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We're All Spaniards Now

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Unsupported, absolute bullshit. The people hanging off those helicopters supported the US and knew they'd die being tortured or in prison for daring to oppose the Communist regime.

And if you were even an inkling as smart as you think you are, it was the GVN that suspended elections, not the US.

The government of S Vietnam was not a US puppet. It was a UN puppet, if anything. Learn to read.

And yeah, the country sure was unified "peacefully." There was a former S Vietnamese Marine on the tube just last night who was imprisoned for 9 years following N Vietnam's invasion of S Vietnam.

When you proceed to tell flat-out lies, you probably ought to check out who's in the audience first, jackass.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to GunnyL again.
and that is the difference between those that know and those that pretend.
Don't expect them to step out on any limb that they might be held responsible for.

Why should they? They didn't create the mess. You seem kinda glad the Dems won last week so you can allay some of the blame on them. Then when it is pionted out to you the Repubs created the mess all on their lonesome, we'll hear you bitch "yeah, but that's in the past. what should we do now"....
Why should they? They didn't create the mess. You seem kinda glad the Dems won last week so you can allay some of the blame on them. Then when it is pionted out to you the Repubs created the mess all on their lonesome, we'll hear you bitch "yeah, but that's in the past. what should we do now"....

Wrong. A lot of Democrats supported the Administration. So yeah, y'all helped. You've just about broken your damned necks backpeddaling in an atempt to distance yourself from it since then.
Wrong. A lot of Democrats supported the Administration. So yeah, y'all helped. You've just about broken your damned necks backpeddaling in an atempt to distance yourself from it since then.

Whose denying what the Dems did? But you can put whiskers on it and call it a cat for all I care, bottom line is 1) Your boy in the WH 2) Your team running the House and Senate. And that is a fact..
Originally posted by GunnyL
And if you were even an inkling as smart as you think you are, it was the GVN that suspended elections, not the US.

This is the whole purpose of a puppet government, to publically announce decisions already taken or approved by its master.

Gunny, get ready for the most severe and humiliating beatdown in your entire life.

The following post shows that the US and SV were bedfellows in their rejection of the elections.
So... for the third time in a row, a member of the US Message Board lies on the floor, semi concious.

Comrade, the first member who involuntarily stared at the ceilling of the US Message Board after challenging José, gives an emotional and tearful account:

“I tried to warn Gunny about the brutal power of José’s hammer fists, but I should have known better.

One cannot get the message across until it’s too late. When you finally realise you have already lost most of your front teeth.”

Kathianne, following the basic instinct of all females to reproduce with Alpha Males like José, starts insinuating herself, explicitly offering her sexual favors.

But much to her chagrin, her sexual approaches are politely rejected by José:

“Kathianne, you know I’m not the kind of man who rejects a free piece of ass, but for heaven’s sake, your measures are 4'1, 550 lbs.


CSM, seeing the bloody mess GunnyL was reduced to by José, thinks to himself:

“I seriously doubt José is fully human. He must be the hybrid outcome of some wierd genetic experiment involving the mixing of animal and human genes. I can’t conceive a being fully human can display such primal savagery towards his fellow human beings.”

Dilloduck, after witnessing José’s third devastating knockout, gets philosophical:

“I think José’s main problem is a profound lack of love and compassion for his fellow human beings and posters.

I mean, everybody with a reasonable knowledge of vietnamese history knew he was right about the fact that both the US and South Vietnam rejected the national elections about the future of the country.

There was no need to humiliate Gunny (and Kathianne) by quoting the Wikipedia.

What was the purpose of that other than adding insult to injury?

José needs to learn to recognise the line that separates victory from humiliation.”

Avatar, visibly troubled by José’s ruthless victory loses any final vestige of hope he still had in human reason:

“People... I think it’s high time we give up using reason to try to understand a phenomenon like José. It’s a hopeless endeavour.

I think we should consider José as a kind of semi god of the political science and start worshiping him as a deity, more or less, like Jesus Christ.”

So, in a dramatic and ironic turn of events, after many years mocking the muslim religion, all the members of the US Message Board take part in the process of divinisation of José by raising their asses to the sky and proclaiming:

When you say "international terrorism", does that involve plots meant to be hatched on US soil?

Why wouldn’t it???????

The question is, are they going to pass up a chance to strike american soil in order to maybe kill a few american soldiers?

I believe their plans entail both. So far, the Bush Administration has implemented procedures that have kept the terrorists from striking on our soil again.

… the biggest majority of these attacks are only possible because we did them the favor of bringing our military to them.

I think it was a big SURPRISE to them that we brought our military to them. Don’t believe, in their wildest dreams, they EXPECTED that at one at all. They have been able to kill over 2,000 of our guys; but we have been able to dispatch a far greater number of them--enough to make their leadership voice some concerns to each other this year, if you've been keeping up with this.

If you want to give credit for stopping domestic attacks, give it to increased security measures, not the war in Iraq.

I totally disagree. In my opinion, it was both--taking the war to the enemy and improving our security measures at home—that have stopped domestic attacks.
José;504620 said:
So... for the third time in a row, a member of the US Message Board lies on the floor, semi concious.

Comrade, the first member who involuntarily stared at the ceilling of the US Message Board after challenging José, gives an emotional and tearful account:

“I tried to warn Gunny about the brutal power of José’s hammer fists, but I should have known better.

One cannot get the message across until it’s too late. When you finally realise you have already lost most of your front teeth.”

Kathianne, following the basic instinct of all females to reproduce with Alpha Males like José, starts insinuating herself, explicitly offering her sexual favors.

But much to her chagrin, her sexual approaches are politely rejected by José:

“Kathianne, you know I’m not the kind of man who rejects a free piece of ass, but for heaven’s sake, your measures are 4'1, 550 lbs.


CSM, seeing the bloody mess GunnyL was reduced to by José, thinks to himself:

“I seriously doubt José is fully human. He must be the hybrid outcome of some wierd genetic experiment involving the mixing of animal and human genes. I can’t conceive a being fully human can display such primal savagery towards his fellow human beings.”

Dilloduck, after witnessing José’s third devastating knockout, gets philosophical:

“I think José’s main problem is a profound lack of love and compassion for his fellow human beings and posters.

I mean, everybody with a reasonable knowledge of vietnamese history knew he was right about the fact that both the US and South Vietnam rejected the national elections about the future of the country.

There was no need to humiliate Gunny (and Kathianne) by quoting the Wikipedia.

What was the purpose of that other than adding insult to injury?

José needs to learn to recognise the line that separates victory from humiliation.”

Avatar, visibly troubled by José’s ruthless victory loses any final vestige of hope he still had in human reason:

“People... I think it’s high time we give up using reason to try to understand a phenomenon like José. It’s a hopeless endeavour.

I think we should consider José as a kind of semi god of the political science and start worshiping him as a deity, more or less, like Jesus Christ.”

So, in a dramatic and ironic turn of events, after many years mocking the muslim religion, all the members of the US Message Board take part in the process of divinisation of José by raising their asses to the sky and proclaiming:


That post really reminds me of someone...


...maybe even a plan to resolve Iraq.

I think you used the right terminology there, Dillo--not victory but resolution. That is the Dems' action plan for the WOT. These terrorists kills too many people and cost too much time and money. Let's just bag it now, and they'll go away and let us alone. Oh, yeah. :)
This thread has already run its course but since Adam’s Apple and Redhots just won’t let it die of old age I’m gonna share with you some of the lewd conversations I had with Kathianne for comic relief.
After finding out that her body measures were a turnoff, Kathianne does not give up hope of satisfying her bestial desires with José:

“José... if my figure scares you so much, we can do it in the dark or you can just close your eyes and pretend I’m Farrah Fawcett...

Come on Joe... We can work all these things out...”

José is then obliged to ask a very embarassing question:

“Kathianne, are you crazy??

How on earth would I be able to perform my duties with my eyes closed?”

Kathianne, driven by the undescribable intensity of her urges, says:

“No problem, José... I can guide “him”, if you know what I mean.”

Despite Kathianne’s insistence, José remains determined to deny Kathianne a trip to paradise:

“Kathianne, what part of “I don’t want to make sex with you” you can’t understand?

Hell, if we spent 10 years alone on a desert island, you can bet I would have intimate relationships with all the coconuts instead of you...

It will never look like the Washington monument, Kathianne, even if I swallowed all viagra pills in the world.”
Kathianne, I only took the liberty to post these satires because after reading most of your posts, I know for sure you are not a prude. I know you debate these issues openly. I would never post these satires if I didn’t know this.

But even with this knowledge, the fact remains I posted it without your consent and this is criminal. So feel free to punish me anyway you deem necessary.

Edit my post, delete it, ban me for 30 days, ban me forever...

Anything you decide to do will be too little for a scoundrel like me.
José;504618 said:
This is the whole purpose of a puppet government, to publically announce decisions already taken or approved by its master.

Gunny, get ready for the most severe and humiliating beatdown in your entire life.

The following post shows that the US and SV were bedfellows in their rejection of the elections.

You obviously need to do some studying up before opening your mouth.

First off, Diem was ALREADY holding office when President Kennedy decided to up the ante. The idea was to support the oppostion to Ho Chi Minh's communist government. For Diem to have been a US puppet, we would have had to put him there. And Diem was hardly the stellar poster child of democracy that a puppet would have been.

Matter of fact, had he played ball with the US, the US would not have stood aside and allowed him to be removed from office.

But you and your "hammered fists" keep trying. So far, you've just talked out your ass and proven yourself to be the REAL puppet here, parroting bullshit, left-wing propaganda spewed forth in an effort to justify a lack of conviction, integrity, and just generally being all-around pussies when talkin' time is done.

You, Adam's Apple, Kathianne are the living proof of all the things I said before (post 93, the most important message ever posted here on the Vietnam war).

Originally posted by José
The vietnam war always reminds me of this picture.

When you look at this war from the american perspective you see a communist government trying to overtake a democratic one (or at least with an implied promise to become democratic, when the war ended).

When you look at the same conflict from the vietnamese perspective you see nationalists fighting to overthrow a puppet government installed by an european foreign power and unify the country under its most legitimate nationalist leader.

You look at the Vietnam War and only see the american perspective: a fight between capitalism vs communism.

You are completely unable to see the war through the eyes of most vietnamese in which it was a fight for national unification under their most legitimate leader.

To trace another parallel with the optical illusion I mentioned in post 93, it's like you looked at the picture and saw only a duck and no matter how many times José, Grump and Redhots told you that it was also a rabbit you kept insisting it was only a duck.

You are not willing to admit the nationalist dimension of the Vietnam War because this would imply the other side also had their legitimate reasons to fight and your ultra nationalism prevent you from doing so.

There's nothing else for me, Grump and Redhots to say or do but respect your national pride no matter how much it blinds you.
As an aside, Gunny.

I noted I pressed the wrong button when I started talking about the Vietnam War.

You took away my rep points, told me to fuck off and die etc etc.

It seems to be a raw nerve.

Why is this conflict so emotional for you?

Did you suffer any personal loss?
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