Wendy Davis ad goes too far! ad uses wheelchair to criticize paralyzed foe Abbott

Yeah, even the Communists over at CNN (Communist News Network) are calling her a real piece of shit. That's when you know it's all over. When they turn on their Comrades, it's over.

Davis ad uses wheelchair to criticize paralyzed foe - CNN.com
You must be a Conservative ... your reading skills suck. CNN calls her no such thing in that article.

I saw some of her Comrades on CNN ripping her. Even they now realize she's a piece of shit. She's done. Bye bye.

And still, no one can defend Abbott's hypocrisy, or how he railroaded other amputees and a rape victim.
No one has to explain anything. She is over. Now be mature about it. Don't be a sore whiney loser.
Yeah, even the Communists over at CNN (Communist News Network) are calling her a real piece of shit. That's when you know it's all over. When they turn on their Comrades, it's over.

Davis ad uses wheelchair to criticize paralyzed foe - CNN.com
You must be a Conservative ... your reading skills suck. CNN calls her no such thing in that article.

I saw some of her Comrades on CNN ripping her. Even they now realize she's a piece of shit. She's done. Bye bye.

And still, no one can defend Abbott's hypocrisy, or how he railroaded other amputees and a rape victim.
No one has to explain anything. She is over. Now be mature about it. Don't be a sore whiney loser.

Her Comrades have abandoned her. She's a stinky pile of shit. Only a few hardcore 'Party before Country' douchebags are still supporting her. It's over.
What he did to other disabled people is our business. And that's the whole point of the ad, and the point you and other NeoClowns are not wanting to discuss. It's a common Republican theme, "I got mine, fuck you and yours."
We don't know all the details. Talk about the issues....if you can.

If you gave a shit about the details, you would have already researched them.

(NYT) Mr. Abbott fought to block a woman with an amputated leg from suing the state; sided with a hospital that failed to stop a dangerous surgeon; and, while serving as a Texas Supreme Court justice, ruled against a rape victim who sued a vacuum cleaner company for failing to do a background check on an employee she accused of assaulting her.

Crooks and liars--Thanks to the efforts of Greg Abbott, if a ten year old child has the wrong leg amputated by a drug addicted doctor, the most that child can recover for a lifetime is $250,000. That’s what Greg Aboott says a leg is worth to a child. Unless, of course, it’s Greg Abbott’s leg.

Here's something to get you started on your research.

In the Dec. 31, 1998, majority opinion written by Justice Raul Gonzalez, the court agreed with the Austin-based 3rd Court of Appeals that a mandate by Kirby, the manufacturer, that its vacuum cleaners be sold only through home demonstrations gave the company a role to play in who got hired to do door-to-door sales even though a company agreement with its distributors said otherwise.

"We hold that the company does owe such a duty," the court said. Specifically, the court said that "because Kirby required in-home demonstrations, the company exercised sufficient control over the sale of its products to end-users to justify imposing a duty of reasonable care in selecting the persons who performed the demonstrations."

Kirby had argued its arrangements with vacuum cleaner distributors explicitly said the company shall exercise no control over the selection of individual salespeople. Kirby’s contracts specified: "The full cost and responsibility for recruiting, hiring, firing, terminating and compensating independent contractors and employees of distributor shall be borne by distributor."

Abbott’s dissent to the court’s ruling, joined by Justice Priscilla Owen, said Kirby retained control over where the sales work was to be performed -- but not over who was to do that work. "Failure to require background checks of potential dealers relates to who is a dealer, not where the dealer works," Abbott wrote. "As a result, the requisite relation between the control retained and the alleged injury is missing. Because the Court holds to the contrary, I dissent."

Abbott summed up: "In essence, the Court rewrites Kirby’s Distributor Agreement and Independent Dealer Agreement to require Kirby to assume control over dealer selection. Because the injury is not related to the control retained by Kirby," Abbott closed, "...Kirby owed no duty to" the woman "under the circumstances of this case."

Our emails to the Abbott campaign did not yield responses, but Amelia Chasse of his campaign said in a statement sent to reporters including the Austin American-Statesman’s Jonathan Tilove that Abbott’s dissent still "left intact the liability against the sex offender and his employer." That is, the question in the Supreme Court case concerned only Kirby’s responsibility and did not affect the liability of anyone else in the case.

Kirby held responsible for salesman s actions Amarillo.com Amarillo Globe-News
The New York Slimes. Divide and conquer. Not working. Better luck next time.

Dingbat, the NYT didn't say if Wendy's allegations were true or false. Now, go do your own fucking homework.
Lying leftist trash.

LOL, another one that has nothing.
We don't know all the details. Talk about the issues....if you can.

If you gave a shit about the details, you would have already researched them.

(NYT) Mr. Abbott fought to block a woman with an amputated leg from suing the state; sided with a hospital that failed to stop a dangerous surgeon; and, while serving as a Texas Supreme Court justice, ruled against a rape victim who sued a vacuum cleaner company for failing to do a background check on an employee she accused of assaulting her.

Crooks and liars--Thanks to the efforts of Greg Abbott, if a ten year old child has the wrong leg amputated by a drug addicted doctor, the most that child can recover for a lifetime is $250,000. That’s what Greg Aboott says a leg is worth to a child. Unless, of course, it’s Greg Abbott’s leg.

Here's something to get you started on your research.

In the Dec. 31, 1998, majority opinion written by Justice Raul Gonzalez, the court agreed with the Austin-based 3rd Court of Appeals that a mandate by Kirby, the manufacturer, that its vacuum cleaners be sold only through home demonstrations gave the company a role to play in who got hired to do door-to-door sales even though a company agreement with its distributors said otherwise.

"We hold that the company does owe such a duty," the court said. Specifically, the court said that "because Kirby required in-home demonstrations, the company exercised sufficient control over the sale of its products to end-users to justify imposing a duty of reasonable care in selecting the persons who performed the demonstrations."

Kirby had argued its arrangements with vacuum cleaner distributors explicitly said the company shall exercise no control over the selection of individual salespeople. Kirby’s contracts specified: "The full cost and responsibility for recruiting, hiring, firing, terminating and compensating independent contractors and employees of distributor shall be borne by distributor."

Abbott’s dissent to the court’s ruling, joined by Justice Priscilla Owen, said Kirby retained control over where the sales work was to be performed -- but not over who was to do that work. "Failure to require background checks of potential dealers relates to who is a dealer, not where the dealer works," Abbott wrote. "As a result, the requisite relation between the control retained and the alleged injury is missing. Because the Court holds to the contrary, I dissent."

Abbott summed up: "In essence, the Court rewrites Kirby’s Distributor Agreement and Independent Dealer Agreement to require Kirby to assume control over dealer selection. Because the injury is not related to the control retained by Kirby," Abbott closed, "...Kirby owed no duty to" the woman "under the circumstances of this case."

Our emails to the Abbott campaign did not yield responses, but Amelia Chasse of his campaign said in a statement sent to reporters including the Austin American-Statesman’s Jonathan Tilove that Abbott’s dissent still "left intact the liability against the sex offender and his employer." That is, the question in the Supreme Court case concerned only Kirby’s responsibility and did not affect the liability of anyone else in the case.

Kirby held responsible for salesman s actions Amarillo.com Amarillo Globe-News
The New York Slimes. Divide and conquer. Not working. Better luck next time.

Dingbat, the NYT didn't say if Wendy's allegations were true or false. Now, go do your own fucking homework.
Lying leftist trash.

LOL, another one that has nothing.
Nothing is needed. She's done. Get over it.
People like her and her followers is what brought politics into the frikken gutter and then they wail where is the , Civility.

gutter trash should be cleaned from our politics into the sewer where it belongs
People like her and her followers is what brought politics into the frikken gutter and then they wail where is the , Civility.

gutter trash should be cleaned from our politics into the sewer where it belongs

Yeah people who deliberately lie and make shit up about their political opponents should be shunned like the trash they are, right?
I saw some of her Comrades on CNN ripping her. Even they now realize she's a piece of shit. She's done. Bye bye.

And still, no one can defend Abbott's hypocrisy, or how he railroaded other amputees and a rape victim.

Stickin with Wendy ay? Come on man!

You haven't shown me a reason of why I shouldn't. As I said before, a photo of an empty wheelchair is far less offensive than Abbott railroading other amputees and a rape victim.

And you don't seem to be able to dispute that.
Perhaps you are correct.

I saw some of her Comrades on CNN ripping her. Even they now realize she's a piece of shit. She's done. Bye bye.

And still, no one can defend Abbott's hypocrisy, or how he railroaded other amputees and a rape victim.

Stickin with Wendy ay? Come on man!

You haven't shown me a reason of why I shouldn't. As I said before, a photo of an empty wheelchair is far less offensive than Abbott railroading other amputees and a rape victim.

And you don't seem to be able to dispute that.
So I must believe it is an educated guess when I say you would NEVER support Hillary Clinton for President.

Or are you one of those that have no idea of who SHE represented when she was a young attorney?

I prefer Bernie Sanders.

Okay, shoot. Who did Hillary defend? You're not going to repeat the lie that she defended one of the Black Panthers, are you?
I thought you were on top of things.

AUDIO Hillary Clinton Speaks of Defense of Child Rapist in Newly Unearthed Tapes Washington Free Beacon
She didn't mock him, you boob. She attacked his policies. Now, why don't you try to defend his policies?

NOTICE: Not one NeoClown has tried to defend Abbott's policies on this entire thread.

Why should they? The thread is about Infanticide Barbie. I'm not voting for Abbott, either, so go pull your panties out of your crack and take a valium.
Her point gets lost because everyone is focused on the wheelchair and how it shows how low class she is.

Her point is only lost on idiots who are not voting for her anyway.

yeah sure, if a Republican had made such an ad yours and your liberal buddies panties would be so far up your butt. why can't people ever admit you got behind a CLASSLESS LOSER

Greg Abbott's campaign hasn't really said anything in his defense, either. All they've done is shout, "WAAAAAHHHHH! She picked on poor Greg because he's in a wheelchair!"

So yeah, she's gonna lose anyway because she's a Dem running for the Governorship of Texas, but as far as all the other dumb shit you wingnuts say about her, well...

why should he stoop to her level? she's getting hurt by there no reason for him to say anything. and she's getting everything she deserves for it

Defending himself against the charge that he's a hypocrite for stopping people from getting legal financial restitution after he received a large amount of it himself is "stooping to her level"??

Damn, the hits just keep coming with you, eh? :lol:

I heard somewhere that the case in point was lost because the JURY denied the claim. Didn't Wendy blame Abbott? I will follow up and get the details.
And still, no one can defend Abbott's hypocrisy, or how he railroaded other amputees and a rape victim.

Stickin with Wendy ay? Come on man!

You haven't shown me a reason of why I shouldn't. As I said before, a photo of an empty wheelchair is far less offensive than Abbott railroading other amputees and a rape victim.

And you don't seem to be able to dispute that.
Perhaps you are correct.

And still, no one can defend Abbott's hypocrisy, or how he railroaded other amputees and a rape victim.

Stickin with Wendy ay? Come on man!

You haven't shown me a reason of why I shouldn't. As I said before, a photo of an empty wheelchair is far less offensive than Abbott railroading other amputees and a rape victim.

And you don't seem to be able to dispute that.
So I must believe it is an educated guess when I say you would NEVER support Hillary Clinton for President.

Or are you one of those that have no idea of who SHE represented when she was a young attorney?

I prefer Bernie Sanders.

Okay, shoot. Who did Hillary defend? You're not going to repeat the lie that she defended one of the Black Panthers, are you?
I thought you were on top of things.

What does Hillary s laughing rape defense audio mean TheHill
AUDIO Hillary Clinton Speaks of Defense of Child Rapist in Newly Unearthed Tapes Washington Free Beacon

I can only pick apart one lie at a time.

Before I start, I want you to know that I find it interesting that you need a blog to tell you what Hillary's taped interview means, as if you can't think for yourself. And I suppose you can't.

I listed to the tape, and she was in no way laughing at the rape victim. She laughed about the absurdity of the case itself.

Hillary didn't want the case and tried to get out of doing it.

Did Hillary Clinton ask to be relieved from representing an accused rapist in 1970s PolitiFact

Also, it was her JOB to defend the man. That's what public defenders do.

Gideon v. Wainwright ruled that the Sixth Amendment of the Bill of Rights requires the government to provide free legal counsel to indigent defendants in criminal cases

So, is your big beef that she was good at her job? And do you think she should have sabotaged the case, just in case she might one day run for President?
Slick's interns were young women. Young. Hillary displayed not the least upset at his abuse of them. Ergo, she's into that sort of molestation. OK, so you're prefer to believe otherwise. That's your religion and you're entitled to it.
Did the ad in question tell the truth.....?????


Don't you just hate it when Dems tell you an ugly truth.
Slick's interns were young women. Young. Hillary displayed not the least upset at his abuse of them. Ergo, she's into that sort of molestation. OK, so you're prefer to believe otherwise. That's your religion and you're entitled to it.

Monica Lewinsky was indeed young, but at 23, she was a consenting adult. I don't know how Hillary felt about his affair.

There must be a reason you and Jughead can't stay on topic.
Monica Lewinsky was indeed young, but at 23, she was a consenting adult. I don't know how Hillary felt about his affair.

Bullshit flag on THAT play!

At 23 Ms. Lewinsky was an infant.

So defined by the very words of Obamacare. Infant she was and infant she remained until age twenty-six (26, liberals).

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