Wendy Davis ad goes too far! ad uses wheelchair to criticize paralyzed foe Abbott

The left always looks for a wedge to divide people and get us at each other's throat.
"Hey, look over there....that guy has more than you and he's standing in your way from getting yours. Vote for me and I'll fight for you to get yours."

And your side is pure as the driven snow, only demorats fight dirty, right?
The left always looks for a wedge to divide people and get us at each other's throat.
"Hey, look over there....that guy has more than you and he's standing in your way from getting yours. Vote for me and I'll fight for you to get yours."

Thanks to the efforts of Greg Abbott, if a ten year old child has the wrong leg amputated by a drug addicted doctor, the most that child can recover for a lifetime is $250,000. That’s what Greg Aboott says a leg is worth to a child. Unless, of course, it’s Greg Abbott’s leg.

Why hasn't Abbot disputed any of the allegations?
Lt. Governor is actually the more important office in Texas state govt. than the office of Governor, along with the Railroad Commission and House Speaker.
The left always looks for a wedge to divide people and get us at each other's throat.
"Hey, look over there....that guy has more than you and he's standing in your way from getting yours. Vote for me and I'll fight for you to get yours."

Thanks to the efforts of Greg Abbott, if a ten year old child has the wrong leg amputated by a drug addicted doctor, the most that child can recover for a lifetime is $250,000. That’s what Greg Aboott says a leg is worth to a child. Unless, of course, it’s Greg Abbott’s leg.

Why hasn't Abbot disputed any of the allegations?

Because he can't.
To the liberals on this thread . Davis is going to lose, get over it.

As has been said before, nobody's disputing that she's not gonna win.

I doubt she'll win, but it would sure be funny if she did. I'm gonna save this thread to my favorites just in case she does. LOL!

We once thought a little peanut farmer would never win. :biggrin:
The left always looks for a wedge to divide people and get us at each other's throat.
"Hey, look over there....that guy has more than you and he's standing in your way from getting yours. Vote for me and I'll fight for you to get yours."

Thanks to the efforts of Greg Abbott, if a ten year old child has the wrong leg amputated by a drug addicted doctor, the most that child can recover for a lifetime is $250,000. That’s what Greg Aboott says a leg is worth to a child. Unless, of course, it’s Greg Abbott’s leg.

Why hasn't Abbot disputed any of the allegations?

Because he can't.

Abbott told supporters how physicians had inserted two steel rods along his vertebrae, and he vowed to “use my steel spine to fight for you and for every Texas family.”

He opened these issues up for debate with the above statement, IMO.

From everything I've read, Wendy has been attacking his policies, not his use of a wheelchair.
The left always looks for a wedge to divide people and get us at each other's throat.
"Hey, look over there....that guy has more than you and he's standing in your way from getting yours. Vote for me and I'll fight for you to get yours."

And your side is pure as the driven snow, only demorats fight dirty, right?
Well, the right is not using class, race, gender, etc, to divide people to conquer them. We talk to people, not voting blocks.
Explain what decency line the ad crossed?


In order for one to understand the word "decency" one must actually have a modicum of morality as defined by the society one live in, you do not.

Your sole response would be "NUH-UH" and then launch into your own definition of what "decency" is.

Why am I not surprised that I got the typical, no brainer, Republican 'shoot the messenger' response.

Greg Abbott has no sense of decency, or fair play, Abbott has the typical-----typical of Republicans attitude "I got mine, screw you". If Greg Abbott himself had been in a position (Texas Supreme Court Justice, Texas Atty. General) of power when his personal injury occurred, he would have called his own personal injury lawsuit... frivolous.

Y'all Republicans still haven't answered the question where did Wendy Davis' ad cross the line of decency, and look I really don't care about your feeeeelings, just...



Justice system wouldn't be there for Abbott today
By Lisa Falkenberg
September 5, 2013


"If you had a jogger out in Houston today who was injured the way I was, that person would have access to the very same remedies I had access to," Abbott told me.
Tort reform since 1985

Only, that's not true. Texas courts don't operate on a different planet than they did in the 1980s, and not just because of the Republican political sea change that's taken us from high verdicts upheld on appeal to lower verdicts often overturned by the Texas Supreme Court.

There have been several tort reform laws passed since Abbott's accident that could hinder a victim's ability to obtain a reward similar to the one he received in 1985. For example, Abbott collected from both a homeowner and a tree company that had examined the tree before it fell.

But the Texas law governing "joint and several liability" was changed three times for all tort lawsuits in ways that made it harder for victims to recover from multiple wrongdoers, according to a tort reform database maintained by a Northwestern University law professor.

Where the law once was simple, basically making any negligent party responsible for the amount of jury award a co-defendant couldn't pay, "now it's very complicated and protective of the defense," says Houston personal injury attorney Don Riddle. "It has the effect of sometimes, the injured party does not get paid his full compensation."

Numbers tell the tale
Riddle's perspective carries more weight than most. He's the attorney who represented Abbott all those years ago in the liability case.
"Today, a claimant would not have the same benefits," Riddle said, "because they'd be limited by the new joint and several liability limitations."


And-----and it amazes me that the Republican warmonger party can support a guy like Saxby Chambliss whose bad-giggle-knee kept him from serving in America's Armed Forces... Max Cleland

The question is, where does Wendy Davis' ad cross the line - all I'm hearing is...


When they mentioned the truth about Abbotts' hypocrisy. They believe it's not politically correct to use a wheelchair as a prop against a disabled person even though he uses himself in one in his campaign adds. They want their Republican Apostles to feel a real hatred for Wendy. Accusing her of mocking him for his disability is just another feather in their quell to push the dittoheads' buttons. They feel so outraged. You can see some fine examples of the vitriol they have right here on this board.
It seems the Democrats are throwing the handicap demographic under the bus. They don't care about their vote. Republicans will be happy to have The handi-capable voting with us.

Thanks for the input, apostle. But in fact that would be the Fauxraged disabled vote. The ones who can thinkfor themselves know the ad is about Abbott's hypocrisy, not his injury.
They used up women, minorities, homosexuals, childreeeeeen , etc

so now they're onto the Disabled. See them using them as props? scooting one out of in front the microphone in a chair. They couldn't even provide him a wheel chair. degrading and low class
They used up women, minorities, homosexuals, childreeeeeen , etc

so now they're onto the Disabled. See them using them as props? scooting one out of in front the microphone in a chair. They couldn't even provide him a wheel chair. degrading and low class
who is the 'they' in that sentence? people calling outrage because a wheelchair was pictured in an ad?
Shitstain....why don't you defend this bitch???

Wheelchair video that insults handicapped people.....and her scumbag past marrying a rich man to get through law school then dumping him as soon as she graduated.

Well, we're talking about the point here and not one wingnut seems to have anything to say about it.

Might be because they know they can't really defend Abbott.

And of course you can't address the point of the ad either, because ultimately it's right.

And no, it really doesn't insult handicapped people.

how he became disabled and if he received a settlement, IS NO ONES BUSINESS. the ad is dirty, classless and low down disgusting

What he did to other disabled people is our business. And that's the whole point of the ad, and the point you and other NeoClowns are not wanting to discuss. It's a common Republican theme, "I got mine, fuck you and yours."

awww, you're upset because he didn't share his settlement with all of you?
gawd you people can't crawl much lower

Nope it's that he has barred others from getting settlements like he got.
The left always looks for a wedge to divide people and get us at each other's throat.
"Hey, look over there....that guy has more than you and he's standing in your way from getting yours. Vote for me and I'll fight for you to get yours."

And your side is pure as the driven snow, only demorats fight dirty, right?
Well, the right is not using class, race, gender, etc, to divide people to conquer them. We talk to people, not voting blocks.

Divide and conquer? Isn't that a little dramatic?
In order for one to understand the word "decency" one must actually have a modicum of morality as defined by the society one live in, you do not.

Your sole response would be "NUH-UH" and then launch into your own definition of what "decency" is.

Why am I not surprised that I got the typical, no brainer, Republican 'shoot the messenger' response.

Greg Abbott has no sense of decency, or fair play, Abbott has the typical-----typical of Republicans attitude "I got mine, screw you". If Greg Abbott himself had been in a position (Texas Supreme Court Justice, Texas Atty. General) of power when his personal injury occurred, he would have called his own personal injury lawsuit... frivolous.

Y'all Republicans still haven't answered the question where did Wendy Davis' ad cross the line of decency, and look I really don't care about your feeeeelings, just...



Justice system wouldn't be there for Abbott today
By Lisa Falkenberg
September 5, 2013


"If you had a jogger out in Houston today who was injured the way I was, that person would have access to the very same remedies I had access to," Abbott told me.
Tort reform since 1985

Only, that's not true. Texas courts don't operate on a different planet than they did in the 1980s, and not just because of the Republican political sea change that's taken us from high verdicts upheld on appeal to lower verdicts often overturned by the Texas Supreme Court.

There have been several tort reform laws passed since Abbott's accident that could hinder a victim's ability to obtain a reward similar to the one he received in 1985. For example, Abbott collected from both a homeowner and a tree company that had examined the tree before it fell.

But the Texas law governing "joint and several liability" was changed three times for all tort lawsuits in ways that made it harder for victims to recover from multiple wrongdoers, according to a tort reform database maintained by a Northwestern University law professor.

Where the law once was simple, basically making any negligent party responsible for the amount of jury award a co-defendant couldn't pay, "now it's very complicated and protective of the defense," says Houston personal injury attorney Don Riddle. "It has the effect of sometimes, the injured party does not get paid his full compensation."

Numbers tell the tale
Riddle's perspective carries more weight than most. He's the attorney who represented Abbott all those years ago in the liability case.
"Today, a claimant would not have the same benefits," Riddle said, "because they'd be limited by the new joint and several liability limitations."


And-----and it amazes me that the Republican warmonger party can support a guy like Saxby Chambliss whose bad-giggle-knee kept him from serving in America's Armed Forces... Max Cleland

The question is, where does Wendy Davis' ad cross the line - all I'm hearing is...


When they mentioned the truth about Abbotts' hypocrisy. They believe it's not politically correct to use a wheelchair as a prop against a disabled person even though he uses himself in one in his campaign adds. They want their Republican Apostles to feel a real hatred for Wendy. Accusing her of mocking him for his disability is just another feather in their quell to push the dittoheads' buttons. They feel so outraged. You can see some fine examples of the vitriol they have right here on this board.
It seems the Democrats are throwing the handicap demographic under the bus. They don't care about their vote. Republicans will be happy to have The handi-capable voting with us.

Thanks for the input, apostle. But in fact that would be the Fauxraged disabled vote. The ones who can thinkfor themselves know the ad is about Abbott's hypocrisy, not his injury.

Which is why Abbott will not deny the claims, and neither will the dingbats on this forum.
She's losing her ass over this ad, so instead of backing off she DOUBLES DOWN. She can't run on what she is for and would do for the people of TEXAS. She runs attacks against her opponent. but this is TYPCIAL Democrat dirty politics. snaky and slimy

Wendy Davis Continues to Insist Her "Nasty" Campaign Ad is Totally Fair
Christine Rousselle | Oct 12, 2014


On Friday, Texas Democrat Wendy Davis' campaign released what has been dubbed "one of the nastiest campaign ads" of this election cycle. Even the liberal site Mother Jones called the ad "offensive and nasty," and MSNBC called the spot a potential career-killer. With prominent figures from both sides of the aisle condemning the ad, one would think (hope?) that the Davis campaign would come to their senses and apologize, but instead, they've been doing the exact opposite.
At first there was evidence that Davis was trying to sound like less of a monster on her Twitter account:

all of it here:
Wendy Davis Continues to Insist Her Nasty Campaign Ad is Totally Fair - Christine Rousselle
Wendy is floundering, this is a last gasp.

Hilarious! The Republican crybabies are whining that big bad Wendy's picking on them by telling the truth, Republicans should be so honest -pewsh- So tell me Republicans, what part of wheelchair ad is dishonest?

Greg Abbott is the perfect example of the Republican "I got mine, screw you" mentality. I hope Wendy Davis doubles down on the Republican scumbag tort reform policies that Greg Abbott profited so handsomely from but now-----now... hypocrite.


Wether the ad is true or false I do not know. I haven't followed this election closely, I tend to not care too much about uncompetitive races. This ad was in poor taste and there is nothing wrong in pointing that out.

We're talkin' Texas, so I'm not predicting a Wendy Davis victory-----yet.
But let me remind the Republicans that read this post - in the 2012 election y'all predicted a Romney victory, Republicans were so convinced of victory that the final tally even made grown men like Karl and Mitt whine like the pissants they are but-----but remember-----remember, Democratic Party internal polling told a different story from the Republican controlled MSM.
Here we go again...

New Polling Confirms Wendy Davis Is Within 6 Points of Abbott
Elise Lindstran
Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Wilder's report confirms a recent Lyceum poll that shows Davis is within 6 points of Abbott amongst registered voters, and also echoes recent polling that confirms she is indeed closing the gap within single digits.

Davis has a number of other factors working in her favor, which likely explain why she's closing the gap in the polls:
Add all those things up, and it's no wonder Davis has momentum heading into the home stretch of the campaign. Both Wendy Davis — and Greg Abbott's record — are catching up with him.

Republicans project more than they cite reality and-----and they have a bad habit of projecting wrong so...


Go get a real Poll,"Progress For Texas" doesn'tcount....

"Our recent poll found that progressive occasional voters are indicating an unusually high level of interest in the gubernatorial election."

What, both of them?
And of course you can't address the point of the ad either, because ultimately it's right.

And no, it really doesn't insult handicapped people.

A solemn Wendy Davis walks on screen: "I've come to talk to you about the disabled, and the drag they place on society. Texas and America knows me as the top promoter of very late term abortion in the nation and I have an answer: Abort the disabled. I'm Wendy Davis, and I approve of Abortion up to 99 years.".
The left always looks for a wedge to divide people and get us at each other's throat.
"Hey, look over there....that guy has more than you and he's standing in your way from getting yours. Vote for me and I'll fight for you to get yours."

And your side is pure as the driven snow, only demorats fight dirty, right?

The "Yeah but so and so does it too" is so....I dunno..........childish?
She's losing her ass over this ad, so instead of backing off she DOUBLES DOWN. She can't run on what she is for and would do for the people of TEXAS. She runs attacks against her opponent. but this is TYPCIAL Democrat dirty politics. snaky and slimy

Wendy Davis Continues to Insist Her "Nasty" Campaign Ad is Totally Fair
Christine Rousselle | Oct 12, 2014


On Friday, Texas Democrat Wendy Davis' campaign released what has been dubbed "one of the nastiest campaign ads" of this election cycle. Even the liberal site Mother Jones called the ad "offensive and nasty," and MSNBC called the spot a potential career-killer. With prominent figures from both sides of the aisle condemning the ad, one would think (hope?) that the Davis campaign would come to their senses and apologize, but instead, they've been doing the exact opposite.
At first there was evidence that Davis was trying to sound like less of a monster on her Twitter account:

all of it here:
Wendy Davis Continues to Insist Her Nasty Campaign Ad is Totally Fair - Christine Rousselle

From your Mother Jones link.

"As a lot of you have pointed out, the ad makes the point that Abbott won a tort reward, but that he supports making it harder for other people to do the same. That is a good and decent point to make. It is not, in my opinion, what the ad is about.

This ad says to me—and to a lot of other people—that Greg Abbott is unfit to serve because he is handicapped.

Of course that was Ben Dreyfuss, the engagement editor at Salon.com

5 Questions With Ben Dreyfuss Engagement Editor Mother Jones

But it does prove that Republicans are more touchy feely than they pretend the Democrats are.

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