shot specifically as the Tsar, and this ritual act drew a line under an epoch in Russian history" – may be read as blood libel.[15] Aron Katsenelinboigen, wrote that Shafarevish's work "lives up to the best traditions of anti-Semitic propaganda" .[23]

Igor Shafarevich - Wikipedia
Last edited:
The (((Bolsheviks)), responsible for the deaths of 66 million Russians (a Decaholocaust), used them against peasants who resisted the confiscation of all their food.

Alexander Antonov, a radical member of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, had sided with the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution in 1917, but he became disenchanted with them after they implemented a policy of grain requisition in 1918. Antonov became a popular hero to the people of the Tambov region of central Russia where he started his campaigns.

In October 1920 the peasant army numbered over 50,000 fighters; numerous deserters from the Red Army joined it. The rebel militia proved highly effective and even infiltrated the Tambov Cheka. Alexander Schlichter, Chairman of the Tambov Gubernia Executive Committee, contacted Vladimir Lenin, who ordered Red Army reinforcements to the area. In January 1921 peasant revolts spread to Samara, Saratov, Tsaritsyn, Astrakhan and Siberia. In February, the peasant army reached its peak, numbering up to 70,000 and successfully defending the area against Bolshevik expeditions.

The seriousness of the uprising caused the establishment of the "Plenipotentiary Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Bolshevik Party for the Liquidation of Banditry in the Gubernia of Tambov". With the end of the Polish–Soviet War (in March 1921) and the defeat of General Wrangel in 1920, the Red Army could divert its regular troops into the area - deploying in total over 100,000 Red Army soldiers, alongside special Cheka detachments.

The Red Army, under the command of Mikhail Tukhachevsky, used heavy artillery and armoured trains and also engaged in the summary execution of civilians. Tukhachevsky and Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko signed an order, dated 12 June 1921, which stipulated:

"The forests where the bandits are hiding are to be cleared by the use of poison gas. This must be carefully calculated, so that the layer of gas penetrates the forests and kills everyone hiding there."

The Bolshevik forces used chemical weapons "from end of June 1921 until apparently the fall of 1921", by direct order from the leadership of Red Army and from the Communist Party. Publications in local Communist newspapers openly glorified liquidations of "bandits" with the poison gas.

Seven concentration camps were set up[by whom?]. At least 50,000 people were interned, mostly women, children, and the elderly - some of them sent to the camps as hostages. Each month 15 to 20 percent of inmates in the camps died.

The Bolsheviks gradually quell
ed the uprising in the course of 1921. Antonov was killed in 1922 during an attempt to arrest him. Sennikov estimated the total losses among the population of Tambov region in 1920 to 1922 resulting from the war, executions, and imprisonment in concentration camps as approximately 240,000.​

Alexander Antonov (centre) and his staff
Word of advice...
Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.
The (((Bolsheviks)), responsible for the deaths of 66 million Russians (a Decaholocaust), used them against peasants who resisted the confiscation of all their food.

Alexander Antonov, a radical member of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, had sided with the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution in 1917, but he became disenchanted with them after they implemented a policy of grain requisition in 1918. Antonov became a popular hero to the people of the Tambov region of central Russia where he started his campaigns.

In October 1920 the peasant army numbered over 50,000 fighters; numerous deserters from the Red Army joined it. The rebel militia proved highly effective and even infiltrated the Tambov Cheka. Alexander Schlichter, Chairman of the Tambov Gubernia Executive Committee, contacted Vladimir Lenin, who ordered Red Army reinforcements to the area. In January 1921 peasant revolts spread to Samara, Saratov, Tsaritsyn, Astrakhan and Siberia. In February, the peasant army reached its peak, numbering up to 70,000 and successfully defending the area against Bolshevik expeditions.

The seriousness of the uprising caused the establishment of the "Plenipotentiary Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Bolshevik Party for the Liquidation of Banditry in the Gubernia of Tambov". With the end of the Polish–Soviet War (in March 1921) and the defeat of General Wrangel in 1920, the Red Army could divert its regular troops into the area - deploying in total over 100,000 Red Army soldiers, alongside special Cheka detachments.

The Red Army, under the command of Mikhail Tukhachevsky, used heavy artillery and armoured trains and also engaged in the summary execution of civilians. Tukhachevsky and Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko signed an order, dated 12 June 1921, which stipulated:

"The forests where the bandits are hiding are to be cleared by the use of poison gas. This must be carefully calculated, so that the layer of gas penetrates the forests and kills everyone hiding there."

The Bolshevik forces used chemical weapons "from end of June 1921 until apparently the fall of 1921", by direct order from the leadership of Red Army and from the Communist Party. Publications in local Communist newspapers openly glorified liquidations of "bandits" with the poison gas.

Seven concentration camps were set up[by whom?]. At least 50,000 people were interned, mostly women, children, and the elderly - some of them sent to the camps as hostages. Each month 15 to 20 percent of inmates in the camps died.

The Bolsheviks gradually quell
ed the uprising in the course of 1921. Antonov was killed in 1922 during an attempt to arrest him. Sennikov estimated the total losses among the population of Tambov region in 1920 to 1922 resulting from the war, executions, and imprisonment in concentration camps as approximately 240,000.​

Alexander Antonov (centre) and his staff

>>The Pyatigorsk Cheka organized a "day of Red Terror" to execute 300 people in one day, and took quotas from each part of town. According to the Chekist Karl Lander, the Cheka in Kislovodsk, "for lack of a better idea," killed all the patients in the hospital. In October 1920 alone more than 6,000 people were executed. <<

Stalin had tens of millions killed

>>deaths" for the USSR overall, with 34 to 49 million under Stalin.,<
The (((Bolsheviks)), responsible for the deaths of 66 million Russians (a Decaholocaust), used them against peasants who resisted the confiscation of all their food.

Alexander Antonov, a radical member of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, had sided with the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution in 1917, but he became disenchanted with them after they implemented a policy of grain requisition in 1918. Antonov became a popular hero to the people of the Tambov region of central Russia where he started his campaigns.

In October 1920 the peasant army numbered over 50,000 fighters; numerous deserters from the Red Army joined it. The rebel militia proved highly effective and even infiltrated the Tambov Cheka. Alexander Schlichter, Chairman of the Tambov Gubernia Executive Committee, contacted Vladimir Lenin, who ordered Red Army reinforcements to the area. In January 1921 peasant revolts spread to Samara, Saratov, Tsaritsyn, Astrakhan and Siberia. In February, the peasant army reached its peak, numbering up to 70,000 and successfully defending the area against Bolshevik expeditions.

The seriousness of the uprising caused the establishment of the "Plenipotentiary Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Bolshevik Party for the Liquidation of Banditry in the Gubernia of Tambov". With the end of the Polish–Soviet War (in March 1921) and the defeat of General Wrangel in 1920, the Red Army could divert its regular troops into the area - deploying in total over 100,000 Red Army soldiers, alongside special Cheka detachments.

The Red Army, under the command of Mikhail Tukhachevsky, used heavy artillery and armoured trains and also engaged in the summary execution of civilians. Tukhachevsky and Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko signed an order, dated 12 June 1921, which stipulated:

"The forests where the bandits are hiding are to be cleared by the use of poison gas. This must be carefully calculated, so that the layer of gas penetrates the forests and kills everyone hiding there."

The Bolshevik forces used chemical weapons "from end of June 1921 until apparently the fall of 1921", by direct order from the leadership of Red Army and from the Communist Party. Publications in local Communist newspapers openly glorified liquidations of "bandits" with the poison gas.

Seven concentration camps were set up[by whom?]. At least 50,000 people were interned, mostly women, children, and the elderly - some of them sent to the camps as hostages. Each month 15 to 20 percent of inmates in the camps died.

The Bolsheviks gradually quell
ed the uprising in the course of 1921. Antonov was killed in 1922 during an attempt to arrest him. Sennikov estimated the total losses among the population of Tambov region in 1920 to 1922 resulting from the war, executions, and imprisonment in concentration camps as approximately 240,000.​

Alexander Antonov (centre) and his staff
That looks fascinating and shocking if true.
The problem I have with this sort of posting is that there are no links to anything apart from a wiki article that.............has no links.
I have found previously that this sort of thing is championed by anti Semite holocaust deniers who wish to deflect from the well documented facts.

Maybe you can help me out here ?

You should ask UKIP to get Google in England. We love it here stateside.

Here is one of many sources:

The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime

As for your anti-Semite holocaust deniers, no idea what "anti-Semite is", but here's your holocaust denier:

Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

Right, so as a source you give a link to a holocaust denier.

Mark Weber - Wikipedia

Oh dear.

With footnotes. If there is a factual error in the source, point it out, I will admit I was taken in.

You progressives are funny: this source can't be cited because the author disagrees with me. He "denies" things I "affirm". We "knuckle-draggers", on the hand, prefer an actual example of an error.

If somebody is telling me something then I like to know who he is.
Does this guy have any credibility ?
Absolutely not.
The Holocaust is a fact, my family saw it.
White power nuts like you make me sick. How do you become so wicked ?

Weber was born in Portland, Oregon in 1951. After graduating from Jesuit High School in 1969, he studied history at the University of Illinois in Chicago.[1] He continued his studies for two semesters at the University of Munich, and, returning to Oregon, took a B.A. degree in history with high honors from Portland State University. In graduate school, he continued his study of history at Indiana University, receiving an M.A. degree in modern European history in 1977.[4] Beginning in 1978 Weber became involved with the National Alliance, a far-right white supremacist organization. In 1979 Weber served as the editor of the group's magazine, the National Vanguard. Throughout the 1980s Weber functioned as the treasurer of the National Alliance's Cosmotheist Community Church, a white-supremacist religious entity founded by William Luther Pierce. During this period Weber became more heavily involved with the IHR as well as collaborating with Bradley Smith and the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH).[5]

And I bet he had poor taste in neckties and couldn't carry a tune. Now, back to the debate. Point out any flaw or error or mistake or deception in what I posted and I will acknowledge it, admit I was duped. I'll even go down the street to the local synagogue and smile pleasantly at passers-by for a full hour to atone for my wickedness.

But, yet, big Tom, you still fail to discover any flaw. I'm beginning to suspect it is you, and not the regrettable Mr. Weber, who be makin shit up as he go along.
The (((Bolsheviks)), responsible for the deaths of 66 million Russians (a Decaholocaust), used them against peasants who resisted the confiscation of all their food.

Besides the fact those numbers are bullshit, everyone used Chemical Weapons around that time period... I realize they probably didn't cover the first world war in your Home School.

Without mercy, without sparing, we will kill our enemies by the scores of hundreds, let them be thousands, let them drown themselves in their own blood. For the blood of Lenin and Uritskii let there be floods of blood of the bourgeoisie -- more blood, as much as possible.

Grigori Zinoviev, Jew, Politburo member, and bloodthirsty subhuman monster, speaking at a meeting of Communists in September 1918, effectively pronounced a death sentence on ten million human beings.

Meet cnelson, Nazi scum.
The (((Bolsheviks)), responsible for the deaths of 66 million Russians (a Decaholocaust), used them against peasants who resisted the confiscation of all their food.

Alexander Antonov, a radical member of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, had sided with the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution in 1917, but he became disenchanted with them after they implemented a policy of grain requisition in 1918. Antonov became a popular hero to the people of the Tambov region of central Russia where he started his campaigns.

In October 1920 the peasant army numbered over 50,000 fighters; numerous deserters from the Red Army joined it. The rebel militia proved highly effective and even infiltrated the Tambov Cheka. Alexander Schlichter, Chairman of the Tambov Gubernia Executive Committee, contacted Vladimir Lenin, who ordered Red Army reinforcements to the area. In January 1921 peasant revolts spread to Samara, Saratov, Tsaritsyn, Astrakhan and Siberia. In February, the peasant army reached its peak, numbering up to 70,000 and successfully defending the area against Bolshevik expeditions.

The seriousness of the uprising caused the establishment of the "Plenipotentiary Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Bolshevik Party for the Liquidation of Banditry in the Gubernia of Tambov". With the end of the Polish–Soviet War (in March 1921) and the defeat of General Wrangel in 1920, the Red Army could divert its regular troops into the area - deploying in total over 100,000 Red Army soldiers, alongside special Cheka detachments.

The Red Army, under the command of Mikhail Tukhachevsky, used heavy artillery and armoured trains and also engaged in the summary execution of civilians. Tukhachevsky and Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko signed an order, dated 12 June 1921, which stipulated:

"The forests where the bandits are hiding are to be cleared by the use of poison gas. This must be carefully calculated, so that the layer of gas penetrates the forests and kills everyone hiding there."

The Bolshevik forces used chemical weapons "from end of June 1921 until apparently the fall of 1921", by direct order from the leadership of Red Army and from the Communist Party. Publications in local Communist newspapers openly glorified liquidations of "bandits" with the poison gas.

Seven concentration camps were set up[by whom?]. At least 50,000 people were interned, mostly women, children, and the elderly - some of them sent to the camps as hostages. Each month 15 to 20 percent of inmates in the camps died.

The Bolsheviks gradually quell
ed the uprising in the course of 1921. Antonov was killed in 1922 during an attempt to arrest him. Sennikov estimated the total losses among the population of Tambov region in 1920 to 1922 resulting from the war, executions, and imprisonment in concentration camps as approximately 240,000.​

Alexander Antonov (centre) and his staff
Word of advice...
Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.

There it is, Americans. There is what I was waiting for. Thank you Inky, for doing your bit. Now, may my people see what is right in front of their faces.


When I brought up the subject of Jewish guilt in the wholesale slaughter of tens of millions of Russian civilians, what happened? The Jews on this board, with, perhaps, the assistance of some goy sycophants (Jews don't seem to be as forthcoming, for some reason, about their Jewishness as we are about who we are),went on the attack. There were attempts to lie about the historical record, to minimize, to shift blame, to thrash about clubbing us with the anti-Semite club, to kill the messenger. But in the end, there is simply no denying: Jews are directly responsible for a genocide in Russia that claimed more victims than the famous six million Jewish victims of Nazi Germany, and indirectly responsible for another one that killed even more Russians.

If you are the average goy American (goyim, by the way, means "cattle" in Yiddish), there is a good chance this is the first time you've even heard of* the Jewish genocidal slaughter of Christians en masse even though there were ten times as many Christian victims of Jews (and the slaughter started earlier and lasted longer) than Jewish victims of Christians. But you have most certainly heard all about the capital H Holocaust, haven't you?starting in elementary school with the Diary of Anne Frank, over and over and over and it hasn't stopped yet, has it?

Well, you might say, Jews are just very good a getting their story out there. What's wrong with that? And that's where Inky helps out. He said: "Word of advice...Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you."

There are a few things to say about that sentence, but, first, I want you to carefully consider the sheer menace in that sentence. Make sure you understand the threat there. If any people "treat us like shit" we will rain chemical death on them.


Years ago, I began asking Jews, whenever I had the chance, whether Jews played any role whatsoever in the Holocaust. Without exception, every Jew I ever asked that question to, including on this board, said no. Jews were utterly blameless and did nothing to contribute to German animosity toward them. Everything was rainbows and lollipops when suddenly, without warning, one afternoon around 2:30, the entire German nation was seized with an inexplicable, foaming-at-the-mouth hatred of Jews. It was completely irrational as the Jews had done absolutely nothing to deserve even a raised eye brow..

Now when you stop to think of it like that, that scenario sounds unlikely in the extreme. The world just doesn't work like that, does it? But I am confident that you could hit every Holocaust museum, attend every Holocaust Remembrance Day, watch every Holocaust documentary, and attend every Holocaust lecture, endure every feckless celebrity singing for his kosher supper from now until death and you won't hear a peep about that hugely relevant part of the narrative. Run your own test. At the next opportunity, ask a Jew what Jews did to contribute to German animosity. It is ALMOST certain he or she will answer, and truly believe that the Jews were blameless, you anti-Semite.

(I wrote "ALMOST" because there are exceptions--unfortunately exceedingly rare. There are Jews who are upfront and honest about their people. These are the righteous Jews. A good place to start is Benjamin Freedman's warning to America in 1961. While he misses in his claim about Jewish ancestry in those pre-DNA days, that is a small and unimportant part of the overall message. Israel | A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin Freedman speaks)

The upshot is: if there is a people who commit injustices against other peoples, yet cannot or will not own it, they will repeat the behavior. There is, as far as I know, no Jewish self-examination analogous to the Christian/ or American willingness to own up to transgressions and injustices. You wouldn't have friends like that, would you?


But what you WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE FINDING are Jews who are experts in all the wrongs Jews have suffered. They will have an encyclopedic knowledge of injustices that have rained down on Jews (for no reason) and where the narrative might seem a little thin, they prove themselves resourceful at repurposing injustices with life left in them.

For example, if you ask a Jew to explain to you the nature of the oppression American Jews have suffered and that he is complaining bitterly about, he may offer up as an example the outrages and insults and discrimination Jewish newcomers suffered at the hands of old stock WASPS. The WASP country club restricting its membership to non-Jews is a frequent trope. Here's an article that makes a solid case that, in fact, the more radical and numerous and aggressive and down market eastern European Jews experienced discrimination in the United States, but it came at the hands of the elite Jews, the first Jewish immigrants, the German-Jews. It was THEIR country clubs that denied the Rodney Dangerfield Jews entry. But can you see Dustin Hoffman taking the Ted Baxter role (Caddyshack). No better to assign that mistreatment to WASPs.

The Myth of the Golf Nazi

So, you see, it isn't even necessary to commit an injustice against Jews to be guilty of "treating Jews like shit"


Well, maybe Jews, as countless comedians have reminded us, are just a glass half empty kind of people. They tend to look on the glum side of things, interpret things negatively, hypersensitive. Well, OK, but this is an important question and one worth examining. As Inky demonstrated, being left with the short straw in the aggrievement game can be genocide-worthy .

To see if there is anything in that glass at all, ask yourself when was the last time you heard a Jew praising Americans, or being thankful for living in America, or speaking with respect about the Christians who founded the nation and carved it at great sacrifice out of the wilderness? Been a while, huh? Been hearing more about vicious Christian slave owners that star in so many Hollywood productions, and heartless American immigration agents sending Jews to their deaths in German concentration camps, and the agonies inflicted by WASP country club membership committees?

"Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you."

*donate to USMB
The (((Bolsheviks)), responsible for the deaths of 66 million Russians (a Decaholocaust), used them against peasants who resisted the confiscation of all their food.

Alexander Antonov, a radical member of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, had sided with the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution in 1917, but he became disenchanted with them after they implemented a policy of grain requisition in 1918. Antonov became a popular hero to the people of the Tambov region of central Russia where he started his campaigns.

In October 1920 the peasant army numbered over 50,000 fighters; numerous deserters from the Red Army joined it. The rebel militia proved highly effective and even infiltrated the Tambov Cheka. Alexander Schlichter, Chairman of the Tambov Gubernia Executive Committee, contacted Vladimir Lenin, who ordered Red Army reinforcements to the area. In January 1921 peasant revolts spread to Samara, Saratov, Tsaritsyn, Astrakhan and Siberia. In February, the peasant army reached its peak, numbering up to 70,000 and successfully defending the area against Bolshevik expeditions.

The seriousness of the uprising caused the establishment of the "Plenipotentiary Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Bolshevik Party for the Liquidation of Banditry in the Gubernia of Tambov". With the end of the Polish–Soviet War (in March 1921) and the defeat of General Wrangel in 1920, the Red Army could divert its regular troops into the area - deploying in total over 100,000 Red Army soldiers, alongside special Cheka detachments.

The Red Army, under the command of Mikhail Tukhachevsky, used heavy artillery and armoured trains and also engaged in the summary execution of civilians. Tukhachevsky and Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko signed an order, dated 12 June 1921, which stipulated:

"The forests where the bandits are hiding are to be cleared by the use of poison gas. This must be carefully calculated, so that the layer of gas penetrates the forests and kills everyone hiding there."

The Bolshevik forces used chemical weapons "from end of June 1921 until apparently the fall of 1921", by direct order from the leadership of Red Army and from the Communist Party. Publications in local Communist newspapers openly glorified liquidations of "bandits" with the poison gas.

Seven concentration camps were set up[by whom?]. At least 50,000 people were interned, mostly women, children, and the elderly - some of them sent to the camps as hostages. Each month 15 to 20 percent of inmates in the camps died.

The Bolsheviks gradually quell
ed the uprising in the course of 1921. Antonov was killed in 1922 during an attempt to arrest him. Sennikov estimated the total losses among the population of Tambov region in 1920 to 1922 resulting from the war, executions, and imprisonment in concentration camps as approximately 240,000.​

Alexander Antonov (centre) and his staff
Word of advice...
Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.

There it is, Americans. There is what I was waiting for. Thank you Inky, for doing your bit. Now, may my people see what is right in front of their faces.


When I brought up the subject of Jewish guilt in the wholesale slaughter of tens of millions of Russian civilians, what happened? The Jews on this board, with, perhaps, the assistance of some goy sycophants (Jews don't seem to be as forthcoming, for some reason, about their Jewishness as we are about who we are),went on the attack. There were attempts to lie about the historical record, to minimize, to shift blame, to thrash about clubbing us with the anti-Semite club, to kill the messenger. But in the end, there is simply no denying: Jews are directly responsible for a genocide in Russia that claimed more victims than the famous six million Jewish victims of Nazi Germany, and indirectly responsible for another one that killed even more Russians.

If you are the average goy American (goyim, by the way, means "cattle" in Yiddish), there is a good chance this is the first time you've even heard of* the Jewish genocidal slaughter of Christians en masse even though there were ten times as many Christian victims of Jews (and the slaughter started earlier and lasted longer) than Jewish victims of Christians. But you have most certainly heard all about the capital H Holocaust, haven't you?starting in elementary school with the Diary of Anne Frank, over and over and over and it hasn't stopped yet, has it?

Well, you might say, Jews are just very good a getting their story out there. What's wrong with that? And that's where Inky helps out. He said: "Word of advice...Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you."

There are a few things to say about that sentence, but, first, I want you to carefully consider the sheer menace in that sentence. Make sure you understand the threat there. If any people "treat us like shit" we will rain chemical death on them.


Years ago, I began asking Jews, whenever I had the chance, whether Jews played any role whatsoever in the Holocaust. Without exception, every Jew I ever asked that question to, including on this board, said no. Jews were utterly blameless and did nothing to contribute to German animosity toward them. Everything was rainbows and lollipops when suddenly, without warning, one afternoon around 2:30, the entire German nation was seized with an inexplicable, foaming-at-the-mouth hatred of Jews. It was completely irrational as the Jews had done absolutely nothing to deserve even a raised eye brow..

Now when you stop to think of it like that, that scenario sounds unlikely in the extreme. The world just doesn't work like that, does it? But I am confident that you could hit every Holocaust museum, attend every Holocaust Remembrance Day, watch every Holocaust documentary, and attend every Holocaust lecture, endure every feckless celebrity singing for his kosher supper from now until death and you won't hear a peep about that hugely relevant part of the narrative. Run your own test. At the next opportunity, ask a Jew what Jews did to contribute to German animosity. It is ALMOST certain he or she will answer, and truly believe that the Jews were blameless, you anti-Semite.

(I wrote "ALMOST" because there are exceptions--unfortunately exceedingly rare. There are Jews who are upfront and honest about their people. These are the righteous Jews. A good place to start is Benjamin Freedman's warning to America in 1961. While he misses in his claim about Jewish ancestry in those pre-DNA days, that is a small and unimportant part of the overall message. Israel | A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin Freedman speaks)

The upshot is: if there is a people who commit injustices against other peoples, yet cannot or will not own it, they will repeat the behavior. There is, as far as I know, no Jewish self-examination analogous to the Christian/ or American willingness to own up to transgressions and injustices. You wouldn't have friends like that, would you?


But what you WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE FINDING are Jews who are experts in all the wrongs Jews have suffered. They will have an encyclopedic knowledge of injustices that have rained down on Jews (for no reason) and where the narrative might seem a little thin, they prove themselves resourceful at repurposing injustices with life left in them.

For example, if you ask a Jew to explain to you the nature of the oppression American Jews have suffered and that he is complaining bitterly about, he may offer up as an example the outrages and insults and discrimination Jewish newcomers suffered at the hands of old stock WASPS. The WASP country club restricting its membership to non-Jews is a frequent trope. Here's an article that makes a solid case that, in fact, the more radical and numerous and aggressive and down market eastern European Jews experienced discrimination in the United States, but it came at the hands of the elite Jews, the first Jewish immigrants, the German-Jews. It was THEIR country clubs that denied the Rodney Dangerfield Jews entry. But can you see Dustin Hoffman taking the Ted Baxter role (Caddyshack). No better to assign that mistreatment to WASPs.

The Myth of the Golf Nazi

So, you see, it isn't even necessary to commit an injustice against Jews to be guilty of "treating Jews like shit"


Well, maybe Jews, as countless comedians have reminded us, are just a glass half empty kind of people. They tend to look on the glum side of things, interpret things negatively, hypersensitive. Well, OK, but this is an important question and one worth examining. As Inky demonstrated, being left with the short straw in the aggrievement game can be genocide-worthy .

To see if there is anything in that glass at all, ask yourself when was the last time you heard a Jew praising Americans, or being thankful for living in America, or speaking with respect about the Christians who founded the nation and carved it at great sacrifice out of the wilderness? Been a while, huh? Been hearing more about vicious Christian slave owners that star in so many Hollywood productions, and heartless American immigration agents sending Jews to their deaths in German concentration camps, and the agonies inflicted by WASP country club membership committees?

"Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you."

*donate to USMB
Wash, rinse, repeat, annihilate the Jews.

Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.
I forgot to specify that the Bolsheviks had their Judaism beaten out of them by the Christians...nice job.
Invading and conquering nation states adding to the population does not in any way negate the mass murder perpetrated by the Soviet Union you disgusting Holodmor denier and Stalin apologist.

Yawn... guy Russians today still admire Stalin.

But even before the USSR regained its territories in 1939, the population was growing, not shrinking.
Invading and conquering nation states adding to the population does not in any way negate the mass murder perpetrated by the Soviet Union you disgusting Holodmor denier and Stalin apologist.

Yawn... guy Russians today still admire Stalin.

But even before the USSR regained its territories in 1939, the population was growing, not shrinking.

I understand many people admire mass murderers they are called sick fucks you unbelievable piece of shit, you have been presented the evidence from Stanford, your genocide denial and apologetics fall on deaf ears, your demographic stats do nothing to disprove the mass murder perpetrated by the Bolsheviks as that can be accounted for by higher birth rates and life expectancys attributed to rapid industrialization and greater access to healthcare under the Sovier system, which does nothing to disprove the mass murder of the Holodomor and the many mass murders of political and class enemies just like it.
The (((Bolsheviks)), responsible for the deaths of 66 million Russians (a Decaholocaust), used them against peasants who resisted the confiscation of all their food.

Besides the fact those numbers are bullshit, everyone used Chemical Weapons around that time period... I realize they probably didn't cover the first world war in your Home School.

Without mercy, without sparing, we will kill our enemies by the scores of hundreds, let them be thousands, let them drown themselves in their own blood. For the blood of Lenin and Uritskii let there be floods of blood of the bourgeoisie -- more blood, as much as possible.

Grigori Zinoviev, Jew, Politburo member, and bloodthirsty subhuman monster, speaking at a meeting of Communists in September 1918, effectively pronounced a death sentence on ten million human beings.

Meet cnelson, Nazi scum.
See, goyim, this is to keep you quiet and docile and, above all, ignorant. Do not, under any circumstances notice patterns, and if you speak honestly or, even worse, with the interests of your group in mind (like, say, the ADL) you may be called mean names,
Wash, rinse, repeat, annihilate the Jews.

Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.
I forgot to specify that the Bolsheviks had their Judaism beaten out of them by the Christians...nice job.

In the years leading up to the 1917 revolution, Jews were disproportionately represented in all of Russia's subversive leftist parties. Jewish hatred of the Tsarist regime had a basis in objective conditions. Of the leading European powers of the day, imperial Russia was the most institutionally conservative and anti-Jewish. For example, Jews were normally not permitted to reside outside a large area in the west of the Empire known as the "Pale of Settlement."

However understandable, and perhaps even defensible, Jewish hostility toward the imperial regime may have been, the remarkable Jewish role in the vastly more despotic Soviet regime is less easy to justify. In a recently published book about the Jews in Russia during the 20th century, Russian-born Jewish writer Sonya Margolina goes so far as to call the Jewish role in supporting the Bolshevik regime the "historic sin of the Jews." She points, for example, to the prominent role of Jews as commandants of Soviet Gulag concentration and labor camps, and the role of Jewish Communists in the systematic destruction of Russian churches. Moreover, she goes on, "The Jews of the entire world supported Soviet power, and remained silent in the face of any criticism from the opposition." In light of this record, Margolina offers a grim prediction:

The exaggeratedly enthusiastic participation of the Jewish Bolsheviks in the subjugation and destruction of Russia is a sin that will be avenged Soviet power will be equated with Jewish power, and the furious hatred against the Bolsheviks will become hatred against Jews.

If the past is any indication, it is unlikely that many Russians will seek the revenge that Margolina prophecies. Anyway, to blame "the Jews" for the horrors of Communism seems no more justifiable than to blame "white people" for Negro slavery, or "the Germans" for the Second World War or "the Holocaust."
Wash, rinse, repeat, annihilate the Jews.

Don't treat Jews like shit for 400 years and they won't use chemical weapons to kill you.
I forgot to specify that the Bolsheviks had their Judaism beaten out of them by the Christians...nice job.

In the years leading up to the 1917 revolution, Jews were disproportionately represented in all of Russia's subversive leftist parties. Jewish hatred of the Tsarist regime had a basis in objective conditions. Of the leading European powers of the day, imperial Russia was the most institutionally conservative and anti-Jewish. For example, Jews were normally not permitted to reside outside a large area in the west of the Empire known as the "Pale of Settlement."

However understandable, and perhaps even defensible, Jewish hostility toward the imperial regime may have been, the remarkable Jewish role in the vastly more despotic Soviet regime is less easy to justify. In a recently published book about the Jews in Russia during the 20th century, Russian-born Jewish writer Sonya Margolina goes so far as to call the Jewish role in supporting the Bolshevik regime the "historic sin of the Jews." She points, for example, to the prominent role of Jews as commandants of Soviet Gulag concentration and labor camps, and the role of Jewish Communists in the systematic destruction of Russian churches. Moreover, she goes on, "The Jews of the entire world supported Soviet power, and remained silent in the face of any criticism from the opposition." In light of this record, Margolina offers a grim prediction:

The exaggeratedly enthusiastic participation of the Jewish Bolsheviks in the subjugation and destruction of Russia is a sin that will be avenged Soviet power will be equated with Jewish power, and the furious hatred against the Bolsheviks will become hatred against Jews.

If the past is any indication, it is unlikely that many Russians will seek the revenge that Margolina prophecies. Anyway, to blame "the Jews" for the horrors of Communism seems no more justifiable than to blame "white people" for Negro slavery, or "the Germans" for the Second World War or "the Holocaust."

Can't call them "jewish" Bolsheviks as they were atheists. They were not jews.

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