We're all being hoodwinked!

As we all argue about Obamacare vs. Trumpcare vs. Single-payer vs. no federal healthcare program, we're all falling into a nonsensical narrative. NONE of these approaches deals with the real problem in healthcare:

The cost of healthcare is way, way to high!

I'd like you all to tell us your ideas on how to reduce the cost of healthcare. To forget the typical partisanship.

Heathcare cost could be reduced thru free market mechanisms, it could be reduced by government policies. It could be some combination of both...or perhaps some new innovative ideas.

What are your ideas?

All the rest of the civilized world has come to the conclusion that getting medicine and seeing a doctor is a right all human beings have. Except in the US. This is the last bastion for the selfish greedies to hold up in. And they have a small but vocal following of water-carriers that have been convinced to vote and act against their own self interest. This is slowly thankfully being overcome. The majority of the American people would like to see healthcare settled and be able to see a doctor and get medicine without going bankrupt or having to choose between medicine and eating dog food.

In the end once all the other detritus is cleared away it comes down to whether you believe all humans have dignity by birthright or whether dignity is something you have to buy like laxative. The rest of the world has already figured this out. Most in the US have already figured it out as well.
How do you figure that's a right? Do you have the right to the doctor of your choice? Or just some doctor the government tells you to see? Do you have a right to the best healthcare that can be provided or do you get the government to decide what you deserve?

You have a right to talk, you have a right to arm yourself if you buy a gun. Where do those rights equal walking into a doctors office and demanding care?

The leftists are always misconstruing the part that says they have the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". They erroneously believe that the framers of the Constitution meant the "right to life" means government-furnished health care, a free education, food, housing, internet, and Obamaphones. But that's not really what the architects of the Constitution meant.

Funny thing though, they sure have no problem denying unborn children their right to life.
Isn't that socialism all day long? You have a right until they decide you don't.

True. The lefties seem to have convenient lapses of reason when interpreting the constitution. They believe the First Amendment gives them the right to break shit and start fires, but the Second Amendment only applies to the police and military.
As we all argue about Obamacare vs. Trumpcare vs. Single-payer vs. no federal healthcare program, we're all falling into a nonsensical narrative. NONE of these approaches deals with the real problem in healthcare:

The cost of healthcare is way, way to high!

I'd like you all to tell us your ideas on how to reduce the cost of healthcare. To forget the typical partisanship.

Heathcare cost could be reduced thru free market mechanisms, it could be reduced by government policies. It could be some combination of both...or perhaps some new innovative ideas.

What are your ideas?

All the rest of the civilized world has come to the conclusion that getting medicine and seeing a doctor is a right all human beings have. Except in the US. This is the last bastion for the selfish greedies to hold up in. And they have a small but vocal following of water-carriers that have been convinced to vote and act against their own self interest. This is slowly thankfully being overcome. The majority of the American people would like to see healthcare settled and be able to see a doctor and get medicine without going bankrupt or having to choose between medicine and eating dog food.

In the end once all the other detritus is cleared away it comes down to whether you believe all humans have dignity by birthright or whether dignity is something you have to buy like laxative. The rest of the world has already figured this out. Most in the US have already figured it out as well.
How do you figure that's a right? Do you have the right to the doctor of your choice? Or just some doctor the government tells you to see? Do you have a right to the best healthcare that can be provided or do you get the government to decide what you deserve?

You have a right to talk, you have a right to arm yourself if you buy a gun. Where do those rights equal walking into a doctors office and demanding care?

The leftists are always misconstruing the part that says they have the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". They erroneously believe that the framers of the Constitution meant the "right to life" means government-furnished health care, a free education, food, housing, internet, and Obamaphones. But that's not really what the architects of the Constitution meant.

Funny thing though, they sure have no problem denying unborn children their right to life.
Isn't that socialism all day long? You have a right until they decide you don't.

True. The lefties seem to have convenient lapses of reason when interpreting the constitution. They believe the First Amendment gives them the right to break shit and start fires, but the Second Amendment only applies to the police and military.
Is there any doubt how stupid you have to be to be a democrat?
There will never be a lowering of health care costs without tort reform. Countries that have single payer also have very few lawsuits against doctors. A salaried government doctor cannot afford to pay for a ten million dollar insurance policy.

Kaiser, which is essentially single payer allows no medical malpractice lawsuits at all. None. You agree to go to arbitration or you can't have Kaiser.
There will never be a lowering of health care costs without tort reform. Countries that have single payer also have very few lawsuits against doctors. A salaried government doctor cannot afford to pay for a ten million dollar insurance policy.

Kaiser, which is essentially single payer allows no medical malpractice lawsuits at all. None. You agree to go to arbitration or you can't have Kaiser.

That's pretty scary.
you do realize your post is a complete contradiction, right? free market and complete govt healthcare in the same post? :rolleyes:
Payer will pay what payer finds reasonable.
There's only one payer.

Ummm, yeah, a faceless government bureaucrat who make that decision FOR you. Are you fucking high?
As expected the small minority shows up to cry about 'it's not fair I have to be Atlas and carry the whole world on my shoulders, blah blah blah'. It is self agrandizing and ludicrous. These same people have no problem asking millions of other people to profide roads and highways free of charge to them, or bridges. You people in the minority among the world's human population, how about you stop using the roads that everyone else paid for and use the 50 yards of asphalt that you paid for in your entire life of paying taxes. And don't use any of the bridges. Stop expecting the police to help you unless you pay them, you wouldn't want everyone else to pay those bills. The same with the fire department, you call them then get out your check book or sell your house to pay the bill.

Selfishness, the single constant thread in the conservative mantra. You don't owe anyone else anything. Fine, no one else owes you anything either. Build your own roads and put on your own police uniform.

Jesus stop your bitching you people are so transparently phoney.
I'm sure America's best and brightest will invest 10 years and $400k into earning a medical degree only to be fucked over by the mooching left in a single payer government healthcare cabal. /sarcasm
First of becoming a doctor doesn't entail debt in my country,
If you drive the cost down of earning a medical degree. You need to earn less during your career.

Are you dumb? Holy shit what dimwit liberal arts college taught you that?
Please explain the fault in this reasoning if you are that smart.

Okay, do you want the best and brightest performing your surgery? Well that cost a more money. Pay doctors shit and the best and brightest will do something else for a living.
Really? Well for your information, becoming a doctor is a highly popular degree here. So much so that it's the only degree that entails an entry exam from high school. An entry exam that has a success rate of less then 20 percent. So no, the best and the brightest in my country do become doctors, they have to be the best because they won't qualify if their not.Ruim 12 procent slaagt voor "uitzonderlijk moeilijk" toelatingsexamen geneeskunde 12 percent in 2016.

Sure, for losers while the best and brightest choose different careers.
I'm sure America's best and brightest will invest 10 years and $400k into earning a medical degree only to be fucked over by the mooching left in a single payer government healthcare cabal. /sarcasm
First of becoming a doctor doesn't entail debt in my country,
If you drive the cost down of earning a medical degree. You need to earn less during your career.

Are you dumb? Holy shit what dimwit liberal arts college taught you that?
Medical School in Belgium « Mind On Medicine
This is how it goes in my country. Compares this to getting that degree in the US. Just to make up for your college loan as a doctor in the US you would have to charge considerably more. Basic math. 0 debt or 400k in the hole. Who will charge more?

Your country is messed up in the head.
Is that the best you can do? No actual argument? What's messed up about debt free college?

Speaking of messed up, we are discussing physician compensation not debt free college.
as long as 55% of the nation approves ACA after the election nothing will happen except needed changes.

Just like Hillary was going to win, and 97% of scientist accept global warming. BULLSHIT STATS.
Which country would that be?
Free market mechanisms and government policies are mutually exclusive. The reason health care is so expensive is because of excessive government meddling.
Explain to me way you think the free market is better suited to dispense healthcare?

Because the free market has worked for thousands of years. Communism has only been around for 90 or so odd years, and it's failed every time.
There is a huge difference between communism and the government providing basic services that shouldn't have a for profit motive. As I said it works in my country and we have a free market economy, just not for things that are deemed human necessities. Education, health, prisons , food, shelter, to name some basics.
stop giving free care to illegals
Cap treatment charges(no reason to pay for an xray machine 45 times every year)
Allow generics on the market without a wait time
Nationwide shopping
equal tax treatment.
Require all hospitals and clinics to make charges public

Im not really down for capping prices though. And "equal tax treatment" would be like giving tax breaks to individuals instead of just businesses and self employed. I would rather nobody get a tax break for taking precautions for their lives. Thats stupid. But i bet it would work...
Of course i would rather the govt stay out of healthcare. Them regulating 20% of our economy irks me. Especially with single payer where they completely control it...
You left out rebates from pharmaceuticals which require a rebate middle man to negotiate a higher price for higher rebates..
Explain to me way you think the free market is better suited to dispense healthcare?

Because the free market has worked for thousands of years. Communism has only been around for 90 or so odd years, and it's failed every time.
There is a huge difference between communism and the government providing basic services that shouldn't have a for profit motive. As I said it works in my country and we have a free market economy, just not for things that are deemed human necessities. Education, health, prisons , food, shelter, to name some basics.

So why shouldn't the government make a profit? After just watching Obama double the national debt, would you agree that government should be run like a business instead of a charity?
Health is a right not a business opportunity.
What kind of right is health?
We hold these truths to be sacred & undeniable; that all men are created equal & independent, that from that equal creation they derive rights inherent & inalienable, among which are the preservation of life, & liberty, & the pursuit of happiness

That's the right I refer to. Healthcare has as it's goal the preservation of life.
Last edited:
As we all argue about Obamacare vs. Trumpcare vs. Single-payer vs. no federal healthcare program, we're all falling into a nonsensical narrative. NONE of these approaches deals with the real problem in healthcare:

The cost of healthcare is way, way to high!

I'd like you all to tell us your ideas on how to reduce the cost of healthcare. To forget the typical partisanship.

Heathcare cost could be reduced thru free market mechanisms, it could be reduced by government policies. It could be some combination of both...or perhaps some new innovative ideas.

What are your ideas?

All the rest of the civilized world has come to the conclusion that getting medicine and seeing a doctor is a right all human beings have. Except in the US. This is the last bastion for the selfish greedies to hold up in. And they have a small but vocal following of water-carriers that have been convinced to vote and act against their own self interest. This is slowly thankfully being overcome. The majority of the American people would like to see healthcare settled and be able to see a doctor and get medicine without going bankrupt or having to choose between medicine and eating dog food.

In the end once all the other detritus is cleared away it comes down to whether you believe all humans have dignity by birthright or whether dignity is something you have to buy like laxative. The rest of the world has already figured this out. Most in the US have already figured it out as well.
How do you figure that's a right? Do you have the right to the doctor of your choice? Or just some doctor the government tells you to see? Do you have a right to the best healthcare that can be provided or do you get the government to decide what you deserve?

You have a right to talk, you have a right to arm yourself if you buy a gun. Where do those rights equal walking into a doctors office and demanding care?
I live in a single payer country and I can choose my doctor. And the best healthcare my government provides is better then that available to any but a few of the richest US citizens.
As to your second paragraph. You're right they don't equal. Not arming yourself has very little effect on someones life. Being healthy has a huge effect.
Which country would that be?
Free market mechanisms and government policies are mutually exclusive. The reason health care is so expensive is because of excessive government meddling.
Explain to me way you think the free market is better suited to dispense healthcare?

Because the free market has worked for thousands of years. Communism has only been around for 90 or so odd years, and it's failed every time.
There is a huge difference between communism and the government providing basic services that shouldn't have a for profit motive. As I said it works in my country and we have a free market economy, just not for things that are deemed human necessities. Education, health, prisons , food, shelter, to name some basics.
Because the free market has worked for thousands of years. Communism has only been around for 90 or so odd years, and it's failed every time.
There is a huge difference between communism and the government providing basic services that shouldn't have a for profit motive. As I said it works in my country and we have a free market economy, just not for things that are deemed human necessities. Education, health, prisons , food, shelter, to name some basics.

So why shouldn't the government make a profit? After just watching Obama double the national debt, would you agree that government should be run like a business instead of a charity?
Health is a right not a business opportunity.
What kind of right is health?
We hold these truths to be sacred & undeniable; that all men are created equal & independent, that from that equal creation they derive rights inherent & inalienable, among which are the preservation of life, & liberty, & the pursuit of happiness

That's the right I refer to. Healthcare has as it's goal the preservation of life.
Thats not what our DoI says.. That got edited.
Even if, i wonder what he meant by "independent?"
Because the free market has worked for thousands of years. Communism has only been around for 90 or so odd years, and it's failed every time.
There is a huge difference between communism and the government providing basic services that shouldn't have a for profit motive. As I said it works in my country and we have a free market economy, just not for things that are deemed human necessities. Education, health, prisons , food, shelter, to name some basics.

So why shouldn't the government make a profit? After just watching Obama double the national debt, would you agree that government should be run like a business instead of a charity?
Health is a right not a business opportunity.
What kind of right is health?
We hold these truths to be sacred & undeniable; that all men are created equal & independent, that from that equal creation they derive rights inherent & inalienable, among which are the preservation of life, & liberty, & the pursuit of happiness

That's the right I refer to. Healthcare has as it goal the preservation of life.

You mis-quoted the constitution. But let me ask you this: why do you want to keep in effect a law which provides coverage not only for birth control, but abortions too?

Is that the "preservation of life"?
There is a huge difference between communism and the government providing basic services that shouldn't have a for profit motive. As I said it works in my country and we have a free market economy, just not for things that are deemed human necessities. Education, health, prisons , food, shelter, to name some basics.

So why shouldn't the government make a profit? After just watching Obama double the national debt, would you agree that government should be run like a business instead of a charity?
Health is a right not a business opportunity.
What kind of right is health?
We hold these truths to be sacred & undeniable; that all men are created equal & independent, that from that equal creation they derive rights inherent & inalienable, among which are the preservation of life, & liberty, & the pursuit of happiness

That's the right I refer to. Healthcare has as it goal the preservation of life.

You mis-quoted the constitution. But let me ask you this: why do you want to keep in effect a law which provides coverage not only for birth control, but abortions too?

Is that the "preservation of life"?
I am pro-choice and that is a damn good point lol
So why shouldn't the government make a profit? After just watching Obama double the national debt, would you agree that government should be run like a business instead of a charity?
Health is a right not a business opportunity.
What kind of right is health?
We hold these truths to be sacred & undeniable; that all men are created equal & independent, that from that equal creation they derive rights inherent & inalienable, among which are the preservation of life, & liberty, & the pursuit of happiness

That's the right I refer to. Healthcare has as it goal the preservation of life.

You mis-quoted the constitution. But let me ask you this: why do you want to keep in effect a law which provides coverage not only for birth control, but abortions too?

Is that the "preservation of life"?
I am pro-choice and that is a damn good point lol

Another point: The line is "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".

"Life" doesn't mean "free health care". We have the liberty to pursue our own health care, if it makes us happy.

But nowhere did the founding fathers write that we have the right to free health care, or EBT cards, rent subsidy, a free education, or an Obamaphone.
There is a huge difference between communism and the government providing basic services that shouldn't have a for profit motive. As I said it works in my country and we have a free market economy, just not for things that are deemed human necessities. Education, health, prisons , food, shelter, to name some basics.

So why shouldn't the government make a profit? After just watching Obama double the national debt, would you agree that government should be run like a business instead of a charity?
Health is a right not a business opportunity.
What kind of right is health?
We hold these truths to be sacred & undeniable; that all men are created equal & independent, that from that equal creation they derive rights inherent & inalienable, among which are the preservation of life, & liberty, & the pursuit of happiness

That's the right I refer to. Healthcare has as it goal the preservation of life.

You mis-quoted the constitution. But let me ask you this: why do you want to keep in effect a law which provides coverage not only for birth control, but abortions too?

Is that the "preservation of life"?
-You are right I copy pasted from wikipedia and they had it wrong.Sorry about that. The point stands though.
-Abortions can be argued save people too. There's an inherent risk to childbearing. Not only that abortion is a choice a person makes, you don't like it don't get one. I'm personally not comfortable with them. Not ethically. But I don't presume to make other people's choices. Nor do I pretend, that my opinion by definition is correct.
- I just noticed I didn't answer an important question you asked. No I don't think a government should be run like a business. Bot entities have different goals. A business needs to turn a profit. A government needs to make decisions in the best interest of the population at large.

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