Were Some 9-11 Hijackers CIA Agents?

We know for sure that the "plane" that hit the pentagon wasn't even a plane. Pictures (and lack of plane debris) prove it.
'They' must have taped wings on a missile!
We know that building 7 was professionally and precisely toppled by internal explosions.
The first time it fell before it fell or the second time it fell that was laser generated images?
Minneapolis is now Bezerkistan.
The Great Camel Republic

Caliphornia was named after a romantic novel about the sheiks and would have been spelled that way if not for the fact that Spanish doesn't use ph for the f sound.

By the way, the Greeks actually pronounced phi as p'h, as in flophouse.
Nah. CIA clowns were in the Pentagram where that missile punched the hole. Problem solved.
The records were also in that building that free fell.....far away from the two towers
Wasn't President George W. Bush in his first year in office when the WTC buildings fell due to terrorism? Was someone going after him like when Hillary Clinton went after President Trump because he won the election? How did she and 300 tv stations get away with lying their asses off about it? Maybe she was just practicing with Dubya. I thought the Democrats were outdoing themselves going after Dubya, not knowing that the CIA had anything to do with 9/11. Hillary Clinton is a sorry piece.
Wasn't President George W. Bush in his first year in office when the WTC buildings fell due to terrorism? Was someone going after him like when Hillary Clinton went after President Trump because he won the election? How did she and 300 tv stations get away with lying their asses off about it? Maybe she was just practicing with Dubya. I thought the Democrats were outdoing themselves going after Dubya, not knowing that the CIA had anything to do with 9/11. Hillary Clinton is a sorry piece.
Of course Dubya's dad was in the CIA going back to 1963.
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Cheney back in the Reagan days.

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Of course Dubya's dad was in the CIA going back to 1963.
View attachment 776602
It has been speculated that Bush was a CIA asset before he was ever elected to Congress. When he was a partner in Bush Overby and Zapata.
One of his business partners was John Hinkley Sr. His son Jr tried to assassinate Regan when Bush was VP. That same day Neal Bush and Michael Hinkley had a dinner party arranged for that evening but canceled it.
Good contribution on which to speculate.
NOVEMBER 1, 2004

How Bush Was Offered Bin Laden and Blew It


"George Bush, the man whose prime campaign plank has been his ability to wage war on terror, could have had Osama bin Laden’s head handed to him on a platter on his very first day in office, and the offer held good until February 2 of 2002.

"This is the charge leveled by an Afghan American who had been retained by the US government as an intermediary between the Taliban and both the Clinton and Bush administrations."

I'm not sure how patriotic Americans would respond if they ever become convinced their government has covered up its complicity with the terror attacks of 911?

It has been speculated that Bush was a CIA asset before he was ever elected to Congress. When he was a partner in Bush Overby and Zapata.
One of his business partners was John Hinckley Sr. His son Jr tried to assassinate Regan when Bush was VP. That same day Neal Bush and Michael Hinkley had a dinner party arranged for that evening but canceled it.
How Much Did a Gallon of Gas Cost Under Reagan? QED.

Reagan's policies lowered the profits of our petrocracy. Hinckley's father was an oilman. Since the son was a nutcase suffering from Affluenza, he may have thought killing Reagan would make his Daddy finally love him.
NOVEMBER 1, 2004

How Bush Was Offered Bin Laden and Blew It


"George Bush, the man whose prime campaign plank has been his ability to wage war on terror, could have had Osama bin Laden’s head handed to him on a platter on his very first day in office, and the offer held good until February 2 of 2002.

"This is the charge leveled by an Afghan American who had been retained by the US government as an intermediary between the Taliban and both the Clinton and Bush administrations."

I'm not sure how patriotic Americans would respond if they ever become convinced their government has covered up its complicity with the terror attacks of 911?

Unlike Our Ruling Class, the Jihadis Aren't Backstabbers

The Taliban wouldn't have given us bin Laden any more than George Washington would have given up Lafayette.
Unlike Our Ruling Class, the Jihadis Aren't Backstabbers

The Taliban wouldn't have given us bin Laden any more than George Washington would have given up Lafayette.
Can you provide any evidence for that claim?
Did you even bother to read Mohabbat's testimony?

NOVEMBER 1, 2004

How Bush Was Offered Bin Laden and Blew It


"Kabir Mohabbat is a 48-year businessman in Houston, Texas.

"Born in Paktia province in southern Afghanistan, he’s from the Jaji clan (from which also came Afghanistan’s last king).

"Educated at St Louis University, he spent much of the 1980s supervising foreign relations for the Afghan mujahiddeen, where he developed extensive contacts with the US foreign policy establishment, also with senior members of the Taliban..."

"In a lengthy interview and in a memorandum Kabir Mohabbat has given us a detailed account and documentation to buttress his charge that the Bush administration could have had Osama bin Laden and his senior staff either delivered to the US or to allies as prisoners, or killed at their Afghan base.

"As a search of the data base shows, portions of Mohabbat’s role have been the subject of a number of news reports, including a CBS news story by Alan Pizzey aired September 25, 2001.

"This is the first he has made public the full story."
You know what?

Coming from this tainted CIA or FBI.....anything and I mean anything is possible

So yes, that is a possibility....going more into an absolute certainty. :dunno:

That was the CIA or FBI from OVER 20 YEARS AGO!!!! 9/11 was back in 2001, not 2023. Sorry, but I don't think those agencies were as bad back then as you seem to think they are now.
Not enough green in the bong for this thread to make sense. Anyone that believes this should be instantly institutionalized; straight-jacket and all.
It's been more than 30 years since I've held a bong, so why don't you put down yours and learn something new?

NOVEMBER 1, 2004

How Bush Was Offered Bin Laden and Blew It


"By the end of 1999 US sanctions and near-world-wide political ostracism were costing the Taliban dearly and they had come to see Osama bin Laden and his training camps as, in Mohabbat’s words, 'just a damn liability'.

"Mohabbat says the Taliban leadership had also been informed in the clearest possible terms by a US diplomat that if any US citizen was harmed as a consequence of an Al Qaeda action, the US would hold the Taliban responsible and target Mullah Omar and the Taliban leaders"
Wow.....................RT sees how the Trump supporters have turned against the CIA and FBI, then publishes a conspiracy theory linking those agencies to our nations greatest tragedy, and some rubes on here swallow it up.

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