Wendy Davis ad goes too far! ad uses wheelchair to criticize paralyzed foe Abbott

Didn't that guy get a 6 million dollar settlement and then turn around and make sure no one else could?

Her point gets lost because everyone is focused on the wheelchair and how it shows how low class she is.

Her point is only lost on idiots who are not voting for her anyway.

yeah sure, if a Republican had made such an ad yours and your liberal buddies panties would be so far up your butt. why can't people ever admit you got behind a CLASSLESS LOSER

Greg Abbott's campaign hasn't really said anything in his defense, either. All they've done is shout, "WAAAAAHHHHH! She picked on poor Greg because he's in a wheelchair!"

So yeah, she's gonna lose anyway because she's a Dem running for the Governorship of Texas, but as far as all the other dumb shit you wingnuts say about her, well...
Shitstain....why don't you defend this bitch???

Wheelchair video that insults handicapped people.....and her scumbag past marrying a rich man to get through law school then dumping him as soon as she graduated.

Didn't that guy get a 6 million dollar settlement and then turn around and make sure no one else could?

Her point gets lost because everyone is focused on the wheelchair and how it shows how low class she is.

Well, we're talking about the point here and not one wingnut seems to have anything to say about it.

Might be because they know they can't really defend Abbott.

And of course you can't address the point of the ad either, because ultimately it's right.

And no, it really doesn't insult handicapped people.

how he became disabled and if he received a settlement, IS NO ONES BUSINESS. the ad is dirty, classless and low down disgusting

Oh, it's very much people's business and you know that very well. Especially so if he's trying to pull up the ladder for others who wish to benefit the same way he did.
Didn't that guy get a 6 million dollar settlement and then turn around and make sure no one else could?

Her point gets lost because everyone is focused on the wheelchair and how it shows how low class she is.

Her point is only lost on idiots who are not voting for her anyway.

yeah sure, if a Republican had made such an ad yours and your liberal buddies panties would be so far up your butt. why can't people ever admit you got behind a CLASSLESS LOSER

Greg Abbott's campaign hasn't really said anything in his defense, either. All they've done is shout, "WAAAAAHHHHH! She picked on poor Greg because he's in a wheelchair!"

So yeah, she's gonna lose anyway because she's a Dem running for the Governorship of Texas, but as far as all the other dumb shit you wingnuts say about her, well...

why should he stoop to her level? she's getting hurt by there no reason for him to say anything. and she's getting everything she deserves for it
Shitstain....why don't you defend this bitch???

Wheelchair video that insults handicapped people.....and her scumbag past marrying a rich man to get through law school then dumping him as soon as she graduated.

Her point gets lost because everyone is focused on the wheelchair and how it shows how low class she is.

Well, we're talking about the point here and not one wingnut seems to have anything to say about it.

Might be because they know they can't really defend Abbott.

And of course you can't address the point of the ad either, because ultimately it's right.

And no, it really doesn't insult handicapped people.

how he became disabled and if he received a settlement, IS NO ONES BUSINESS. the ad is dirty, classless and low down disgusting

Oh, it's very much people's business and you know that very well. Especially so if he's trying to pull up the ladder for others who wish to benefit the same way he did.

where is YOUR PROOF he has tried to do that? The problem with you lib/dems is you'll NEVER admit you or she is wrong. that's why our country is so DIVIDED and down in the gutter in this day and age
Shitstain....why don't you defend this bitch???

Wheelchair video that insults handicapped people.....and her scumbag past marrying a rich man to get through law school then dumping him as soon as she graduated.

Well, we're talking about the point here and not one wingnut seems to have anything to say about it.

Might be because they know they can't really defend Abbott.

And of course you can't address the point of the ad either, because ultimately it's right.

And no, it really doesn't insult handicapped people.

how he became disabled and if he received a settlement, IS NO ONES BUSINESS. the ad is dirty, classless and low down disgusting

Oh, it's very much people's business and you know that very well. Especially so if he's trying to pull up the ladder for others who wish to benefit the same way he did.

where is YOUR PROOF he has tried to do that?

God, you are such a stupid little nutbag. :lol:

That ad didn't appear in a vaccuum. Why don't you do a little research youself on his policy positions and you'll find that's exactly what he's doing and why his people aren't saying anything to defend him form the charge.
Shitstain....why don't you defend this bitch???

Wheelchair video that insults handicapped people.....and her scumbag past marrying a rich man to get through law school then dumping him as soon as she graduated.

And of course you can't address the point of the ad either, because ultimately it's right.

And no, it really doesn't insult handicapped people.

how he became disabled and if he received a settlement, IS NO ONES BUSINESS. the ad is dirty, classless and low down disgusting

Oh, it's very much people's business and you know that very well. Especially so if he's trying to pull up the ladder for others who wish to benefit the same way he did.

where is YOUR PROOF he has tried to do that?

God, you are such a stupid little nutbag. :lol:

That ad didn't appear in a vaccuum. Why don't you do a little research youself on his policy positions and you'll find that's exactly what he's doing and why his people aren't saying anything to defend him form the charge.

You're gutter trash just as she is and a big nutbag to boot
Didn't that guy get a 6 million dollar settlement and then turn around and make sure no one else could?

Her point gets lost because everyone is focused on the wheelchair and how it shows how low class she is.

Her point is only lost on idiots who are not voting for her anyway.

yeah sure, if a Republican had made such an ad yours and your liberal buddies panties would be so far up your butt. why can't people ever admit you got behind a CLASSLESS LOSER

Greg Abbott's campaign hasn't really said anything in his defense, either. All they've done is shout, "WAAAAAHHHHH! She picked on poor Greg because he's in a wheelchair!"

So yeah, she's gonna lose anyway because she's a Dem running for the Governorship of Texas, but as far as all the other dumb shit you wingnuts say about her, well...

why should he stoop to her level? she's getting hurt by there no reason for him to say anything. and she's getting everything she deserves for it

Defending himself against the charge that he's a hypocrite for stopping people from getting legal financial restitution after he received a large amount of it himself is "stooping to her level"??

Damn, the hits just keep coming with you, eh? :lol:
And of course you can't address the point of the ad either, because ultimately it's right.

And no, it really doesn't insult handicapped people.

how he became disabled and if he received a settlement, IS NO ONES BUSINESS. the ad is dirty, classless and low down disgusting

Oh, it's very much people's business and you know that very well. Especially so if he's trying to pull up the ladder for others who wish to benefit the same way he did.

where is YOUR PROOF he has tried to do that?

God, you are such a stupid little nutbag. :lol:

That ad didn't appear in a vaccuum. Why don't you do a little research youself on his policy positions and you'll find that's exactly what he's doing and why his people aren't saying anything to defend him form the charge.

You're gutter trash just as she is and a big nutbag to boot

So you can't really defend Abbott's hypocrisy either, right?
Anyway, it is true that Abbott is going to be wheeling himself around the Governor's mansion for four years while Davis obviously won't be.

Hopefully, though, once the dust settles over this little fauxrage over the ad, the core issue will follow him there and others will continue to bring it up in a way that wingnuts won't be able to fill their Pampers™ over.

Oh, what am I saying! However the issue of his hypocrisy gets brought up, you guys will have a shit-fit! Oh well....

I am not on any side of the aisle as a matter of fact. Davis is terribly far behind in the polls and this ad was hoping to recover some ground but it won't work. I am not wild about many of Abbott's views but that doesn't mean people have to throw away decency to make their point.

Explain what decency line the ad crossed?


In order for one to understand the word "decency" one must actually have a modicum of morality as defined by the society one live in, you do not.

Your sole response would be "NUH-UH" and then launch into your own definition of what "decency" is.

Why am I not surprised that I got the typical, no brainer, Republican 'shoot the messenger' response.

Greg Abbott has no sense of decency, or fair play, Abbott has the typical-----typical of Republicans attitude "I got mine, screw you". If Greg Abbott himself had been in a position (Texas Supreme Court Justice, Texas Atty. General) of power when his personal injury occurred, he would have called his own personal injury lawsuit... frivolous.

Y'all Republicans still haven't answered the question where did Wendy Davis' ad cross the line of decency, and look I really don't care about your feeeeelings, just...



Justice system wouldn't be there for Abbott today
By Lisa Falkenberg
September 5, 2013


"If you had a jogger out in Houston today who was injured the way I was, that person would have access to the very same remedies I had access to," Abbott told me.
Tort reform since 1985

Only, that's not true. Texas courts don't operate on a different planet than they did in the 1980s, and not just because of the Republican political sea change that's taken us from high verdicts upheld on appeal to lower verdicts often overturned by the Texas Supreme Court.

There have been several tort reform laws passed since Abbott's accident that could hinder a victim's ability to obtain a reward similar to the one he received in 1985. For example, Abbott collected from both a homeowner and a tree company that had examined the tree before it fell.

But the Texas law governing "joint and several liability" was changed three times for all tort lawsuits in ways that made it harder for victims to recover from multiple wrongdoers, according to a tort reform database maintained by a Northwestern University law professor.

Where the law once was simple, basically making any negligent party responsible for the amount of jury award a co-defendant couldn't pay, "now it's very complicated and protective of the defense," says Houston personal injury attorney Don Riddle. "It has the effect of sometimes, the injured party does not get paid his full compensation."

Numbers tell the tale
Riddle's perspective carries more weight than most. He's the attorney who represented Abbott all those years ago in the liability case.
"Today, a claimant would not have the same benefits," Riddle said, "because they'd be limited by the new joint and several liability limitations."


And-----and it amazes me that the Republican warmonger party can support a guy like Saxby Chambliss whose bad-giggle-knee kept him from serving in America's Armed Forces... Max Cleland

The question is, where does Wendy Davis' ad cross the line - all I'm hearing is...


When they mentioned the truth about Abbotts' hypocrisy. They believe it's not politically correct to use a wheelchair as a prop against a disabled person even though he uses himself in one in his campaign adds. They want their Republican Apostles to feel a real hatred for Wendy. Accusing her of mocking him for his disability is just another feather in their quell to push the dittoheads' buttons. They feel so outraged. You can see some fine examples of the vitriol they have right here on this board.
It seems the Democrats are throwing the handicap demographic under the bus. They don't care about their vote. Republicans will be happy to have The handi-capable voting with us.
Didn't that guy get a 6 million dollar settlement and then turn around and make sure no one else could?

Her point gets lost because everyone is focused on the wheelchair and how it shows how low class she is.
I was horrified watching the advertisement against Abbott. All I could see was the wheelchair. Whatever point she was trying to make was lost.
Didn't that guy get a 6 million dollar settlement and then turn around and make sure no one else could?

Her point gets lost because everyone is focused on the wheelchair and how it shows how low class she is.

Her point is only lost on idiots who are not voting for her anyway.

yeah sure, if a Republican had made such an ad yours and your liberal buddies panties would be so far up your butt. why can't people ever admit you got behind a CLASSLESS LOSER

Greg Abbott's campaign hasn't really said anything in his defense, either. All they've done is shout, "WAAAAAHHHHH! She picked on poor Greg because he's in a wheelchair!"

So yeah, she's gonna lose anyway because she's a Dem running for the Governorship of Texas, but as far as all the other dumb shit you wingnuts say about her, well...

why should he stoop to her level? she's getting hurt by there no reason for him to say anything. and she's getting everything she deserves for it

"Scores of victims of the blast have filed suit against West Fertilizer, as has the city of West. They also sued CF Industries, one of the nation’s two manufacturers of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. The company is said to have made the fertilizer that detonated."

Remember the fertilizer plant explosion in West, Texas?
Apparently the victims of the explosion and their families have not received the same kind of speedy settlement that has, so far, given Greg Abbott about $5.8 million in compensation with a projected payout of over $10 million depending on how long Abbott lives.

Now personal injury lawyers are unable to get the necessary information for their lawsuits because of "the outright rigmarole that Texans must now go through".
If you're a Texan and you're voting for Abbott, you had better hope you don't live near a hazmat site, and thanks to Greg Abbott and friends, how will you know if you do or not?

Abbott’s Hazmat Hide-and-Seek
Andrea Grimes
August 14, 2014

Texas Attorney General and Republican gubernatorial hopeful Greg Abbott gave the media a great gift this summer when he opened his mouth—and then quickly attempted to shut it—about his ruling on how much information companies that handle hazardous chemicals have to share with the public.

On May 22, Abbott ruled that the general public has no right to Tier II chemical inventories, which could be “likely to assist in the construction of an explosive weapon.” In July, responding to a growing outcry about the ruling, which seemed to contradict federal “right to know” laws, Abbott backpedaled, sort of, telling reporters that any Texan “can go to any chemical facility in the entire state of Texas and say, ‘Identify for me all chemicals you have on your facility,’ and you are entitled to get that information within 10 days.”


But while WFAA’s reporting on the availability of Tier II chemical information has certainly been dogged, and makes compelling TV for those of us who are able to work through the second-hand embarrassment that comes from watching grown adults wilt in front of television reporters, it’s not particularly useful for those members of the public who need results more than ratings.

The best practical reporting on the Abbott/chemical kerfuffle has come from the Houston Chronicle’s Austin bureau reporter, Lauren McGaughy, who dryly detailed, in just a few hundred words, the outright rigmarole that Texans must now go through to obtain Tier II reports directly from chemical facilities—after, that is, they’ve driven around and found them.
Shitstain....why don't you defend this bitch???

Wheelchair video that insults handicapped people.....and her scumbag past marrying a rich man to get through law school then dumping him as soon as she graduated.

Didn't that guy get a 6 million dollar settlement and then turn around and make sure no one else could?

Her point gets lost because everyone is focused on the wheelchair and how it shows how low class she is.

Well, we're talking about the point here and not one wingnut seems to have anything to say about it.

Might be because they know they can't really defend Abbott.

And of course you can't address the point of the ad either, because ultimately it's right.

And no, it really doesn't insult handicapped people.

how he became disabled and if he received a settlement, IS NO ONES BUSINESS. the ad is dirty, classless and low down disgusting

What he did to other disabled people is our business. And that's the whole point of the ad, and the point you and other NeoClowns are not wanting to discuss. It's a common Republican theme, "I got mine, fuck you and yours."
Shitstain....why don't you defend this bitch???

Wheelchair video that insults handicapped people.....and her scumbag past marrying a rich man to get through law school then dumping him as soon as she graduated.

Her point gets lost because everyone is focused on the wheelchair and how it shows how low class she is.

Well, we're talking about the point here and not one wingnut seems to have anything to say about it.

Might be because they know they can't really defend Abbott.

And of course you can't address the point of the ad either, because ultimately it's right.

And no, it really doesn't insult handicapped people.

how he became disabled and if he received a settlement, IS NO ONES BUSINESS. the ad is dirty, classless and low down disgusting

What he did to other disabled people is our business. And that's the whole point of the ad, and the point you and other NeoClowns are not wanting to discuss. It's a common Republican theme, "I got mine, fuck you and yours."

awww, you're upset because he didn't share his settlement with all of you?
gawd you people can't crawl much lower

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