We’re Going to Defend Taiwan?

How is pledging to DEFEND an innocent nation from attack "Imperialism"???

If we wanted to "defend" Taiwan, we would have prevented the illegal ROC invasion.
The ROC are corrupt, evil, and foreign invaders.
Taiwan did not want the ROC to come to Taiwan at all and it was very bloody.
Such garbage. Not one word of the agreement alludes to anything resembling any of that. You're just kind of making stuff up, aren't ya?

You have never seen a single word of the many agreements conducted between the Ukraine and Gorbachev from 1991 to 1994.
The only agreement that is public is the 1994 agreement over the nukes, and that is because the US was a participant in that agreement.
You have never seen a single word of the many agreements conducted between the Ukraine and Gorbachev from 1991 to 1994.
The only agreement that is public is the 1994 agreement over the nukes, and that is because the US was a participant in that agreement.
Psychobabble you also just pulled out of nowhere.

Russia violated the agreement. Twice. They invaded Ukraine. Twice.
If we wanted to "defend" Taiwan, we would have prevented the illegal ROC invasion.
The ROC are corrupt, evil, and foreign invaders.
Taiwan did not want the ROC to come to Taiwan at all and it was very bloody.

IIRC the last several governments of Taiwan has been made up of natives of Taiwan.
Are those 22 R congresspersons who voted against your beloved Joe’s massive gift to the war machine and escalation of war RINOs?

I loathe Joe Biden. Dont' know why you are babbling such idiocy. .
1) Again, what did I lie about?
2) How is the U.S. government corrupt? And I mean in detail that you can prove. NOT just what you imagine or suspect.

The US government is totally completely corrupt.
Right from the start, we had no intention of ever living up to any treaty we made with the Natives.
We deliberately tried to wipe them out with blankets carrying fleas with smallpox.

The Mexican wars were totally illegal.
The Spanish American war was based on the lie that they USS Maine was blown up by the Spanish.
We lied to the Filipinos, got them to fight the Spanish for independence that we then denied to them, massacring millions.
In WWI we joined the evil perpetrators who assassinated Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, while France started invading southern Germany.
With Korea, we brought in Syngman Rhee from the US as a dictator who murder tens of thousands of innocent civilians.
With Vietnam, we prevented elections France and Vietnam had agreed upon, backing Diem as an absolute dictator.
We backed Batista in Cuba, Samosa in Nicaragua, Pinochet in Chile, etc.
The US government is totally completely corrupt.
Right from the start, we had no intention of ever living up to any treaty we made with the Natives.
We deliberately tried to wipe them out with blankets carrying fleas with smallpox.

The U.S. government never actually did that.
It is as empty a pledge as the Clinton made to defend Ukraine (or order for them to give up their nukes).

The nukes were useless to the Ukraine since only Moscow had the programming and launch codes.
But the Ukraine forfeit any rights they were due, by stealing oil, massacring 14k ethnic Russian civilians, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, etc.
The US government is totally completely corrupt.
Right from the start, we had no intention of ever living up to any treaty we made with the Natives.
We deliberately tried to wipe them out with blankets carrying fleas with smallpox.

The Mexican wars were totally illegal.
The Spanish American war was based on the lie that they USS Maine was blown up by the Spanish.
We lied to the Filipinos, got them to fight the Spanish for independence that we then denied to them, massacring millions.
In WWI we joined the evil perpetrators who assassinated Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, while France started invading southern Germany.
With Korea, we brought in Syngman Rhee from the US as a dictator who murder tens of thousands of innocent civilians.
With Vietnam, we prevented elections France and Vietnam had agreed upon, backing Diem as an absolute dictator.
We backed Batista in Cuba, Samosa in Nicaragua, Pinochet in Chile, etc.

Big deal. It isn't corruption to back foreign leaders we think will advance our interests.

That is just realpolitik. Not corruption.
The nukes were useless to the Ukraine since only Moscow had the programming and launch codes.
But the Ukraine forfeit any rights they were due, by stealing oil, massacring 14k ethnic Russian civilians, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, etc.

Can you prove any of that from an unbiased source? Of course you can't.
I will admit I never saw Ukraine putting up such a fight much less winning… but I think the Chinese army might be different.
The nukes were useless to the Ukraine since only Moscow had the programming and launch codes.
But the Ukraine forfeit any rights they were due, by stealing oil, massacring 14k ethnic Russian civilians, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, etc.
when was any of that? You are just making up shit!
Ukraine is using NATO weapons, but NATO isn't fighting this war. If NATO fought Russia this war would have been over in 3 days. :laugh: Speaking of which, China wouldn't just be battling the US alone, they would have to face off against NATO, Japan, South Korea, Australia and obviously Taiwan, all while possibly have to fend off India, who may very well look to take advantage of the situation. Even in the impossible scenario that we would face down China, mano a mano the US would never suffer losses to the point where this country wouldn't be able to defend itself. We are not Ukraine and even they have plenty of weapons left to defend their country.

Ukraine has some damaged cities and villages in the east and southern parts of their country, they are not in Ruins from one end to the other, which should actually tell you a lot. Putin has lost over 30% of his combat strength and very possibly 30,000 troops in 3 months, in order to take a bunch of rubble, which used to be one city in Ukraine. That's a historic disaster against a country with no navy and barely what you would call an airforce. Do you think Putin can stand losing up to 60% of his army in another 3 months, especially when he can no longer repair and resupply his tanks, vehicles or missles? It's over, we're just waiting to see what happens next.

Fighting Ukrainians who are using expensive NATO weapons and have been trained by NATO, is fighting NATO.
And you forget that the Ukraine is losing.
They are constantly losing ground and more men than Russia.
Russia has a miliary of about 1.4 million and has lost 20,000, that is only 1.4%,

Russia wanted this war so they could get rid of their old 1970 junk and see what we have.
Now that they know, and have captured hundreds of javelins and stingers, they can easily produce counter measures.
Why do you think anyone in particular cares about Jews?

Being Jewish, I can tell you that Jews care more about other Jews than anything else.
So Jews in the US government ensure we do things for other Jews all over the world.
Being Jewish, I can tell you that Jews care more about other Jews than anything else.
So Jews in the US government ensure we do things for other Jews all over the world.

You have proof? Hard evidence?

Didn't think so.
Of course they were! Famously. Wow.

The UN investigators found no evidence of Assad using any chemical weapons.
The closest was that Assad's forces hit a rebel supply depot that contained something that caused a lot of fear.
But it was the rebel weapons, not the explosives Assad's forces used.
There would never be any reason for Assad to use chemical weapons, because explosives work better and are cheaper and easier to use,
Fighting Ukrainians who are using expensive NATO weapons and have been trained by NATO, is fighting NATO.
And you forget that the Ukraine is losing.
They are constantly losing ground and more men than Russia.
Russia has a miliary of about 1.4 million and has lost 20,000, that is only 1.4%,

Russia wanted this war so they could get rid of their old 1970 junk and see what we have.
Now that they know, and have captured hundreds of javelins and stingers, they can easily produce counter measures.

Stingers are fifty-year-old technology. Javelins are 30 years old.

They are gaining nothing by having their tanks and aircraft shot up by those missiles.
The independence of the Ukraine was predicated on the Ukraine not stealing oil from Russian pipelines, not murdering ethnic Russian, and not trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border.
Ukraine did not put NATO nukes in its territory

As for your other complaints there are international courts for that

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