We're Getting Married!

Prop 8 was not "the government" now was it? No, that was a people's initiative that was unconstitutional. But you knew that already.

"God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

Abraham Lincoln
November 19, 1863

These liberals seem to think the government is a separate entity, independent of the people, and only those smart politicians Judges should decide these things... the "smart people":slap:

oppressive power
every form of tyranny over the mind of manThomas Jefferson
Um, there was already a thread on this stupid, most people here agree, using a derogatory term doesn't make one a homophobe.

Oh, and as for when you said that a government shouldn't be allowed to define marriage , how about in the thread about CA Prop 8 which DEFINED marriage? LOL you truly are stupid.

Gosh, there was a whole thread on it? And most of the douches on this message board think using the F word for gay man doesn't make you a bigot? Wow, I'm convinced. :lol:


Prop 8 was not "the government" now was it? No, that was a people's initiative that was unconstitutional. But you knew that already.

OMG ,that truly may be the dumbest thing I've ever read on this message board.

You don't read your own posts then obviously. Prop 8 was unconstitutional...you did realize that right?

That's irrelevant to the discussion stupid. The people of CA wanted to , via the government, define marriage and you were against that, even though you just said you never said you were against the government defining marriage.

And don't try to fool anyone into believing that your objection was the fact that it was unconstitutional , or you'll just go on ignore right this instant.

You objected because you want GAYS to be allowed to marry PERIOD.

Sorry sweetie, but Prop 8 was unconstitutional...just like if the people of CA had, through a people's initiative, banned all guns in California. Unconstitutional.

bullshit, you have yet to provide the language in the constitution that legalizes gay marriage. While you are looking, find the language on multiple marriage, because its in the same place----no where.
Gosh, there was a whole thread on it? And most of the douches on this message board think using the F word for gay man doesn't make you a bigot? Wow, I'm convinced. :lol:


Prop 8 was not "the government" now was it? No, that was a people's initiative that was unconstitutional. But you knew that already.

OMG ,that truly may be the dumbest thing I've ever read on this message board.

You don't read your own posts then obviously. Prop 8 was unconstitutional...you did realize that right?

That's irrelevant to the discussion stupid. The people of CA wanted to , via the government, define marriage and you were against that, even though you just said you never said you were against the government defining marriage.

And don't try to fool anyone into believing that your objection was the fact that it was unconstitutional , or you'll just go on ignore right this instant.

You objected because you want GAYS to be allowed to marry PERIOD.

Sorry sweetie, but Prop 8 was unconstitutional...just like if the people of CA had, through a people's initiative, banned all guns in California. Unconstitutional.

bullshit, you have yet to provide the language in the constitution that legalizes gay marriage. While you are looking, find the language on multiple marriage, because its in the same place----no where.

LOL you've trapped yourself. Where in the hell does the COTUS say ANYTHING about marriage?
OMG ,that truly may be the dumbest thing I've ever read on this message board.

You don't read your own posts then obviously. Prop 8 was unconstitutional...you did realize that right?

That's irrelevant to the discussion stupid. The people of CA wanted to , via the government, define marriage and you were against that, even though you just said you never said you were against the government defining marriage.

And don't try to fool anyone into believing that your objection was the fact that it was unconstitutional , or you'll just go on ignore right this instant.

You objected because you want GAYS to be allowed to marry PERIOD.

Sorry sweetie, but Prop 8 was unconstitutional...just like if the people of CA had, through a people's initiative, banned all guns in California. Unconstitutional.

bullshit, you have yet to provide the language in the constitution that legalizes gay marriage. While you are looking, find the language on multiple marriage, because its in the same place----no where.

LOL you've trapped yourself. Where in the hell does the COTUS say ANYTHING about marriage?

actually I trapped seabiscuit. she keeps saying its constitutional, but can't provide any proof of that claim.
You don't read your own posts then obviously. Prop 8 was unconstitutional...you did realize that right?

That's irrelevant to the discussion stupid. The people of CA wanted to , via the government, define marriage and you were against that, even though you just said you never said you were against the government defining marriage.

And don't try to fool anyone into believing that your objection was the fact that it was unconstitutional , or you'll just go on ignore right this instant.

You objected because you want GAYS to be allowed to marry PERIOD.

Sorry sweetie, but Prop 8 was unconstitutional...just like if the people of CA had, through a people's initiative, banned all guns in California. Unconstitutional.

bullshit, you have yet to provide the language in the constitution that legalizes gay marriage. While you are looking, find the language on multiple marriage, because its in the same place----no where.

LOL you've trapped yourself. Where in the hell does the COTUS say ANYTHING about marriage?

actually I trapped seabiscuit. she keeps saying its constitutional, but can't provide any proof of that claim.

SeaBytch is a a moron, trapping her is no big thing.

But now you are playing with the big dog.

Where does the COTUS give the government the power to define marriage? If the best you have it Keys' stupid "natural law" bullshit, just save it.
That's irrelevant to the discussion stupid. The people of CA wanted to , via the government, define marriage and you were against that, even though you just said you never said you were against the government defining marriage.

And don't try to fool anyone into believing that your objection was the fact that it was unconstitutional , or you'll just go on ignore right this instant.

You objected because you want GAYS to be allowed to marry PERIOD.

Sorry sweetie, but Prop 8 was unconstitutional...just like if the people of CA had, through a people's initiative, banned all guns in California. Unconstitutional.

bullshit, you have yet to provide the language in the constitution that legalizes gay marriage. While you are looking, find the language on multiple marriage, because its in the same place----no where.

LOL you've trapped yourself. Where in the hell does the COTUS say ANYTHING about marriage?

actually I trapped seabiscuit. she keeps saying its constitutional, but can't provide any proof of that claim.

SeaBytch is a a moron, trapping her is no big thing.

But now you are playing with the big dog.

Where does the COTUS give the government the power to define marriage? If the best you have it Keys' stupid "natural law" bullshit, just save it.

I never said govt had that authority. What I said is that any society should decide what it considers right and wrong and those decisions should be based on what the majority believes.

Prop 8 in California was the correct way to decide gay marriage i.e. the will of the people.
Sorry sweetie, but Prop 8 was unconstitutional...just like if the people of CA had, through a people's initiative, banned all guns in California. Unconstitutional.

bullshit, you have yet to provide the language in the constitution that legalizes gay marriage. While you are looking, find the language on multiple marriage, because its in the same place----no where.

LOL you've trapped yourself. Where in the hell does the COTUS say ANYTHING about marriage?

actually I trapped seabiscuit. she keeps saying its constitutional, but can't provide any proof of that claim.

SeaBytch is a a moron, trapping her is no big thing.

But now you are playing with the big dog.

Where does the COTUS give the government the power to define marriage? If the best you have it Keys' stupid "natural law" bullshit, just save it.

I never said govt had that authority. What I said is that any society should decide what it considers right and wrong and those decisions should be based on what the majority believes.

Prop 8 in California was the correct way to decide gay marriage i.e. the will of the people.

so if california passed slavery by proposition, you would be ok with that?
Sorry sweetie, but Prop 8 was unconstitutional...just like if the people of CA had, through a people's initiative, banned all guns in California. Unconstitutional.

bullshit, you have yet to provide the language in the constitution that legalizes gay marriage. While you are looking, find the language on multiple marriage, because its in the same place----no where.

LOL you've trapped yourself. Where in the hell does the COTUS say ANYTHING about marriage?

actually I trapped seabiscuit. she keeps saying its constitutional, but can't provide any proof of that claim.

SeaBytch is a a moron, trapping her is no big thing.

But now you are playing with the big dog.

Where does the COTUS give the government the power to define marriage? If the best you have it Keys' stupid "natural law" bullshit, just save it.

I never said govt had that authority. What I said is that any society should decide what it considers right and wrong and those decisions should be based on what the majority believes.

Prop 8 in California was the correct way to decide gay marriage i.e. the will of the people.

If you TRULY believe that then you must believe as I do , that the COTUS needs to unincorporated. I agree, the founders meant for states to be able to have religious laws, etc etc.

Now , the part where you probably screw yourself is the 2nd Amendment.
bullshit, you have yet to provide the language in the constitution that legalizes gay marriage. While you are looking, find the language on multiple marriage, because its in the same place----no where.

LOL you've trapped yourself. Where in the hell does the COTUS say ANYTHING about marriage?

actually I trapped seabiscuit. she keeps saying its constitutional, but can't provide any proof of that claim.

SeaBytch is a a moron, trapping her is no big thing.

But now you are playing with the big dog.

Where does the COTUS give the government the power to define marriage? If the best you have it Keys' stupid "natural law" bullshit, just save it.

I never said govt had that authority. What I said is that any society should decide what it considers right and wrong and those decisions should be based on what the majority believes.

Prop 8 in California was the correct way to decide gay marriage i.e. the will of the people.

If you TRULY believe that then you must believe as I do , that the COTUS needs to unincorporated. I agree, the founders meant for states to be able to have religious laws, etc etc.

Now , the part where you probably screw yourself is the 2nd Amendment.

Amen to throwing away Selective Incorporation. Despite what the morons on the left say....it was not necessarily what the authors of the 14th intended.
It's only a matter of time before all states fall...

And the country

Because gay people get married, you think the world is going to end? WTH is wrong with some of you? I guess I shouldn't be surprised, this is a political internet forum. :rolleyes-41:

People are NOT going to suddenly start "turning gay." Being gay is some kind of genetic anomaly or chemical imbalance or something, IMO, and effects a small portion of the population. How on earth do you think the country is going to fall because less than 5% of the population has marriage rights? This is just unbelievable.
It's only a matter of time before all states fall...

And the country

Because gay people get married, you think the world is going to end? WTH is wrong with some of you? I guess I shouldn't be surprised, this is a political internet forum. :rolleyes-41:

People are NOT going to suddenly start "turning gay." Being gay is some kind of genetic anomaly or chemical imbalance or something, IMO, and effects a small portion of the population. How on earth do you think the country is going to fall because less than 5% of the population has marriage rights? This is just unbelievable.
Actually it's very believable.

Many on the right truly fear diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty, and as reactionary conservatives they truly believe that diversity and dissent will 'bring down' the country; and of course there are conservatives of bad faith who engage in this sort of demagoguery and fear-mongering for some perceived political gain, knowing full-well the Nation is not 'in danger.'
Ya are, Blanche, ya are a homophobic bigot. Anyone that so liberally uses the F-word for gay man is a homophobic bigot.

Read the link Dumb as Fuck. What they are doing is what is recommended by medical professionals who deal with gender dysphoria. The child's treatment has nothing to do with her parents being gay other than they are, hopefully, better equipped to handle than someone, say, like you.

I don't use "the f word" which by the way , the f word is fuck, not faggot, to describe gay men.. Ask Howey if I've ever called him a faggot.

I use the term to degrade faggots of either gender who are stupid. No different than I have NEVER called Mad_Cabbie a n!gger, but certainly would call a stupid black person a n!gger in a heart beat. Yes, it's meant to degrade , so is you calling me dumber than dirt bear, want to give a logical explanation of the difference? You of course can't.

SeaBytch, you will NEVER be able to corner me in a debate, you are simply stupid. You admit that the government has always defined marriage, all the while screaming that the government shouldn't be allowed to define marriage. How stupid is that?

You use the term, that makes you a homophobic bigot. That gays make you feel icky and that you have an aversion to them makes you a homophobic bigot.

When did I say that the government shouldn't be allowed to define marriage?

Oh Seawytch...You are family in a way, so I hate to disagree. When did SmarterThanTheAverageBear say gays make him feel icky and so forth? (To be honest I know a few too who turn my stomach). I also know lesbians who are hateful bitches, but only a few.

Oh. Me, my husband and friends call each other "fags" occasionally. It's meant to dilute the effect of words used by real homophobes and bigots.

I know people don't like to face this reality, but it is a reality. You and your GAY friends calling each other F word for gay man is not the same as a bigot like DumbFuckBear using it. He does not use it in jest as you do, he uses it with complete animus.

And sorry, but by reading his posts, I can see nothing but loathing and animus from him regarding gays. That he doesn't wish to deny us the fundamental right of civil marriage does not make him less of a bigot. I agree with the SCOTUS that murderers on death row have a fundamental right to marry, I'm still bigoted towards them.
Sorry. I see that from Yurt and others but not SmarterThanTheAverageBear

I reckon we'll have to agree to disagree then. I will grant you that DumbasDirt Bear isn't on the level of say Silhouette, but it's still there. You don't find an article from FRC and post it as though it was fact if your'e not a homophobic bigot.
Oh by the way SeaBytch, allow me to point out another of your lies.

At NO point did I explicitly state that anyone's children were better off than anyone's. No I left that to you. I simply asked a question and posted a study.

I will also remind your dumb ass that I am CLEARLY on the record that I would yank kids out of straight homes where they are being neglected as well. Unlike you , my concern isn't homosexuality, it is the KIDS.

The fact of the matter is, I DON'T know what if any affect gay parents might have on kids, and nether do you

I do know...I know that our children are at no disadvantage to yours and that trying to use children to keep gays from marrying is ludicrous...and yet you seemed to jump on the bandwagon going so far as to post a debunked study by another bigot.

Our kids are fine.

You don't know. You know about YOUR kids. You know NOTHING about mine.

And of course, YOUR kids do not represent the children of gays as a whole anyway.

See, you are dishonest, and stupid.

Oh, and the study I posted certainly was not debunked. Here's the disagreement in a nut shell

Several experts and advocacy groups have taken issue with the study's methodology, saying a comparison of children of a lesbian mother -- who herself may have divorced the child's biological father, or may not even identify as a lesbian since the survey only asked if a parent had ever been in a same-sex couple during their childhood -- is an unfair, flawed comparison.

Kids of gay parents fare worse study finds but research draws fire from experts - CBS News

So, even "the experts" don't deny that the statistics in the study are true, they just deny that actual lesbians were asked the questions LOL

You really should research before you open your big mouth

See, you're a moron and a homophobe. That was a royal "our kids are fine" not mine specifically, although they are fine too.

As to the thoroughly debunked Regenerus study, it was much more than what you just highlighted.

Professor Darren E. Sherkat’s Audit of the "Severely Flawed” Regnerus Paper

And really, only a very desperate bigot would try to put up Regenerus's paper when bigots defending anti gay marriage laws won't even use it in court anymore because it's so flawed.

Utah Gay Marriage Opponents Drop Debunked Research, Reduce Argument to Gibberish

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