Were Jews persecuted in the Arab world before the advent of Zionism?

Interesting piece of bull crap.

In Palestine, why is it that the Christians and Muslims are on one side and the Jews are on the other?

Christians and Jews are on the same side, ignoramus.

Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.

Persecution of Christians in Palestinian Authority

You know less than nothing.

By Richard Shulman. Is he Christian?

Jews cannot be believed, dunce, even in a Christian publication? No more Theory of Relativity, asshole?

You are the Forum Dunce.
Christians and Jews are on the same side, ignoramus.


Persecution of Christians in Palestinian Authority

You know less than nothing.

By Richard Shulman. Is he Christian?

Jews cannot be believed, dunce, even in a Christian publication? No more Theory of Relativity, asshole?

You are the Forum Dunce.

Is it merely a coincidence that all you reports about Christian persecution by Muslims is by a Jew?

Look at all of Richard Shulman's articles. He is an Israeli shitslinger.
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By Richard Shulman. Is he Christian?

Jews cannot be believed, dunce, even in a Christian publication? No more Theory of Relativity, asshole?

You are the Forum Dunce.

Is it merely a coincidence that all you reports about Christian persecution by Muslims is by a Jew?

It is no coincidence every post from you is devoid of any knowledge. You are the Forum Dunce.

Arab American Joe Farah on Muslim persecution of Christians...
There's a new propaganda effort under way designed to convince churches in the U.S. that Israel, not Yasser Arafat's the Palestinian Authority and the Arab states, is victimizing Christians in the Middle East.

The proposition would be laughable if it were not so well organized and ingeniously conceived and diabolically executed.

A group called the Holy Land Trust is currently organizing tours of large evangelical churches in the U.S. and spreading venomous lies about Israel and obscuring the outrageous persecution of Christians within the Palestinian Authority.

The lies this group tells in the name of Christianity are big and bold. They include the standard lines about Jews robbing the homes of Arabs, stealing their land and brutalizing them in a repressive state of military occupation. These so-called Christians even rationalize terrorism.

I've dealt with the myths many times in the past. But, for the sake of those U.S. churches being hoodwinked by this sophisticated, slick and well-funded propaganda campaign of the Holy Land Trust, let me today give you a glimpse of the truth about the plight of Christians in the Islamicized land of "Palestine" today.

Arafat's Islamo-fascist storm troopers have shown nothing but contempt for Christians and their holy sites – particularly in the last five or six years.

In 1997, Arafat turned the Greek Orthodox monastery in Bethlehem into his own personal residence during visits to that city. The same year, the Palestine Liberation Organization seized Abraham's Oak Russian Holy Trinity Monastery in Hebron, evicting monks and nuns.

When the Arab uprising of September 2000 began, Arafat's Tanzim terrorist forces chose the Christian town of Beit Jala as an outpost from which its snipers shot at Jerusalem. They hid themselves in Christian homes, hotels, schools and churches so that return fire from Israel would rain death and destruction on Christians.

Last year, about 150 armed PA terrorists took over Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity, holding 40 Christian clergy and nuns hostage, while firing out at surrounding Israeli forces. Rather than risk the lives of the captives and the destruction of the historic church, Israel negotiated the release of the terrorists – but the church was irreparably scarred. The terrorists stole gold, prayer books, crosses and anything else that was not nailed down.

If you want to see the dramatic story of this occupation, watch the remarkable documentary "Holyland: Christians in Peril."

About the same time, Palestinian terrorists took over St. Mary's Church in Bethlehem, holding a priest and several nuns against their will. Again, the terrorists used the church to fire out at Israeli troops, who were ordered not to fire on the Christian church.

Even in Jerusalem, where Israel permits the Palestinian Authority-appointed Waqf autonomy over the Temple Mount, Christians as well as Jews are prohibited from entering the site holy to both faiths.

Christian cemeteries are defaced in the areas under control by the PA. Anti-Christian graffiti, such as "First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people," is commonplace. Christian businesses are burned. Christian women are raped. There is no legal recourse for the victims in this budding Islamic state.

As far back as 1997, the London Times observed: "Life in Bethlehem has become insufferable for many members of the dwindling Christian minorities. Increasing Muslim-Christian tensions have left some Christians reluctant to celebrate Christmas in the town at the heart of the story of Christ's birth."

As a result of the intimidation, the harassment and the persecution of Christians in "Palestine," Christians are fleeing for their very lives. They are abandoning their homes, their churches and their businesses.

This is the stark truth of the Arab and Muslim occupation of what were formerly Christian towns in Judea and Samaria.

Israel's only role in this crime was in negotiating, under intense international pressure, the so-called "peace" treaties that allowed these atrocities to happen – that, in fact, made them inevitable.

So, if the Holy Land Trust brings its traveling road show to your church, arm yourself with the facts, and tell the deceivers to take a hike.
The truth about Christians in 'Palestine'

You are the Forum Dunce.
Jews cannot be believed, dunce, even in a Christian publication? No more Theory of Relativity, asshole?

You are the Forum Dunce.

Is it merely a coincidence that all you reports about Christian persecution by Muslims is by a Jew?

It is no coincidence every post from you is devoid of any knowledge. You are the Forum Dunce.

Arab American Joe Farah on Muslim persecution of Christians...
There's a new propaganda effort under way designed to convince churches in the U.S. that Israel, not Yasser Arafat's the Palestinian Authority and the Arab states, is victimizing Christians in the Middle East.

The proposition would be laughable if it were not so well organized and ingeniously conceived and diabolically executed.

A group called the Holy Land Trust is currently organizing tours of large evangelical churches in the U.S. and spreading venomous lies about Israel and obscuring the outrageous persecution of Christians within the Palestinian Authority.

The lies this group tells in the name of Christianity are big and bold. They include the standard lines about Jews robbing the homes of Arabs, stealing their land and brutalizing them in a repressive state of military occupation. These so-called Christians even rationalize terrorism.

I've dealt with the myths many times in the past. But, for the sake of those U.S. churches being hoodwinked by this sophisticated, slick and well-funded propaganda campaign of the Holy Land Trust, let me today give you a glimpse of the truth about the plight of Christians in the Islamicized land of "Palestine" today.

Arafat's Islamo-fascist storm troopers have shown nothing but contempt for Christians and their holy sites – particularly in the last five or six years.

In 1997, Arafat turned the Greek Orthodox monastery in Bethlehem into his own personal residence during visits to that city. The same year, the Palestine Liberation Organization seized Abraham's Oak Russian Holy Trinity Monastery in Hebron, evicting monks and nuns.

When the Arab uprising of September 2000 began, Arafat's Tanzim terrorist forces chose the Christian town of Beit Jala as an outpost from which its snipers shot at Jerusalem. They hid themselves in Christian homes, hotels, schools and churches so that return fire from Israel would rain death and destruction on Christians.

Last year, about 150 armed PA terrorists took over Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity, holding 40 Christian clergy and nuns hostage, while firing out at surrounding Israeli forces. Rather than risk the lives of the captives and the destruction of the historic church, Israel negotiated the release of the terrorists – but the church was irreparably scarred. The terrorists stole gold, prayer books, crosses and anything else that was not nailed down.

If you want to see the dramatic story of this occupation, watch the remarkable documentary "Holyland: Christians in Peril."

About the same time, Palestinian terrorists took over St. Mary's Church in Bethlehem, holding a priest and several nuns against their will. Again, the terrorists used the church to fire out at Israeli troops, who were ordered not to fire on the Christian church.

Even in Jerusalem, where Israel permits the Palestinian Authority-appointed Waqf autonomy over the Temple Mount, Christians as well as Jews are prohibited from entering the site holy to both faiths.

Christian cemeteries are defaced in the areas under control by the PA. Anti-Christian graffiti, such as "First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people," is commonplace. Christian businesses are burned. Christian women are raped. There is no legal recourse for the victims in this budding Islamic state.

As far back as 1997, the London Times observed: "Life in Bethlehem has become insufferable for many members of the dwindling Christian minorities. Increasing Muslim-Christian tensions have left some Christians reluctant to celebrate Christmas in the town at the heart of the story of Christ's birth."

As a result of the intimidation, the harassment and the persecution of Christians in "Palestine," Christians are fleeing for their very lives. They are abandoning their homes, their churches and their businesses.

This is the stark truth of the Arab and Muslim occupation of what were formerly Christian towns in Judea and Samaria.

Israel's only role in this crime was in negotiating, under intense international pressure, the so-called "peace" treaties that allowed these atrocities to happen – that, in fact, made them inevitable.

So, if the Holy Land Trust brings its traveling road show to your church, arm yourself with the facts, and tell the deceivers to take a hike.
The truth about Christians in 'Palestine'

You are the Forum Dunce.

World Nut Daily? Get serious.
Is it merely a coincidence that all you reports about Christian persecution by Muslims is by a Jew?

It is no coincidence every post from you is devoid of any knowledge. You are the Forum Dunce.

Arab American Joe Farah on Muslim persecution of Christians...
There's a new propaganda effort under way designed to convince churches in the U.S. that Israel, not Yasser Arafat's the Palestinian Authority and the Arab states, is victimizing Christians in the Middle East.

The proposition would be laughable if it were not so well organized and ingeniously conceived and diabolically executed.

A group called the Holy Land Trust is currently organizing tours of large evangelical churches in the U.S. and spreading venomous lies about Israel and obscuring the outrageous persecution of Christians within the Palestinian Authority.

The lies this group tells in the name of Christianity are big and bold. They include the standard lines about Jews robbing the homes of Arabs, stealing their land and brutalizing them in a repressive state of military occupation. These so-called Christians even rationalize terrorism.

I've dealt with the myths many times in the past. But, for the sake of those U.S. churches being hoodwinked by this sophisticated, slick and well-funded propaganda campaign of the Holy Land Trust, let me today give you a glimpse of the truth about the plight of Christians in the Islamicized land of "Palestine" today.

Arafat's Islamo-fascist storm troopers have shown nothing but contempt for Christians and their holy sites – particularly in the last five or six years.

In 1997, Arafat turned the Greek Orthodox monastery in Bethlehem into his own personal residence during visits to that city. The same year, the Palestine Liberation Organization seized Abraham's Oak Russian Holy Trinity Monastery in Hebron, evicting monks and nuns.

When the Arab uprising of September 2000 began, Arafat's Tanzim terrorist forces chose the Christian town of Beit Jala as an outpost from which its snipers shot at Jerusalem. They hid themselves in Christian homes, hotels, schools and churches so that return fire from Israel would rain death and destruction on Christians.

Last year, about 150 armed PA terrorists took over Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity, holding 40 Christian clergy and nuns hostage, while firing out at surrounding Israeli forces. Rather than risk the lives of the captives and the destruction of the historic church, Israel negotiated the release of the terrorists – but the church was irreparably scarred. The terrorists stole gold, prayer books, crosses and anything else that was not nailed down.

If you want to see the dramatic story of this occupation, watch the remarkable documentary "Holyland: Christians in Peril."

About the same time, Palestinian terrorists took over St. Mary's Church in Bethlehem, holding a priest and several nuns against their will. Again, the terrorists used the church to fire out at Israeli troops, who were ordered not to fire on the Christian church.

Even in Jerusalem, where Israel permits the Palestinian Authority-appointed Waqf autonomy over the Temple Mount, Christians as well as Jews are prohibited from entering the site holy to both faiths.

Christian cemeteries are defaced in the areas under control by the PA. Anti-Christian graffiti, such as "First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people," is commonplace. Christian businesses are burned. Christian women are raped. There is no legal recourse for the victims in this budding Islamic state.

As far back as 1997, the London Times observed: "Life in Bethlehem has become insufferable for many members of the dwindling Christian minorities. Increasing Muslim-Christian tensions have left some Christians reluctant to celebrate Christmas in the town at the heart of the story of Christ's birth."

As a result of the intimidation, the harassment and the persecution of Christians in "Palestine," Christians are fleeing for their very lives. They are abandoning their homes, their churches and their businesses.

This is the stark truth of the Arab and Muslim occupation of what were formerly Christian towns in Judea and Samaria.

Israel's only role in this crime was in negotiating, under intense international pressure, the so-called "peace" treaties that allowed these atrocities to happen – that, in fact, made them inevitable.

So, if the Holy Land Trust brings its traveling road show to your church, arm yourself with the facts, and tell the deceivers to take a hike.
The truth about Christians in 'Palestine'

You are the Forum Dunce.

World Nut Daily? Get serious.

You're done. Go back into your coma, Forum Dunce.
Thou wilt certainly find the most violent of people in enmity against the believers to be the Jews and the idolaters; and thou wilt find the nearest in friendship to the believers to be those who say, "We are Christians." That is because there are priests and monks among them and because they are not proud. - 5:82​

Muhammad's deathbed curse: No Jews and Christians are to live in Arabia. Today, Saudi Arabia denies citizenship to Jews and Christians.

Relevance to Palestine?

Palestinians are Muslim, for the most part, Forum Dunce, and must obey Muhammad's orders against Jews and Christians.

You are the Forum Dunce.
Is it merely a coincidence that all you reports about Christian persecution by Muslims is by a Jew?

Look at all of Richard Shulman's articles. He is an Israeli shitslinger.

But, you said Christians and Muslims are together against the Jews, Forum Dunce.
Now, you say Christians and Jews are together against the Muslims, Forum Dunce.

You out-dunced yourself, Forum Dunce.
Is it merely a coincidence that all you reports about Christian persecution by Muslims is by a Jew?

Look at all of Richard Shulman's articles. He is an Israeli shitslinger.

But, you said Christians and Muslims are together against the Jews, Forum Dunce.
Now, you say Christians and Jews are together against the Muslims, Forum Dunce.

You out-dunced yourself, Forum Dunce.

Now, you say Christians and Jews are together against the Muslims, Forum Dunce.

I said that where?
Bukhari 53:392...
While we were in the Mosque, the Prophet came out and said, "Let us go to the Jews" We went out till we reached Bait-ul-Midras. He said to them, "If you embrace Islam, you will be safe. You should know that the earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle, and I want to expel you from this land. So, if anyone amongst you owns some property, he is permitted to sell it, otherwise you should know that the Earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle

Before Muhammad arrived in Medina in the 7th century, half of Medina's population was Jewish. By the time Muhammad was through, Medina was Jew-free, having beheaded 800Jews and expelled the rest. Upon his death, Muhamad's final words were that Jews and Christians were forbidden from living in Arabia.

Today, Saudi Arabia remains Jew-free.

beheaded 800 joos :confused:, you are a liar of a worst kind!

jews were living and traded with muslims in medina even with Muhamed.

After banu Nadhir jewish tribe collaborated with paganists who blockade Medina and attacked muslims, prophet and fidels decided to punish the collaborators and evicted them from their town because they break the pact of peace.

under muslims khalifats, jews lived in peace and have find refuge in Andalusia and Maghreb when europeans purchased them.

zionism is an ashkeNazi supremacist movt :exclaim:
beheaded 800 joos :confused:, you are a liar of a worst kind!

You are mentally ill. It is a matter of historical fact that Muhammad beheaded 800 Banu Qurayza Jews and watched the event with his infant wife, Aisha.

jews were living and traded with muslims in medina even with Muhamed.

Until the Jews rejected Islam. At that juncture, Muhammad slaughtered the Jews, expelled others and turned others in Medina and Khaybar into dhimmis, extracting 50% of their land and their income.

You misspelled Muhammad, idiot. Actually knowing his name would be a good beginning for you, moron.

After banu Nadhir jewish tribe collaborated with paganists who blockade Medina and attacked muslims, prophet and fidels decided to punish the collaborators and evicted them from their town because they break the pact of peace.

Wrong, dopey. Muhammad broke the pact by invading Mecca.

under muslims khalifats, jews lived in peace and have find refuge in Andalusia and Maghreb when europeans purchased them.

Medina was half Jewish before Muhammad arrived. By the time of his death, most of Medina was Jew-free.

Jews lived lives of humiliation and debasement as dhimmis under the caliphs.

zionism is an ashkeNazi supremacist movt :exclaim:

You are an illiterate, mentally ill ignoramus.

You're done.
I had the impression from the bible that the jews started the persecution by eliminating the Caananites. As in the battle of Jericho.
Slaughtering every living thing that did not flee before them.
Is it merely a coincidence that all you reports about Christian persecution by Muslims is by a Jew?

It is no coincidence every post from you is devoid of any knowledge. You are the Forum Dunce.

Arab American Joe Farah on Muslim persecution of Christians...
There's a new propaganda effort under way designed to convince churches in the U.S. that Israel, not Yasser Arafat's the Palestinian Authority and the Arab states, is victimizing Christians in the Middle East.

The proposition would be laughable if it were not so well organized and ingeniously conceived and diabolically executed.

A group called the Holy Land Trust is currently organizing tours of large evangelical churches in the U.S. and spreading venomous lies about Israel and obscuring the outrageous persecution of Christians within the Palestinian Authority.

The lies this group tells in the name of Christianity are big and bold. They include the standard lines about Jews robbing the homes of Arabs, stealing their land and brutalizing them in a repressive state of military occupation. These so-called Christians even rationalize terrorism.

I've dealt with the myths many times in the past. But, for the sake of those U.S. churches being hoodwinked by this sophisticated, slick and well-funded propaganda campaign of the Holy Land Trust, let me today give you a glimpse of the truth about the plight of Christians in the Islamicized land of "Palestine" today.

Arafat's Islamo-fascist storm troopers have shown nothing but contempt for Christians and their holy sites – particularly in the last five or six years.

In 1997, Arafat turned the Greek Orthodox monastery in Bethlehem into his own personal residence during visits to that city. The same year, the Palestine Liberation Organization seized Abraham's Oak Russian Holy Trinity Monastery in Hebron, evicting monks and nuns.

When the Arab uprising of September 2000 began, Arafat's Tanzim terrorist forces chose the Christian town of Beit Jala as an outpost from which its snipers shot at Jerusalem. They hid themselves in Christian homes, hotels, schools and churches so that return fire from Israel would rain death and destruction on Christians.

Last year, about 150 armed PA terrorists took over Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity, holding 40 Christian clergy and nuns hostage, while firing out at surrounding Israeli forces. Rather than risk the lives of the captives and the destruction of the historic church, Israel negotiated the release of the terrorists – but the church was irreparably scarred. The terrorists stole gold, prayer books, crosses and anything else that was not nailed down.

If you want to see the dramatic story of this occupation, watch the remarkable documentary "Holyland: Christians in Peril."

About the same time, Palestinian terrorists took over St. Mary's Church in Bethlehem, holding a priest and several nuns against their will. Again, the terrorists used the church to fire out at Israeli troops, who were ordered not to fire on the Christian church.

Even in Jerusalem, where Israel permits the Palestinian Authority-appointed Waqf autonomy over the Temple Mount, Christians as well as Jews are prohibited from entering the site holy to both faiths.

Christian cemeteries are defaced in the areas under control by the PA. Anti-Christian graffiti, such as "First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people," is commonplace. Christian businesses are burned. Christian women are raped. There is no legal recourse for the victims in this budding Islamic state.

As far back as 1997, the London Times observed: "Life in Bethlehem has become insufferable for many members of the dwindling Christian minorities. Increasing Muslim-Christian tensions have left some Christians reluctant to celebrate Christmas in the town at the heart of the story of Christ's birth."

As a result of the intimidation, the harassment and the persecution of Christians in "Palestine," Christians are fleeing for their very lives. They are abandoning their homes, their churches and their businesses.

This is the stark truth of the Arab and Muslim occupation of what were formerly Christian towns in Judea and Samaria.

Israel's only role in this crime was in negotiating, under intense international pressure, the so-called "peace" treaties that allowed these atrocities to happen – that, in fact, made them inevitable.

So, if the Holy Land Trust brings its traveling road show to your church, arm yourself with the facts, and tell the deceivers to take a hike.
The truth about Christians in 'Palestine'

You are the Forum Dunce.

World Nut Daily? Get serious.

Not that they are always bad.

Israel shuts off water, dries Gaza greenhouses
Were Jews persecuted in the Arab world before the advent of Zionism?

Yes, sometimes.

Sometimes not.

You do realize, don't you, that the period of Islam before "Zionism" was about 1300 years, right?

And that various Islamic states had control and lost it, and that each one of these Islamic empires was different the others?

And what's more, even within those specific empires policies changed depending on the times.

Generalizing about this issue is pointless because all it does is misinform us about that long and complex history.

I can say exactly the same about the relationship bwtween the Jews and Chistendom, too.

Sometimes Jews were treated well, sometimes very badly.

It really depends on the time and place.
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I had the impression from the bible that the jews started the persecution by eliminating the Caananites. As in the battle of Jericho.
Slaughtering every living thing that did not flee before them.

no shit. don't bring this up, dude, or you'll send marc into a cut and paste frenzy from the JVL.

after all, nothing says peaceful quite like


Numbers 31:17-18 (King James Version)

17Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

18But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
A better question is " Were Arabs persecuted by Jooz before the invention of IsNtReal ? "
Its true they were treated better in Arab states then they were in Christian states. However, life was not how a red neck like you makes it out to be:

(1) Medina: Used to be a Jewish city. Mohammad and his cult followers slaughtered, expelled or forced to convert all the Jewish inhabitants
(2) Dhimmi: Jews were given 2nd class status. This prohibited Jews to undertake certain professions, from baring arms, sometimes wearing a yellow badge and to a special tax reserved for non-Muslims. They also count bring a Muslim to court.
(3) Instances of slaughter: For example
Moorish Spain: 1066 Granada massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and Fez in 1276 and 1465
Jews in Arab lands occurred in Morocco in the 8th century, where whole communities were wiped out by Muslim ruler Idris I; North Africa in the 12th century, where the Almohads either forcibly converted or decimated several communities; Libya in 1785, where Ali Burzi Pasha murdered hundreds of Jews; Algiers, where Jews were massacred in 1805, 1815 and 1830 and Marrakesh, Morocco, where more than 300,000 Jews were murdered between 1864 and 1880.

(4) Damascus Affair in 1840: Damascus affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(5) Following the Damascus affair, Pogroms spread through the Middle East and North Africa. Pogroms occurred in: Aleppo (1850, 1875), Damascus (1840, 1848, 1890), Beirut (1862, 1874), Dayr al-Qamar (1847), Jerusalem (1847), Cairo (1844, 1890, 1901–02), Mansura (1877), Alexandria (1870, 1882, 1901–07), Port Said (1903, 1908), Damanhur (1871, 1873, 1877, 1891), Istanbul (1870, 1874), Buyukdere (1864), Kuzguncuk (1866), Eyub (1868), Edirne (1872), Izmir (1872, 1874).
Yossef Bodansky. "Islamic Anti-Semitism as a Political Instrument" Co-Produced by The Ariel Center for Policy Research and The Freeman Center for Strategic Studies, 1999. ISBN 0967139104, ISBN 978-0967139104

(6) In Persia/Iran:
1839, in the eastern Persian city of Meshed, a mob burst into the Jewish Quarter, burned the synagogue, and destroyed the Torah scrolls. Known as the Allahdad incident. It was only by forcible conversion that a massacre was averted.

(7) Iraq (still predates Israel's rebirth) In 1941, following Rashid Ali's pro-Axis coup, riots known as the Farhud broke out in Baghdad in which approximately 180 Jews were killed and about 240 were wounded, 586 Jewish-owned businesses were looted and 99 Jewish houses were destroyed.
Yep they must have be awesome living as Dhimmis! They were taxed very heavily, couldn't partake in certain professions, couldn't bare arms, could bring Muslims to court (a muslim could rape your wife and a Jew had no legal recourse) and in many Arab countries they had to wear the Nazi styled yellow badge.

Jews were far less persecuted in Arab world than in the Christian Europe from where they were expeled from almost every country for their criminal nature.

There was not anti-Semitism feeling in the Muslim world before the Balfour Declaration prepared by British Jew foreign secretary Lord Balfour, who later became the prime minister of Britain. The largest exodus of Jewish community was from Iraq but not due to Arabs but because of Zionist terrorism. Here is the testimony of a former Iraqi Zionist Jew terrorist:

The Jews of Iraq by Naeim Giladi
The debate.

Sahih Bukhari...

I am Christian. I don't get into that Jew/Muslim thing.

except when the jews call you to fight for them.... "onward christian solider!" screamed the rabbi

Funny because the Christian never fought along side the Jews. The Crusades were as much against the Jews as they were against the Muslims. The Persians and Jews allied to take out the Byzantines. Israel today has only had foreign arm help in one war - the '52 Suez Canal incident. Every other time she took care of herself.
people of the book?

People of the book...

Quran 5:51-52...
O believers, do not take the Jews and the Christians as your friends and protectors, they are friends of each other. And whoever makes them a friend then he is from amongst them. Verily God does not guide the unjust people. And you will see that those (Muslims) in whose hearts is a disease run towards them saying 'We fear that a calamity may befall us.' So God will soon bring victory or a decision from Him, causing them regret on account of the thoughts they harbored in their hearts.

Interesting piece of bull crap.

In Palestine, why is it that the Christians and Muslims are on one side and the Jews are on the other?

LOL, you keep pushing that bullshit. In Gaza the Christian population has gone down to a percent of a percent. Christian persecution is rambid. Jews aren't in Gaza, because they are not allowed. In the West Bank, there are Christians, but that is because Fatah that is trying to appeal to the western Christian community protects them. If Hamas took over, Christians would become Dhimmis!

In Israel, Muslim, Jews and Christians all have equal rights!

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