Wendy Davis ad goes too far! ad uses wheelchair to criticize paralyzed foe Abbott

Wendy is floundering, this is a last gasp.

Hilarious! The Republican crybabies are whining that big bad Wendy's picking on them by telling the truth, Republicans should be so honest -pewsh- So tell me Republicans, what part of wheelchair ad is dishonest?

Greg Abbott is the perfect example of the Republican "I got mine, screw you" mentality. I hope Wendy Davis doubles down on the Republican scumbag tort reform policies that Greg Abbott profited so handsomely from but now-----now... hypocrite.


Wether the ad is true or false I do not know. I haven't followed this election closely, I tend to not care too much about uncompetitive races. This ad was in poor taste and there is nothing wrong in pointing that out.

"in poor taste" my ass, the truth is just the truth. The MSM - rightwing/propaganda machine wants the stupid part of Texas to think about something else, anything else, while Abbott and his Republican cronies screw Texans with their pro-corporate, anti "we the people" tort reform. Welcome to the dupid side of the aisle.

I am not on any side of the aisle as a matter of fact. Davis is terribly far behind in the polls and this ad was hoping to recover some ground but it won't work. I am not wild about many of Abbott's views but that doesn't mean people have to throw away decency to make their point.

Explain what decency line the ad crossed?


In order for one to understand the word "decency" one must actually have a modicum of morality as defined by the society one live in, you do not.

Your sole response would be "NUH-UH" and then launch into your own definition of what "decency" is.
Hilarious! The Republican crybabies are whining that big bad Wendy's picking on them by telling the truth, Republicans should be so honest -pewsh- So tell me Republicans, what part of wheelchair ad is dishonest?

Greg Abbott is the perfect example of the Republican "I got mine, screw you" mentality. I hope Wendy Davis doubles down on the Republican scumbag tort reform policies that Greg Abbott profited so handsomely from but now-----now... hypocrite.


Wether the ad is true or false I do not know. I haven't followed this election closely, I tend to not care too much about uncompetitive races. This ad was in poor taste and there is nothing wrong in pointing that out.

"in poor taste" my ass, the truth is just the truth. The MSM - rightwing/propaganda machine wants the stupid part of Texas to think about something else, anything else, while Abbott and his Republican cronies screw Texans with their pro-corporate, anti "we the people" tort reform. Welcome to the dupid side of the aisle.

I am not on any side of the aisle as a matter of fact. Davis is terribly far behind in the polls and this ad was hoping to recover some ground but it won't work. I am not wild about many of Abbott's views but that doesn't mean people have to throw away decency to make their point.

Explain what decency line the ad crossed?


In order for one to understand the word "decency" one must actually have a modicum of morality as defined by the society one live in, you do not.

Your sole response would be "NUH-UH" and then launch into your own definition of what "decency" is.

Why am I not surprised that I got the typical, no brainer, Republican 'shoot the messenger' response.

Greg Abbott has no sense of decency, or fair play, Abbott has the typical-----typical of Republicans attitude "I got mine, screw you". If Greg Abbott himself had been in a position (Texas Supreme Court Justice, Texas Atty. General) of power when his personal injury occurred, he would have called his own personal injury lawsuit... frivolous.

Y'all Republicans still haven't answered the question where did Wendy Davis' ad cross the line of decency, and look I really don't care about your feeeeelings, just...



Justice system wouldn't be there for Abbott today
By Lisa Falkenberg
September 5, 2013


"If you had a jogger out in Houston today who was injured the way I was, that person would have access to the very same remedies I had access to," Abbott told me.
Tort reform since 1985

Only, that's not true. Texas courts don't operate on a different planet than they did in the 1980s, and not just because of the Republican political sea change that's taken us from high verdicts upheld on appeal to lower verdicts often overturned by the Texas Supreme Court.

There have been several tort reform laws passed since Abbott's accident that could hinder a victim's ability to obtain a reward similar to the one he received in 1985. For example, Abbott collected from both a homeowner and a tree company that had examined the tree before it fell.

But the Texas law governing "joint and several liability" was changed three times for all tort lawsuits in ways that made it harder for victims to recover from multiple wrongdoers, according to a tort reform database maintained by a Northwestern University law professor.

Where the law once was simple, basically making any negligent party responsible for the amount of jury award a co-defendant couldn't pay, "now it's very complicated and protective of the defense," says Houston personal injury attorney Don Riddle. "It has the effect of sometimes, the injured party does not get paid his full compensation."

Numbers tell the tale
Riddle's perspective carries more weight than most. He's the attorney who represented Abbott all those years ago in the liability case.
"Today, a claimant would not have the same benefits," Riddle said, "because they'd be limited by the new joint and several liability limitations."


And-----and it amazes me that the Republican warmonger party can support a guy like Saxby Chambliss whose bad-giggle-knee kept him from serving in America's Armed Forces... Max Cleland
Wether the ad is true or false I do not know. I haven't followed this election closely, I tend to not care too much about uncompetitive races. This ad was in poor taste and there is nothing wrong in pointing that out.

"in poor taste" my ass, the truth is just the truth. The MSM - rightwing/propaganda machine wants the stupid part of Texas to think about something else, anything else, while Abbott and his Republican cronies screw Texans with their pro-corporate, anti "we the people" tort reform. Welcome to the dupid side of the aisle.

I am not on any side of the aisle as a matter of fact. Davis is terribly far behind in the polls and this ad was hoping to recover some ground but it won't work. I am not wild about many of Abbott's views but that doesn't mean people have to throw away decency to make their point.

Explain what decency line the ad crossed?


In order for one to understand the word "decency" one must actually have a modicum of morality as defined by the society one live in, you do not.

Your sole response would be "NUH-UH" and then launch into your own definition of what "decency" is.

Why am I not surprised that I got the typical, no brainer, Republican 'shoot the messenger' response.

Greg Abbott has no sense of decency, or fair play, Abbott has the typical-----typical of Republicans attitude "I got mine, screw you". If Greg Abbott himself had been in a position (Texas Supreme Court Justice, Texas Atty. General) of power when his personal injury occurred, he would have called his own personal injury lawsuit... frivolous.

Y'all Republicans still haven't answered the question where did Wendy Davis' ad cross the line of decency, and look I really don't care about your feeeeelings, just...



Justice system wouldn't be there for Abbott today
By Lisa Falkenberg
September 5, 2013


"If you had a jogger out in Houston today who was injured the way I was, that person would have access to the very same remedies I had access to," Abbott told me.
Tort reform since 1985

Only, that's not true. Texas courts don't operate on a different planet than they did in the 1980s, and not just because of the Republican political sea change that's taken us from high verdicts upheld on appeal to lower verdicts often overturned by the Texas Supreme Court.

There have been several tort reform laws passed since Abbott's accident that could hinder a victim's ability to obtain a reward similar to the one he received in 1985. For example, Abbott collected from both a homeowner and a tree company that had examined the tree before it fell.

But the Texas law governing "joint and several liability" was changed three times for all tort lawsuits in ways that made it harder for victims to recover from multiple wrongdoers, according to a tort reform database maintained by a Northwestern University law professor.

Where the law once was simple, basically making any negligent party responsible for the amount of jury award a co-defendant couldn't pay, "now it's very complicated and protective of the defense," says Houston personal injury attorney Don Riddle. "It has the effect of sometimes, the injured party does not get paid his full compensation."

Numbers tell the tale
Riddle's perspective carries more weight than most. He's the attorney who represented Abbott all those years ago in the liability case.
"Today, a claimant would not have the same benefits," Riddle said, "because they'd be limited by the new joint and several liability limitations."


And-----and it amazes me that the Republican warmonger party can support a guy like Saxby Chambliss whose bad-giggle-knee kept him from serving in America's Armed Forces... Max Cleland

The question is, where does Wendy Davis' ad cross the line - all I'm hearing is...

"in poor taste" my ass, the truth is just the truth. The MSM - rightwing/propaganda machine wants the stupid part of Texas to think about something else, anything else, while Abbott and his Republican cronies screw Texans with their pro-corporate, anti "we the people" tort reform. Welcome to the dupid side of the aisle.

I am not on any side of the aisle as a matter of fact. Davis is terribly far behind in the polls and this ad was hoping to recover some ground but it won't work. I am not wild about many of Abbott's views but that doesn't mean people have to throw away decency to make their point.

Explain what decency line the ad crossed?


In order for one to understand the word "decency" one must actually have a modicum of morality as defined by the society one live in, you do not.

Your sole response would be "NUH-UH" and then launch into your own definition of what "decency" is.

Why am I not surprised that I got the typical, no brainer, Republican 'shoot the messenger' response.

Greg Abbott has no sense of decency, or fair play, Abbott has the typical-----typical of Republicans attitude "I got mine, screw you". If Greg Abbott himself had been in a position (Texas Supreme Court Justice, Texas Atty. General) of power when his personal injury occurred, he would have called his own personal injury lawsuit... frivolous.

Y'all Republicans still haven't answered the question where did Wendy Davis' ad cross the line of decency, and look I really don't care about your feeeeelings, just...



Justice system wouldn't be there for Abbott today
By Lisa Falkenberg
September 5, 2013


"If you had a jogger out in Houston today who was injured the way I was, that person would have access to the very same remedies I had access to," Abbott told me.
Tort reform since 1985

Only, that's not true. Texas courts don't operate on a different planet than they did in the 1980s, and not just because of the Republican political sea change that's taken us from high verdicts upheld on appeal to lower verdicts often overturned by the Texas Supreme Court.

There have been several tort reform laws passed since Abbott's accident that could hinder a victim's ability to obtain a reward similar to the one he received in 1985. For example, Abbott collected from both a homeowner and a tree company that had examined the tree before it fell.

But the Texas law governing "joint and several liability" was changed three times for all tort lawsuits in ways that made it harder for victims to recover from multiple wrongdoers, according to a tort reform database maintained by a Northwestern University law professor.

Where the law once was simple, basically making any negligent party responsible for the amount of jury award a co-defendant couldn't pay, "now it's very complicated and protective of the defense," says Houston personal injury attorney Don Riddle. "It has the effect of sometimes, the injured party does not get paid his full compensation."

Numbers tell the tale
Riddle's perspective carries more weight than most. He's the attorney who represented Abbott all those years ago in the liability case.
"Today, a claimant would not have the same benefits," Riddle said, "because they'd be limited by the new joint and several liability limitations."


And-----and it amazes me that the Republican warmonger party can support a guy like Saxby Chambliss whose bad-giggle-knee kept him from serving in America's Armed Forces... Max Cleland

The question is, where does Wendy Davis' ad cross the line - all I'm hearing is...

It's over.
I am not on any side of the aisle as a matter of fact. Davis is terribly far behind in the polls and this ad was hoping to recover some ground but it won't work. I am not wild about many of Abbott's views but that doesn't mean people have to throw away decency to make their point.

Explain what decency line the ad crossed?


In order for one to understand the word "decency" one must actually have a modicum of morality as defined by the society one live in, you do not.

Your sole response would be "NUH-UH" and then launch into your own definition of what "decency" is.

Why am I not surprised that I got the typical, no brainer, Republican 'shoot the messenger' response.

Greg Abbott has no sense of decency, or fair play, Abbott has the typical-----typical of Republicans attitude "I got mine, screw you". If Greg Abbott himself had been in a position (Texas Supreme Court Justice, Texas Atty. General) of power when his personal injury occurred, he would have called his own personal injury lawsuit... frivolous.

Y'all Republicans still haven't answered the question where did Wendy Davis' ad cross the line of decency, and look I really don't care about your feeeeelings, just...



Justice system wouldn't be there for Abbott today
By Lisa Falkenberg
September 5, 2013


"If you had a jogger out in Houston today who was injured the way I was, that person would have access to the very same remedies I had access to," Abbott told me.
Tort reform since 1985

Only, that's not true. Texas courts don't operate on a different planet than they did in the 1980s, and not just because of the Republican political sea change that's taken us from high verdicts upheld on appeal to lower verdicts often overturned by the Texas Supreme Court.

There have been several tort reform laws passed since Abbott's accident that could hinder a victim's ability to obtain a reward similar to the one he received in 1985. For example, Abbott collected from both a homeowner and a tree company that had examined the tree before it fell.

But the Texas law governing "joint and several liability" was changed three times for all tort lawsuits in ways that made it harder for victims to recover from multiple wrongdoers, according to a tort reform database maintained by a Northwestern University law professor.

Where the law once was simple, basically making any negligent party responsible for the amount of jury award a co-defendant couldn't pay, "now it's very complicated and protective of the defense," says Houston personal injury attorney Don Riddle. "It has the effect of sometimes, the injured party does not get paid his full compensation."

Numbers tell the tale
Riddle's perspective carries more weight than most. He's the attorney who represented Abbott all those years ago in the liability case.
"Today, a claimant would not have the same benefits," Riddle said, "because they'd be limited by the new joint and several liability limitations."


And-----and it amazes me that the Republican warmonger party can support a guy like Saxby Chambliss whose bad-giggle-knee kept him from serving in America's Armed Forces... Max Cleland

The question is, where does Wendy Davis' ad cross the line - all I'm hearing is...

It's over.

Are you surrendering for all Republicans or just yourself?

I thought the ad was in bad taste. Had she not used the image of the wheelchair and mentioned his injury, she would have been fine to bring up the fact that the guy is a hypocrite regarding his stance on tort reform.

It was absolutely the work of a campaign searching for a last gasp.

Now....USMB nutters.....pretend that you never read this post.

Carry on.
Explain what decency line the ad crossed?


In order for one to understand the word "decency" one must actually have a modicum of morality as defined by the society one live in, you do not.

Your sole response would be "NUH-UH" and then launch into your own definition of what "decency" is.

Why am I not surprised that I got the typical, no brainer, Republican 'shoot the messenger' response.

Greg Abbott has no sense of decency, or fair play, Abbott has the typical-----typical of Republicans attitude "I got mine, screw you". If Greg Abbott himself had been in a position (Texas Supreme Court Justice, Texas Atty. General) of power when his personal injury occurred, he would have called his own personal injury lawsuit... frivolous.

Y'all Republicans still haven't answered the question where did Wendy Davis' ad cross the line of decency, and look I really don't care about your feeeeelings, just...



Justice system wouldn't be there for Abbott today
By Lisa Falkenberg
September 5, 2013


"If you had a jogger out in Houston today who was injured the way I was, that person would have access to the very same remedies I had access to," Abbott told me.
Tort reform since 1985

Only, that's not true. Texas courts don't operate on a different planet than they did in the 1980s, and not just because of the Republican political sea change that's taken us from high verdicts upheld on appeal to lower verdicts often overturned by the Texas Supreme Court.

There have been several tort reform laws passed since Abbott's accident that could hinder a victim's ability to obtain a reward similar to the one he received in 1985. For example, Abbott collected from both a homeowner and a tree company that had examined the tree before it fell.

But the Texas law governing "joint and several liability" was changed three times for all tort lawsuits in ways that made it harder for victims to recover from multiple wrongdoers, according to a tort reform database maintained by a Northwestern University law professor.

Where the law once was simple, basically making any negligent party responsible for the amount of jury award a co-defendant couldn't pay, "now it's very complicated and protective of the defense," says Houston personal injury attorney Don Riddle. "It has the effect of sometimes, the injured party does not get paid his full compensation."

Numbers tell the tale
Riddle's perspective carries more weight than most. He's the attorney who represented Abbott all those years ago in the liability case.
"Today, a claimant would not have the same benefits," Riddle said, "because they'd be limited by the new joint and several liability limitations."


And-----and it amazes me that the Republican warmonger party can support a guy like Saxby Chambliss whose bad-giggle-knee kept him from serving in America's Armed Forces... Max Cleland

The question is, where does Wendy Davis' ad cross the line - all I'm hearing is...

It's over.

Are you surrendering for all Republicans or just yourself?

Im not a party guy. She's done.
"in poor taste" my ass, the truth is just the truth. The MSM - rightwing/propaganda machine wants the stupid part of Texas to think about something else, anything else, while Abbott and his Republican cronies screw Texans with their pro-corporate, anti "we the people" tort reform. Welcome to the dupid side of the aisle.

I am not on any side of the aisle as a matter of fact. Davis is terribly far behind in the polls and this ad was hoping to recover some ground but it won't work. I am not wild about many of Abbott's views but that doesn't mean people have to throw away decency to make their point.

Explain what decency line the ad crossed?


In order for one to understand the word "decency" one must actually have a modicum of morality as defined by the society one live in, you do not.

Your sole response would be "NUH-UH" and then launch into your own definition of what "decency" is.

Why am I not surprised that I got the typical, no brainer, Republican 'shoot the messenger' response.

Greg Abbott has no sense of decency, or fair play, Abbott has the typical-----typical of Republicans attitude "I got mine, screw you". If Greg Abbott himself had been in a position (Texas Supreme Court Justice, Texas Atty. General) of power when his personal injury occurred, he would have called his own personal injury lawsuit... frivolous.

Y'all Republicans still haven't answered the question where did Wendy Davis' ad cross the line of decency, and look I really don't care about your feeeeelings, just...



Justice system wouldn't be there for Abbott today
By Lisa Falkenberg
September 5, 2013


"If you had a jogger out in Houston today who was injured the way I was, that person would have access to the very same remedies I had access to," Abbott told me.
Tort reform since 1985

Only, that's not true. Texas courts don't operate on a different planet than they did in the 1980s, and not just because of the Republican political sea change that's taken us from high verdicts upheld on appeal to lower verdicts often overturned by the Texas Supreme Court.

There have been several tort reform laws passed since Abbott's accident that could hinder a victim's ability to obtain a reward similar to the one he received in 1985. For example, Abbott collected from both a homeowner and a tree company that had examined the tree before it fell.

But the Texas law governing "joint and several liability" was changed three times for all tort lawsuits in ways that made it harder for victims to recover from multiple wrongdoers, according to a tort reform database maintained by a Northwestern University law professor.

Where the law once was simple, basically making any negligent party responsible for the amount of jury award a co-defendant couldn't pay, "now it's very complicated and protective of the defense," says Houston personal injury attorney Don Riddle. "It has the effect of sometimes, the injured party does not get paid his full compensation."

Numbers tell the tale
Riddle's perspective carries more weight than most. He's the attorney who represented Abbott all those years ago in the liability case.
"Today, a claimant would not have the same benefits," Riddle said, "because they'd be limited by the new joint and several liability limitations."


And-----and it amazes me that the Republican warmonger party can support a guy like Saxby Chambliss whose bad-giggle-knee kept him from serving in America's Armed Forces... Max Cleland

The question is, where does Wendy Davis' ad cross the line - all I'm hearing is...


When they mentioned the truth about Abbotts' hypocrisy. They believe it's not politically correct to use a wheelchair as a prop against a disabled person even though he uses himself in one in his campaign adds. They want their Republican Apostles to feel a real hatred for Wendy. Accusing her of mocking him for his disability is just another feather in their quell to push the dittoheads' buttons. They feel so outraged. You can see some fine examples of the vitriol they have right here on this board.
I am not on any side of the aisle as a matter of fact. Davis is terribly far behind in the polls and this ad was hoping to recover some ground but it won't work. I am not wild about many of Abbott's views but that doesn't mean people have to throw away decency to make their point.

Explain what decency line the ad crossed?


In order for one to understand the word "decency" one must actually have a modicum of morality as defined by the society one live in, you do not.

Your sole response would be "NUH-UH" and then launch into your own definition of what "decency" is.

Why am I not surprised that I got the typical, no brainer, Republican 'shoot the messenger' response.

Greg Abbott has no sense of decency, or fair play, Abbott has the typical-----typical of Republicans attitude "I got mine, screw you". If Greg Abbott himself had been in a position (Texas Supreme Court Justice, Texas Atty. General) of power when his personal injury occurred, he would have called his own personal injury lawsuit... frivolous.

Y'all Republicans still haven't answered the question where did Wendy Davis' ad cross the line of decency, and look I really don't care about your feeeeelings, just...



Justice system wouldn't be there for Abbott today
By Lisa Falkenberg
September 5, 2013


"If you had a jogger out in Houston today who was injured the way I was, that person would have access to the very same remedies I had access to," Abbott told me.
Tort reform since 1985

Only, that's not true. Texas courts don't operate on a different planet than they did in the 1980s, and not just because of the Republican political sea change that's taken us from high verdicts upheld on appeal to lower verdicts often overturned by the Texas Supreme Court.

There have been several tort reform laws passed since Abbott's accident that could hinder a victim's ability to obtain a reward similar to the one he received in 1985. For example, Abbott collected from both a homeowner and a tree company that had examined the tree before it fell.

But the Texas law governing "joint and several liability" was changed three times for all tort lawsuits in ways that made it harder for victims to recover from multiple wrongdoers, according to a tort reform database maintained by a Northwestern University law professor.

Where the law once was simple, basically making any negligent party responsible for the amount of jury award a co-defendant couldn't pay, "now it's very complicated and protective of the defense," says Houston personal injury attorney Don Riddle. "It has the effect of sometimes, the injured party does not get paid his full compensation."

Numbers tell the tale
Riddle's perspective carries more weight than most. He's the attorney who represented Abbott all those years ago in the liability case.
"Today, a claimant would not have the same benefits," Riddle said, "because they'd be limited by the new joint and several liability limitations."


And-----and it amazes me that the Republican warmonger party can support a guy like Saxby Chambliss whose bad-giggle-knee kept him from serving in America's Armed Forces... Max Cleland

The question is, where does Wendy Davis' ad cross the line - all I'm hearing is...


When they mentioned the truth about Abbotts' hypocrisy. They believe it's not politically correct to use a wheelchair as a prop against a disabled person even though he uses himself it in his campaign adds. They want their Republican Apostles to feel a real hatred for Wendy. Accusing her of mocking him for his disability is just another feather in their quell to push the dittoheads' buttons. The feel so outraged. You can see some fine examples of the vitriol they have right here on this board.
She's a fraud.
it shouldn't matter how he got a settlement for his accident as that is NONE OF YOUR ALLS BUSINESS.

sticking up for that ad is makes you as disgusting as she is
Explain what decency line the ad crossed?


In order for one to understand the word "decency" one must actually have a modicum of morality as defined by the society one live in, you do not.

Your sole response would be "NUH-UH" and then launch into your own definition of what "decency" is.

Why am I not surprised that I got the typical, no brainer, Republican 'shoot the messenger' response.

Greg Abbott has no sense of decency, or fair play, Abbott has the typical-----typical of Republicans attitude "I got mine, screw you". If Greg Abbott himself had been in a position (Texas Supreme Court Justice, Texas Atty. General) of power when his personal injury occurred, he would have called his own personal injury lawsuit... frivolous.

Y'all Republicans still haven't answered the question where did Wendy Davis' ad cross the line of decency, and look I really don't care about your feeeeelings, just...



Justice system wouldn't be there for Abbott today
By Lisa Falkenberg
September 5, 2013


"If you had a jogger out in Houston today who was injured the way I was, that person would have access to the very same remedies I had access to," Abbott told me.
Tort reform since 1985

Only, that's not true. Texas courts don't operate on a different planet than they did in the 1980s, and not just because of the Republican political sea change that's taken us from high verdicts upheld on appeal to lower verdicts often overturned by the Texas Supreme Court.

There have been several tort reform laws passed since Abbott's accident that could hinder a victim's ability to obtain a reward similar to the one he received in 1985. For example, Abbott collected from both a homeowner and a tree company that had examined the tree before it fell.

But the Texas law governing "joint and several liability" was changed three times for all tort lawsuits in ways that made it harder for victims to recover from multiple wrongdoers, according to a tort reform database maintained by a Northwestern University law professor.

Where the law once was simple, basically making any negligent party responsible for the amount of jury award a co-defendant couldn't pay, "now it's very complicated and protective of the defense," says Houston personal injury attorney Don Riddle. "It has the effect of sometimes, the injured party does not get paid his full compensation."

Numbers tell the tale
Riddle's perspective carries more weight than most. He's the attorney who represented Abbott all those years ago in the liability case.
"Today, a claimant would not have the same benefits," Riddle said, "because they'd be limited by the new joint and several liability limitations."


And-----and it amazes me that the Republican warmonger party can support a guy like Saxby Chambliss whose bad-giggle-knee kept him from serving in America's Armed Forces... Max Cleland

The question is, where does Wendy Davis' ad cross the line - all I'm hearing is...

It's over.

Are you surrendering for all Republicans or just yourself?


Stick a fork in her your girl wendy isdone
Stick a fork in her your girl wendy isdone

Considering Texas sent a raving wingnut like Ted Cruz to the Senate in a Presidential election year, it's probably safe to say she never had a chance in the first place.

Still the ad speaks the truth: Greg Abbott's another hypocritical wingnut pol who wants to pull up the ladder behind him after benefitting from the court system himself.
Wendy Davis is a typical, spiteful, hateful, liberal. It's what they thrive on. They assume that they have such a moral high ground that whatever they do or say about conservatives is somehow justified. Remember, liberals are the people that believe Mike Brown was murdered by a White police officer.
Wendy Davis is a typical, spiteful, hateful, liberal. It's what they thrive on. They assume that they have such a moral high ground that whatever they do or say about conservatives is somehow justified. Remember, liberals are the people that believe Mike Brown was murdered by a White police officer.

Hi Pot, it's Kettle.

Y'know, you're a pretty dark shade yourself.
Seeing the name Wendy and the word wheelchair in the same sentence reminds me of the Curb Your Enthusiasm episode, Denise Handicapped, where Larry David dates two women in wheelchairs. Solid episode.
  • Thanks
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Wendy Davis is a typical, spiteful, hateful, liberal. It's what they thrive on. They assume that they have such a moral high ground that whatever they do or say about conservatives is somehow justified. Remember, liberals are the people that believe Mike Brown was murdered by a White police officer.

Hi Pot, it's Kettle.

Y'know, you're a pretty dark shade yourself.
She's done. Cry, cry, cry.
Seeing the name Wendy and the word wheelchair in the same sentence reminds me of the Curb Your Enthusiasm episode, Denise Handicapped, where Larry David dates two women in wheelchairs. Solid episode.

Yes! This is where I went to as well. Funny stuff.
Wendy Davis is a typical, spiteful, hateful, liberal. It's what they thrive on. They assume that they have such a moral high ground that whatever they do or say about conservatives is somehow justified. Remember, liberals are the people that believe Mike Brown was murdered by a White police officer.

Hi Pot, it's Kettle.

Y'know, you're a pretty dark shade yourself.
She's done. Cry, cry, cry.

I already admitted that, stupid.

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