Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

It was a scorcher today, so I put some hot links, burgers and chicken on the grill, prepared some baked beans, and a green salad, poured some cold Moscato, and served everybody at poolside.
Two burger sliders. And I just sold oodles of my backyard plants to a lady and got 60 bucks and a big pan of enchiladas for tomorrow night!
I've been marinating some pollo asado since last night. Normally, I would grill it, but I'm still too sick to stand over a grill, so I'm going to bake it, then slice it, and then the boys and I will either have it over corn chips as nachos or wrapped in tortillas as burritos, with some shredded Mexican cheese and fresh guacamole and pico de gallo.
A couple lbs of crawfish for an appetizer followed by blackened Tilapia smothered with shrimp etouffee,green beans and garlic with bacon drippings and Cajun fried rice.....along with 3 or 4 Long Island ice teas.
Chicken and corn chowder. With a tossed salad and white wine.

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