West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Could Disintegrate Within Decades

Not going over this material again...look up the word tedious...you already lost this discussion twice...if you must relive your failure to support your claim... it is all there in the history...

Yes, I realize why physics is tedious for you. You don't believe physics. So you make up your own definition of spontaneous and result in a miserable failure. Your theory leads to the erroneous conclusion that nothing on earth is spontaneous, because it was man made or because there was prior work done. You probably don't know that everything that gives off energy of any sort has had a prior input of energy at some point.

So back-radiation of GHGs is allowed to happen because, as you said the sun does prior work. And so, in your world, objects can radiate to hotter objects because nothing is a spontaneous process. Of course that is already in the physics books, but not for the asinine reasons you believe.

back radiation. hahahahahahaa:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
He hasn't lost shit. You've never won an argument on any facet of science with anyone. Your interpretations regarding the SLoT violate the conservation of energy and special relativity. Your ideas regarding infrared and CO2 are demonstrably false and outright idiotic. Your contention that water has no gaseous phase is a stupid as stupid can get. On spontaneous emission you have contradicted yourself repeatedly.

The reason this is the case is that you intentionally push shit you know to be false just so you can laugh at the fools that waste their time arguing with you and the even bigger fools who believe you actually know what you're talking about. That behavior is what makes you a

champ, you've been the chump. just saying, still no observable measured evidence. still waiting. seems you are the one trolling.

Of course he is the troll...it's their standard MO...blame the opposition of precisely what they are doing...and he still doesn't have the first shred of observed, measured evidence to support his claims...
hey yo you all, where is the data with how warm 280 ppm of CO2 is and how much warmer 400ppm is. Is it warmer than the surface? is 280ppm the same temperature as 400ppm. if you think 400ppm is warmer why?
He hasn't lost shit. You've never won an argument on any facet of science with anyone. Your interpretations regarding the SLoT violate the conservation of energy and special relativity. Your ideas regarding infrared and CO2 are demonstrably false and outright idiotic. Your contention that water has no gaseous phase is a stupid as stupid can get. On spontaneous emission you have contradicted yourself repeatedly.

The reason this is the case is that you intentionally push shit you know to be false just so you can laugh at the fools that waste their time arguing with you and the even bigger fools who believe you actually know what you're talking about. That behavior is what makes you a

champ, you've been the chump. just saying, still no observable measured evidence. still waiting. seems you are the one trolling.

Of course he is the troll...it's their standard MO...blame the opposition of precisely what they are doing...and he still doesn't have the first shred of observed, measured evidence to support his claims...

If you were NOT trolling, YOU would be providing links to supporting SCIENCE. You do not because none exists. You do nothing here but troll, troll, troll.
He hasn't lost shit. You've never won an argument on any facet of science with anyone. Your interpretations regarding the SLoT violate the conservation of energy and special relativity. Your ideas regarding infrared and CO2 are demonstrably false and outright idiotic. Your contention that water has no gaseous phase is a stupid as stupid can get. On spontaneous emission you have contradicted yourself repeatedly.

The reason this is the case is that you intentionally push shit you know to be false just so you can laugh at the fools that waste their time arguing with you and the even bigger fools who believe you actually know what you're talking about. That behavior is what makes you a

champ, you've been the chump. just saying, still no observable measured evidence. still waiting. seems you are the one trolling.

Of course he is the troll...it's their standard MO...blame the opposition of precisely what they are doing...and he still doesn't have the first shred of observed, measured evidence to support his claims...

If you were NOT trolling, YOU would be providing links to supporting SCIENCE. You do not because none exists. You do nothing here but troll, troll, troll.

And by science do you mean scientific method and research or consensus
No...phyisics is fun...you are tedious...again..refer to every other time you lost this discussion...I won't be revisiting it again.
Yes. Run and hide.The physics world thanks you for running off. You have self-contradicted yourself by defining the phrase spontaneous emission to the extent that no EM emissions are ever spontaneous. That means radiation can go from cold to hot objects since they are not spontaneous - "prior work was done."

Try to bring up your false interpretation again and we will have to revisit the consequences of your self-contradiction. You have to realize that when you try to reinvent physics you will be caught up in lies and self contradictions.

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He hasn't lost shit. You've never won an argument on any facet of science with anyone. Your interpretations regarding the SLoT violate the conservation of energy and special relativity. Your ideas regarding infrared and CO2 are demonstrably false and outright idiotic. Your contention that water has no gaseous phase is a stupid as stupid can get. On spontaneous emission you have contradicted yourself repeatedly.

The reason this is the case is that you intentionally push shit you know to be false just so you can laugh at the fools that waste their time arguing with you and the even bigger fools who believe you actually know what you're talking about. That behavior is what makes you a

champ, you've been the chump. just saying, still no observable measured evidence. still waiting. seems you are the one trolling.

Of course he is the troll...it's their standard MO...blame the opposition of precisely what they are doing...and he still doesn't have the first shred of observed, measured evidence to support his claims...

If you were NOT trolling, YOU would be providing links to supporting SCIENCE. You do not because none exists. You do nothing here but troll, troll, troll.
If you weren’t trolling, you’d forward the quotes from your links. Go
He hasn't lost shit. You've never won an argument on any facet of science with anyone. Your interpretations regarding the SLoT violate the conservation of energy and special relativity. Your ideas regarding infrared and CO2 are demonstrably false and outright idiotic. Your contention that water has no gaseous phase is a stupid as stupid can get. On spontaneous emission you have contradicted yourself repeatedly.

The reason this is the case is that you intentionally push shit you know to be false just so you can laugh at the fools that waste their time arguing with you and the even bigger fools who believe you actually know what you're talking about. That behavior is what makes you a

champ, you've been the chump. just saying, still no observable measured evidence. still waiting. seems you are the one trolling.

Of course he is the troll...it's their standard MO...blame the opposition of precisely what they are doing...and he still doesn't have the first shred of observed, measured evidence to support his claims...

If you were NOT trolling, YOU would be providing links to supporting SCIENCE. You do not because none exists. You do nothing here but troll, troll, troll.

You are the one claiming that there exists observed, measured evidence supporting the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...you are the one claiming that published paper(s) exist in which the claimed warming due to our activities has been empirically measured, quantified, and ascribed to so called greenhouse gasses...if such data or papers exist, by all means, lets see it.

You want links to the sites that don't have any such data or papers...no problem here is the list:

ALL OF THEM...Check every site on the internet and then go to every scientific society's library, then visit every other data source on earth and you won't find any such data or papers...they don't exist...
No...phyisics is fun...you are tedious...again..refer to every other time you lost this discussion...I won't be revisiting it again.
Yes. Run and hide.The physics world thanks you for running off. You have self-contradicted yourself by defining the phrase spontaneous emission to the extent that no EM emissions are ever spontaneous. That means radiation can go from cold to hot objects since they are not spontaneous - "prior work was done."

Try to bring up your false interpretation again and we will have to revisit the consequences of your self-contradiction. You have to realize that when you try to reinvent physics you will be caught up in lies and self contradictions.


Revisit all the past times you lost this discussion...the only thing I am avoiding is more tedium from you...it is all there, repeated ad nauseam...feel free to review your failure to make your case as much as you like...
Revisit all the past times you lost this discussion...the only thing I am avoiding is more tedium from you...it is all there, repeated ad nauseam...feel free to review your failure to make your case as much as you like...
Sorry you are nauseated by accepted basic science.

You essentially believe that no system is spontaneous and often quote the second law as,
It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

The second sentence would be of no practical importance to you since you don't believe any system involves spontaneity anyway. You might as well strike it out. The first sentence says it all.

You have been so thoroughly and totally PWNED as to set yourself up as a pradigm of PWNAGE.

You have been so thoroughly and totally PWNED as to set yourself up as a pradigm of PWNAGE.

still no observed evidence eh? seems you are the troll. see a troll is someone who posts nothing. and it seems that someone is you! projecting is a fine art and you got it down.
Sorry you are nauseated by accepted basic science.

Not at all...just bored to tears by your need to revisit every discussion you lost over and over and over...
You painted yourself into a corner. Lost over and over? I just cite the proven laws of science. Your invented fake science cannot exist without a serious self-contradiction. When you think of physics as fairy dust, and invent your own laws without understanding the science and the history of experiments you will lose every time.

You have been so thoroughly and totally PWNED as to set yourself up as a pradigm of PWNAGE.

still no observed evidence eh? seems you are the troll. see a troll is someone who posts nothing. and it seems that someone is you! projecting is a fine art and you got it down.

No, that is not what a troll does. Look it up. Or simply watch SSDD.

I wanted to note That all those volcanoes recently discovered will do nothing but make it more likely that the WAIS will more quickly disintegrate catastrophically. Whether we're looking at a 7-10 foot rise in sea level from global warming, volcanism or a combination of the two isn't going to make much difference to the MILLIONS of people who will lose their homes and workplaces.
Sorry you are nauseated by accepted basic science.

Not at all...just bored to tears by your need to revisit every discussion you lost over and over and over...
You painted yourself into a corner. Lost over and over? I just cite the proven laws of science. Your invented fake science cannot exist without a serious self-contradiction. When you think of physics as fairy dust, and invent your own laws without understanding the science and the history of experiments you will lose every time.


Revisit all your prior losses on this topic...not interested in going over tilled ground again...your tedium knows no bounds...
Where would those be? He has kicked your ass across town on EVERY single issue on which you've tried to take him on. Pa-thetic.

Revisit all your prior losses on this topic...not interested in going over tilled ground again...your tedium knows no bounds...
I didn't invent anything. Everything I posted is in university physics textbooks. I didn't lose anything. What you think is that the roughly 400,000 current physicists in the world lost. Lost what? Tedium is the only argument you have left.

Where would those be? He has kicked your ass across town on EVERY single issue on which you've tried to take him on. Pa-thetic.


Laughing in your stupid face skidmark....what's the matter...wuwei need his hand held? Need a bit of support? It is all back there, by all means, you two daisies just tiptoe through the past and soak it up....

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