Wendy Davis ad goes too far! ad uses wheelchair to criticize paralyzed foe Abbott

Wendy needs to pack her bags and get the hell out of that dumbass red state of Texas. We need to let Texas secede, then build that fence along the Red River.
Shitstain....why don't you defend this bitch???

Wheelchair video that insults handicapped people.....and her scumbag past marrying a rich man to get through law school then dumping him as soon as she graduated.

Well, we're talking about the point here and not one wingnut seems to have anything to say about it.

Might be because they know they can't really defend Abbott.

And of course you can't address the point of the ad either, because ultimately it's right.

And no, it really doesn't insult handicapped people.

how he became disabled and if he received a settlement, IS NO ONES BUSINESS. the ad is dirty, classless and low down disgusting

What he did to other disabled people is our business. And that's the whole point of the ad, and the point you and other NeoClowns are not wanting to discuss. It's a common Republican theme, "I got mine, fuck you and yours."

awww, you're upset because he didn't share his settlement with all of you?
gawd you people can't crawl much lower

No, dingbat, because he stopped others from getting theirs. Can you not fucking read?
Shitstain....why don't you defend this bitch???

Wheelchair video that insults handicapped people.....and her scumbag past marrying a rich man to get through law school then dumping him as soon as she graduated.

Her point gets lost because everyone is focused on the wheelchair and how it shows how low class she is.

Well, we're talking about the point here and not one wingnut seems to have anything to say about it.

Might be because they know they can't really defend Abbott.

And of course you can't address the point of the ad either, because ultimately it's right.

And no, it really doesn't insult handicapped people.

how he became disabled and if he received a settlement, IS NO ONES BUSINESS. the ad is dirty, classless and low down disgusting

What he did to other disabled people is our business. And that's the whole point of the ad, and the point you and other NeoClowns are not wanting to discuss. It's a common Republican theme, "I got mine, fuck you and yours."
We don't know all the details. Talk about the issues....if you can.
Wendy needs to pack her bags and get the hell out of that dumbass red state of Texas. We need to let Texas secede, then build that fence along the Red River.
Shitstain....why don't you defend this bitch???

Wheelchair video that insults handicapped people.....and her scumbag past marrying a rich man to get through law school then dumping him as soon as she graduated.

And of course you can't address the point of the ad either, because ultimately it's right.

And no, it really doesn't insult handicapped people.

how he became disabled and if he received a settlement, IS NO ONES BUSINESS. the ad is dirty, classless and low down disgusting

What he did to other disabled people is our business. And that's the whole point of the ad, and the point you and other NeoClowns are not wanting to discuss. It's a common Republican theme, "I got mine, fuck you and yours."

awww, you're upset because he didn't share his settlement with all of you?
gawd you people can't crawl much lower

No, dingbat, because he stopped others from getting theirs. Can you not fucking read?
could you please link us up to how he did this? If not shut your vulgar mouth
Even MSNBC Hates Wendy Davis’ Wheelchair Ad

Bryan Preston
October 13, 2014 - 6:46 am

Texas Democrat governor nominee Wendy Davis’ wheelchair ad continues to destroy her campaign.
Davis, trailing badly in most polls, released this ad late last week.
As Breitbart’s Sarah Rumpf reported, reaction to it has ranged from negative to really negative.
It’s that opening image of the empty wheelchair that is generating so much outrage. Republican nominee Greg Abbott was left paralyzed for life by an accident many years ago. There was no reason for the Davis campaign to go there, least of all for a campaign whose supporters have been caught on tape mocking Abbott’s disability in the past.
Add to that, the fact that the ad’s claims have been debunked in the past. It’s a dishonest, angrily negative ad that just seeks to tear Abbott down by any means necessary.
Outrage at the ad is bipartisan, with everyone from here to BuzzFeed to the Washington Post piling on.
This morning on MSNBC, Davis’ ad just keeps backfiring. Morning Joe discussed the ad on the “Lean Forward” network, and for many Americans, this was probably their first look at it. MJ played the entire ad. Professor Dorien Warren called it a “huge blunder” and predicted that it will depress turnout.
“This is not gonna motivate her voters to come out,” Warren said.
Host (and liberal) Mika Brzezinski admitted that she “cringed” watching the ad, and tried to distance Davis from the ad on Davis’ behalf. (For the record, Davis refuses to apologize for or take down the ad.)
“Yikes, I cringed watching that. Didn’t like it,” Brzezinski said.

The PJ Tatler Even MSNBC Hates Wendy Davis 8217 Wheelchair Ad
To the liberals on this thread . Davis is going to lose, get over it.
The left always looks for a wedge to divide people and get us at each other's throat.
"Hey, look over there....that guy has more than you and he's standing in your way from getting yours. Vote for me and I'll fight for you to get yours."

Abbott: Wendy Davis is Focused on Attacking Me, I'm Focused on What's Good For Texas
Katie Pavlich | Oct 14, 2014


Last night on Fox News' Hannity, Texas gubernatorial candidate and Attorney General Greg Abbott responded directly to a campaign ad released by Wendy Davis late last week featuring an empty wheelchair. She is defending the ad. Abbott has been paralyzed since 1984 after a large tree fell on him during a run.
During the interview Abbott said that while Davis is focused on attacking him, he's focused on what's good for Texas, which includes creating jobs and keeping the federal government at bay.
"My opponent can attack a guy in a wheelchair if she wants to, I don't think it's going to sell real well and so I'm going to stay focused on the future," Abbott said. "I'm running a campaign that's focused on solving the problems of Texans like securing the border, keeping Texas number one for jobs, continue fighting against Barack Obama's EPA that's crushing jobs in Texas. So I will focus on the future of Texas while my opponent continues to attack me."

ALL of it here with an ad he has out at the site:
Abbott Wendy Davis is Focused on Attacking Me I m Focused on What s Good For Texas - Katie Pavlich
Didn't that guy get a 6 million dollar settlement and then turn around and make sure no one else could?
He had nothing to do with tort reform, The law was changed after he recieved his payout.
Wendy is floundering, this is a last gasp.

Hilarious! The Republican crybabies are whining that big bad Wendy's picking on them by telling the truth, Republicans should be so honest -pewsh- So tell me Republicans, what part of wheelchair ad is dishonest?

Greg Abbott is the perfect example of the Republican "I got mine, screw you" mentality. I hope Wendy Davis doubles down on the Republican scumbag tort reform policies that Greg Abbott profited so handsomely from but now-----now... hypocrite.


Wether the ad is true or false I do not know. I haven't followed this election closely, I tend to not care too much about uncompetitive races. This ad was in poor taste and there is nothing wrong in pointing that out.

We're talkin' Texas, so I'm not predicting a Wendy Davis victory-----yet.
But let me remind the Republicans that read this post - in the 2012 election y'all predicted a Romney victory, Republicans were so convinced of victory that the final tally even made grown men like Karl and Mitt whine like the pissants they are but-----but remember-----remember, Democratic Party internal polling told a different story from the Republican controlled MSM.
Here we go again...

New Polling Confirms Wendy Davis Is Within 6 Points of Abbott
Elise Lindstran
Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Wilder's report confirms a recent Lyceum poll that shows Davis is within 6 points of Abbott amongst registered voters, and also echoes recent polling that confirms she is indeed closing the gap within single digits.

Davis has a number of other factors working in her favor, which likely explain why she's closing the gap in the polls:
Add all those things up, and it's no wonder Davis has momentum heading into the home stretch of the campaign. Both Wendy Davis — and Greg Abbott's record — are catching up with him.

Republicans project more than they cite reality and-----and they have a bad habit of projecting wrong so...

Quoting from progress Texas?? LMFAO
Wendy is floundering, this is a last gasp.

Hilarious! The Republican crybabies are whining that big bad Wendy's picking on them by telling the truth, Republicans should be so honest -pewsh- So tell me Republicans, what part of wheelchair ad is dishonest?

Greg Abbott is the perfect example of the Republican "I got mine, screw you" mentality. I hope Wendy Davis doubles down on the Republican scumbag tort reform policies that Greg Abbott profited so handsomely from but now-----now... hypocrite.


Wether the ad is true or false I do not know. I haven't followed this election closely, I tend to not care too much about uncompetitive races. This ad was in poor taste and there is nothing wrong in pointing that out.
i'm not sure i'm big on the wheelchair imagery, but that would be the only problem I have with the ad.

that said, i'm not sure what imagery would have been appropriate to match the reasonable informational content of the ad.
Shitstain....why don't you defend this bitch???

Wheelchair video that insults handicapped people.....and her scumbag past marrying a rich man to get through law school then dumping him as soon as she graduated.

Well, we're talking about the point here and not one wingnut seems to have anything to say about it.

Might be because they know they can't really defend Abbott.

And of course you can't address the point of the ad either, because ultimately it's right.

And no, it really doesn't insult handicapped people.

how he became disabled and if he received a settlement, IS NO ONES BUSINESS. the ad is dirty, classless and low down disgusting

What he did to other disabled people is our business. And that's the whole point of the ad, and the point you and other NeoClowns are not wanting to discuss. It's a common Republican theme, "I got mine, fuck you and yours."
We don't know all the details. Talk about the issues....if you can.

If you gave a shit about the details, you would have already researched them.

(NYT) Mr. Abbott fought to block a woman with an amputated leg from suing the state; sided with a hospital that failed to stop a dangerous surgeon; and, while serving as a Texas Supreme Court justice, ruled against a rape victim who sued a vacuum cleaner company for failing to do a background check on an employee she accused of assaulting her.

Crooks and liars--Thanks to the efforts of Greg Abbott, if a ten year old child has the wrong leg amputated by a drug addicted doctor, the most that child can recover for a lifetime is $250,000. That’s what Greg Aboott says a leg is worth to a child. Unless, of course, it’s Greg Abbott’s leg.

Here's something to get you started on your research.

In the Dec. 31, 1998, majority opinion written by Justice Raul Gonzalez, the court agreed with the Austin-based 3rd Court of Appeals that a mandate by Kirby, the manufacturer, that its vacuum cleaners be sold only through home demonstrations gave the company a role to play in who got hired to do door-to-door sales even though a company agreement with its distributors said otherwise.

"We hold that the company does owe such a duty," the court said. Specifically, the court said that "because Kirby required in-home demonstrations, the company exercised sufficient control over the sale of its products to end-users to justify imposing a duty of reasonable care in selecting the persons who performed the demonstrations."

Kirby had argued its arrangements with vacuum cleaner distributors explicitly said the company shall exercise no control over the selection of individual salespeople. Kirby’s contracts specified: "The full cost and responsibility for recruiting, hiring, firing, terminating and compensating independent contractors and employees of distributor shall be borne by distributor."

Abbott’s dissent to the court’s ruling, joined by Justice Priscilla Owen, said Kirby retained control over where the sales work was to be performed -- but not over who was to do that work. "Failure to require background checks of potential dealers relates to who is a dealer, not where the dealer works," Abbott wrote. "As a result, the requisite relation between the control retained and the alleged injury is missing. Because the Court holds to the contrary, I dissent."

Abbott summed up: "In essence, the Court rewrites Kirby’s Distributor Agreement and Independent Dealer Agreement to require Kirby to assume control over dealer selection. Because the injury is not related to the control retained by Kirby," Abbott closed, "...Kirby owed no duty to" the woman "under the circumstances of this case."

Our emails to the Abbott campaign did not yield responses, but Amelia Chasse of his campaign said in a statement sent to reporters including the Austin American-Statesman’s Jonathan Tilove that Abbott’s dissent still "left intact the liability against the sex offender and his employer." That is, the question in the Supreme Court case concerned only Kirby’s responsibility and did not affect the liability of anyone else in the case.

Kirby held responsible for salesman s actions Amarillo.com Amarillo Globe-News
Shitstain....why don't you defend this bitch???

Wheelchair video that insults handicapped people.....and her scumbag past marrying a rich man to get through law school then dumping him as soon as she graduated.

And of course you can't address the point of the ad either, because ultimately it's right.

And no, it really doesn't insult handicapped people.

how he became disabled and if he received a settlement, IS NO ONES BUSINESS. the ad is dirty, classless and low down disgusting

What he did to other disabled people is our business. And that's the whole point of the ad, and the point you and other NeoClowns are not wanting to discuss. It's a common Republican theme, "I got mine, fuck you and yours."
We don't know all the details. Talk about the issues....if you can.

If you gave a shit about the details, you would have already researched them.

(NYT) Mr. Abbott fought to block a woman with an amputated leg from suing the state; sided with a hospital that failed to stop a dangerous surgeon; and, while serving as a Texas Supreme Court justice, ruled against a rape victim who sued a vacuum cleaner company for failing to do a background check on an employee she accused of assaulting her.

Crooks and liars--Thanks to the efforts of Greg Abbott, if a ten year old child has the wrong leg amputated by a drug addicted doctor, the most that child can recover for a lifetime is $250,000. That’s what Greg Aboott says a leg is worth to a child. Unless, of course, it’s Greg Abbott’s leg.

Here's something to get you started on your research.

In the Dec. 31, 1998, majority opinion written by Justice Raul Gonzalez, the court agreed with the Austin-based 3rd Court of Appeals that a mandate by Kirby, the manufacturer, that its vacuum cleaners be sold only through home demonstrations gave the company a role to play in who got hired to do door-to-door sales even though a company agreement with its distributors said otherwise.

"We hold that the company does owe such a duty," the court said. Specifically, the court said that "because Kirby required in-home demonstrations, the company exercised sufficient control over the sale of its products to end-users to justify imposing a duty of reasonable care in selecting the persons who performed the demonstrations."

Kirby had argued its arrangements with vacuum cleaner distributors explicitly said the company shall exercise no control over the selection of individual salespeople. Kirby’s contracts specified: "The full cost and responsibility for recruiting, hiring, firing, terminating and compensating independent contractors and employees of distributor shall be borne by distributor."

Abbott’s dissent to the court’s ruling, joined by Justice Priscilla Owen, said Kirby retained control over where the sales work was to be performed -- but not over who was to do that work. "Failure to require background checks of potential dealers relates to who is a dealer, not where the dealer works," Abbott wrote. "As a result, the requisite relation between the control retained and the alleged injury is missing. Because the Court holds to the contrary, I dissent."

Abbott summed up: "In essence, the Court rewrites Kirby’s Distributor Agreement and Independent Dealer Agreement to require Kirby to assume control over dealer selection. Because the injury is not related to the control retained by Kirby," Abbott closed, "...Kirby owed no duty to" the woman "under the circumstances of this case."

Our emails to the Abbott campaign did not yield responses, but Amelia Chasse of his campaign said in a statement sent to reporters including the Austin American-Statesman’s Jonathan Tilove that Abbott’s dissent still "left intact the liability against the sex offender and his employer." That is, the question in the Supreme Court case concerned only Kirby’s responsibility and did not affect the liability of anyone else in the case.

Kirby held responsible for salesman s actions Amarillo.com Amarillo Globe-News

You've got to kidding.
Wendy needs to pack her bags and get the hell out of that dumbass red state of Texas. We need to let Texas secede, then build that fence along the Red River.
And of course you can't address the point of the ad either, because ultimately it's right.

And no, it really doesn't insult handicapped people.

how he became disabled and if he received a settlement, IS NO ONES BUSINESS. the ad is dirty, classless and low down disgusting

What he did to other disabled people is our business. And that's the whole point of the ad, and the point you and other NeoClowns are not wanting to discuss. It's a common Republican theme, "I got mine, fuck you and yours."

awww, you're upset because he didn't share his settlement with all of you?
gawd you people can't crawl much lower

No, dingbat, because he stopped others from getting theirs. Can you not fucking read?
could you please link us up to how he did this? If not shut your vulgar mouth

Can you say "Google?"
Shitstain....why don't you defend this bitch???

Wheelchair video that insults handicapped people.....and her scumbag past marrying a rich man to get through law school then dumping him as soon as she graduated.

And of course you can't address the point of the ad either, because ultimately it's right.

And no, it really doesn't insult handicapped people.

how he became disabled and if he received a settlement, IS NO ONES BUSINESS. the ad is dirty, classless and low down disgusting

What he did to other disabled people is our business. And that's the whole point of the ad, and the point you and other NeoClowns are not wanting to discuss. It's a common Republican theme, "I got mine, fuck you and yours."
We don't know all the details. Talk about the issues....if you can.

If you gave a shit about the details, you would have already researched them.

(NYT) Mr. Abbott fought to block a woman with an amputated leg from suing the state; sided with a hospital that failed to stop a dangerous surgeon; and, while serving as a Texas Supreme Court justice, ruled against a rape victim who sued a vacuum cleaner company for failing to do a background check on an employee she accused of assaulting her.

Crooks and liars--Thanks to the efforts of Greg Abbott, if a ten year old child has the wrong leg amputated by a drug addicted doctor, the most that child can recover for a lifetime is $250,000. That’s what Greg Aboott says a leg is worth to a child. Unless, of course, it’s Greg Abbott’s leg.

Here's something to get you started on your research.

In the Dec. 31, 1998, majority opinion written by Justice Raul Gonzalez, the court agreed with the Austin-based 3rd Court of Appeals that a mandate by Kirby, the manufacturer, that its vacuum cleaners be sold only through home demonstrations gave the company a role to play in who got hired to do door-to-door sales even though a company agreement with its distributors said otherwise.

"We hold that the company does owe such a duty," the court said. Specifically, the court said that "because Kirby required in-home demonstrations, the company exercised sufficient control over the sale of its products to end-users to justify imposing a duty of reasonable care in selecting the persons who performed the demonstrations."

Kirby had argued its arrangements with vacuum cleaner distributors explicitly said the company shall exercise no control over the selection of individual salespeople. Kirby’s contracts specified: "The full cost and responsibility for recruiting, hiring, firing, terminating and compensating independent contractors and employees of distributor shall be borne by distributor."

Abbott’s dissent to the court’s ruling, joined by Justice Priscilla Owen, said Kirby retained control over where the sales work was to be performed -- but not over who was to do that work. "Failure to require background checks of potential dealers relates to who is a dealer, not where the dealer works," Abbott wrote. "As a result, the requisite relation between the control retained and the alleged injury is missing. Because the Court holds to the contrary, I dissent."

Abbott summed up: "In essence, the Court rewrites Kirby’s Distributor Agreement and Independent Dealer Agreement to require Kirby to assume control over dealer selection. Because the injury is not related to the control retained by Kirby," Abbott closed, "...Kirby owed no duty to" the woman "under the circumstances of this case."

Our emails to the Abbott campaign did not yield responses, but Amelia Chasse of his campaign said in a statement sent to reporters including the Austin American-Statesman’s Jonathan Tilove that Abbott’s dissent still "left intact the liability against the sex offender and his employer." That is, the question in the Supreme Court case concerned only Kirby’s responsibility and did not affect the liability of anyone else in the case.

Kirby held responsible for salesman s actions Amarillo.com Amarillo Globe-News
The New York Slimes. Divide and conquer. Not working. Better luck next time.
If Wendy Davis is stating facts, there's nothing wrong with her ad.

The woman is a fraud.

And you were getting ready to provide us a link?

If you don't know her history, then you shouldn't be here.

I know she had two abortions for medical reasons. And so far, at least one claim in her ad is true.

Like I said before, if she's telling the truth, there's nothing wrong with her ad. Apparently she did something right....she's got everybody talking about it. :biggrin:

I'm referring to the divorce and giving up custody of her youngest daughter. There is so much drama and spin. She has no integrity, IMHO.

"And for those who have mangled the story of my life – either carelessly or purposely – know this: I never gave up custody of my children. I never lost custody of my children. And to say otherwise is an absolute lie."

Wendy Davis never gave up parental role though she agreed to daughter primarily living with father in family s home PolitiFact Texas
And of course you can't address the point of the ad either, because ultimately it's right.

And no, it really doesn't insult handicapped people.

how he became disabled and if he received a settlement, IS NO ONES BUSINESS. the ad is dirty, classless and low down disgusting

What he did to other disabled people is our business. And that's the whole point of the ad, and the point you and other NeoClowns are not wanting to discuss. It's a common Republican theme, "I got mine, fuck you and yours."
We don't know all the details. Talk about the issues....if you can.

If you gave a shit about the details, you would have already researched them.

(NYT) Mr. Abbott fought to block a woman with an amputated leg from suing the state; sided with a hospital that failed to stop a dangerous surgeon; and, while serving as a Texas Supreme Court justice, ruled against a rape victim who sued a vacuum cleaner company for failing to do a background check on an employee she accused of assaulting her.

Crooks and liars--Thanks to the efforts of Greg Abbott, if a ten year old child has the wrong leg amputated by a drug addicted doctor, the most that child can recover for a lifetime is $250,000. That’s what Greg Aboott says a leg is worth to a child. Unless, of course, it’s Greg Abbott’s leg.

Here's something to get you started on your research.

In the Dec. 31, 1998, majority opinion written by Justice Raul Gonzalez, the court agreed with the Austin-based 3rd Court of Appeals that a mandate by Kirby, the manufacturer, that its vacuum cleaners be sold only through home demonstrations gave the company a role to play in who got hired to do door-to-door sales even though a company agreement with its distributors said otherwise.

"We hold that the company does owe such a duty," the court said. Specifically, the court said that "because Kirby required in-home demonstrations, the company exercised sufficient control over the sale of its products to end-users to justify imposing a duty of reasonable care in selecting the persons who performed the demonstrations."

Kirby had argued its arrangements with vacuum cleaner distributors explicitly said the company shall exercise no control over the selection of individual salespeople. Kirby’s contracts specified: "The full cost and responsibility for recruiting, hiring, firing, terminating and compensating independent contractors and employees of distributor shall be borne by distributor."

Abbott’s dissent to the court’s ruling, joined by Justice Priscilla Owen, said Kirby retained control over where the sales work was to be performed -- but not over who was to do that work. "Failure to require background checks of potential dealers relates to who is a dealer, not where the dealer works," Abbott wrote. "As a result, the requisite relation between the control retained and the alleged injury is missing. Because the Court holds to the contrary, I dissent."

Abbott summed up: "In essence, the Court rewrites Kirby’s Distributor Agreement and Independent Dealer Agreement to require Kirby to assume control over dealer selection. Because the injury is not related to the control retained by Kirby," Abbott closed, "...Kirby owed no duty to" the woman "under the circumstances of this case."

Our emails to the Abbott campaign did not yield responses, but Amelia Chasse of his campaign said in a statement sent to reporters including the Austin American-Statesman’s Jonathan Tilove that Abbott’s dissent still "left intact the liability against the sex offender and his employer." That is, the question in the Supreme Court case concerned only Kirby’s responsibility and did not affect the liability of anyone else in the case.

Kirby held responsible for salesman s actions Amarillo.com Amarillo Globe-News
The New York Slimes. Divide and conquer. Not working. Better luck next time.

Dingbat, the NYT didn't say if Wendy's allegations were true or false. Now, go do your own fucking homework.
In other news, the local La Raza racists are having a tough time rallying all those 'hispanic voters' to Infanticide Barbie's Cause. It seems that all those hispanic voters who are supposedly going to vote en masse for Democratic candidates no matter what tend to frown on baby killing as well as the 'Gay Marriage' hoax and allowing them to adopt children and other PC stuff. Hilarious.

She was going to lose regardless of her attack ads; her managers are just alerting everybody to just how sociopathic, infantilized, and venal what passes for 'Progressives' and faux 'Liberals' are these days.

Abbott is certainly no prize, but it's even more pathetic these nut jobs backing Davis can't figure out how to beat him; they have no sense or human perception whatsoever, and she is clearly a sociopath herself, and it shows in her TV appearances and her history.

I'm going to write in Columbus for that part of the ballot.
Last edited:

Abbott: Wendy Davis is Focused on Attacking Me, I'm Focused on What's Good For Texas
Katie Pavlich | Oct 14, 2014


Last night on Fox News' Hannity, Texas gubernatorial candidate and Attorney General Greg Abbott responded directly to a campaign ad released by Wendy Davis late last week featuring an empty wheelchair. She is defending the ad. Abbott has been paralyzed since 1984 after a large tree fell on him during a run.
During the interview Abbott said that while Davis is focused on attacking him, he's focused on what's good for Texas, which includes creating jobs and keeping the federal government at bay.
"My opponent can attack a guy in a wheelchair if she wants to, I don't think it's going to sell real well and so I'm going to stay focused on the future," Abbott said. "I'm running a campaign that's focused on solving the problems of Texans like securing the border, keeping Texas number one for jobs, continue fighting against Barack Obama's EPA that's crushing jobs in Texas. So I will focus on the future of Texas while my opponent continues to attack me."

ALL of it here with an ad he has out at the site:
Abbott Wendy Davis is Focused on Attacking Me I m Focused on What s Good For Texas - Katie Pavlich

And did he dispute or deny any of her claims? No, he sure didn't.

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