Wendy Davis ad goes too far! ad uses wheelchair to criticize paralyzed foe Abbott

If Wendy Davis is stating facts, there's nothing wrong with her ad.

The woman is a fraud.

And you were getting ready to provide us a link?

If you don't know her history, then you shouldn't be here.

I know she had two abortions for medical reasons. And so far, at least one claim in her ad is true.

Like I said before, if she's telling the truth, there's nothing wrong with her ad. Apparently she did something right....she's got everybody talking about it. :biggrin:

I'm referring to the divorce and giving up custody of her youngest daughter. There is so much drama and spin. She has no integrity, IMHO.
wow, it's just keep getting better and better with this classless lowlife woman. Video of this at the site

AWFUL… Wendy Davis Staffer Drags Disabled Man Across Stage at Presser (Video)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 13, 2014, 1:41 PM

Last week Texas Democrat Wendy Davis ran an attack ad with a wheelchair against disabled Republican Greg Abbott.

The Democrat wanted to make Republican Greg Abbott’s disability a campaign issue.
The mean-spirited attack ad flopped miserably for Davis.

Today Davis defended her ad and brought together several disabled Texans on stage to show that she really does care about disabled voters.

Then her staffer dragged a disabled man across the stage in a chair.

all of it here:
AWFUL 8230 Wendy Davis Staffer Drags Disabled Man Across Stage at Presser Video The Gateway Pundit
wow, it's just keep getting better and better with this classless lowlife woman. Video of this at the site

AWFUL… Wendy Davis Staffer Drags Disabled Man Across Stage at Presser (Video)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 13, 2014, 1:41 PM

Last week Texas Democrat Wendy Davis ran an attack ad with a wheelchair against disabled Republican Greg Abbott.

The Democrat wanted to make Republican Greg Abbott’s disability a campaign issue.
The mean-spirited attack ad flopped miserably for Davis.

Today Davis defended her ad and brought together several disabled Texans on stage to show that she really does care about disabled voters.

Then her staffer dragged a disabled man across the stage in a chair.

all of it here:
AWFUL 8230 Wendy Davis Staffer Drags Disabled Man Across Stage at Presser Video The Gateway Pundit

You idiot, it's not his disability that's an issue.

And the staffer didn't DRAG anyone.
wow, it's just keep getting better and better with this classless lowlife woman. Video of this at the site

AWFUL… Wendy Davis Staffer Drags Disabled Man Across Stage at Presser (Video)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 13, 2014, 1:41 PM

Last week Texas Democrat Wendy Davis ran an attack ad with a wheelchair against disabled Republican Greg Abbott.

The Democrat wanted to make Republican Greg Abbott’s disability a campaign issue.
The mean-spirited attack ad flopped miserably for Davis.

Today Davis defended her ad and brought together several disabled Texans on stage to show that she really does care about disabled voters.

Then her staffer dragged a disabled man across the stage in a chair.

all of it here:
AWFUL 8230 Wendy Davis Staffer Drags Disabled Man Across Stage at Presser Video The Gateway Pundit

You idiot, it's not his disability that's an issue.

And the staffer didn't DRAG anyone.

aww, hit a nerve. go bitch at the witch Wendy. She used the mans DISABLITIES SO yes it is about it.
wow, it's just keep getting better and better with this classless lowlife woman. Video of this at the site

AWFUL… Wendy Davis Staffer Drags Disabled Man Across Stage at Presser (Video)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 13, 2014, 1:41 PM

Last week Texas Democrat Wendy Davis ran an attack ad with a wheelchair against disabled Republican Greg Abbott.

The Democrat wanted to make Republican Greg Abbott’s disability a campaign issue.
The mean-spirited attack ad flopped miserably for Davis.

Today Davis defended her ad and brought together several disabled Texans on stage to show that she really does care about disabled voters.

Then her staffer dragged a disabled man across the stage in a chair.

all of it here:
AWFUL 8230 Wendy Davis Staffer Drags Disabled Man Across Stage at Presser Video The Gateway Pundit

You idiot, it's not his disability that's an issue.

And the staffer didn't DRAG anyone.

Still, if this event really was held to show she cares about the disabled, it's pretty stupid. It's only giving undeserved credence to the talking points against the ad.
This is how and what they think of people with disabilities. they are there FOR THEM TO USE in any disgusting ad

Pushing Granny over a cliff: The ad that liberals used against Paul Ryan
Charlie Spiering • | August 11, 2012 | 12:00 am

Liberals despise Paul Ryan. Amidst debate of the Ryan plan in 2011, the liberal group “Agenda Project” released this ad depicting Ryan literally pushing and elderly woman over a cliff in her wheelchair.
Two notes here. One, get ready for more of this. Two, it is possible that such over-the-top behavior by the Democrats has dulled the strength of such "Mediscare" tactics, which had such great effect previously.

ALL of it here:
Pushing Granny over a cliff The ad that liberals used against Paul Ryan WashingtonExaminer.com
Wendy is floundering, this is a last gasp.

Hilarious! The Republican crybabies are whining that big bad Wendy's picking on them by telling the truth, Republicans should be so honest -pewsh- So tell me Republicans, what part of wheelchair ad is dishonest?

Greg Abbott is the perfect example of the Republican "I got mine, screw you" mentality. I hope Wendy Davis doubles down on the Republican scumbag tort reform policies that Greg Abbott profited so handsomely from but now-----now... hypocrite.


Wether the ad is true or false I do not know. I haven't followed this election closely, I tend to not care too much about uncompetitive races. This ad was in poor taste and there is nothing wrong in pointing that out.

We're talkin' Texas, so I'm not predicting a Wendy Davis victory-----yet.
But let me remind the Republicans that read this post - in the 2012 election y'all predicted a Romney victory, Republicans were so convinced of victory that the final tally even made grown men like Karl and Mitt whine like the pissants they are but-----but remember-----remember, Democratic Party internal polling told a different story from the Republican controlled MSM.
Here we go again...

New Polling Confirms Wendy Davis Is Within 6 Points of Abbott
Elise Lindstran
Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Wilder's report confirms a recent Lyceum poll that shows Davis is within 6 points of Abbott amongst registered voters, and also echoes recent polling that confirms she is indeed closing the gap within single digits.

Davis has a number of other factors working in her favor, which likely explain why she's closing the gap in the polls:
Add all those things up, and it's no wonder Davis has momentum heading into the home stretch of the campaign. Both Wendy Davis — and Greg Abbott's record — are catching up with him.

Republicans project more than they cite reality and-----and they have a bad habit of projecting wrong so...

Wendy Davis Staffer pushes granny in wheelchair down the stairs.

Richard Widmark as Tommy Udo in "Kiss Of Death" (…:
Wendy is floundering, this is a last gasp.

Hilarious! The Republican crybabies are whining that big bad Wendy's picking on them by telling the truth, Republicans should be so honest -pewsh- So tell me Republicans, what part of wheelchair ad is dishonest?

Greg Abbott is the perfect example of the Republican "I got mine, screw you" mentality. I hope Wendy Davis doubles down on the Republican scumbag tort reform policies that Greg Abbott profited so handsomely from but now-----now... hypocrite.


Wether the ad is true or false I do not know. I haven't followed this election closely, I tend to not care too much about uncompetitive races. This ad was in poor taste and there is nothing wrong in pointing that out.

We're talkin' Texas, so I'm not predicting a Wendy Davis victory-----yet.
But let me remind the Republicans that read this post - in the 2012 election y'all predicted a Romney victory, Republicans were so convinced of victory that the final tally even made grown men like Karl and Mitt whine like the pissants they are but-----but remember-----remember, Democratic Party internal polling told a different story from the Republican controlled MSM.
Here we go again...

New Polling Confirms Wendy Davis Is Within 6 Points of Abbott
Elise Lindstran
Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Wilder's report confirms a recent Lyceum poll that shows Davis is within 6 points of Abbott amongst registered voters, and also echoes recent polling that confirms she is indeed closing the gap within single digits.

Davis has a number of other factors working in her favor, which likely explain why she's closing the gap in the polls:
Add all those things up, and it's no wonder Davis has momentum heading into the home stretch of the campaign. Both Wendy Davis — and Greg Abbott's record — are catching up with him.

Republicans project more than they cite reality and-----and they have a bad habit of projecting wrong so...


then why post all this garbage if she's not going to win? ProgessTexas, really. When do you people ever admit, YOU ALL GOT behind a REAL LOSER
She is the typical scum liberal bitch, she will do anything to win elections.....anything. Work the street corner for $.50....
She is the typical scum liberal bitch, she will do anything to win elections.....anything. Work the street corner for $.50....

That is the whole party today. lowlife, dirty dirty classless politics. They can't run on their record because no one would vote them if they did
Didn't that guy get a 6 million dollar settlement and then turn around and make sure no one else could?

Her point gets lost because everyone is focused on the wheelchair and how it shows how low class she is.

Well, we're talking about the point here and not one wingnut seems to have anything to say about it.

Might be because they know they can't really defend Abbott.
She is a stupid bitch like Biden telling a man in a wheelchair to stand-up.
Shitstain....why don't you defend this bitch???

Wheelchair video that insults handicapped people.....and her scumbag past marrying a rich man to get through law school then dumping him as soon as she graduated.

Didn't that guy get a 6 million dollar settlement and then turn around and make sure no one else could?

Her point gets lost because everyone is focused on the wheelchair and how it shows how low class she is.

Well, we're talking about the point here and not one wingnut seems to have anything to say about it.

Might be because they know they can't really defend Abbott.
Didn't that guy get a 6 million dollar settlement and then turn around and make sure no one else could?

Her point gets lost because everyone is focused on the wheelchair and how it shows how low class she is.

Her point is only lost on idiots who are not voting for her anyway.

yeah sure, if a Republican had made such an ad yours and your liberal buddies panties would be so far up your butt. why can't people ever admit you got behind a CLASSLESS LOSER
Shitstain....why don't you defend this bitch???

Wheelchair video that insults handicapped people.....and her scumbag past marrying a rich man to get through law school then dumping him as soon as she graduated.

Didn't that guy get a 6 million dollar settlement and then turn around and make sure no one else could?

Her point gets lost because everyone is focused on the wheelchair and how it shows how low class she is.

Well, we're talking about the point here and not one wingnut seems to have anything to say about it.

Might be because they know they can't really defend Abbott.

And of course you can't address the point of the ad either, because ultimately it's right.

And no, it really doesn't insult handicapped people.
Shitstain....why don't you defend this bitch???

Wheelchair video that insults handicapped people.....and her scumbag past marrying a rich man to get through law school then dumping him as soon as she graduated.

Didn't that guy get a 6 million dollar settlement and then turn around and make sure no one else could?

Her point gets lost because everyone is focused on the wheelchair and how it shows how low class she is.

Well, we're talking about the point here and not one wingnut seems to have anything to say about it.

Might be because they know they can't really defend Abbott.

And of course you can't address the point of the ad either, because ultimately it's right.

And no, it really doesn't insult handicapped people.

how he became disabled and if he received a settlement, IS NO ONES BUSINESS. the ad is dirty, classless and low down disgusting

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