We're In A Recession......Two Quarters Of Negative Growth Is Official

No, but every recession your spending power is lower and you know this.

Do I? Tell me why this would be. In the last recession inflation tumbled to just over .5%.

I was in the Marine Corps during the 90s and 2000s recession and never really felt my spending power was lower.
Do I? Tell me why this would be. In the last recession inflation tumbled to just over .5%.

I was in the Marine Corps during the 90s and 2000s recession and never really felt my spending power was lower.
That might be but what was the price of gas and the cost of stuff during the last recession and what was the dollar value on the world market?
As I said...the lock downs caused the loss of 10 million. We still haven't gotten them all back.
And that's not 372,000 jobs added.
The government takes a survey and figures out how many were added.....there's no proof they were ever added.
Of course it’s jobs added.
The country had more jobs in June than in May.
Its a fact.
This is a recession which is going to get worse. W ever just had two consecutive quarters with a declining GDP. This can not be portrayed as s as nothing other than bad news.

Now with Senator Manchin backing down and supporting another massive spending bill, inflation will continue to erode your savings and retirement accounts.

If we don’t reverse the current course we will force a global depression.
GDP contraction is bad news, but I’m not going to act like this isn’t a very different situation. Consumer spending is up. Jobs are up. Industrial production is up. Exports are up.

The drop in GDP isn’t huge. It could even be revised up. I wouldn’t be such a chicken little.
GDP contraction is bad news, but I’m not going to act like this isn’t a very different situation. Consumer spending is up. Jobs are up. Industrial production is up. Exports are up.

The drop in GDP isn’t huge. It could even be revised up. I wouldn’t be such a chicken little.
US industrial production is in decline.
That's an overly simplistic response.
They could just as easily fudged the numbers.
It's the only thing in the economy nobody can double-check to see if they're lying.
Everywhere I go, I see businesses hiring and people talking about a labor shortage. No one’s doing layoffs. They’re begging people to work for them.

How desperate for bad news are you?
Everywhere I go, I see businesses hiring and people talking about a labor shortage. No one’s doing layoffs. They’re begging people to work for them.

How desperate for bad news are you?
You don't seem to understand. The Democrat Party caused us to lose over 10 million jobs......I'm not going to give them credit for doing nothing to stop our free Capitalist economy from recreating those lost jobs despite their best efforts to prevent them from coming back.
It's like a murderer killing someone and getting credit for deposing of the body in a discrete manner.
You don't seem to understand. The Democrat Party caused us to lose over 10 million jobs......I'm not going to give them credit for doing nothing to stop our free Capitalist economy from recreating those lost jobs despite their best efforts to prevent them from coming back.
It's like a murderer killing someone and getting credit for deposing of the body in a discrete manner.
Whatever. It still doesn’t explain why employment is increasing during a recession. If the economy is so bad, why aren’t companies laying people off?
June was ever so slightly lower but that’s not uncommon for slight variations. It’s up like 4% annualized for the year.
It’s been declining since the late 1960’s. Yes there are months where there is a slight uptick, but long term trend is a downward one.
Whatever. It still doesn’t explain why employment is increasing during a recession. If the economy is so bad, why aren’t companies laying people off?
Employment levels have not returned to the pre-COVID level. Many people have not returned to work.
It’s been declining since the late 1960’s. Yes there are months where there is a slight uptick, but long term trend is a downward one.
No way. Are you talking production or employment? We are still a huge industrial producer.

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