We're In A Recession......Two Quarters Of Negative Growth Is Official

Who is "we"?
The US. If the administration would support it, the US could flood the market with oil bringing the price of gasoline down to $1.00 a gallon. The prices we see today are a result of US government energy policies. They are by design.
The US. If the administration would support it, the US could flood the market with oil bringing the price of gasoline down to $1.00 a gallon. The prices we see today are a result of US government energy policies. They are by design.

The US has no oil outside of the SPR.

The rest belongs to the companies that take it out of the ground.

If you were them would you increase your cost in an effort produce more in order to bring the price of it down? Not really a good business decision.
The US. If the administration would support it, the US could flood the market with oil bringing the price of gasoline down to $1.00 a gallon.

In 2020 the price of gasoline dropped to $1.84 and in response the US companies slashed production and the President of the United States strong-armed SA and Russia into doing the same.

Now you think that our companies want it to be a buck?
The US has no oil outside of the SPR.

The rest belongs to the companies that take it out of the ground.

If you were them would you increase your cost in an effort produce more in order to bring the price of it down? Not really a good business decision.
Right now it’s not a good business decision because of current energy policies.
High prices are good for profits. That’s not policy. It’s basic economics.
I don’t believe you understand basic economics. High prices don’t necessarily result in greater profits.

Besides, government gets more per gallon sold than those who provide us with that resource.
The bottom line is that our current economic conditions to include inflation is a result of US government policies. Nor Russia, Ukraine or Saudi Arabia.
That made no sense.
We're In A Recession.
Conservatives should hope not.

Not because conservatives care about the wellbeing of the American people – they don’t.

But because it’s way too soon for a recession as a matter of partisan politics – the reprehensible right should hope for a recession sometime in early 2024.

If there is a recession now, it will be over with early next year at the latest; by early 2024 we’ll see full employment, strong economic growth, and inflation well under control – all conditions contributing to President Biden’s reelection.
Conservatives should hope not.

Not because conservatives care about the wellbeing of the American people – they don’t.

But because it’s way too soon for a recession as a matter of partisan politics – the reprehensible right should hope for a recession sometime in early 2024.

If there is a recession now, it will be over with early next year at the latest; by early 2024 we’ll see full employment, strong economic growth, and inflation well under control – all conditions contributing to President Biden’s reelection.
I hope you're right....but I seriously doubt it.
We're in a recession....heading toward a Depression and a world wide famine.
I hope you enjoy eating out of dumpsters.
I hope you're right....but I seriously doubt it.
We're in a recession....heading toward a Depression and a world wide famine.
I hope you enjoy eating out of dumpsters.
Another reason why the reprehensible right shouldn’t be celebrating a recession is it could bring inflation under control – the same inflation that’s been a drag on President Biden’s poll numbers; the same inflation conservatives lie about by blaming President Biden.
Conservatives should hope not.

Not because conservatives care about the wellbeing of the American people – they don’t.

But because it’s way too soon for a recession as a matter of partisan politics – the reprehensible right should hope for a recession sometime in early 2024.

If there is a recession now, it will be over with early next year at the latest; by early 2024 we’ll see full employment, strong economic growth, and inflation well under control – all conditions contributing to President Biden’s reelection.
Hopefully there will be a change in the legislative branch in November which will force the president to return to sane economic and energy policies. Kind of like how Bill Clinton was forced to adopt conservative economic polices, then he took credit for the results
Another reason why the reprehensible right shouldn’t be celebrating a recession is it could bring inflation under control – the same inflation that’s been a drag on President Biden’s poll numbers; the same inflation conservatives lie about by blaming President Biden.
Current government policies are why we are in this inflationary period and seeing a declining economy. That's not a lie as it began on Biden's first full day in office. Inflation and fuel prices skyrocketed long before Russia invaded Ukraine.
It would be just like the wailing and gnashing of teeth we see from you all.

There is no difference between the two sides in this aspect.

But, I am serious about my question. Other than losing a job, what is the worst part of a recession?

I just wanna' make sure we're on track here: Is it your position that losing one's job is the only possible negative aspect of a recession?

Is yours an honest question or a sarcastic one?
The recession of 1990 job losses started the same month as the recession and there was a clear decline in the months leading up to it.
true the xiden recession is much difference as it’s driven by he xiden inflation

xiden people are going back to work at the jobs they had during the trump admin still. job lose will be the next fact we see in the coming months, especially after the dems pass their inflation and tax bill

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