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We're All Spaniards Now

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same issue....he implies if we were not there we would not be blown up....i call bullshit as we were not there and the blew up wtcI, the cole, embasies, hotels, resorts....the were nore us and western intrests hit during the blow job years than any other time in history....to imply that all we have to do is withdraw like spain and we will all be safe is naive

I don't think he implied that at all. Spain is Spain and the U.S. is the U.S.

And again, Iraq didn't attack us... nor did any Iraqis.
I don't think he implied that at all. Spain is Spain and the U.S. is the U.S.

And again, Iraq didn't attack us... nor did any Iraqis.

Yes he did imply just that. See title of thread.
I'm not quite sure what the title you gave your thread has to do with what Grump was saying in his post. Feel free to ask him, though.

give me a fucking break.....you jumped in the middle of this saying he did not mean the spainsh pulled out and they have not been bombed.....so the us should do the same thing....maybe you didn't notice the ETA is active again bomobing the shit out of spain since they know the spanish are pussies and gave in to the terrorists
I'm not quite sure what the title you gave your thread has to do with what Grump was saying in his post. Feel free to ask him, though.

Considering as you say, the title was there from the get go, his
Grump said:
How many bombs in Spain since their troops withdrew?
clearly implies the results of Spain's decision post attack or Grump is not the writer he has been up to this point. He's never been difficult to understand. Agree with? Yes. Understand? No.
Considering as you say, the title was there from the get go, his clearly implies the results of Spain's decision post attack or Grump is not the writer he has been up to this point. He's never been difficult to understand. Agree with? Yes. Understand? No.

He said what he said about Spain... not about the U.S. Different things. Though he and I don't necessarily agree on the reasons the U.S. was attacked.
He said what he said about Spain... not about the U.S. Different things.
We are to assume he had no point in posting, other than to bring Spain's lack of being bombed to our attention? While he's not my friend, I credit his abilities more than that.
You don't really believe there's a cause and effect there, do you? There were 7 years between the two WTC attacks. If you think you're fighting them there so you don't have to fight them here, you're being unrealistic.

Actually, it is YOU who are being unrealistic. Keeping them engaged there is a perfectly logical reason why they have not had time to attack here. Basic tactics 101.
I don't think he implied that at all. Spain is Spain and the U.S. is the U.S.

And again, Iraq didn't attack us... nor did any Iraqis.

Dishonest. Iraq invaded Kuwait. We came to Kuwait's defense. a halt to hostilities was brought about when Saddam agreed to meet certain terms. He failed to honor those terms time and again. Technically, it was perfectly legal and within our rights to resume hostilities the first time he violated the terms.
Actually, it is YOU who are being unrealistic. Keeping them engaged there is a perfectly logical reason why they have not had time to attack here. Basic tactics 101.

It's pretty ironic. Now that al Qaeda openly operates in Iraq, our government starts planning to leave? I guess I'll wait for this great plan to surface.
It's pretty ironic. Now that al Qaeda openly operates in Iraq, our government starts planning to leave? I guess I'll wait for this great plan to surface.

We were always going to leave, minus left-wingnut hype. The question is, are we going to leave the Iraqis high and dry and cut and run, or wait until the Iraqi government can stand on its own?

Bascially, the right has allowed the left to paint it into a corner on this issue. No matter when we leave or for what reason, the left is going to claim victory and that the right's plan failed.
We were always going to leave, minus left-wingnut hype. The question is, are we going to leave the Iraqis high and dry and cut and run, or wait until the Iraqi government can stand on its own?

Bascially, the right has allowed the left to paint it into a corner on this issue. No matter when we leave or for what reason, the left is going to claim victory and that the right's plan failed.

We shall see. I think there are more people that want to see this thing finished correctly than people think. Just because people disapprove of Bushs' handling of the war does NOT mean the same amount of people want to see us cut and run. We left the Iraqis high and dry once. If we are so worried about world opinion, why would we give the world the impression that we talk big but never follow through with the big stick?
We shall see. I think there are more people that want to see this thing finished correctly than people think. Just because people disapprove of Bushs' handling of the war does NOT mean the same amount of people want to see us cut and run. We left the Iraqis high and dry once. If we are so worried about world opinion, why would we give the world the impression that we talk big but never follow through with the big stick?

I think there are those lefties that don't care what shame they bring on us as a Nation so long as they achieve political victory.

However, I agree in the fact that I think the cut-n-runners are in for a rude awakening. I think they've misread this election bigtime.
I think there are those lefties that don't care what shame they bring on us as a Nation so long as they achieve political victory.

However, I agree in the fact that I think the cut-n-runners are in for a rude awakening. I think they've misread this election bigtime.

I've just spent some time stating so with some libber friends of mine. They're all excited to create commissions that will exclude republicans...

I told them that it would be foolish, that I watched another group who recently did the same thing from the other side. They're just too excited to listen. They think they have some sort of mandate.
I've just spent some time stating so with some libber friends of mine. They're all excited to create commissions that will exclude republicans...

I told them that it would be foolish, that I watched another group who recently did the same thing from the other side. They're just too excited to listen. They think they have some sort of mandate.

This "last tag" political climate is something else. I am enjoying the deafening post election silence tho. The "vote for me" and "vote for them" dog and pony show gets nauseating. If you follow the news cycle it's almost as if nothing is really happening in the world.
I've just spent some time stating so with some libber friends of mine. They're all excited to create commissions that will exclude republicans...

I told them that it would be foolish, that I watched another group who recently did the same thing from the other side. They're just too excited to listen. They think they have some sort of mandate.

I've been waiting to see that word ...."mandate." I hope they DO create a bunch of stupid commissions and exclude Republicans. The bigger fools they make of themselves the better.

In reality though, I think cooler heads will prevail. But if they want to commit political suicide, I'm more than willing to watch.;)
Actually, it is YOU who are being unrealistic. Keeping them engaged there is a perfectly logical reason why they have not had time to attack here. Basic tactics 101.

Most of the people fighting us over there probably don't have the money for a plane ticket to come over here and strike us to begin with.

But let's say that one or more of them did have the money and/or passports and everything else required to come over and inflict another big strike on us. Do you think that they will say to themselves "Well...I was planning on setting off this big bomb in a crowded american stadium, killing hundreds of americans, setting off mass panic, and bringing my message to the headlines for days or weeks...but oh hey errr, what's this? Americans in Iraq! Goodness, I think I'll cancel that plane ticket. Then I'll put that bomb in the road, where it may kill a few soldiers in a humvee, and make page 3 of the news. If the soldiers don't spot it and disarm it first, or shoot me before I can finish setting it up."

It's like people think that our opponents (or at least the ones with the money/training/connections/passports to come to america) are dumb rabid bulls, charging at a matador. All we have to do is wave a red cape, and the poor dumb brutes will simply huff and grunt and charge into it unthinkingly.
Most of the people fighting us over there probably don't have the money for a plane ticket to come over here and strike us to begin with.

But let's say that one or more of them did have the money and/or passports and everything else required to come over and inflict another big strike on us. Do you think that they will say to themselves "Well...I was planning on setting off this big bomb in a crowded american stadium, killing hundreds of americans, setting off mass panic, and bringing my message to the headlines for days or weeks...but oh hey errr, what's this? Americans in Iraq! Goodness, I think I'll cancel that plane ticket. Then I'll put that bomb in the road, where it may kill a few soldiers in a humvee, and make page 3 of the news. If the soldiers don't spot it and disarm it first, or shoot me while I'm setting it up."

It's like people think that our opponents (or at least the ones with the money/training/connections/passports to come to america) are dumb rabid bulls, charging at a matador. All we have to do is wave a red cape, and the poor dumb brutes will simply huff and grunt and charge into it unthinkingly.

Underestimating one's enemy can be fatal. The terrorists that struck on 9/11 probably couldn't afford a plane ticket either. So someone who could bought them.

Ignoring them isn't going to make them go away. When you leave them alone and give them time to scheme, the end result is they are free to attack us at will, as they did on 9/11.

You're assuming a rattler won't strike, when it is the rattler's nature to do just that.
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