

Apr 1, 2011
Number two only to McDonalds... Hmmm.

I went to Wendy's the other night, and no lie... I asked if they had the six piece nuggets instead of the four piece and the little lady at the register looked at me and said, "This is not McDonalds. We only have the four piece." Um, okay... I need to keep my thoughts straight on that, thank you... but WHY is McDonalds Number one? It could be because the people who run their registers are mindful of their manners.
Hey, for every place that can report a bad-mannered cashier, we can report one of the other place ya know?

McDonald's is #1 because it's soo000oo000 good if you only have it as a treat every once in a very blue moon. To me, hands down they must put the nastiest shit in their food to make it taste so good, and that's why they win.

I think Disney doesn't sell McDonald's fries anymore, but one of the reasons I found the place so enchanting? They had these push-carts that sold McDonald's fries and bottled water. You know when McDonald's fries are FRESH out of the frier, like piping hot, and at their best? This cart in Disney somehow kept them ALWAYS like that. I have no idea how, but damn. On a day where you've walked like 15 miles and are starved, piping hot McD's fries really made me smile. Ohhh joy!
You really gotta' stop eating dem dere Chicken Nuggets. "Looks like a Pink Elephant taking a dump!"

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T67DvoH2H3E"]What Are Chicken Nuggets Made Of? - YouTube[/ame]
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If you want a burger make your own.

It's cheaper and tastes better.

Pound for pound, a McDonald’s Quarter Pounder with cheese costs more than a Toyota Camry! - Facts - Jun 4, 2011 - OMG Facts

A 2011 Camry is listed at a price of $20,195 and weighs 3,483 pounds, giving it a price of $5.80/lb. A Quarter Pounder with cheese from McDonald’s, on the other hand, weighs about 7 oz with all its other ingredients before the meat is cooked (yes, the patty actually weighs less than a 1/4 pound after being cooked). At a listed price of $4.99, this burger is actually worth $11.40 per pound!
o thanks i have giving my mom chicken nuggets...she likes them with that sweet ass sauce
Pink Elephant Dump with Sweet Sugar Sauce. Yum! :D
You really gotta' stop eating dem dere Chicken Nuggets. "Looks like a Pink Elephant taking a dump!"
McDonald's claims theres aren't made this way.
Mickey "D"s nuggets are 56%...

Wait for it...


(Prolly GMO to boot) What else would a Chicken Nugget be made of, besides Pink Elephant Dump?
Al Nye The Lawyer Guy: So What Really Is In A McDonald's Chicken McNugget?
In terms of taste and quality, Wendy's beats the hell out of McDonalds for anyone who is out of the Happy Meal stage
In terms of taste and quality, Wendy's beats the hell out of McDonalds for anyone who is out of the Happy Meal stage

the words Taste and quality should never be used in the same sentence as Wendy's, Burger king, McDonald's or any other place that serves mass produced shit patties.
I prefer Wendys some days... I like their spicey chicken... I dont like nuggets but my kids do and because it is seriously once in a blue moon treat I dont mind to get them what they prefer. Corn or else the nuggets are not nearly as good as Long Johns fish bites but the grease is so much less that we choose health over taste. : dunno : Mickey Ds coffee has always been a comfort food for me and because it is almost a family tradition to get a cup anytime we are out in the cold Mickey Ds will always hold that special place in my heart :D Also, I have rarely ever encountered much rudeness there. They frequently mess up my order if we get more than a hamburger, but ghey are always nice about making right. It is ironic to me that there is so much concern about the lack of jobs but poor Wendys is so understaffed that they are obviously stressed about it. Counting the months until my oldest can legally work... * hearts*
You sound like a discriminating gourmet Irid. Why don't you try Burger King for a change in your grease consumption.
:lol: I dont mean to seem snooty... I appreciate Burger King. They have an awesome grilled chicken salad.... As for hamburgers, I am not a fan and will usually pick most anything on the menu over hamburgers and/or hotdogs... If I fix those thongs at home, hahaha, I burn them almost black and use spicey hot mustard. :D
Church's Chicken is better than Wendys, McDonalds and Burger King combined.

I'm too picky about my chicken to agree. I don't like dark meat, I am not a big fan of a lot of breading, etc. Of course, I hate McD's, I am pretty sure Wendy's is on my list of don't-eat fast food places because they put mayo on as a standard....I like BK burgers, but really, I very rarely eat fast food. Between my extremely picky taste and my reflux, it's better to avoid it. :lol:
You know what makes Wendy's burgers juicy?

The condiments.

I was on the road last week and got a single cheeseburger from Wendy's. Since I was driving, I ordered it plain, so I wouldn't get all messy.

It was pretty dry. I occasionally get a plain double cheeseburger from McD's, and the meat is far jucier.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug75diEyiA0]Where's the Beef - YouTube[/ame]

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