Were The Boston Bombers Emboldened By Benghazi?

It's a pretty safe bet that the terrorists' success in Benghazi combined with the dishonest and feckless manner in which the Obama Administration handled the matter has cheered the hearts of jihadists around the world.

That may be true. But I bet they are living in fear because Obama has brought the murdering lot to justice, just like he said he would..:eusa_whistle:

Law enforcement with the support of citizens who provided information and visibility into the whereabouts of the two brothers did a fine job. We do not know yet whether the attack was done by two isolated youths, or if they were acting as part of a broader network. It's too early for a victory dance, although capturing the two dead/alive if certainly laudable.

Obama himself has downplayed the ongoing threat of Al Qaeda (i.e. in this years SOTU address), which hasn't helped national security.

The ongoing threat of al Qaeda? How many attacks have there been in this country by al Qaeda operatives in the last 11 years?

FAR more people are killed by other Americans with guns, and conservatives want to make it easier for everyone to get guns with large magazines.

A smart person is concerned about realistic threats, not boogieman threats.

So, a SMART person in today's America is more concerned about walking to his late model car in a parking log at night and being assaulted by another American with a gun who's intent on stealing that car and whatever is in it than he's worried about being the victim of a terrorist attack.. And why would that be? It's because his fellow countryman, who may not even have a criminal record, could buy that gun just about anyplace without much trouble or a background check.
Re #40.

The opportunity is there as it has been at lest since the 1960's to each and every American, who had the wherewithal to take advantage of them. Even more so for black Americans, who had and still have the totally artificial leg up of the disgusting and totally unfair advantage of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, which is NOT applicable to, poor whites.

Opportunities are still there. Ask Tiger Woods. Ask a large number of stars in the MLB, NFL and NBA. Hell, even the NHL.

Hell, ask the President!

So, why is it non-existent in the work place? Or more properly, why is it denied and lied about by black racists, like Sharpton, among many other idiots?
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I am smart and educated enough to refer to historical figures with capitalizing their first and last names.

Those pieces of sub-human crap who need to make a point by no matter how dishonest means, quote what you said and then go and edit it in order to make you look stupid and illiterate.

Read my post #24. Then read post #29 and see how a dishonest piece of sub-human trash quoted it.
Isn't changing a post against the rules on this forum? Shall I report the bastard who sinks that low?

I would NEVER refer to a person by NOT capitalizing both given an family names. I have respect even for those I disagree with. Insult like that is the exclusive purview of lying liberals.

Draw your own conclusions.

Huh? Bad hit?
It's a pretty safe bet that the terrorists' success in Benghazi combined with the dishonest and feckless manner in which the Obama Administration handled the matter has cheered the hearts of jihadists around the world.

That may be true. But I bet they are living in fear because Obama has brought the murdering lot to justice, just like he said he would..:eusa_whistle:

Law enforcement with the support of citizens who provided information and visibility into the whereabouts of the two brothers did a fine job. We do not know yet whether the attack was done by two isolated youths, or if they were acting as part of a broader network. It's too early for a victory dance, although capturing the two dead/alive if certainly laudable.

Obama himself has downplayed the ongoing threat of Al Qaeda (i.e. in this years SOTU address), which hasn't helped national security.

I thought you were talking about Benghazi.
The only part of the OP I agree with was the word muslim...

However, I feel the problem is the BS double-standard for Islam.. They openly speak against violence, yet quietly support the mentality behind it. They are playing the modern socially conscious muslim for the TV, while they allow hatred and bigotry to be practiced at home.

They say they want respect and equality, but don't respect others and certainly do not view them as equals.

They condemn the "beast" while they encourage its behavior.

I say hold them accountable for once. next time some muslim commits an act of terror in the name of allah, have them openly condemn the behavior and ACT on that conviction. it's easy to say "we don't think that way" but quite another to show it.. Make them show it or suffer the combined shunning of the entire UN... Shit will change quick...
They watched our president and his entire administration cover for the muslim terrorists who attacked our embassy and murdered our citizens and lie on their behalf to the entire world at the U.N. Isn't it reasonable for them to think Obama would provide cover for them on this one too?

As the bombers in Boston were radical Islamists,no doubt they were emboldened and influenced by all successful terrorist attacks ... the great danger now is of course that copycat - would - be - terrorists will attempt more strikes, especially in view of the vast amount of publicity given to the current event.

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