Wendy Davis ad goes too far! ad uses wheelchair to criticize paralyzed foe Abbott

Thanks to the efforts of Greg Abbott, if a ten year old child has the wrong leg amputated by a drug addicted doctor, the most that child can recover for a lifetime is $250,000. That’s what Greg Aboott says a leg is worth to a child. Unless, of course, it’s Greg Abbott’s leg.

Why hasn't Abbot disputed any of the allegations?

Infanticide Barbie should make this her next ad!

{Greg Abbott is a dirty cripple, not only that, he holds doctors prisoner and addicts them to drugs, then he forces them to amputate the wrong legs of little girls - I'm Wendy Davis, join me to Abort the disabled.} - Approved of by Wendy Davis
Wendy needs to pack her bags and get the hell out of that dumbass red state of Texas. We need to let Texas secede, then build that fence along the Red River.

Yeah, you Progressives aren't putting up with any fucking cripples.

Join Wendy Davis - abort the disabled!

Okay drama Queen, dispute her allegations. She attacked his policies, not the fact that he's in a wheelchair.
What would you expect from this woman who's claim to fame is standing up for late term abortions (for the killing of ones child up to birth) for the women in this country
Thanks to the efforts of Greg Abbott, if a ten year old child has the wrong leg amputated by a drug addicted doctor, the most that child can recover for a lifetime is $250,000. That’s what Greg Aboott says a leg is worth to a child. Unless, of course, it’s Greg Abbott’s leg.

Why hasn't Abbot disputed any of the allegations?

Infanticide Barbie should make this her next ad!

{Greg Abbott is a dirty cripple, not only that, he holds doctors prisoner and addicts them to drugs, then he forces them to amputate the wrong legs of little girls - I'm Wendy Davis, join me to Abort the disabled.} - Approved of by Wendy Davis

She should, because he sided with the hospital, not the victim who lost the wrong leg.
Consolation gifts one might send Ms. Davis....

rubber crutches
breakaway canes
ball-bearing soled sneakers
prosthetic breasts

All things she can use to mock a wider base in her next campaign.
Consolation gifts one might send Ms. Davis....

rubber crutches
breakaway canes
ball-bearing soled sneakers
prosthetic breasts

All things she can use to mock a wider base in her next campaign.

She didn't mock him, you boob. She attacked his policies. Now, why don't you try to defend his policies?

NOTICE: Not one NeoClown has tried to defend Abbott's policies on this entire thread.
Wendy is floundering, this is a last gasp.

Hilarious! The Republican crybabies are whining that big bad Wendy's picking on them by telling the truth, Republicans should be so honest -pewsh- So tell me Republicans, what part of wheelchair ad is dishonest?

Greg Abbott is the perfect example of the Republican "I got mine, screw you" mentality. I hope Wendy Davis doubles down on the Republican scumbag tort reform policies that Greg Abbott profited so handsomely from but now-----now... hypocrite.


Wether the ad is true or false I do not know. I haven't followed this election closely, I tend to not care too much about uncompetitive races. This ad was in poor taste and there is nothing wrong in pointing that out.

How the hell can you say it's in poor taste if you don't even know if the ad is true or false?

NeoClowns! LOL!
Abortion Barbie should run an ad against these people. she's that disgusting. But remember folks, they're just globs OF CELLS

Former Abortion Clinic Worker: I Saw Tiny Arms and Hands Floating in Blood
by Carole Novielli | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 10/13/14 5:45 PM
WARNING: Some of the descriptions of abortions in this account are unsettling and may not be suitable for younger readers.
Merilida Aguilar claims that she used to work inside an abortion clinic.

ALL of it here:
Former Abortion Clinic Worker I Saw Tiny Arms and Hands Floating in Blood LifeNews.com
Abortion Barbie should run an ad against these people. she's that disgusting. But remember folks, they're just globs OF CELLS

Former Abortion Clinic Worker: I Saw Tiny Arms and Hands Floating in Blood
by Carole Novielli | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 10/13/14 5:45 PM
WARNING: Some of the descriptions of abortions in this account are unsettling and may not be suitable for younger readers.
Merilida Aguilar claims that she used to work inside an abortion clinic.

ALL of it here:
Former Abortion Clinic Worker I Saw Tiny Arms and Hands Floating in Blood LifeNews.com

Irrational drama queen...
Wendy is floundering, this is a last gasp.

Hilarious! The Republican crybabies are whining that big bad Wendy's picking on them by telling the truth, Republicans should be so honest -pewsh- So tell me Republicans, what part of wheelchair ad is dishonest?

Greg Abbott is the perfect example of the Republican "I got mine, screw you" mentality. I hope Wendy Davis doubles down on the Republican scumbag tort reform policies that Greg Abbott profited so handsomely from but now-----now... hypocrite.


Wether the ad is true or false I do not know. I haven't followed this election closely, I tend to not care too much about uncompetitive races. This ad was in poor taste and there is nothing wrong in pointing that out.

How the hell can you say it's in poor taste if you don't even know if the ad is true or false?

NeoClowns! LOL!

Charming. I found the imaginary of the ad in poor taste. If that makes me a Neocon in your eyes then so be it. You would be you mistaken of course but you are free believe anything you wish. I'll continue to criticize any side of the aisle when I feel it's warrented.
Wendy is floundering, this is a last gasp.

Hilarious! The Republican crybabies are whining that big bad Wendy's picking on them by telling the truth, Republicans should be so honest -pewsh- So tell me Republicans, what part of wheelchair ad is dishonest?

Greg Abbott is the perfect example of the Republican "I got mine, screw you" mentality. I hope Wendy Davis doubles down on the Republican scumbag tort reform policies that Greg Abbott profited so handsomely from but now-----now... hypocrite.


Wether the ad is true or false I do not know. I haven't followed this election closely, I tend to not care too much about uncompetitive races. This ad was in poor taste and there is nothing wrong in pointing that out.

How the hell can you say it's in poor taste if you don't even know if the ad is true or false?

NeoClowns! LOL!

Charming. I found the imaginary of the ad in poor taste. If that makes me a Neocon in your eyes then so be it. You would be you mistaken of course but you are free believe anything you wish. I'll continue to criticize any side of the aisle when I feel it's warrented.

It's very telling that a picture of a wheelchair is more offensive than his policies in favor of the hospital and companies going against the victims who also lost limbs.
Wendy is floundering, this is a last gasp.

Hilarious! The Republican crybabies are whining that big bad Wendy's picking on them by telling the truth, Republicans should be so honest -pewsh- So tell me Republicans, what part of wheelchair ad is dishonest?

Greg Abbott is the perfect example of the Republican "I got mine, screw you" mentality. I hope Wendy Davis doubles down on the Republican scumbag tort reform policies that Greg Abbott profited so handsomely from but now-----now... hypocrite.


Wether the ad is true or false I do not know. I haven't followed this election closely, I tend to not care too much about uncompetitive races. This ad was in poor taste and there is nothing wrong in pointing that out.

How the hell can you say it's in poor taste if you don't even know if the ad is true or false?

NeoClowns! LOL!

Charming. I found the imaginary of the ad in poor taste. If that makes me a Neocon in your eyes then so be it. You would be you mistaken of course but you are free believe anything you wish. I'll continue to criticize any side of the aisle when I feel it's warrented.

It's very telling that a picture of a wheelchair is more offensive than his policies in favor of the hospital and companies going against the victims who also lost limbs.

You're barking up the wrong tree considering I don't support Abbott. It was foolish imaginary and instead of the content of the ad being discussed it became about the imaginey instead of his postions. Whomever approved the ad doesn't seem to be too politically savvy.
Abortion Barbie should run an ad against these people. she's that disgusting. But remember folks, they're just globs OF CELLS

Former Abortion Clinic Worker: I Saw Tiny Arms and Hands Floating in Blood
by Carole Novielli | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 10/13/14 5:45 PM
WARNING: Some of the descriptions of abortions in this account are unsettling and may not be suitable for younger readers.
Merilida Aguilar claims that she used to work inside an abortion clinic.

ALL of it here:
Former Abortion Clinic Worker I Saw Tiny Arms and Hands Floating in Blood LifeNews.com

Irrational drama queen...

yeah it's irrational to stand up for the innocent babies being RIPPED from women's bodies. But find someone using a person being crippled for her to suck off the taxpayers ok .

You people have become just like her, no morals and damn sure no honor
Hilarious! The Republican crybabies are whining that big bad Wendy's picking on them by telling the truth, Republicans should be so honest -pewsh- So tell me Republicans, what part of wheelchair ad is dishonest?

Greg Abbott is the perfect example of the Republican "I got mine, screw you" mentality. I hope Wendy Davis doubles down on the Republican scumbag tort reform policies that Greg Abbott profited so handsomely from but now-----now... hypocrite.


Wether the ad is true or false I do not know. I haven't followed this election closely, I tend to not care too much about uncompetitive races. This ad was in poor taste and there is nothing wrong in pointing that out.

How the hell can you say it's in poor taste if you don't even know if the ad is true or false?

NeoClowns! LOL!

Charming. I found the imaginary of the ad in poor taste. If that makes me a Neocon in your eyes then so be it. You would be you mistaken of course but you are free believe anything you wish. I'll continue to criticize any side of the aisle when I feel it's warrented.

It's very telling that a picture of a wheelchair is more offensive than his policies in favor of the hospital and companies going against the victims who also lost limbs.

You're barking up the wrong tree considering I don't support Abbott. It was foolish imaginary and instead of the content of the ad being discussed it became about the imaginey instead of his postions. Whomever approved the ad doesn't seem to be too politically savvy.

He is the one who opened himself up for this sort of debate, by using his wheelchair in traffic-jam ads, and when he told supporters how physicians had inserted two steel rods along his vertebrae, and he vowed to “use my steel spine to fight for you and for every Texas family.”

Well, that steel spine of his is fighting against the disabled, including other amputees.

So no, I do not find a photo of an empty wheelchair offensive, but his policies are.
Abortion Barbie should run an ad against these people. she's that disgusting. But remember folks, they're just globs OF CELLS

Former Abortion Clinic Worker: I Saw Tiny Arms and Hands Floating in Blood
by Carole Novielli | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 10/13/14 5:45 PM
WARNING: Some of the descriptions of abortions in this account are unsettling and may not be suitable for younger readers.
Merilida Aguilar claims that she used to work inside an abortion clinic.

ALL of it here:
Former Abortion Clinic Worker I Saw Tiny Arms and Hands Floating in Blood LifeNews.com

Irrational drama queen...

yeah it's irrational to stand up for the innocent babies being RIPPED from women's bodies. But find someone using a person being crippled for her to suck off the taxpayers ok .

You people have become just like her, no morals and damn sure no honor

Again, how about if you leave that up to the doctor/patient to decide the health risks?
After reading this thread I'd like to hear a Republican claim that Liberals make decisions based on emotions so I can LOL
If Wendy Davis is stating facts, there's nothing wrong with her ad.

The woman is a fraud.

And you were getting ready to provide us a link?

If you don't know her history, then you shouldn't be here.

I know she had two abortions for medical reasons. And so far, at least one claim in her ad is true.

Like I said before, if she's telling the truth, there's nothing wrong with her ad. Apparently she did something right....she's got everybody talking about it. :biggrin:

I'm referring to the divorce and giving up custody of her youngest daughter. There is so much drama and spin. She has no integrity, IMHO.

About that custody arrangement....

"The divorce decree in 2005 gave Mr. Davis primary custody of Dru, who was then 17, and" Wendy "Davis agreed to pay $1,200 a month in child support, records show," the Tribune said.

Daughters comment

On Jan. 28, 2014, the Davis campaign released letters from the candidate’s daughters. Dru Davis wrote: "My mom has always shared equally in the care and custody of my sister and me." Amber Davis wrote that at the time of her mother’s divorce, "I was a young adult in college and Dru was in high school and to be clear, no one ‘lost or gave up custody’ of either one of us. But no matter how difficult it was, both of our parents were there for us."

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