West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Could Disintegrate Within Decades

Oh the tedium of you going on about unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable mathematical models...on and on and on ad nauseam...
Oh the tedium of you going on about unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable mathematical models...on and on and on ad nauseam...

If you are so bored with your fake physics, why do you come to this board. Maybe you need a new hobby. How about learning polkas on an accordion. Maybe stamp collecting. You might have fun with coloring books. Join the flat earth society. They need people like you. Science certainly isn't your thing.
Of course it matters.
Then your question is answered

Then your question is answered

How warm is my house, how cool is the atmosphere at the beginning of your "experiment"?

Who answered the above question?
This was your post;

Is the sub zero air somehow prevented from radiating toward the interior of my house?
Like a force field?

So if you need to know specific temperatures, then your question was answered.

Well, based on Frank's "data", the interior of the house radiates out a lot more than the cold air is radiating in.

So of course the house cools.
And he answered the question!

No he didn't.
Then your question is answered

Then your question is answered

How warm is my house, how cool is the atmosphere at the beginning of your "experiment"?

Who answered the above question?
This was your post;

Is the sub zero air somehow prevented from radiating toward the interior of my house?
Like a force field?

So if you need to know specific temperatures, then your question was answered.

Well, based on Frank's "data", the interior of the house radiates out a lot more than the cold air is radiating in.

So of course the house cools.
And he answered the question!

No he didn't.
Well sure he did! And, you confirmed it
Then your question is answered

How warm is my house, how cool is the atmosphere at the beginning of your "experiment"?

Who answered the above question?
This was your post;

Is the sub zero air somehow prevented from radiating toward the interior of my house?
Like a force field?

So if you need to know specific temperatures, then your question was answered.

Well, based on Frank's "data", the interior of the house radiates out a lot more than the cold air is radiating in.

So of course the house cools.
And he answered the question!

No he didn't.
Well sure he did! And, you confirmed it

Well sure he did!

What post #?
Is the sub zero air somehow prevented from radiating toward the interior of my house?

Well, there are your walls...

The bitter cold outside air heats the warmer house.


Why do people waste so much money on boilers and artifical heating systems when the bitter cold air will do all the work for them???

The bitter cold outside air heats the warmer house.

Why do you feel that?
Did SSDD come up with another stupid "theory"?
Frank, you've heard this before. This is a very, very, very basic bit of thermodynamics. ALL matter radiates ALL the time in ALL directions. As its temperature changes, the frequency range and intensity of its radiation changes, but even at one centigrade degree above absolute zero, matter radiates. SSDD's contention that matter does not radiate towards warmer matter, 16 ways from Sunday, is nonsense .

The inside of your house may be a snug 78F, but when you open that door, radiation from all the matter outside will come in the house. It will add a relatively small amount of heat to the interior. Unfortunately, the interior of the house is simultaneously exposed to the cold outside and its radiation (at higher frequencies and at greater intensity) will leave the house through the open door. Before you opened that door, that same radiation would have hit the inside of the door and remained in the house. The door, presumably at a temperature close to 78F, is also radiating back into the house. Now, with the door open, the radiation from the interior is escaping and instead of that relatively warm door radiating back into the room, we have the sub-freezing exterior sending it meager radiation in. The net result, ignoring any air movement through the door, is that the room will cool. It is pouring its own heat outside through the open door and receiving a much lesser amount coming in from the cold surfaces in the front yard.

Got it?
Well said. A number of people have paid too much attention to what SSDD has said. Their focus is on the cold object radiation when it should be on the hotter object's radiation.

It's as if you bought a sandwich for $3 and gave the vendor a $5 bill. The vendor would give you the sandwich and $2 in change.

Some of SSDD's followers would exclaim, "Hey, he not only gave you a sandwich but he gave you $2 to boot! How stupid is that!" They completely ignore the fact that you gave the vendor $5 in the first place.

Frank, you've heard this before. This is a very, very, very basic bit of thermodynamics. ALL matter radiates ALL the time in ALL directions. As its temperature changes, the frequency range and intensity of its radiation changes, but even at one centigrade degree above absolute zero, matter radiates. SSDD's contention that matter does not radiate towards warmer matter, 16 ways from Sunday, is nonsense .

The inside of your house may be a snug 78F, but when you open that door, radiation from all the matter outside will come in the house. It will add a relatively small amount of heat to the interior. Unfortunately, the interior of the house is simultaneously exposed to the cold outside and its radiation (at higher frequencies and at greater intensity) will leave the house through the open door. Before you opened that door, that same radiation would have hit the inside of the door and remained in the house. The door, presumably at a temperature close to 78F, is also radiating back into the house. Now, with the door open, the radiation from the interior is escaping and instead of that relatively warm door radiating back into the room, we have the sub-freezing exterior sending it meager radiation in. The net result, ignoring any air movement through the door, is that the room will cool. It is pouring its own heat outside through the open door and receiving a much lesser amount coming in from the cold surfaces in the front yard.

Got it?

You're saying that opening the door to cold outside air will somehow add heat to the house and it sounds anti-science, like most of the balling ball will fall to the alley but some of it will float off into space.


You're saying that opening the door to cold outside air will somehow add heat to the house and it sounds anti-science, like most of the balling ball will fall to the alley but some of it will float off into space.


Please, stop defending SSDD's idiocy.
When you inflate a tire does some portion of the loeer pressure air inside the tire force its way into the air hose?
Yes, it is silly, but it does lead to some discussions that are at least amusing in a fun alternate reality sort of way, rather than the falsification of data and violation of the scientific method types we usually get.

His comprehensive idiocy does force you to do some research.
Can you simply an issue enough that even a cretin like him can comprehend and admit his error?
Apparently not.
It's idiocy to say that some portion of the cold radiates toward the warmer.

When you use a phrase like "cold radiates", it makes you sound like you're related to poor SSDD.
Cold doesn't radiate, matter radiates. In every direction, all the time.
Without measuring the temperature of surrounding matter first.
When you inflate a tire does some portion of the loeer pressure air inside the tire force its way into the air hose?
How is that possible since most tires are at lower pressure than the air in the hose? If it weren't you could not inflate the tire.
How is that possible since most tires are at lower pressure than the air in the hose? If it weren't you could not inflate the tire.

Same way the temperature outside is lower than the temperature inside the heated house, so when you throw open the door, how can the cold warm the house? Same concept. You throw a bowling ball down the lane, does some portion continue to float off into space while the rest heads down the lane?

It's a one way street
Same way the temperature outside is lower than the temperature inside the heated house, so when you throw open the door, how can the cold warm the house? Same concept. You throw a bowling ball down the lane, does some portion continue to float off into space while the rest heads down the lane?

It's a one way street
I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue!

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