We’re experiencing Earth’s Hottest Weather in 120,000 Years, and it’s just getting Started

Relax. The planet is in an interglacial period and it hasn't even reached its normal peak temperature yet.

We had been cooling for 7000 Years until Man and his GHGs came along.
We may have reached the Peak (and gently on our way to Ice again) but for Our interference/SPIKE.

Marcott, 11,000 years of interglacial.
with only one Anomalous point: us.
(and it's spiked HIGHER/above the graph Top recently since the y2k/yr2000 graph made in 2003.)


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We had been cooling for 7000 Years until Man and his GHGs came along.
We may have reached the Peak (and gently on our way to Ice again) but for Our interference/SPIKE.

Marcott, 11,000 years of interglacial.
with only one Anomalous point: us.
(and it's spiked HIGHER/above the graph Top recently since the y2k/yr2000 graph made in 2003.)


So your argument is that CO2 saved the planet from extensive continental glaciation?

All your reconstruction shows is that much of the last 10,000 years was warmer and the planet is warming up after a cooling trend. Of which the geologic record is littered with such examples.

So as long as a credible natural explanation exists - which it does - your correlation does not prove causation.
So your argument is that CO2 saved the planet from extensive continental glaciation?

All your reconstruction shows is that much of the last 10,000 years was warmer and the planet is warming up after a cooling trend. Of which the geologic record is littered with such examples.

So as long as a credible natural explanation exists - which it does - your correlation does not prove causation.
It shows an UNnatural spike in Temps caused by an UNnatural Human blast of GHGs into the atmosphere.
100x the normal variation you see on the rest of the Graph.
You are SO PORKED!
100,000 of your IDIOT Posts/deflections Destroyed.

Well, your side is winning as not much is being done about it.

It is wrecking America, $20 trillion and counting. It is misdiagnosing real problems like the fires. It has zillions of people thinking about something, Co2, that does absolutely nothing, wasting time, money, education, training etc.

As for stopping climate change, if you can stop the tectonic plates from moving, you'd succeed...
Yes June and July had many of the hottests says in 100,0000 years and look out for more in the new few years/decades, as our GHG Blankets is getting denser/warmer.

The Hill - 7/08/23

We’re experiencing Earth’s Hottest weather in 120,000 years, and it’s just getting started


(WFLA) — It’s quite the claim: This week, Earth broke an unofficial record for its hottest day in 120,000 years. Actually, the Earth broke that record three times — on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, according to the University of Maine’s Climate Reanalyzer.

El Niño (a natural cycle) is just getting started. As it gets stronger, and adds more heat to Earth’s system, this summer will continue to set new all-time global records for hot days. And along with that, many other records will be shattered as well.

But no matter how hot it gets, the summer of 2023 will soon be considered a “cool” summer in a couple of decades amid the steady drumbeat of human-caused climate heating.

When will El Niño peak?
How can experts be so confident of these bold assertions? As a climate specialist, I’ll do my best to explain. It’s all fairly simple — and fully expected — by the climate science community.

First, researchers know using observations that temperatures over the past decade have been warmer than any ever seen since record-keeping began in the 1800s. Since then, Earth has warmed by 1.2 degrees Celsius (2 degrees Fahrenheit).

Scientists also know through sophisticated methods of examining copious climate clues in proxy data like tree rings, ice cores, ocean sediments, etc. that Earth’s average temperature has not been this warm since the ice age ended 20,000 years ago.

https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/4086841-were-experiencing-earths-hottest-weather-in-120000-years-and-its-just-getting-started/&picture=https://thehill.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/07/AP23179536796126-e1688785695976.jpg?w=900&title=We’re experiencing Earth’s hottest weather in 120,000 years, and it’s just getting started&description=As hot as it is now, the summer of 2023 might be considered a "cool" summer to future generations.
You have no idea what the weather has been like for the last 120K years, you fucking moron.
Because the Little Ice Age was cooling the entire planet.


Calling Greenland "the little ice age" would be correct, because "the big ice age" is Antarctica, and unless you want to count Ellesmere Island as #3, Earth has 2 continent specific ice ages right now... and both "cool the planet," but AA's does 10+ more global cooling that Greenland...

But it is funny how desperate the Co2 fraud is right now. People who have never followed the issue are noticing that desperation and laughable claims on the TV are way up and pathetically obvious.
You have no idea what the weather has been like for the last 120K years, you fucking moron.

What the Co2 fraud is desperate to do is to convince the people that Earth warms or cools as a whole. That is not correct.

Greenland froze while North America thawed, 20k years, 100k years, 1 million years take your pick.

So which was the "glacial" and which was the "interglacial?" LOL!!!

They had a "glacial" on Greenland and an "interglacial" on North America AT THE SAME TIME!!!

Co2 ruled out as a cause of either...

Calling Greenland "the little ice age" would be correct, because "the big ice age" is Antarctica, and unless you want to count Ellesmere Island as #3, Earth has 2 continent specific ice ages right now... and both "cool the planet," but AA's does 10+ more global cooling that Greenland...

But it is funny how desperate the Co2 fraud is right now. People who have never followed the issue are noticing that desperation and laughable claims on the TV are way up and pathetically obvious.

No, you fucktard, Greenland isn't the Little Ice Age.

The Effects of the Little Ice Age (c. 1300-1850)

  • The Little Ice Age was a period of wide-spread cooling from around 1300 to around 1850 CE when average global temperatures dropped by as much as 2°C (3.6°F), particularly in Europe and North America.


The Effects of the Little Ice Age (c. 1300-1850)

is once again a laughable misdiagnosis of ice age and climate science and history.

Why wasn't Chicago back under 2.5 mile thick ice??


Ice ages are CONTINENT SPECIFIC. That is the truth of the data....
When was Greenland thawed while North America was frozen?

2-50 million years ago.

2 million years ago Greenland was all green.

50 million years ago North America went into CONTINENT SPECIFIC ICE AGE, and you got smashed for siding with McBullshit here...

2-50 million years ago.

2 million years ago Greenland was all green.

50 million years ago North America went into CONTINENT SPECIFIC ICE AGE, and you got smashed for siding with McBullshit here...

All you have to do is provide some evidence. LOL!
It shows an UNnatural spike in Temps caused by an UNnatural Human blast of GHGs into the atmosphere.
100x the normal variation you see on the rest of the Graph.
You are SO PORKED!
100,000 of your IDIOT Posts/deflections Destroyed.

You are not worth reading anymore.
That's why there is a link to the topic where you were destroyed....

It shows an UNnatural spike in Temps caused by an UNnatural Human blast of GHGs into the atmosphere.
100x the normal variation you see on the rest of the Graph.
You are SO PORKED!
100,000 of your IDIOT Posts/deflections Destroyed.


No, it doesn't you lying toad. The 1930s were far hotter than the present decade.
No, it doesn't you lying toad. The 1930s were far hotter than the present decade.
It might have been warmer in certain locations then, than it is now, but for the world as a whole it's not even close,


If you've got better data that says something different, we'd very much like to see it.

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