We're All Ready For This Impeachment Schiff Show To Be Over


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

We’re All Ready For This Impeachment Schiff Show To Be Over
January 22, 2020 | Kylee Zempel
While it may come as news to Schiff, 'most Americans' probably aren't watching this risible proceeding. But for those of us who are, we know for a fact Democratic actors haven't been 'impartial.'
Just when you thought Rep. Adam Schiff had reached maximum sleaze, word breaks he likely mischaracterized evidence related to President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, achieving new heights of corruption for ol’ “schifty Schiff.”Last week, Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, sent a letter to Democratic House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler of New York, summarizing evidence brought forth by Lev Parnas, a former associate of Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani. This evidence was related to Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president on which this impeachment sham is supposedly based.Schiff claimed Parnas “continued to try to arrange a meeting with President Zelensky,” based on a text exchange between Giuliani and Parnas — and Schiff’s own bias or chicanery. The text was attached to Schiff’s letter but was redacted after “trying to get us mr Z.” Politico reports, however, that “an unredacted version of the exchange shows that several days later, Parnas sent Giuliani a word document that appears to show notes from an interview with Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma, followed by a text message to Giuliani that states: ‘mr Z answers my brother,’” suggesting Parnas was referring not to President Zelensky, but to the founder of the energy company on whose board an unqualified Hunter Biden sat for $50,000 a month. Not looking great for Schiff, the lead impeachment manager.This partisan impeachment charade hackery has dragged on far too long, since about Jan. 20, 2017. Only willfully ignorant zealots can’t see that the alleged sins of Donald Trump fall far short of high crimes and misdemeanors — and frankly far short of Obama’s abuse of power in implementing Obamacare, Hillary Clinton’s sending classified emails over a private server while secretary of state, or Joe Biden’s own Ukraine-related quid pro quo.As if that were not enough, Democrats’ slimy tactics throughout this entire spectacle have “threatened our democracy” far more than any benign phone call Trump has made while occupying the Oval Office. For proof, read the transcript of the call. Not Schiff’s made-up nonsense impersonation. The real transcript. From the very beginning, Schiff has been an incompetent buffoon at best and a conniving, contemptible snake at worst. Rewind to any point in Trump’s presidency, and you’ll find Schiff peddling some nonsensical garbage.
While it may come as news to Schiff, “most Americans” probably aren’t watching this risible proceeding. But for those of us who are, we know for a fact Democratic actors haven’t been “impartial.” We just hope this Schiff show will be over soon.

Ready for the impeachment circus to be over, but only if they follow it with hearings on Ukraine.Billions went missing in Ukraine between 2014 and 2018 and no one seems interested in where they went. I’d like to see all of Schiff’s witnesses recalled to testify, but this time answering questions about how the money was disbursed and where it went from there. And why every investigation was shut down both from our side and from the other side.
I was so bored with the faux impeachment proceedings that I switched to the Oak Island series for the rest of the day....
Hmm...., I wonder, w
hy doesn't anyone suggest that the Zelensky be deposed so that he can state there was no quid pro quo and that they had no knowledge that the aid was being delayed? It would seem that a statement under oath to this effect would all but eliminate any further need of the impeachment proceedings. But, then again, Schiff and company would argue that Trump and his people are lying, all the Ukrainians are lying, and the precedent where similar support/aid to other countries was likewise held up, etc., were all coincidences and that the country must believe the opinions and lies from the Left as fact.
Of all political figures in the US at this time, Schiff comes closer to the definition of “anti-social personality disorder” than any other. In non-clinical descriptions, the word used is often “psychopath” or “sociopath”.
“Antisocial personality disorder is defined by a pervasive and persistent disregard for morals, social norms, and the rights and feelings of others. Individuals with this personality disorder will typically have no compunction in exploiting others in harmful ways for their own gain or pleasure and frequently manipulate and deceive other people, achieving this through wit and a façade of superficial charm or through intimidation and violence.”
As far as I can tell, the only word in this definition that doesn’t quite fit Schiff is “violence”. As for “charm”, rest assured he has a leftist fan club that numbers in the millions. If he has actually abused a victim with physical violence, I’m not aware of it. But in every other way, he seems to fit the description.
Political persuasions aside, how much money has this whole fiasco cost the American taxpayers? Talk about fraud, waste and abuse!

We’re All Ready For This Impeachment Schiff Show To Be Over
January 22, 2020 | Kylee Zempel
While it may come as news to Schiff, 'most Americans' probably aren't watching this risible proceeding. But for those of us who are, we know for a fact Democratic actors haven't been 'impartial.'
Just when you thought Rep. Adam Schiff had reached maximum sleaze, word breaks he likely mischaracterized evidence related to President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, achieving new heights of corruption for ol’ “schifty Schiff.”Last week, Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, sent a letter to Democratic House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler of New York, summarizing evidence brought forth by Lev Parnas, a former associate of Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani. This evidence was related to Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president on which this impeachment sham is supposedly based.Schiff claimed Parnas “continued to try to arrange a meeting with President Zelensky,” based on a text exchange between Giuliani and Parnas — and Schiff’s own bias or chicanery. The text was attached to Schiff’s letter but was redacted after “trying to get us mr Z.” Politico reports, however, that “an unredacted version of the exchange shows that several days later, Parnas sent Giuliani a word document that appears to show notes from an interview with Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma, followed by a text message to Giuliani that states: ‘mr Z answers my brother,’” suggesting Parnas was referring not to President Zelensky, but to the founder of the energy company on whose board an unqualified Hunter Biden sat for $50,000 a month. Not looking great for Schiff, the lead impeachment manager.This partisan impeachment charade hackery has dragged on far too long, since about Jan. 20, 2017. Only willfully ignorant zealots can’t see that the alleged sins of Donald Trump fall far short of high crimes and misdemeanors — and frankly far short of Obama’s abuse of power in implementing Obamacare, Hillary Clinton’s sending classified emails over a private server while secretary of state, or Joe Biden’s own Ukraine-related quid pro quo.As if that were not enough, Democrats’ slimy tactics throughout this entire spectacle have “threatened our democracy” far more than any benign phone call Trump has made while occupying the Oval Office. For proof, read the transcript of the call. Not Schiff’s made-up nonsense impersonation. The real transcript. From the very beginning, Schiff has been an incompetent buffoon at best and a conniving, contemptible snake at worst. Rewind to any point in Trump’s presidency, and you’ll find Schiff peddling some nonsensical garbage.
While it may come as news to Schiff, “most Americans” probably aren’t watching this risible proceeding. But for those of us who are, we know for a fact Democratic actors haven’t been “impartial.” We just hope this Schiff show will be over soon.

Ready for the impeachment circus to be over, but only if they follow it with hearings on Ukraine.Billions went missing in Ukraine between 2014 and 2018 and no one seems interested in where they went. I’d like to see all of Schiff’s witnesses recalled to testify, but this time answering questions about how the money was disbursed and where it went from there. And why every investigation was shut down both from our side and from the other side.
I was so bored with the faux impeachment proceedings that I switched to the Oak Island series for the rest of the day....
Hmm...., I wonder, w
hy doesn't anyone suggest that the Zelensky be deposed so that he can state there was no quid pro quo and that they had no knowledge that the aid was being delayed? It would seem that a statement under oath to this effect would all but eliminate any further need of the impeachment proceedings. But, then again, Schiff and company would argue that Trump and his people are lying, all the Ukrainians are lying, and the precedent where similar support/aid to other countries was likewise held up, etc., were all coincidences and that the country must believe the opinions and lies from the Left as fact.
Of all political figures in the US at this time, Schiff comes closer to the definition of “anti-social personality disorder” than any other. In non-clinical descriptions, the word used is often “psychopath” or “sociopath”.
“Antisocial personality disorder is defined by a pervasive and persistent disregard for morals, social norms, and the rights and feelings of others. Individuals with this personality disorder will typically have no compunction in exploiting others in harmful ways for their own gain or pleasure and frequently manipulate and deceive other people, achieving this through wit and a façade of superficial charm or through intimidation and violence.”
As far as I can tell, the only word in this definition that doesn’t quite fit Schiff is “violence”. As for “charm”, rest assured he has a leftist fan club that numbers in the millions. If he has actually abused a victim with physical violence, I’m not aware of it. But in every other way, he seems to fit the description.
Political persuasions aside, how much money has this whole fiasco cost the American taxpayers? Talk about fraud, waste and abuse!
After a few minutes it's like watching a rerun of a really bad show.

We’re All Ready For This Impeachment Schiff Show To Be Over
January 22, 2020 | Kylee Zempel
While it may come as news to Schiff, 'most Americans' probably aren't watching this risible proceeding. But for those of us who are, we know for a fact Democratic actors haven't been 'impartial.'
Just when you thought Rep. Adam Schiff had reached maximum sleaze, word breaks he likely mischaracterized evidence related to President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, achieving new heights of corruption for ol’ “schifty Schiff.”Last week, Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, sent a letter to Democratic House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler of New York, summarizing evidence brought forth by Lev Parnas, a former associate of Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani. This evidence was related to Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president on which this impeachment sham is supposedly based.Schiff claimed Parnas “continued to try to arrange a meeting with President Zelensky,” based on a text exchange between Giuliani and Parnas — and Schiff’s own bias or chicanery. The text was attached to Schiff’s letter but was redacted after “trying to get us mr Z.” Politico reports, however, that “an unredacted version of the exchange shows that several days later, Parnas sent Giuliani a word document that appears to show notes from an interview with Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma, followed by a text message to Giuliani that states: ‘mr Z answers my brother,’” suggesting Parnas was referring not to President Zelensky, but to the founder of the energy company on whose board an unqualified Hunter Biden sat for $50,000 a month. Not looking great for Schiff, the lead impeachment manager.This partisan impeachment charade hackery has dragged on far too long, since about Jan. 20, 2017. Only willfully ignorant zealots can’t see that the alleged sins of Donald Trump fall far short of high crimes and misdemeanors — and frankly far short of Obama’s abuse of power in implementing Obamacare, Hillary Clinton’s sending classified emails over a private server while secretary of state, or Joe Biden’s own Ukraine-related quid pro quo.As if that were not enough, Democrats’ slimy tactics throughout this entire spectacle have “threatened our democracy” far more than any benign phone call Trump has made while occupying the Oval Office. For proof, read the transcript of the call. Not Schiff’s made-up nonsense impersonation. The real transcript. From the very beginning, Schiff has been an incompetent buffoon at best and a conniving, contemptible snake at worst. Rewind to any point in Trump’s presidency, and you’ll find Schiff peddling some nonsensical garbage.
While it may come as news to Schiff, “most Americans” probably aren’t watching this risible proceeding. But for those of us who are, we know for a fact Democratic actors haven’t been “impartial.” We just hope this Schiff show will be over soon.

Ready for the impeachment circus to be over, but only if they follow it with hearings on Ukraine.Billions went missing in Ukraine between 2014 and 2018 and no one seems interested in where they went. I’d like to see all of Schiff’s witnesses recalled to testify, but this time answering questions about how the money was disbursed and where it went from there. And why every investigation was shut down both from our side and from the other side.
I was so bored with the faux impeachment proceedings that I switched to the Oak Island series for the rest of the day....
Hmm...., I wonder, w
hy doesn't anyone suggest that the Zelensky be deposed so that he can state there was no quid pro quo and that they had no knowledge that the aid was being delayed? It would seem that a statement under oath to this effect would all but eliminate any further need of the impeachment proceedings. But, then again, Schiff and company would argue that Trump and his people are lying, all the Ukrainians are lying, and the precedent where similar support/aid to other countries was likewise held up, etc., were all coincidences and that the country must believe the opinions and lies from the Left as fact.
Of all political figures in the US at this time, Schiff comes closer to the definition of “anti-social personality disorder” than any other. In non-clinical descriptions, the word used is often “psychopath” or “sociopath”.
“Antisocial personality disorder is defined by a pervasive and persistent disregard for morals, social norms, and the rights and feelings of others. Individuals with this personality disorder will typically have no compunction in exploiting others in harmful ways for their own gain or pleasure and frequently manipulate and deceive other people, achieving this through wit and a façade of superficial charm or through intimidation and violence.”
As far as I can tell, the only word in this definition that doesn’t quite fit Schiff is “violence”. As for “charm”, rest assured he has a leftist fan club that numbers in the millions. If he has actually abused a victim with physical violence, I’m not aware of it. But in every other way, he seems to fit the description.
Political persuasions aside, how much money has this whole fiasco cost the American taxpayers? Talk about fraud, waste and abuse!
After a few minutes it's like watching a rerun of a really bad show.

Now they are reading the statements of all the 2nd hand witnesses. It actually is deju vu all over again.
It's like any commercial using stupid lines trying to sell you something you don't want- an insult to even below avg intelligence.
And as with any stupid commercial it will garner attention.

We’re All Ready For This Impeachment Schiff Show To Be Over
January 22, 2020 | Kylee Zempel
While it may come as news to Schiff, 'most Americans' probably aren't watching this risible proceeding. But for those of us who are, we know for a fact Democratic actors haven't been 'impartial.'
Just when you thought Rep. Adam Schiff had reached maximum sleaze, word breaks he likely mischaracterized evidence related to President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, achieving new heights of corruption for ol’ “schifty Schiff.”Last week, Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, sent a letter to Democratic House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler of New York, summarizing evidence brought forth by Lev Parnas, a former associate of Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani. This evidence was related to Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president on which this impeachment sham is supposedly based.Schiff claimed Parnas “continued to try to arrange a meeting with President Zelensky,” based on a text exchange between Giuliani and Parnas — and Schiff’s own bias or chicanery. The text was attached to Schiff’s letter but was redacted after “trying to get us mr Z.” Politico reports, however, that “an unredacted version of the exchange shows that several days later, Parnas sent Giuliani a word document that appears to show notes from an interview with Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma, followed by a text message to Giuliani that states: ‘mr Z answers my brother,’” suggesting Parnas was referring not to President Zelensky, but to the founder of the energy company on whose board an unqualified Hunter Biden sat for $50,000 a month. Not looking great for Schiff, the lead impeachment manager.This partisan impeachment charade hackery has dragged on far too long, since about Jan. 20, 2017. Only willfully ignorant zealots can’t see that the alleged sins of Donald Trump fall far short of high crimes and misdemeanors — and frankly far short of Obama’s abuse of power in implementing Obamacare, Hillary Clinton’s sending classified emails over a private server while secretary of state, or Joe Biden’s own Ukraine-related quid pro quo.As if that were not enough, Democrats’ slimy tactics throughout this entire spectacle have “threatened our democracy” far more than any benign phone call Trump has made while occupying the Oval Office. For proof, read the transcript of the call. Not Schiff’s made-up nonsense impersonation. The real transcript. From the very beginning, Schiff has been an incompetent buffoon at best and a conniving, contemptible snake at worst. Rewind to any point in Trump’s presidency, and you’ll find Schiff peddling some nonsensical garbage.
While it may come as news to Schiff, “most Americans” probably aren’t watching this risible proceeding. But for those of us who are, we know for a fact Democratic actors haven’t been “impartial.” We just hope this Schiff show will be over soon.

Ready for the impeachment circus to be over, but only if they follow it with hearings on Ukraine.Billions went missing in Ukraine between 2014 and 2018 and no one seems interested in where they went. I’d like to see all of Schiff’s witnesses recalled to testify, but this time answering questions about how the money was disbursed and where it went from there. And why every investigation was shut down both from our side and from the other side.
I was so bored with the faux impeachment proceedings that I switched to the Oak Island series for the rest of the day....
Hmm...., I wonder, w
hy doesn't anyone suggest that the Zelensky be deposed so that he can state there was no quid pro quo and that they had no knowledge that the aid was being delayed? It would seem that a statement under oath to this effect would all but eliminate any further need of the impeachment proceedings. But, then again, Schiff and company would argue that Trump and his people are lying, all the Ukrainians are lying, and the precedent where similar support/aid to other countries was likewise held up, etc., were all coincidences and that the country must believe the opinions and lies from the Left as fact.
Of all political figures in the US at this time, Schiff comes closer to the definition of “anti-social personality disorder” than any other. In non-clinical descriptions, the word used is often “psychopath” or “sociopath”.
“Antisocial personality disorder is defined by a pervasive and persistent disregard for morals, social norms, and the rights and feelings of others. Individuals with this personality disorder will typically have no compunction in exploiting others in harmful ways for their own gain or pleasure and frequently manipulate and deceive other people, achieving this through wit and a façade of superficial charm or through intimidation and violence.”
As far as I can tell, the only word in this definition that doesn’t quite fit Schiff is “violence”. As for “charm”, rest assured he has a leftist fan club that numbers in the millions. If he has actually abused a victim with physical violence, I’m not aware of it. But in every other way, he seems to fit the description.
Political persuasions aside, how much money has this whole fiasco cost the American taxpayers? Talk about fraud, waste and abuse!
After a few minutes it's like watching a rerun of a really bad show.

I put on CBS around 1 o'clock to catch the Schitt Show and amazingly (this was CBS!) even their own correspondent was saying how little there was to this whole thing, that nothing here rose to the level of impeachability, that there was no grounds to claim a continued and ongoing "threat to the national security" by the democrats based on this phone call and that we should drop this and let the voters just decide for themselves in a few months.

We’re All Ready For This Impeachment Schiff Show To Be Over
January 22, 2020 | Kylee Zempel
While it may come as news to Schiff, 'most Americans' probably aren't watching this risible proceeding. But for those of us who are, we know for a fact Democratic actors haven't been 'impartial.'
Just when you thought Rep. Adam Schiff had reached maximum sleaze, word breaks he likely mischaracterized evidence related to President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, achieving new heights of corruption for ol’ “schifty Schiff.”Last week, Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, sent a letter to Democratic House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler of New York, summarizing evidence brought forth by Lev Parnas, a former associate of Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani. This evidence was related to Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president on which this impeachment sham is supposedly based.Schiff claimed Parnas “continued to try to arrange a meeting with President Zelensky,” based on a text exchange between Giuliani and Parnas — and Schiff’s own bias or chicanery. The text was attached to Schiff’s letter but was redacted after “trying to get us mr Z.” Politico reports, however, that “an unredacted version of the exchange shows that several days later, Parnas sent Giuliani a word document that appears to show notes from an interview with Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma, followed by a text message to Giuliani that states: ‘mr Z answers my brother,’” suggesting Parnas was referring not to President Zelensky, but to the founder of the energy company on whose board an unqualified Hunter Biden sat for $50,000 a month. Not looking great for Schiff, the lead impeachment manager.This partisan impeachment charade hackery has dragged on far too long, since about Jan. 20, 2017. Only willfully ignorant zealots can’t see that the alleged sins of Donald Trump fall far short of high crimes and misdemeanors — and frankly far short of Obama’s abuse of power in implementing Obamacare, Hillary Clinton’s sending classified emails over a private server while secretary of state, or Joe Biden’s own Ukraine-related quid pro quo.As if that were not enough, Democrats’ slimy tactics throughout this entire spectacle have “threatened our democracy” far more than any benign phone call Trump has made while occupying the Oval Office. For proof, read the transcript of the call. Not Schiff’s made-up nonsense impersonation. The real transcript. From the very beginning, Schiff has been an incompetent buffoon at best and a conniving, contemptible snake at worst. Rewind to any point in Trump’s presidency, and you’ll find Schiff peddling some nonsensical garbage.
While it may come as news to Schiff, “most Americans” probably aren’t watching this risible proceeding. But for those of us who are, we know for a fact Democratic actors haven’t been “impartial.” We just hope this Schiff show will be over soon.

Ready for the impeachment circus to be over, but only if they follow it with hearings on Ukraine.Billions went missing in Ukraine between 2014 and 2018 and no one seems interested in where they went. I’d like to see all of Schiff’s witnesses recalled to testify, but this time answering questions about how the money was disbursed and where it went from there. And why every investigation was shut down both from our side and from the other side.
I was so bored with the faux impeachment proceedings that I switched to the Oak Island series for the rest of the day....
Hmm...., I wonder, w
hy doesn't anyone suggest that the Zelensky be deposed so that he can state there was no quid pro quo and that they had no knowledge that the aid was being delayed? It would seem that a statement under oath to this effect would all but eliminate any further need of the impeachment proceedings. But, then again, Schiff and company would argue that Trump and his people are lying, all the Ukrainians are lying, and the precedent where similar support/aid to other countries was likewise held up, etc., were all coincidences and that the country must believe the opinions and lies from the Left as fact.
Of all political figures in the US at this time, Schiff comes closer to the definition of “anti-social personality disorder” than any other. In non-clinical descriptions, the word used is often “psychopath” or “sociopath”.
“Antisocial personality disorder is defined by a pervasive and persistent disregard for morals, social norms, and the rights and feelings of others. Individuals with this personality disorder will typically have no compunction in exploiting others in harmful ways for their own gain or pleasure and frequently manipulate and deceive other people, achieving this through wit and a façade of superficial charm or through intimidation and violence.”
As far as I can tell, the only word in this definition that doesn’t quite fit Schiff is “violence”. As for “charm”, rest assured he has a leftist fan club that numbers in the millions. If he has actually abused a victim with physical violence, I’m not aware of it. But in every other way, he seems to fit the description.
Political persuasions aside, how much money has this whole fiasco cost the American taxpayers? Talk about fraud, waste and abuse!
After a few minutes it's like watching a rerun of a really bad show.

I put on CBS around 1 o'clock to catch the Schitt Show and amazingly (this was CBS!) even their own correspondent was saying how little there was to this whole thing, that nothing here rose to the level of impeachability, that there was no grounds to claim a continued and ongoing "threat to the national security" by the democrats based on this phone call and that we should drop this and let the voters just decide for themselves in a few months.
Now they have a congresswoman who can barely speak English.

I am dropping an adjective for reason of PC, but can't they find another one like Obama who has mastered the language?
It's like any commercial using stupid lines trying to sell you something you don't want- an insult to even below avg intelligence.
And as with any stupid commercial it will garner attention.

This is why I have so many good movies on the DRV. Including every episode of the old Twilight Zone and the X-Files. Watching something I've seen 1,000 times is better than watching something new, that you already know the outcome of. Like Lonesome Dove.

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