Were The Boston Bombers Emboldened By Benghazi?

They watched our president and his entire administration cover for the muslim terrorists who attacked our embassy and murdered our citizens and lie on their behalf to the entire world at the U.N. Isn't it reasonable for them to think Obama would provide cover for them on this one too?

Perhaps the bombers were emboldened by their belief that conservatives would see the bombing as on opportunity to turn on their own president in an effort to undermine his leadership in a time of crisis, all for political gain. You know what I mean? Just like conservatives did in the aftermath of Benghazi.

That makes a lot more sense than the O.P. What better way to get us at each other's throats than giving those that would do anything to bring the president down more fuel for their conspiracy fantasy machine?
They watched our president and his entire administration cover for the muslim terrorists who attacked our embassy and murdered our citizens and lie on their behalf to the entire world at the U.N. Isn't it reasonable for them to think Obama would provide cover for them on this one too?

When I see a thread title like that, I wonder if it will be an original statement or some weird cut and paste from a crazy nutter website.

I prefer it when it is an original statement. It exposes the people we "know" for the absolute imbeciles that they are.

Do you think "Suspect A" feels good about the cover that our President afforded him? How about "Suspect B"? One is dead....the other is, at least, a prisoner for life.

Now.....do YOU know who killed our citizens in Benghazi? Has our President covered for them? Did he cover for Bin Laden? Khaddafi?

You fucking asshole. Prove ANYTHING in your OP.
Fuck you, troll. Your rant makes no sense.
They watched our president and his entire administration cover for the muslim terrorists who attacked our embassy and murdered our citizens and lie on their behalf to the entire world at the U.N. Isn't it reasonable for them to think Obama would provide cover for them on this one too?

Perhaps the bombers were emboldened by their belief that conservatives would see the bombing as on opportunity to turn on their own president in an effort to undermine his leadership in a time of crisis, all for political gain. You know what I mean? Just like conservatives did in the aftermath of Benghazi.

When the half-breed declared that he wants to fundamentally transfer America, he actually meant: Piss on George Washington! Piss on Thomas Jefferson. Piss on Benjamin Franklin. Piss on John Adams. Piss on all the slave owning autocrats that kept my people in chains.

Of course, HIS people were never in chains. He is nothing but a Johnny-come-lately, whose ancestry is - rightfully - in doubt. Certainly, none of his ancestors were ever slaves of his mother's ancestors.

But let the hypocrisy flow and flourish.
They watched our president and his entire administration cover for the muslim terrorists who attacked our embassy and murdered our citizens and lie on their behalf to the entire world at the U.N. Isn't it reasonable for them to think Obama would provide cover for them on this one too?

When I see a thread title like that, I wonder if it will be an original statement or some weird cut and paste from a crazy nutter website.

I prefer it when it is an original statement. It exposes the people we "know" for the absolute imbeciles that they are.

Do you think "Suspect A" feels good about the cover that our President afforded him? How about "Suspect B"? One is dead....the other is, at least, a prisoner for life.

Now.....do YOU know who killed our citizens in Benghazi? Has our President covered for them? Did he cover for Bin Laden? Khaddafi?

You fucking asshole. Prove ANYTHING in your OP.
Fuck you, troll. Your rant makes no sense.

You seem upset. Can I help?
They watched our president and his entire administration cover for the muslim terrorists who attacked our embassy and murdered our citizens and lie on their behalf to the entire world at the U.N. Isn't it reasonable for them to think Obama would provide cover for them on this one too?

Perhaps the bombers were emboldened by their belief that conservatives would see the bombing as on opportunity to turn on their own president in an effort to undermine his leadership in a time of crisis, all for political gain. You know what I mean? Just like conservatives did in the aftermath of Benghazi.

That makes a lot more sense than the O.P. What better way to get us at each other's throats than giving those that would do anything to bring the president down more fuel for their conspiracy fantasy machine?
That's a desperate argument.
When I see a thread title like that, I wonder if it will be an original statement or some weird cut and paste from a crazy nutter website.

I prefer it when it is an original statement. It exposes the people we "know" for the absolute imbeciles that they are.

Do you think "Suspect A" feels good about the cover that our President afforded him? How about "Suspect B"? One is dead....the other is, at least, a prisoner for life.

Now.....do YOU know who killed our citizens in Benghazi? Has our President covered for them? Did he cover for Bin Laden? Khaddafi?

You fucking asshole. Prove ANYTHING in your OP.
Fuck you, troll. Your rant makes no sense.

You seem upset. Can I help?
I'm not the one ranting and raving.
Were The Boston Bombers Emboldened By Benghazi? - troll grade question


But raising the issue reinforces white trash America's prejudice against rational thought, so directed into the proper venues the question makes a gutter crawler kind of sense.

Will you ever say something as offensive about the BLACK trash who live off you and me?

Will you EVER call the bastard factories, i.e. single black women, you know, 70% of illegitimate births, those not aborted, black trash?

Well, I am not so sure that you care that these sluts live off your efforts, because I am more and more convinced that you are one of them.

"bastard factories"....................how sweet.

Stop producing out-of-wedlock children for welfare money, get a job, raise your child, and it will be even sweeter.
they watched our president and his entire administration cover for the muslim terrorists who attacked our embassy and murdered our citizens and lie on their behalf to the entire world at the u.n. Isn't it reasonable for them to think obama would provide cover for them on this one too?

perhaps the bombers were emboldened by their belief that conservatives would see the bombing as on opportunity to turn on their own president in an effort to undermine his leadership in a time of crisis, all for political gain. You know what i mean? Just like conservatives did in the aftermath of benghazi.

when the half-breed declared that he wants to fundamentally transfer america, he actually meant: Piss on george washington! Piss on thomas jefferson. Piss on benjamin franklin. Piss on john adams. Piss on all the slave owning autocrats that kept my people in chains.

Of course, his people were never in chains. He is nothing but a johnny-come-lately, whose ancestry is - rightfully - in doubt. Certainly, none of his ancestors were ever slaves of his mother's ancestors.

But let the hypocrisy flow and flourish.

transfer!!!!!!!! i love you nutters!!!!
They watched our president and his entire administration cover for the muslim terrorists who attacked our embassy and murdered our citizens and lie on their behalf to the entire world at the U.N. Isn't it reasonable for them to think Obama would provide cover for them on this one too?

What difference does it make?
They watched our president and his entire administration cover for the muslim terrorists who attacked our embassy and murdered our citizens and lie on their behalf to the entire world at the U.N. Isn't it reasonable for them to think Obama would provide cover for them on this one too?

Perhaps the bombers were emboldened by their belief that conservatives would see the bombing as on opportunity to turn on their own president in an effort to undermine his leadership in a time of crisis, all for political gain. You know what I mean? Just like conservatives did in the aftermath of Benghazi.

That makes a lot more sense than the O.P. What better way to get us at each other's throats than giving those that would do anything to bring the president down more fuel for their conspiracy fantasy machine?

Divide and conquer. It's an old axiom that just happens to work.

And conservatives are playing right into the enemies' hands when they undermine the president instead of rallying around the duly elected leader of our country. No doubt that our enemies just love seeing us embroiled in internal conflict and division instead of working together to solve any and all problems, not just the ones regarding national security issues.

These days, conservatives are the de facto 5th columnists in America.
perhaps the bombers were emboldened by their belief that conservatives would see the bombing as on opportunity to turn on their own president in an effort to undermine his leadership in a time of crisis, all for political gain. You know what i mean? Just like conservatives did in the aftermath of benghazi.

when the half-breed declared that he wants to fundamentally transfer america, he actually meant: Piss on george washington! Piss on thomas jefferson. Piss on benjamin franklin. Piss on john adams. Piss on all the slave owning autocrats that kept my people in chains.

Of course, his people were never in chains. He is nothing but a johnny-come-lately, whose ancestry is - rightfully - in doubt. Certainly, none of his ancestors were ever slaves of his mother's ancestors.

But let the hypocrisy flow and flourish.

transfer!!!!!!!! i love you nutters!!!!

Ooooooops, TRANSFORM is what He said and is what I meant to say.

Now, that I admitted to a goof, will you still defend the lying hypocrite, the half-black, affirmative action freeloader, along with his pear-shaped wife who aspires to infect the world with her half-baked idiocies, kind of like Al Gore's half baked expertise on climate.

Mean time, are yo happy that cost of electricity "will necessarily skyrocket"?

Will you be happy when electricity will be too expensive to give you an extra beat of your miserable heart?
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I am smart and educated enough to refer to historical figures with capitalizing their first and last names.

Those pieces of sub-human crap who need to make a point by no matter how dishonest means, quote what you said and then go and edit it in order to make you look stupid and illiterate.

Read my post #24. Then read post #29 and see how a dishonest piece of sub-human trash quoted it.
Isn't changing a post against the rules on this forum? Shall I report the bastard who sinks that low?

I would NEVER refer to a person by NOT capitalizing both given an family names. I have respect even for those I disagree with. Insult like that is the exclusive purview of lying liberals.

Draw your own conclusions.
They watched our president and his entire administration cover for the muslim terrorists who attacked our embassy and murdered our citizens and lie on their behalf to the entire world at the U.N. Isn't it reasonable for them to think Obama would provide cover for them on this one too?

No, I don't think that is the case.
It's a pretty safe bet that the terrorists' success in Benghazi combined with the dishonest and feckless manner in which the Obama Administration handled the matter has cheered the hearts of jihadists around the world.
Perhaps the bombers were emboldened by their belief that conservatives would see the bombing as on opportunity to turn on their own president in an effort to undermine his leadership in a time of crisis, all for political gain. You know what I mean? Just like conservatives did in the aftermath of Benghazi.

That makes a lot more sense than the O.P. What better way to get us at each other's throats than giving those that would do anything to bring the president down more fuel for their conspiracy fantasy machine?

Divide and conquer. It's an old axiom that just happens to work.

And conservatives are playing right into the enemies' hands when they undermine the president instead of rallying around the duly elected leader of our country. No doubt that our enemies just love seeing us embroiled in internal conflict and division instead of working together to solve any and all problems, not just the ones regarding national security issues.

These days, conservatives are the de facto 5th columnists in America.

yeah, should have taken a lesson on how to treat a President from the liberals concerning Bush. Especially after 2006 when they just ignored him.
It's a pretty safe bet that the terrorists' success in Benghazi combined with the dishonest and feckless manner in which the Obama Administration handled the matter has cheered the hearts of jihadists around the world.

That may be true. But I bet they are living in fear because Obama has brought the murdering lot to justice, just like he said he would..:eusa_whistle:
Were The Boston Bombers Emboldened By Benghazi? - troll grade question


But raising the issue reinforces white trash America's prejudice against rational thought, so directed into the proper venues the question makes a gutter crawler kind of sense.

Will you ever say something as offensive about the BLACK trash who live off you and me?

DJ: Probably not. Regulation has choked off opportunities for all Americans. When opportunities are reduced across the board, blacks seem to take a disproportionate share of the hit.

Will you EVER call the bastard factories, i.e. single black women, you know, 70% of illegitimate births, those not aborted, black trash?

DJ: No. The welfare system debases all that it touches. Hard to blame people for doing exactly what politicians acting on behalf of bloodless corporations pay them to do. Why would a rational person blame a black teenager for doing exactly what the available opportunities promote? Wouldn't that be as stupid as blaming low income people for taking mortgages they can't pay because the scum of the earth deregulated lending policies?

What kind of filthy god damned scum blames the bottom end of failed systems? How people respond to that is all anyone with sense needs to know about most people.

Well, I am not so sure that you care that these sluts live off your efforts, because I am more and more convinced that you are one of them.

DJ: People like me are your worst nightmare; not because we take public charity - we don't, and not because we care what white trash think - we don't, but rather because we see what is real and not what politicians and corporations tell us is real.

What is real is that America is in deep shit and the path to cleaner living is not through either party's circle of love.

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It's a pretty safe bet that the terrorists' success in Benghazi combined with the dishonest and feckless manner in which the Obama Administration handled the matter has cheered the hearts of jihadists around the world.

That may be true. But I bet they are living in fear because Obama has brought the murdering lot to justice, just like he said he would..:eusa_whistle:

Law enforcement with the support of citizens who provided information and visibility into the whereabouts of the two brothers did a fine job. We do not know yet whether the attack was done by two isolated youths, or if they were acting as part of a broader network. It's too early for a victory dance, although capturing the two dead/alive if certainly laudable.

Obama himself has downplayed the ongoing threat of Al Qaeda (i.e. in this years SOTU address), which hasn't helped national security.

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