We're all being hoodwinked!

Hum Dinger

Gold Member
Aug 19, 2008
As we all argue about Obamacare vs. Trumpcare vs. Single-payer vs. no federal healthcare program, we're all falling into a nonsensical narrative. NONE of these approaches deals with the real problem in healthcare:

The cost of healthcare is way, way to high!

I'd like you all to tell us your ideas on how to reduce the cost of healthcare. To forget the typical partisanship.

Heathcare cost could be reduced thru free market mechanisms, it could be reduced by government policies. It could be some combination of both...or perhaps some new innovative ideas.

What are your ideas?
As we all argue about Obamacare vs. Trumpcare vs. Single-payer vs. no federal healthcare program, we're all falling into a nonsensical narrative. NONE of these approaches deals with the real problem in healthcare:

The cost of healthcare is way, way to high!

I'd like you all to tell us your ideas on how to reduce the cost of healthcare. To forget the typical partisanship.

Heathcare cost could be reduced thru free market mechanisms, it could be reduced by government policies. It could be some combination of both...or perhaps some new innovative ideas.

What are your ideas?

Go slower, work it out and stop legacy building.
stop giving free care to illegals
Cap treatment charges(no reason to pay for an xray machine 45 times every year)
Allow generics on the market without a wait time
Nationwide shopping
equal tax treatment.
Require all hospitals and clinics to make charges public

Im not really down for capping prices though. And "equal tax treatment" would be like giving tax breaks to individuals instead of just businesses and self employed. I would rather nobody get a tax break for taking precautions for their lives. Thats stupid. But i bet it would work...
Of course i would rather the govt stay out of healthcare. Them regulating 20% of our economy irks me. Especially with single payer where they completely control it...
Well first of all health care begins at home.
Something Americans almost never heard of - PREVENTION.
Prevention plays almost no part in American healthcare, only treatment.
Consider 70% of every dollar Americans spend on treating an illness is self inflicted.
Over eating tops them all, then smoking, then a sedentary lifestyle.
Eat well, don't smoke and moderately exercise and your healthcare cost will, on average, drop 70%.
Just don't expect your insurance premiums to drop however, because you still have to pay for all of the other fat, lazy people who eat garbage and their health costs.
As we all argue about Obamacare vs. Trumpcare vs. Single-payer vs. no federal healthcare program, we're all falling into a nonsensical narrative. NONE of these approaches deals with the real problem in healthcare:

The cost of healthcare is way, way to high!

I'd like you all to tell us your ideas on how to reduce the cost of healthcare. To forget the typical partisanship.

Heathcare cost could be reduced thru free market mechanisms, it could be reduced by government policies. It could be some combination of both...or perhaps some new innovative ideas.

What are your ideas?
Single payer. Payer will pay what payer finds reasonable. That includes ALL the assorted hoopla that goes along with healthcare. Free market can figure out a way to make reasonably priced stuff or they can go out of business.
That includes to doctors. This started with them refusing to accept any kind of cap on what they could charge. That worked, and everything followed suit.
As we all argue about Obamacare vs. Trumpcare vs. Single-payer vs. no federal healthcare program, we're all falling into a nonsensical narrative. NONE of these approaches deals with the real problem in healthcare:

The cost of healthcare is way, way to high!

I'd like you all to tell us your ideas on how to reduce the cost of healthcare. To forget the typical partisanship.

Heathcare cost could be reduced thru free market mechanisms, it could be reduced by government policies. It could be some combination of both...or perhaps some new innovative ideas.

What are your ideas?
Single payer. Payer will pay what payer finds reasonable. That includes ALL the assorted hoopla that goes along with healthcare. Free market can figure out a way to make reasonably priced stuff or they can go out of business.
That includes to doctors. This started with them refusing to accept any kind of cap on what they could charge. That worked, and everything followed suit.
LMAO! The fuck?

Payer pays what they find reasonable? What fucking planet are you on? Who wouldn't think reasonable is zero? Besides everyone.
As we all argue about Obamacare vs. Trumpcare vs. Single-payer vs. no federal healthcare program, we're all falling into a nonsensical narrative. NONE of these approaches deals with the real problem in healthcare:

The cost of healthcare is way, way to high!

I'd like you all to tell us your ideas on how to reduce the cost of healthcare. To forget the typical partisanship.

Heathcare cost could be reduced thru free market mechanisms, it could be reduced by government policies. It could be some combination of both...or perhaps some new innovative ideas.

What are your ideas?
Single payer. Payer will pay what payer finds reasonable. That includes ALL the assorted hoopla that goes along with healthcare. Free market can figure out a way to make reasonably priced stuff or they can go out of business.
That includes to doctors. This started with them refusing to accept any kind of cap on what they could charge. That worked, and everything followed suit.
you do realize your post is a complete contradiction, right? free market and complete govt healthcare in the same post? :rolleyes:
Payer will pay what payer finds reasonable.
As we all argue about Obamacare vs. Trumpcare vs. Single-payer vs. no federal healthcare program, we're all falling into a nonsensical narrative. NONE of these approaches deals with the real problem in healthcare:

The cost of healthcare is way, way to high!

I'd like you all to tell us your ideas on how to reduce the cost of healthcare. To forget the typical partisanship.

Heathcare cost could be reduced thru free market mechanisms, it could be reduced by government policies. It could be some combination of both...or perhaps some new innovative ideas.

What are your ideas?
Single payer. Payer will pay what payer finds reasonable. That includes ALL the assorted hoopla that goes along with healthcare. Free market can figure out a way to make reasonably priced stuff or they can go out of business.
That includes to doctors. This started with them refusing to accept any kind of cap on what they could charge. That worked, and everything followed suit.
you do realize your post is a complete contradiction, right? free market and complete govt healthcare in the same post? :rolleyes:
Payer will pay what payer finds reasonable.
There's only one payer.
As we all argue about Obamacare vs. Trumpcare vs. Single-payer vs. no federal healthcare program, we're all falling into a nonsensical narrative. NONE of these approaches deals with the real problem in healthcare:

The cost of healthcare is way, way to high!

I'd like you all to tell us your ideas on how to reduce the cost of healthcare. To forget the typical partisanship.

Heathcare cost could be reduced thru free market mechanisms, it could be reduced by government policies. It could be some combination of both...or perhaps some new innovative ideas.

What are your ideas?
Single payer. Payer will pay what payer finds reasonable. That includes ALL the assorted hoopla that goes along with healthcare. Free market can figure out a way to make reasonably priced stuff or they can go out of business.
That includes to doctors. This started with them refusing to accept any kind of cap on what they could charge. That worked, and everything followed suit.
you do realize your post is a complete contradiction, right? free market and complete govt healthcare in the same post? :rolleyes:
Payer will pay what payer finds reasonable.
There's only one payer.
im confused
As we all argue about Obamacare vs. Trumpcare vs. Single-payer vs. no federal healthcare program, we're all falling into a nonsensical narrative. NONE of these approaches deals with the real problem in healthcare:

The cost of healthcare is way, way to high!

I'd like you all to tell us your ideas on how to reduce the cost of healthcare. To forget the typical partisanship.

Heathcare cost could be reduced thru free market mechanisms, it could be reduced by government policies. It could be some combination of both...or perhaps some new innovative ideas.

What are your ideas?
Single payer. Payer will pay what payer finds reasonable. That includes ALL the assorted hoopla that goes along with healthcare. Free market can figure out a way to make reasonably priced stuff or they can go out of business.
That includes to doctors. This started with them refusing to accept any kind of cap on what they could charge. That worked, and everything followed suit.
LMAO! The fuck?

Payer pays what they find reasonable? What fucking planet are you on? Who wouldn't think reasonable is zero? Besides everyone.
The government is going to end up in charge. They will decide, just like they did with Medicare, how much they will pay. When they are paying for everything, that will include drugs, equipment, EVERYTHING, including how much a plastic surgeon can charge or a family practitioner who spends 5 minutes looking at you and charges you $120.
Government will have to do it, because free market--well, you see where that's gotten us.
You let people have tax free HSA's. No limit to how much you can put in. You have insurance companies provide any plan they want and people will by.

If you have 1000 in your HSA, you need catastrophic coverage over that amount. If it's 5000, you need less insurance. Doctor visits are paid out of your HSA. So you go shopping for the deal and doctor you like. If you want cheaper healthcare you let the market work. It's impossible to have government run and cheaper at the same time.
As we all argue about Obamacare vs. Trumpcare vs. Single-payer vs. no federal healthcare program, we're all falling into a nonsensical narrative. NONE of these approaches deals with the real problem in healthcare:

The cost of healthcare is way, way to high!

I'd like you all to tell us your ideas on how to reduce the cost of healthcare. To forget the typical partisanship.

Heathcare cost could be reduced thru free market mechanisms, it could be reduced by government policies. It could be some combination of both...or perhaps some new innovative ideas.

What are your ideas?

The first thing to do separate the topics of health care, which is a medical issue, from health insurance, which is a social (and tax) issue. People are entitled to the former, but not the latter. Only then can the discussion be focused on the most effective and economical means of providing health care:

1. People with the means to provide for their own health care should be able to choose from the widest array of options available, without government intervention or tax subsidies.

2. People without such means or options should have publicly funded health care available to them, without them having to go bankrupt if they have a serious health condition. This will require more reasonable Medicaid eligibility requirements and allowing states to supplement this coverage with their own money.

3. Medical malpractice awards for pain and suffering should be limited by statutes.
As we all argue about Obamacare vs. Trumpcare vs. Single-payer vs. no federal healthcare program, we're all falling into a nonsensical narrative. NONE of these approaches deals with the real problem in healthcare:

The cost of healthcare is way, way to high!

I'd like you all to tell us your ideas on how to reduce the cost of healthcare. To forget the typical partisanship.

Heathcare cost could be reduced thru free market mechanisms, it could be reduced by government policies. It could be some combination of both...or perhaps some new innovative ideas.

What are your ideas?

That's about the depth of the answer you will get from pseudocons.

In fact, I once predicted:

When you ask a pseudocon for a plan to lower health care costs, you get a blank stare.

After a few minutes of staring into space, they finally come up with, "Freedom!"

Yeah, let's put that in a bill. :lol:

The Really Cool Freedom Act To Save Healthcare of 2017.

"Um...Bob? We need some text to go with that."

Not one week later, the Republicans offered up their ObamaCare replacement: "The Patient Freedom Act of 2017."

I shit you not.

Except it isn't even a replacement of ObamaCare. It isn't even a repeal of ObamaCare. It is mostly tax repeals.

The rubes still haven't caught on.
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As we all argue about Obamacare vs. Trumpcare vs. Single-payer vs. no federal healthcare program, we're all falling into a nonsensical narrative. NONE of these approaches deals with the real problem in healthcare:

The cost of healthcare is way, way to high!

I'd like you all to tell us your ideas on how to reduce the cost of healthcare. To forget the typical partisanship.

Heathcare cost could be reduced thru free market mechanisms, it could be reduced by government policies. It could be some combination of both...or perhaps some new innovative ideas.

What are your ideas?
Single payer. Payer will pay what payer finds reasonable. That includes ALL the assorted hoopla that goes along with healthcare. Free market can figure out a way to make reasonably priced stuff or they can go out of business.
That includes to doctors. This started with them refusing to accept any kind of cap on what they could charge. That worked, and everything followed suit.
LMAO! The fuck?

Payer pays what they find reasonable? What fucking planet are you on? Who wouldn't think reasonable is zero? Besides everyone.
The government is going to end up in charge. They will decide, just like they did with Medicare, how much they will pay. When they are paying for everything, that will include drugs, equipment, EVERYTHING, including how much a plastic surgeon can charge or a family practitioner who spends 5 minutes looking at you and charges you $120.
Government will have to do it, because free market--well, you see where that's gotten us.
We haven't had free market since doctors discovered they didn't have to do house calls. The market didn't get us here the government did. Asking for them to do more of their fixing is fucking dumb.
As we all argue about Obamacare vs. Trumpcare vs. Single-payer vs. no federal healthcare program, we're all falling into a nonsensical narrative. NONE of these approaches deals with the real problem in healthcare:

The cost of healthcare is way, way to high!

I'd like you all to tell us your ideas on how to reduce the cost of healthcare. To forget the typical partisanship.

Heathcare cost could be reduced thru free market mechanisms, it could be reduced by government policies. It could be some combination of both...or perhaps some new innovative ideas.

What are your ideas?
Single payer. Payer will pay what payer finds reasonable. That includes ALL the assorted hoopla that goes along with healthcare. Free market can figure out a way to make reasonably priced stuff or they can go out of business.
That includes to doctors. This started with them refusing to accept any kind of cap on what they could charge. That worked, and everything followed suit.
you do realize your post is a complete contradiction, right? free market and complete govt healthcare in the same post? :rolleyes:
Payer will pay what payer finds reasonable.
There's only one payer.
Yeah? Who's that unlucky stoog that gets to pay for everyone?
As we all argue about Obamacare vs. Trumpcare vs. Single-payer vs. no federal healthcare program, we're all falling into a nonsensical narrative. NONE of these approaches deals with the real problem in healthcare:

The cost of healthcare is way, way to high!

I'd like you all to tell us your ideas on how to reduce the cost of healthcare. To forget the typical partisanship.

Heathcare cost could be reduced thru free market mechanisms, it could be reduced by government policies. It could be some combination of both...or perhaps some new innovative ideas.

What are your ideas?
We're not going to start from scratch. The gop lost that, and largely because Ryan and the House wanted a tax cut for the 1%.

I think you keep the exchanges but require insurors to offer the same policy in every market. And, the insuror's profits are based at least in part by lowest cost per patient, with some patient protections for denied services, e.g. expedited administrative review. I like the initial idea by some that we base how much insurers get paid on a set dollar figure to cover an individual based on averages. I doubt we can get back to that.

I don't see why the youngest and healthiest should foot the bill. Big city hospitals are making a killing on Obamacare, and I don't see that the taxes are breaking the top 1% or even 3%. And their stock portfolios are fat on corp profits of companies that get tax cuts for providing HC insurance.

But we do need standardized care. Basics have to be covered, including preventative care. Copays and deductables have to be contained.

I'm not against covering recurrant cancer and stuff with Medicaid.
as long as 55% of the nation approves ACA after the election nothing will happen except needed changes.

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