Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

The kids had hamburger helper tonight...my two come home late and the program they're in feeds them a pseudo-supper sometime around 4 or so...soup/sandwiches, sometimes burgers/fruit, that sort of thing. My dil fixed the helper while we were at wrestling practice.

The night before my son made tilapia with tomatoes and cukes, I think...and some seasoning that he does, I dunno but it was yummy.

I think probably pancakes for breakfast for the kids, to keep the full until dinner time. I think we'll have dinner right around 1 or so, since i already have everything ready.
Last night we had turkey with stuffing (stuffing was 2 boxes of cornbread stuffing mix w/onion, celery and chopped up giblets), mashed potatoes, gravy, homemade rolls, jello, whipped cream, peas, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie and about a gallon of whipped cream. Cranberries. I don't think I missed anything...we at at about 1:30 and then snacked all afternoon and evening. We were planning crab salad but ended up not making it. Everything was lovely and I ended up freezing a couple quarts of the turkey broth, and the turkey carcass, for noodles later.
Ours are going fast....stuffing is already gone, and the jello...and the pie...I made more jello. Gonna have to cook tomorrow.
We had homemade turkey noodle soup last night...

And we'll be having it tonight, too.

And probably tomorrow night.

It was killer...I made the noodles..I think next time I make pasta I'm going to cut it into shapes! Also, my cousin told me that if I roll the dough out really thin, egg noodles can be used as egg roll wrap!!!

Tres cool!
So do you slice the chicky before or after cooking?

Actually it's tripple cooked. One large skinned chicken breast...Fried in olive oil to a golden brown...boiled in the same pan then sliced in thin medalions and mixed in with the pre-cooked brocolli crowns mixed with minced garlic, garlic powder, fresh ground pepper, a dash of salt and a dollup or two of sour cream and tossed in the microwave for a couple of minutes.
Tonight it's pancake & eggs dinner at my house.

Krusteaz buttermilk pancakes (my mom always made homemade sourdough pancakes. Sorry, I'm not my mom).





Maybe some canned pears or something just because.
Breakfast for supper moved to tomorrow night. Tonight we had cafeteria food with the kids in honor of the after school program FAMILY NIGHT. They signed "The Hungry Little Caterpillar" and a song "Hello Backpack" for entertainment.

The food was interesting but hey, I didn't have to cook so I was sooooo ok with it.
Tonight it's pancake & eggs dinner at my house.

Krusteaz buttermilk pancakes (my mom always made homemade sourdough pancakes. Sorry, I'm not my mom).





Maybe some canned pears or something just because.

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