We’re experiencing Earth’s Hottest Weather in 120,000 Years, and it’s just getting Started

No, it doesn't you lying toad. The 1930s were far hotter than the present decade.

You are TOO STUPID TO DEBATE. Have you Not seen the headlines on TV and in the News?
Why don't you google before making an Ass of yourself for the 10,000th time?

It's so easy these days.
10 seconds
But you are TOO STUPID to debate.

July 2023 Is Hottest Month Ever Recorded on Earth

Preliminary analyses show that this July is virtually certain to be the hottest month on record for the planet by a wide margin, largely because of global warming
  • Scientific American July 27, 2023

This July is set to be the hottest month ever recorded on Earth—and likely the hottest in about 120,000 years—preliminary analyses show.

With just a few days left in the month, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the European Union–funded Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) and Leipzig University in Germany have combined temperature data for July 2023 so far with projections for the remainder of the month and have found it will be the hottest July by a wide margin....

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All we know for certain is that China is far and away the worlds largest emitter of CO2 but because their CO2 is on a per capita basis, it does NOT contribute to the Climate Emergency Crisis
Wrong thread Kweationist Klown.
You are TOO STUPID TO DEBATE. Have you Not seen the headlines on TV and in the News?
Why don't you google before making an Ass of yourself for the 10,000th time?

It's so easy these days.
10 seconds
But you are TOO STUPID to debate.

July 2023 Is Hottest Month Ever Recorded on Earth

Preliminary analyses show that this July is virtually certain to be the hottest month on record for the planet by a wide margin, largely because of global warming
  • Scientific American July 27, 2023

This July is set to be the hottest month ever recorded on Earth—and likely the hottest in about 120,000 years—preliminary analyses show.

With just a few days left in the month, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the European Union–funded Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) and Leipzig University in Germany have combined temperature data for July 2023 so far with projections for the remainder of the month and have found it will be the hottest July by a wide margin....


You are too dishonest.
It might have been warmer in certain locations then, than it is now, but for the world as a whole it's not even close,


If you've got better data that says something different, we'd very much like to see it.

Canes - record decade for canes = the 1940s

Highly correlated satellite and balloon data shows NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2

You cannot produce ONE SINGLE PHOTO of a landmark sinking

Your side squirts bleach into coral and microwaves buoys to cover for that
This is your 5th post in a row with one of two NO WORD Memes. (after many others similarly formatted)
You need to be removed.
(but this is USMB, home of the lowest of the low RW Trolls and their Troll mods)
It shows an UNnatural spike in Temps caused by an UNnatural Human blast of GHGs into the atmosphere.
100x the normal variation you see on the rest of the Graph.
You are SO PORKED!
100,000 of your IDIOT Posts/deflections Destroyed.

The geologic record is littered with warming and cooling trends like that.
The geologic record is littered with warming and cooling trends like that.
No really.
This was/is 50-100x faster than natural cycles AND MOST IMPORTANTLY we know what caused it: this spike AGW.
Unless you want to now unrecognize GHG's you said you acknowledged.
No really.
This was/is 50-100x faster than natural cycles AND MOST IMPORTANTLY we know what caused it: this spike AGW.
Unless you want to now unrecognize GHG's you said you acknowledged.
No. You don’t know that. Prove it. Show the data you are comparing today’s temperature trend against.
The geologic record is littered with warming and cooling trends like that

and those warming and cooling trends were not uniform, one continent froze while the other melted AT THE SAME TIME....
No. You don’t know that. Prove it. Show the data you are comparing today’s temperature trend against.

In the period of time over which we have ice core data, about 800,000 years, it has Not changed this fast. Most of the time it has been less than 1 deg C per 1000 years. And CO2 changed at less than 10 ppm per 1000 years.

How do we know the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is caused by humans?

Fossil fuels are the only source of carbon dioxide large enough to raise atmospheric carbon dioxide amounts so high so quickly.

""...The increase between the year 1800 and today is 70% larger than the increase that occurred when Earth climbed out of the last ice age between 17,500 and 11,500 years ago, and it occurred 100-200 times faster.

In addition, fossil fuels are the only source of carbon consistent with the isotopic fingerprint of the carbon present in today’s atmosphere. That analysis indicates it must be coming from terrestrial plant matter, and it must be very, very old.
These and other lines of evidence leave no doubt that Fossil fuels are the Primary source of the carbon dioxide building up in Earth’s atmosphere."...""

How do we know the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is caused by humans? | NOAA Climate.gov

- - - - -

Now Dingdong can show me/us backing for HIS Claims that it's just normal interglacial and not much faster.
He Can't.
There will be a cop out/ignore/burden shift of some type.

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when Earth climbed out of the last ice age

And while it was "climbing out of the last ice age" the Vikings were farming the southern tip of Greenland, which is now buried under 600 years of ice age glacier....

The Co2 fraud's definition of "ice age" is completely wrong.

How do we know the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is caused by humans?

Fossil fuels are the only source of carbon dioxide large enough to raise atmospheric carbon dioxide amounts so high so quickly.

""...The increase between the year 1800 and today is 70% larger than the increase that occurred when Earth climbed out of the last ice age between 17,500 and 11,500 years ago, and it occurred 100-200 times faster.

In addition, fossil fuels are the only source of carbon consistent with the isotopic fingerprint of the carbon present in today’s atmosphere. That analysis indicates it must be coming from terrestrial plant matter, and it must be very, very old.
These and other lines of evidence leave no doubt that Fossil fuels are the Primary source of the carbon dioxide building up in Earth’s atmosphere."...""

How do we know the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is caused by humans? | NOAA Climate.gov

- - - - -

Now Dingdong can show me/us backing for HIS Claims that it's just normal interglacial and not much faster.
He Can't.
There will be a cop out/ignore/burden shift of some type.

I didn't see where you showed past temperature trends that you compared the present temperature trend to.
""...The increase between the year 1800 and today is 70% larger than the increase that occurred when Earth climbed out of the last ice age between 17,500 and 11,500 years ago, and it occurred 100-200 times faster.

What was the fastest natural cycle before this man-made cycle?

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