West Point Drops 'Duty, Honor, Country' From Mission Statement

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
I don't know if this is to accommodate the interests of those ''newcomers'' of Biden's or if Army values will forevermore be just as fluid as so many think gender is. Hard to say.


The U.S. Military Academy no longer will use the motto "Duty, Honor, Country" as its mission statement, according to West Point's superintendent.The phrase, which was highlighted in a famous speech by Gen. Douglas MacArthur in 1962, will be replaced by a line that includes the words, "Army Values."

Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth and Army Chief of Staff Randy George both approved the change, which critics may see as West Point going woke.

Continued - West Point Drops 'Duty, Honor, Country' From Mission Statement
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I meant to put this report in the Miltary sub-forum, but I guess I clicked on the History sub-forum by accident. I suppose it may fit here just as well.
I don't know if this is to accommodate the values of those ''newcomers'' of Biden's or if Army values will forever more be just as fluid as they think gender is. Hard to say.


The U.S. Military Academy no longer will use the motto "Duty, Honor, Country" as its mission statement, according to West Point's superintendent.The phrase, which was highlighted in a famous speech by Gen. Douglas MacArthur in 1962, will be replaced by a line that includes the words, "Army Values."

Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth and Army Chief of Staff Randy George both approved the change, which critics may see as West Point going woke.

Continued - West Point Drops 'Duty, Honor, Country' From Mission Statement

Slowly, step by step, eviscerating the military as well as all the good in society.

But Wormuth is properly named.
I don't know if this is to accommodate the values of those ''newcomers'' of Biden's or if Army values will forevermore be just as fluid as so many think gender is. Hard to say.


The U.S. Military Academy no longer will use the motto "Duty, Honor, Country" as its mission statement, according to West Point's superintendent.The phrase, which was highlighted in a famous speech by Gen. Douglas MacArthur in 1962, will be replaced by a line that includes the words, "Army Values."

Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth and Army Chief of Staff Randy George both approved the change, which critics may see as West Point going woke.

Continued - West Point Drops 'Duty, Honor, Country' From Mission Statement
without "Duty, Honor, Country", they have no "Army Values'
I don't know if this is to accommodate the values of those ''newcomers'' of Biden's or if Army values will forevermore be just as fluid as so many think gender is. Hard to say.


The U.S. Military Academy no longer will use the motto "Duty, Honor, Country" as its mission statement, according to West Point's superintendent.The phrase, which was highlighted in a famous speech by Gen. Douglas MacArthur in 1962, will be replaced by a line that includes the words, "Army Values."

Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth and Army Chief of Staff Randy George both approved the change, which critics may see as West Point going woke.

Continued - West Point Drops 'Duty, Honor, Country' From Mission Statement
The Radical Left believes that patriotism is hate and racism.
Patriotism pisses them off.
I don't know if this is to accommodate the values of those ''newcomers'' of Biden's or if Army values will forevermore be just as fluid as so many think gender is. Hard to say.


The U.S. Military Academy no longer will use the motto "Duty, Honor, Country" as its mission statement, according to West Point's superintendent.The phrase, which was highlighted in a famous speech by Gen. Douglas MacArthur in 1962, will be replaced by a line that includes the words, "Army Values."

Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth and Army Chief of Staff Randy George both approved the change, which critics may see as West Point going woke.

Continued - West Point Drops 'Duty, Honor, Country' From Mission Statement
Potatohead's DEI recruits don't savvy any of that "Duty, Honor, Country" stuff. They were hired to be the armed thugs of Potatohead's Banana Republic Guard. You know, the ones that Potatohead said will kill us with F-15s and atom bombs if we don't toe the Leftest line.
They'll have them all wearing pink underwear before long. We have to get rid of these progressives and their progressive values before they wreck anything else. MAGA
I give the American Flag 4-6 years tops until Far Left & Left change it ( and not by adding a Star or two )
I give the American Flag 4-6 years tops until Far Left & Left change it ( and not by adding a Star or two )

Slowly but surely, the American flag is being overcast and minimized...

Screen Shot 8.jpg
The reason Potatohead went to DEI in the military was to purge it of patriotic Whites.

There in no honor in the military anymore. Not after they protected the shitheads in DC that blatantly stole the 2020 election. This doesn't apply to everyone in the military but the number of Patriotic men is rapidity being reduced with pathetic recruitment and reenlistment. White Conservative Patriots need not apply. The ones that traditionally have been the core strength of the military. Only dumbass Negroes, Queers, Trannies, unqualified women and Browns Illegal shitheads that can't get a real job.

It all started with Gay Barry's purge of all the upper level officers that had balls and replaced them with Affirmative Action dumbasses and weak yes men. Just look at that Miley peice of shit as an example or those idiot Secretary of Defense and Chaiman, Joint Chief of Staff that Potatohead appointed. My god they are embarassements to this country. Our allies and adversaries are laughing at us.

We saw that incompetence in the blotched withdrawal from Afghanistan.

As a veteran myself and coming from a family with strong military service it pains me to see how the Democrats turds have destroyed the once great US military.

Just like Potatohead's Chinese handlers paid him to do. Destroy it from within.
According to their values patriotism is racist and no doubt they will place tampon machines in the mens barracks.

No organization is immune from 'wokeness'...could a awokeness amendment to the constitution be on the horizon?

Leftwing stupidity is growing by leaps and bounds.

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