We’re experiencing Earth’s Hottest Weather in 120,000 Years, and it’s just getting Started

Greenland was thawing

YOU and the Co2 FRAUD have NO EVIDENCE that Greenland has ever thawed. Greenland entered its continent specific ice age in the past 1-2 million years because it moved inside the 600 miles to a pole ICE AGE ZONE and has not left...

NA was freezing

North America froze 30-50 million years ago and only recently thawed, Ellesmere Island still within 600 miles of a pole and has not thawed.

North America was a continent specific ice age for at least 30 million straight years. Any other suggestion is 100% pure mcBullshit.
For the last one million years the planet has warmed up to a peak interglacial temperature and then reversed itself and plunged 8C. The previous interglacial had 26 ft higher seas than today. What caused that warm temperature and why couldn’t it be causing today’s warmer temperature.

Hopelessly addicted to parroting bullshit that claims Antarctica was still on the South Pole 90 million years ago...
YOU and the Co2 FRAUD have NO EVIDENCE that Greenland has ever thawed. Greenland entered its continent specific ice age in the past 1-2 million years because it moved inside the 600 miles to a pole ICE AGE ZONE and has not left...

North America froze 30-50 million years ago and only recently thawed, Ellesmere Island still within 600 miles of a pole and has not thawed.

North America was a continent specific ice age for at least 30 million straight years. Any other suggestion is 100% pure mcBullshit.
It’s almost as if you can’t keep your stories straight.
Hopelessly addicted to parroting bullshit that claims Antarctica was still on the South Pole 90 million years ago...
I showed you the sequence of tectonic movements through time. You haven’t shown anything. You are all over the map. This doesn’t have anything to do with your claim Greenland was thawing while NA was freezing. I think you are mental.
WHERE did EMH claim Greenland thawed??

You are a LIAR, an intellectual COWARD, and a PARROT...
Stop changing your silly stories of one place froze while another place thawed.
YOU and the Co2 FRAUD have NO EVIDENCE that Greenland has ever thawed. Greenland entered its continent specific ice age in the past 1-2 million years because it moved inside the 600 miles to a pole ICE AGE ZONE and has not left...

North America froze 30-50 million years ago and only recently thawed, Ellesmere Island still within 600 miles of a pole and has not thawed.

North America was a continent specific ice age for at least 30 million straight years. Any other suggestion is 100% pure mcBullshit.
Stop changing your stories.
I showed you the sequence of tectonic movements through time. You haven’t shown anything.

Sick fucking retarded liar. You showed a VIDEO that had ANTARCTICA STUCK on the SOUTH POLE for the past 90 million years.

THIS is the full response, and you and your side are absolutely pathetic..

Sick fucking retarded liar. You showed a VIDEO that had ANTARCTICA STUCK on the SOUTH POLE for the past 90 million years.

THIS is the full response, and you and your side are absolutely pathetic..

Prove your silly claim that parts of the northern hemisphere were simultaneously freezing and thawing and what that has to do with anything.
WHERE did EMH claim Greenland thawed?

If your only purpose here is just to lie, you ought to shove a broom up your ass, bitch.
Common sense should tell you that when the northern hemisphere glaciates it begins in the polar region first which is the latitude which receives the least sunlight light and then the higher elevations of the northern latitudes and then spreads out from there. Common sense also tells us that when they thaw the do so in the reverse order of how they glaciated. Now say something pithy like a good parrot.
Prove your silly claim that parts of the northern hemisphere were simultaneously freezing and thawing and what that has to do with anything.

And then this sick fucked in the head liar will claim I didn't answer...

And then this sick fucked in the head liar will claim I didn't answer...
Where does that say that parts of the northern hemisphere were thawing and freezing at the same time and the relevance of it?
You cannot even explain a map of the Arctic and you blabber about common sense.

Common sense requires an IQ over 10, a big problem for you...
Sure I have many times. I’m well known around here for my understanding of the polar regions. Common sense should tell you that when the northern hemisphere glaciates it begins in the polar region first which is the latitude which receives the least sunlight light and then the higher elevations of the northern latitudes and then spreads out from there. Common sense also tells us that when they thaw the do so in the reverse order of how they glaciated. Now say something pithy like a good parrot. And explain why what I just wrote isn’t the case.
Where does that say that parts of the northern hemisphere were thawing and freezing at the same time

The OPENING POST documents that completely, the data from Greenland and the dispute of McBullshit vs what was called North American Ice Age prior to 2010.

This is where the climate debate is now stuck.

Every piece of land within 600 miles of a pole is in ice age, everything outside of that is not. Nobody has attempted to dispute that. It is the clear truth of Earth today.

Milankovitch Cycles, which I call McBullshit Cycles, take a very "Dennis Quaid" approach to ice ages - they are lightning fast, quick, and agile. They come and go really fast.

Since 2010, Milankovitch has replaced "North American Ice Age" with the claim that the ice on Chicago recently that was 2.5 miles thick was only 75k years old.


My side, which is just me now, since all of the pre 2010 reports on North American Ice Age online have been "canceled" and replaced by McBullshit, is that North America was covered with Ice Age glacier down to Chicago and beyond for 30-50 million years.

So we have a dispute, a healthy thing for SCIENCE...

What is the EVIDENCE???


Any evidence of LIFE on Chicago for the past 50 million years .... NO

Any evidence of LIFE on Greenland.... YES

The DNA is proof that sometime between 450,000 and 800,000 years ago, much of Greenland was especially green and covered in a boreal forest that was home to alder, spruce and pine trees, as well as insects such as butterflies and beetle

So it is fair to say that the ice covering Greenland started up north in the past 2 million years, got to the middle of Greenland 400-800k years ago, and flushed out the Vikings in the 1400s on the southern tip, since when the Vikings found the Southern Tip of Greenland, they called it GREENland because it was green and were able to farm there for centuries before the Greenland ice age pushed them off...

Any evidence of life on Antarctica?

antarctic dinosaurs 70 million years ago - Google Search
This Cretaceous period dinosaur lived about 70 million years ago, towards the end of the Mesozoic Era. A bipedal, long-necked, plant-eating dinosaur (a sauropod) was discovered in the Antarctic interior by William R. Hammer and his team in late 2003.

For the record, prior to 2010 nobody disputed that Antarctic ice was at least 40 million years old. McBullshit disputes that completely...

2. Speed of ice age glacier

Indeed, the data from Greenland above is the best data we have, since it is recent and conclusive. It took Greenland's ice age somewhere between 500k years and 2 million years from its beginning at the northern part of Greenland to get to where it is now.

That is WAY SLOWER than McBullshit suggests.

3. size of the glacier

Greenland's ice is not yet 2 miles thick anywhere. Below the Arctic Circle, Greenland's ice is under 1 mile thick.

Hence the claim of 2.5 mile thick glacier on Chicago being 75k years old is, well, NOT SUPPORTED BY DATA POINT GREENLAND at all.

Antarctica has 2.5 mile thick glacier. There is a dispute over the age of those too. McBullshit claims it is not that old and that while sitting on the South Pole Antarctica has frozen and thawed over and over like Dennis Quaid claimed in the movie "Day After Tomorrow"

4. ice cores

antarctic ice cores years - Google Search
The oldest continuous ice core records to date extend 123,000 years in Greenland and 800,000 years in Antarctica. Ice cores contain information about past temperature, and about many other aspects of the environment

And hence it is fair to say that the 2.5 mile thick glacier on Antarctica is WAY OLDER than 75k years... to put it mildly.

Even the Greenland ice is way older than that too, and it has yet to get to 2 miles thick

5. tectonic plate movement

Reiny recently claimed Greenland is part of North America. Not on my map. But it is on the SAME TECTONIC PLATE moving on the same vector because of the angle of the fault in the North Atlantic

That fault has pushed Greenland NW and Europe SE for tens of millions of years, and hence explains why all of Europe's glaciers are melting while Greenland went into ice age. It was also pushing North America NW until NA got to its closest point to the pole, and then NA started moving SW on the SAME VECTOR on a SPHERE...

Accepting the 600 miles to the pole = your land entered an ice age

North America would have been in ice age for 30-50 million years, and would have been where Greenland is today 30-50 million years ago. The accepted date of that prior to 2010 was 50 million years...

Hence, the evidence that the glaciers on Chicago 2.5 miles thick were 75k years old is contrary to ALL DATA ON ICE AGES AND GLACIERS on the planet today.

The ice cores prove glaciers 2.5 miles thick TODAY are WAY OLDER than 75k years.

So is McBullshit wrong??
The OPENING POST documents that completely, the data from Greenland and the dispute of McBullshit vs what was called North American Ice Age prior to 2010.
It doesn’t explain your silly claim. Quote the words.
Common sense should tell you that when the northern hemisphere glaciates it begins in the polar region first which is the latitude which receives the least sunlight light and then the higher elevations of the northern latitudes and then spreads out from there. Common sense also tells us that when they thaw the do so in the reverse order of how they glaciated. Now say something pithy like a good parrot.
Sure I have many times

For the 739th time

WHY is there ICE AGE GLACIER south of Arctic Circle on Greenland, but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?

You and your Co2 FRAUD have not been able to answer that question for MONTHS...


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