Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

It's almost time for my favorite summer indulgence

Bacon turtles on the grill


Oh wow, thats amazing!

It's the ultimate. Bacon wrapped cheeseburgers with hot dog legs ( I like to use hot Italian sausages too)

No buns required just pick them up and eat.
Tandoori chicken

I just got a tandoori pot so I had to try it out


Where did you get that? I love tandoori chicken, and I must have one!

That was a gift I don't know where it's from but you can get them anywhere

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_8?url=search-alias%3Dgarden&field-keywords=tandoori%20oven&sprefix=tandoori%2Caps%2C133]Amazon.com: tandoori oven: Home & Kitchen[/ame]
We cooked curried sausages and mum decided she'd spice it up a bit by dumping in an entire packet of cajun chicken spice.

My mouth is still on fire.
Tonight it's ham hocks and beans...small red beans & pintos.

Homemade rolls. We'll probably have beans and cornbread tomorrow night.
Yes! At last! Managed to down some chicken, broccoli alfredo (home made if I do say so myself) and so far it's staying where it is supposed to.
I am having cod and ex is having barbque chicken (oven), baked taters, corn. For dessert....hmm. Not sure yet. Probably a nilla shake.

And you?

chicken alfredo with fettuccini noodles

dashed with a little hot sauce

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